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Running Singularity on Mac

Aes Triplex
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-01-28 15:19:15 UTC
I have downloaded a duplicate EVE and have attempted to open it with Terminal but keep getting "no file or directory of this name" message. I know its not an EVE issue but hope some MacUsers have figured it out.
Deadspace Excavations
Shadow Ultimatum
#2 - 2015-01-28 15:35:55 UTC  |  Edited by: AmoriA

Did you follow instructions in this post?
They worked for me.

"1. Install Macports
2. Install wine-devel (this will take several hours due to dependancies)
3. Download the EVE Offline Windows installer (do this while wine-devel builds)
4. Go to a terminal and type: 'wine EVE_Online_Intaller_####.exe'

Start playing EVE."
Enraged Bears
#3 - 2015-01-29 01:26:13 UTC
Vincent Athena
#4 - 2015-01-31 03:10:11 UTC
The command I use is

open -a "/Applications/EVE" --args /server:

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Yasmin Shai
#5 - 2015-01-31 16:21:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Yasmin Shai
I have the same issue, but i'm running EVE in a Wine environment on a Hackintosh (Mac Mavericks installation on an intel pc).
I get the same error when following CCP's manual (that is based on their "native" cider Mac client...not fond of it personally)
The Wineskin installation still works better than CCP's Mac client.

You can download Wineskin Winery from here:
Use the FAQ on that link to install and use Wineskin properly.

To install windows software in Wineskin:

When Eve is up and running, and you want to create a Sisi client as well, here's my solution when using Wineskin:

1. Copy your existing Eve Online. app

2. Rename the copy to EveSisi (or whatever)

3. Right click on -> show package contents

4. Doubleclick on ''
Wineskin should open now

5. Select "Advanced"
In tab "Configuration" go to EXE Flags

6. Type in: /server:Singularity

7. Test run
Your launcher should now startup with Server:Singularity

Note: uncheck the captains quarters first before logging in: this still doesn't work in wineskin EVE installation, game will crash upon entering captains quarters.
Yasmin Shai
#6 - 2015-01-31 17:18:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Yasmin Shai
Tested it with CCP Mac client, and their manual actually works for the Mac client.
Copied it partially from here:

1. Copy Applications/EVE to /Applications (same directory: this is VERY important!)

2. Rename the copy to (or whatever)

3. Open Applications->Automator

4. Select "Application'"

5. In the left pane select "Library->Tools"

6. Among the choices on the right pane, select "Run Shellscript"

7. A new window opens, saying "cat" -> replace that with: open -a "/Applications/" --args /server: (replace with what you renamed the app to in step 2)

8. Save the script to where ever you like (i saved it on my desktop, named it EVESisi)

9. Double click on the new automator script on your desktop

Confirmed that this works with the EVE Mac Client on a Mac intel.

For Wine installation, see my previous post. You only get an error like "file not found' when you follow this instruction for a Wine installation of EVE or when you do not follow step 1 correctly.
Aes Triplex
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-02-02 15:43:16 UTC
Thanks for the responses. I will retry. Never heard of Wine but will look into it also.