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Your Best - or Worst - EVE Confession

First post
Thanatos Marathon
#141 - 2015-01-09 16:34:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Thanatos Marathon

Instead of teaching people about API security I used full APIs to build a web of more APIs to monitor people that were in Gal Mil and external entities once they left. It was handy but felt dirty. I deleted them all when I retired and informed a few people to start training their members on API security.


Helping coordinate taking the entire Gal/Cal warzone. That was an absolute blast.
WaTeR Ubersnol
Dark Enlightenment
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#142 - 2015-01-09 19:40:30 UTC
Mattpat139 Sukarala wrote:
Oh, why not I'll post with my main Big smile. Here's a wall of text for a long story.

So, I had a friend in gal-mil by the name of {redacted} and he was training to become an fc (wasn't half bad for being a CEO as well) after i noticed my corp starting to go downhill, I joined his. It wasn't half bad, 2-5 close knit guys.

Over time he began to get down on himself, but got really excited whenever we went wormhole exploring from our corner of lowsec. stopped fcing altogether shortly after Sad. I told him after 2-3 weeks of this "I'll join the big corp in the alliance and you can go do what you want, we'll pass the corp to someones dead alt." Roll. He said "thank you, I'll check with the other guys to make sure they agree". So he left on his journey and we went our seperate ways.

About 3 weeks later he invites me to a convo. Apparently Zam Hunter (another FC in galmil) ganked his WH Legion. He wanted revenge and asked me to gather intel on Zam, I initially said "no, give me time to think". I sat and thought for an hour about how I could get paid without backstabbing one of my fellow militiamen and one of our prominent leaders. I decided on feeding false intel. convo with him "accepted". I tell Him "I'll do it for 250 million minimum", one reply "done". Bear

I spent the next few hours storming up battleship fits and other shiny things (without fitting importation from eft this wouldn't be possible). I sent him 1 new fitting a week for 4 weeks. I asked the next time I saw he was online "Mind if i ask who's doing the dirty work?". He replied "Camel Empire however, they require 7 billion for a price on this, anything else is split between us". "ok, how much more do you need?" I asked. "500 million". It's at this point I bit my lip to keep from laughing, knowing full well they'll hunt him from Black Rise to Cobalt Edge. With a smile I prepare one last fitting.Twisted

1 Gila fit later I had 500 million, had protected Zam Hunter (had told him what happened) and stabbed one of my friends in the back for trying to betray the place he called home for 1 year prior. afaik Camel Empire might be hunting down my ex-CEO for 7 billion now

(TL;DR Don't trust people who are loyal to gather your intel) Cool

Confirming we are hunting this dude for 7 bil..........
Agent Unknown
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#143 - 2015-01-09 20:21:04 UTC
First few months of playing I joined a corp, so I stuffed everything I owned into a badger and flew to the system. One jump out, I mistakenly jump into a 0.4 system because I wasn't paying attention (overtired or distracted...). Slowboated 12 km (no AB or MWD..ha) and jumped out with about ~12 in system.

After that first adrenaline rush, I was hooked on Eve.
Eve Academy Corporation
Nomad Alliance
#144 - 2015-01-09 20:38:38 UTC
WaTeR Ubersnol wrote:
Mattpat139 Sukarala wrote:
Oh, why not I'll post with my main Big smile. Here's a wall of text for a long story.

So, I had a friend in gal-mil by the name of {redacted} and he was training to become an fc (wasn't half bad for being a CEO as well) after i noticed my corp starting to go downhill, I joined his. It wasn't half bad, 2-5 close knit guys.

Over time he began to get down on himself, but got really excited whenever we went wormhole exploring from our corner of lowsec. stopped fcing altogether shortly after Sad. I told him after 2-3 weeks of this "I'll join the big corp in the alliance and you can go do what you want, we'll pass the corp to someones dead alt." Roll. He said "thank you, I'll check with the other guys to make sure they agree". So he left on his journey and we went our seperate ways.

