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Highest DPS cruiser?

Trader Joe Jackson
Shoot ship and salvage Inc
#1 - 2015-01-31 17:49:14 UTC
What is the highest DPS for a cruiser hull? It doesnt need to be a T1, any cruiser class hulls will do. Hopefully not 6km range blasters, I am looking for something at least reasonably ranged. Am I basically just stuck with Ishtars and HAMgus?
Ice Fire Warriors
#2 - 2015-01-31 18:01:49 UTC
Bullet Therapist
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-01-31 18:06:44 UTC
Gila can pull upwards of 800 pretty easily, with a great tank, decent projection, and the ability to apply damage to small ships really well. Though the paper dps isn't as high, the RLML cerb can do upwards of 500 to 100km+ with extreme damage application, which is a pretty important factor if you're trying to just nuke small ships.
Trader Joe Jackson
Shoot ship and salvage Inc
#4 - 2015-01-31 18:11:09 UTC
The Gila eats DPS in medium drone travel time, though, and you only get 800 DPS if you are using rapid lights, and the reload time is a real killer.

I will check into the Vigilant.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#5 - 2015-01-31 18:11:30 UTC
Navy Exequror is one of those "forgotten" ships most people don't know about but actually pisses dps at long point ranges. It's a lot cheaper than most other options and as said; people don't know what it is and thus you have a bigger chance of them falling for it. Not the best but a bit of a Q-ship.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-01-31 18:29:01 UTC
proteus does about the same as vigilant as well, but nowhere near as good application
Paranoid Loyd
#7 - 2015-01-31 19:04:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Doesn't sound like you are into drones but VNI can also put out almost 800 dps. Fully fit it costs half the cost of a Gila hull alone. Hull tank it and you have have a 38K buffer as well as enough fitting to carry three medium neuts. But sounds like you are using this for PVE so probably don't want to hull tank.

Assuming cost is not an issue and this is for PVE, rail Vigilant is probably what you are looking for.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Valkin Mordirc
#8 - 2015-01-31 20:15:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkin Mordirc
Trader Joe Jackson wrote:
The Gila eats DPS in medium drone travel time, though, and you only get 800 DPS if you are using rapid lights, and the reload time is a real killer.

I will check into the Vigilant.

My Ham Gila get's over 1000 Dps with overheated Rage. with Augmented Drones. RLML are usually fitted to Gila in order to 100mn fit it, or brick tank them.

This one gets 775dps with accounting for reload.

Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Co-Processor II

Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 150
Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 150
Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Corelum A-Type 10MN Afterburner
Adaptive Invulnerability Field I

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
[empty high slot]

Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II

'Augmented' Hammerhead x2


This one gets the 995dps (W/h implants 1020) And a 60k buffer.

[Gila, New Setup 1]
Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

'Augmented' Hammerhead x2

Gila's are probably the highest DPS cruiser you can get right now, without winning an CCP Tournament.
DHB WildCat
Out of Fwocus
Fwodin's Call
#9 - 2015-01-31 21:15:42 UTC  |  Edited by: DHB WildCat
Chameleon about 1250 DPS
Valkin Mordirc
#10 - 2015-01-31 21:28:24 UTC
DHB WildCat wrote:
Chameleon about 1250 DPS

Edited for Clarity. =P
The Cyno NamedDino
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-01-31 21:37:26 UTC
I am sure that he is looking for a Cruiser that doesnt cost 100mil per DPS. ;)
Zansha Expansion
#12 - 2015-02-01 00:15:47 UTC
Trader Joe Jackson wrote:
What is the highest DPS for a cruiser hull? It doesnt need to be a T1, any cruiser class hulls will do. Hopefully not 6km range blasters, I am looking for something at least reasonably ranged. Am I basically just stuck with Ishtars and HAMgus?


Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Charlie Jacobson
#13 - 2015-02-01 00:18:18 UTC
A gank fit Vexor can get over 1000 dps. Good for solo ganking when a single catalyst falls short.
God's Apples
#14 - 2015-02-01 15:16:55 UTC
You can get an ishtar to do 1400 dps on a blaster fit if you really try hard enough. Don't try hard enough and you still have over 1200.

"Hydra Reloaded are just jealous / butthurt on me / us because we can get tons of PVP action in empire while they aren't good enough to get that." - NightmareX

Wicked Angel
Iron Bone Manufacturing
#15 - 2015-02-01 20:11:16 UTC
Best ship is Friend Ship
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2015-02-03 19:11:05 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
Trader Joe Jackson wrote:
What is the highest DPS for a cruiser hull? It doesnt need to be a T1, any cruiser class hulls will do. Hopefully not 6km range blasters, I am looking for something at least reasonably ranged. Am I basically just stuck with Ishtars and HAMgus?


If you must ask why........ WOW is that away========================>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Zansha Expansion
#17 - 2015-02-04 03:54:58 UTC
infra52x wrote:
If you must ask why........ WOW is that away========================>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And you are?

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2015-02-04 16:15:34 UTC  |  Edited by: HoruSeth
Valkin Mordirc wrote:

This one gets the 995dps (W/h implants 1020) And a 60k buffer.

[Gila, New Setup 1]
Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Inferno Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

'Augmented' Hammerhead x2

Guess you have to exchange DC2 to DDA2 to reach that dps or heat the launchers. ;) Just saying. 4 DDAs and heat = 1041dps

But anyway, yes, this Gila is probably the best dps for a T1 ship, both on paper and applied dps. No need for RLML as the Medium drones can handle frigates and in worst case use smalls for a short time if that really should be of interest.

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

Fenris Orion
Strata Victoria
Of Essence
#19 - 2015-02-04 20:59:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenris Orion
Proteus has by far the highest dps/tank ratio of all. With all T2 mods and a couple cheap damage implants you can push 1100+dps (>1200oh) from Heavy Neutrons + Hammerheads with >100,000ehp buffer. With 250mm railguns that's down to ~950dps with Navy Antimatter and Hammerheads, but that reaches ~20km optimal and >40km falloff, and Spike can reach 100km. Recommend a Tracking computer with Rails. The Prote is great in that you can rapidly refit it for dozens of different missions. Expensive but very very worth it IMO.

Ishtar/Gila are perhaps more cost effective, but drones are derpy, take time to reach targets, and can get blapped.

Rail-Vigilant can dish out 800+dps from 200mm railguns and hammerhead. I'm sure blasters put it over 1000dps, cold.

Depends a lot on what you want it for. If you can use a Battlecruiser for your purposes, you can get more cost-effective dps out of a Blaster Talos at >1400dps from Void and a Null range out to 35km, or a Shield-Rail Brutix or Navy variant with 250mm Rails + hammerheads giving the same damage projection as the above referenced Proteus.

Good luck!
Shelom Severasse
Legion Ascending
#20 - 2015-02-05 04:09:54 UTC
Trader Joe Jackson wrote:
What is the highest DPS for a cruiser hull? It doesnt need to be a T1, any cruiser class hulls will do. Hopefully not 6km range blasters, I am looking for something at least reasonably ranged. Am I basically just stuck with Ishtars and HAMgus?

your mom


lol jk

but if you are looking for MAXIMUM FIAPOWA, youre looking for neutron blasters with void
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