About 3 weeks later he invites me to a convo. Apparently Zam Hunter (another FC in galmil) ganked his WH Legion. He wanted revenge and asked me to gather intel on Zam, I initially said "no, give me time to think". I sat and thought for an hour about how I could get paid without backstabbing one of my fellow militiamen and one of our prominent leaders. I decided on feeding false intel. convo with him "accepted". I tell Him "I'll do it for 250 million minimum", one reply "done". Bear

I spent the next few hours storming up battleship fits and other shiny things (without fitting importation from eft this wouldn't be possible). I sent him 1 new fitting a week for 4 weeks. I asked the next time I saw he was online "Mind if i ask who's doing the dirty work?". He replied "Camel Empire however, they require 7 billion for a price on this, anything else is split between us". "ok, how much more do you need?" I asked. "500 million". It's at this point I bit my lip to keep from laughing, knowing full well they'll hunt him from Black Rise to Cobalt Edge. With a smile I prepare one last fitting.Twisted

1 Gila fit later I had 500 million, had protected Zam Hunter (had told him what happened) and stabbed one of my friends in the back for trying to betray the place he called home for 1 year prior. afaik Camel Empire might be hunting down my ex-CEO for 7 billion now

(TL;DR Don't trust people who are loyal to gather your intel) Cool

Confirming we are hunting this dude for 7 bil..........

Kick his butt.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#145 - 2015-02-04 02:57:51 UTC
I took a single scimitar to a gang fight and believed at least a scythe would join us. Cry

Helped make a Sleipner and Ishtar run from some miners. Lol

(Short stories, really just a bump because I want more stories from you guys.)

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Komodo Askold
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#146 - 2015-02-04 12:20:02 UTC
I once lost a Phantasm.

In a L3 mission.

Which was in lowsec, and which I accepted.

I even tried to salvage.

Cue the Loki Oops

The only good thing is that I was using dual LASB's, so it took him quite some time to do the job. I didn't have enough DPS though...
State War Academy
Caldari State
#147 - 2015-02-04 13:07:29 UTC
Agent Unknown wrote:
First few months of playing I joined a corp, so I stuffed everything I owned into a badger and flew to the system. One jump out, I mistakenly jump into a 0.4 system because I wasn't paying attention (overtired or distracted...). Slow boated 12 km (no AB or MWD..ha) and jumped out with about ~12 in system.

After that first adrenaline rush, I was hooked on Eve.

That will definitely do it.

Once I was (pre warp to zero) travelling through tenerifis to empire with a hold full of Promethium, or simillar. Got about halfway and jumped into a gate that my scout had just been through and cleared. Uncloaked, and set for warp to other gate. While I was taking the usual 'age' to get into warp a gang of around a dozen entered system. "Oh ****" I thought. And the adrenaline started flowing (it would pump later on!). Got in to warp seconds later and arrived at the gate promptly. Turned on the MWD and legged it to the gate praying I'd reach it before they warped in. I was, rightly, assuming they were locals and would have BM's on the gate. I reached the gate and clicked jump, as a cloud of neuts surrounded me. I knew what would be waiting for me the other side of the gate, so I just closed my eyes for a few seconds till the jump sound died away.

I opened my eyes, to find I was not yet decloaked. Ok, so the odds were possibly in my favour there as the random thing spreads us all out. The next challenge was worse. They started decloaking and shunting out drones, orbiting the gate at 20. I had one card to get out safely. The transport I was in had a cloak - for just such un occurrence. Finally I was going to test it - if I could keep my hands steady enough to direct myself manually (no 'align to' back then either), thus decloak, hit the MWD, and hit Cloak. THis I managed to do ... and amazingly I did it quick enough to avoid any targeting, Phew ...

That was the difficult part. Now came the hard part. Knowing that there was total sh*t-all I could do, I sat back and zoomed out and waited. Waited for the ships to come close, and the drones to whizz up to me. Right at the start they re-directed themselves to where I'd briefly appeared. I could see them all making a bee line for the place I'd just left behind. The god's must have been on my side that day, for the closest any then can was 7K from me. How on earth they missed me ... I'll never know. But watching them circle the gate ever further, was nerve wracking.

I waited almost a full hour getting plenty away from the gate (they were still circling the gate etc, not to mention the taunts in local about how I should give up as they'll find me anyway, and the rest), and then decided to align to a Planet. My plan to warp and cloak, then log. Cowardly? Maybe, but my cargo was pricey and I wanted to keep it. Lol. I reckon I must have been around 100K from them when I finally decided that I was correctly aligned to a planet (that would also be one of several planets in a tight group, a minor attempt to confuse them if they decided to track my path). The Adrenalin pumped this time (see, told you) as I prepared to uncloak, in full view, and (probably) within targeting range of at least one or two. Weirdly, I was so nervous and focused on what I was trying to do, that during all this time I’d not actually checked to see what class of ships there were! I just knew they had guns, and at least one was a big mofo – in a hauler you don’t need to know more than that. I double checked I was aligned, at max speed allowed under cloak, and held my breath. Hit the uncloak, hit warp …and prayed.

The locks happened pretty damn smart. Within milliseconds it seemed I had three or four locked on me … just as warp kicked in and I was gone. Thank god for that!. I eventually logged back on some hours later, they were gone. And I restarted my journey (with alt scout). I had around ten jumps left and the route was clear – until the choke system, obviously. The scout went in. He was expendable so he found the entrance was clear, and for the hell of it went to check the exit into lo-sec. Amazingly, it was clear as well! Amazingly, because the same group of nasty types were in local! I thought I had one shot. This was the quietest I’d known this area anyway, and I thought “ok, they’re not ‘setup’ on a camp, so just maybe I’ll catch them mid warp or something and get out. I did, for this particular gate, have a warp to zero BM ready (who wouldn’t) and so I thought as long as the enterance is clear, I should be ok. So. Low breathing again and I went in. Gate was clear, activate warp to exit gate. The system whizzes past, and I arrive at the gate and …. Nothing. Nothing worked. I stared in amazement as my alt warped in afterwards. He could see my hauler motionless in space. I had succumbed to a damn gate bug thing at the time and I was frozen out. Through my haulers eyes I could see the gang warp in. In seconds they dispatched me. After all that … however I had one more trick.

I knew this was a bug, so I thought I’d try my luck. Petition filed. They came back quickly saying that they would provide replacement. For some ‘bizarre’ reason they could replace the ship, and anything that didn’t drop in the can. I mean, seriously, their excuse for doubling up on a couple of mining lasers in the game is a bit ‘jobs-worth’ but hey, … I was just amazed that none of the Moon mins had dropped in the cargo. Lol. CCP dumped it all in a system near the choke point some days later. Which reminds me, I’ve still not been back to collect it … must remember to do that one day. Big smile

"Lykouleon wrote:


Luna Arindale
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#148 - 2015-02-04 17:42:50 UTC
I spent a good few months last year making money off of a single retriever pilot. He would die 2-3 times every week and buy my 30 mil isk retrievers. I never taught him how to avoid pirates, I just let him die and make me money.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#149 - 2015-02-04 18:18:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Koskanaiken
In half the corps I been in I would have been happy to spy if anyone asked me to.

Whenever someone says 'be chill it's just a game' I nod and agree but secretly there are people I've come across I would break out the champagne if I heard a misfortune happened to them IRL.

I once lost a battleship in lowsec because I fit an afterburner when trying to cloak+mwd travel.

Lost a 2 bil isk tengu because I went back for 2000 missiles I left in a can at a site.

I've joined corps with the full intention of stealing but didn't do it when I liked the people and they still don't know.

Failed as logi anchor because I was watching pron someone sent but blamed it on cat aggro.

I once mined because I was bored.
Ember Interstellar Inc.
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#150 - 2015-02-04 18:34:16 UTC
When I was still a young naive man and everyone told me how awesome ECM was...

It haunts my every waking moment.

Just say NO to Dailies

Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#151 - 2015-02-04 19:12:40 UTC
Running a couple of kilometers home while attending a concert because I got a brillant idea about how to fit a Navy Slicer...
Ganja Clade
Shadow Cartel
#152 - 2015-02-04 22:42:12 UTC
I FC best when drunk.

I've stolen from every alliance I have ever been in except 1.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2015-02-04 23:35:09 UTC
So I was solo roaming in lowsec in my single ancillary tanked Thorax of doom, when suddenly A WILD WORM APPEARS. For some reason I don't exactly remember I was already at an asteroid belt or warp to one, and promptly got myself tackled. If I recall correctly his fit had empty highs so all of his dps was from drones; he began to orbit at about 25k and set a pair of drones on me.

Seeing as how those two drones represented the entirety of his 180-220 DPS, I began to web/scram and explode them while thrashing about like a madman with my overheated ancillary and MWD. And then the Worm pilot slammed into a nearby asteroid right as I once again tried to slingshot him doing about 2800 m/s. Bounced off rock straight into my Thorax, I applied scram/web and the full fury of 5 medium blasters followed in short order by the Worm pilot leaving in his pod. I opened the wreck, scooped 200M in faction loot and before I could escape was once again tackled by his corpmate in a Crow mumbling something in local about "dropping the loot." An Arazu also joined the party, but was either not fit with a scram or bad because I was able to slingshot out of the interceptor's point and warp to gate, giving them a good wave in local as I jumped into highsec with loot worth about 7x my total ship value.

If you ever do anything so old school cliche as fight at an asteroid belt, remember the risks of trusting the "orbit at range" option.
Ice Fire Warriors
#154 - 2015-02-05 00:35:36 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Oh god... there is a LIST of "bad" things I have done.

- I used to run and manage mining operations.

- I once killed a nubbin corpmember for giggles.

- I have fallen for the ISK-doubling scam.

- I have fallen for the margin-trading scam.

- I have lost an Ishtar, Dominix, and almost lost a Macheriel doing level 4 missions.

- I once had a newbie light a cyno for my carrier (carrying billions of ISk worth of stuff). He lit it outside of docking range while a hostile pirate gang was in the area. I had to slowboat into docking range. I barely made it.

- I once played a drinking game with my fleet; take a drink each time we killed something and a shot if you died. We then encountered a large Brave Newbie frigate fleet (back when they really were newbies). We killed most of them before all dying in a fire.
I don't remember logging off.

- I once whored onto my CEO's dying carrier.

- I tried to make a smartbombing Tristan "work." It doesn't.

- I have Remote Repped enemies by accident.

- I once Remote Repped AND shot at a miner whose corporation I was at war with... just to see how much it could tank.

- When my CEO passed out, drunk, on his keyboard he forgot to dock his destroyer... in the middle of an active FW warzone. Others and myself bumped him off-grid so he had a chance to survive... but I shot his ship anyways "just in case."

- I have sold the corpses of my corpmates to their enemies... for ISK and giggles.

- I have engaged Pandemic Legion sub-caps in a skirmish fight even though the bulk of their capital and supercapital force was one system over.

- I once fit a 1MN Microwarpdrive on a cruiser and engaged a hostile force. I only found out what I had done AFTER it was all over I and had redocked.

- I overloaded my Capital RRs "just to see how much more I could rep." The repair bill cost just as much as the reps themselves.

- I once took part in a fleet that was being FC'ed by someone not even in-game! He was just giving us orders via a Ventrilo app on his phone... while he was driving... at work.
None of us died.

- I have GCC'ed next to a stargate... in a frigate... multiple times...

I can keep going.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#155 - 2015-02-05 11:32:36 UTC
When I started playing we got wardecced by GHSC and I actually got on a kill on one of them (as in I leeched onto it), and because of that same war I moved to low sec to do belt ratting in my Caracal. My, then, female char got tackled by Ander and his gang who after chatting to me let me go without me paying any ransom.

"pay us 5 mil"
"I don't have 5 mil, I'm new" (lie)
"ask your corp mates"
"I just joined them a few days ago, they won't give it to me" (lie)
"hmmm, nice char you have. Oh well"
State War Academy
Caldari State
#156 - 2015-02-05 11:40:52 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
When I started playing we got wardecced by GHSC and I actually got on a kill on one of them (as in I leeched onto it), and because of that same war I moved to low sec to do belt ratting in my Caracal. My, then, female char got tackled by Ander and his gang who after chatting to me let me go without me paying any ransom.

"pay us 5 mil"
"I don't have 5 mil, I'm new" (lie)
"ask your corp mates"
"I just joined them a few days ago, they won't give it to me" (lie)
"hmmm, nice char you have. Oh well"

this story must also be a lie, they let you go! Wow! That like never happens! Honourable piewats!! Pirate lol. ;-) You is so lucky!!

"Lykouleon wrote:


Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#157 - 2015-02-05 11:53:30 UTC
It was in 2005, they literally went "hmm nice looking char", asked me if I was female so I said yes and they let me go :P
Crystalline Entity
Black Dragon PHP
#158 - 2015-02-05 12:30:28 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Oh god... there is a LIST of "bad" things I have done.

- I once took part in a fleet that was being FC'ed by someone not even in-game! He was just giving us orders via a Ventrilo app on his phone... while he was driving... at work.
None of us died.

Okay, that deserves reps. Big smile
Amenophis Thebian
#159 - 2015-02-05 12:57:47 UTC
Confession of an peacefull Player ...

At First: All my chars (12 on 4 accounts) are indu chars ... means they mine, produce (in different locations, 4 of them in null), haul, do some missions and are happy.

now my Confession: After 16 month of playing .... they have all 0 (zero) kill.

And this is GREAT

The high sec chars have all positiv standing to ALL Empires....
Also my losses ....... are really small...
Brutus Utama
State War Academy
Caldari State
#160 - 2015-02-05 13:23:07 UTC
I once bought a Gila..... started the trip home there was a short cut through low sec i thought it would be fine as it was clear on the way through.... so i jumped in.... and got mullered by frigates..... quite embarrasing since the total frig cost was maybe less than 60-70M.... to my 500M gila