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My first Fanfest and first time out of the US!!! Need some pointers

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Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-01-24 23:20:34 UTC
I dont consider myself a "travel savvy" person. I travel everywhere in the US by car. I refuse to take buses(they are like dumpsters here in NY) and I rarely utilize subways. So needless to say, I rarely take flights anywhere. The last time I bought a plane ticket was in 2008 to return home from school in FL. So I have no idea what I am doing or what to expect come March, when I depart JFK (via Iceland air) and land in Reykjavik for the first time in another country. I have my Fanfest ticket and my passport set up already, and my flight was booked with my hotel, from Travelocity. I know I dont need a travel Visa and will be notifying my bank(and job) of my departure. I will be staying at Hotel Odinsve which I personally thought looked great. I will be walking from Reykjavik Airport to the hotel and from the hotel to Harpa each day. Then I will walk from the hotel back to the airport on my last day. My question is what do I need for this trip? I know I need an outlet adapter and winter clothes for starters. I will only be bringing a small amount of Krona with me as well. But do I print out my plane ticket and when do I get my Fanfest ticket(Im assuming they hand them out there???)?Like I said I haven't bought a plane ticket in 7+ years, so when I bought it off Travelosity there was a confirmation email/receipt but no information on where my ticket is. The email just says "your reservation is booked" and reminds me to bring my passport. For my Fanfest ticket, I bought the Fanfest 2015 Early Bird Ticket and I am aware that you must buy other tickets for the other events(like pub crawl). Well seeing as I have never been to Iceland or even outside the US, I dont know what events are the best or what else I need for the trip. I dont plan on going to the Blue Lagoon or swimming/hiking, so the expedition options are out of the question this time around. I am mainly looking to just observe the culture and interact with the international community, within the capital. I will be there from the 18th(at 7am local time) to the 22nd. So I do have a full day before Fanfest, to look at the EVE monument and explore the capital. Another problem I am worried about is the food. I am an extremely picky eater but I LOVE hot dogs, or do they call them "Frankfurters" there? I bring up the hot dogs because I heard they are the best in the world in Iceland. But I also heard that mostly fermented food is a delicacy in Iceland. A delicacy which I would rather not be a part of/ be an offense to. I pretty much eat what the stereotypical American eats, fat, sugar and cooked beef. I am not sure what places there are to eat at in Iceland and I dont intend to pay tourist inflated prices to "feel" like im eating at home. All I really want to know about the food is what is best to eat without it being rotting shark fin(I will eat the smoked lamb/samon and try most seafoods). I think that pretty much covers my concerns. I get along very well with people, and am physically/navigationally capable of taking care of myself while im there. My priorities are getting advise on where the plane tickets are(Do I get them at the gate?) and if they give out your Fanfest tickets WHEN you get to the Harpa center? I really appreciate any responses for my first time out of the country, and sorry for the wall of text.
Zaphod Beeblebroxxxx
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2015-01-25 14:11:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Zaphod Beeblebroxxxx
Iceland air let you book in 48hrs (could be 24hrs) before you fly so you can print your own tickets off before you fly,
Just print all your beer crawl / fanfest recipes off that is your ticket till you get to the harpa.

Book the flybus its cheap as chips as the airport is something like 30 odd miles away (it isn't the one in reykjavik on google maps) so walking is out of the question.
Mateber Mining and Manufacturing Company
#3 - 2015-01-25 14:26:23 UTC
The #1 most important tip anyone could ever give you is never EVER stay at a hostel when traveling

knowledge is power.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2015-01-26 02:43:07 UTC
Zaphod Beeblebroxxxx wrote:
Iceland air let you book in 48hrs (could be 24hrs) before you fly so you can print your own tickets off before you fly,
Just print all your beer crawl / fanfest recipes off that is your ticket till you get to the harpa.

Book the flybus its cheap as chips as the airport is something like 30 odd miles away (it isn't the one in reykjavik on google maps) so walking is out of the question.

I just noticed the flight is to Reykjavik (KEF) Airport so yea it is about 37 miles and I will need to take a fly-bus to the hotel. This is why I need help LOL. Thank you so much, otherwise that would have been a LONG walk.
Katabrok First
Apukaray Security
#5 - 2015-01-26 17:45:39 UTC
Grozen wrote:
The #1 most important tip anyone could ever give you is never EVER stay at a hostel when traveling

I'm Brazilian, I went to fanfest 2013, and I booked in at an hostel, really close to Harpa. Great experience at a great price, had no problems while staying there. I'm coming back this year and I'll stay there again. Of course experiences may change, but I think that never is too much...
ISD Tipene
ISD Alliance
#6 - 2015-01-26 20:06:14 UTC
Odinsve was my 2nd fanfest hotel and one of my favourites. In terms of your other questions, people have already answered that you need good legs to walk from the Keflavik airport to Reykjavik :) The flybus is a pretty cheap way of getting there and also a good way of meeting your fellow Eve players, but taxis are an alternative (best to share if you find a group at the airport).

Registration is handled at Harpa usually the first day of the fanfest. It's just a matter of taking your email with ref number and ID to a desk with a friendly CCP staff member will sort you out on all passes bought. If you have a pub crawl pass as well for example they will sort you out at the time. If you're looking for good quality food though Nonnis is the place to be and you'll find other CCP staff and FF attendees there at all times of the day.

There is a hot dog stand near Harpa that all tourist guides rave about (personally not into hot dogs but it always seems busy). If you like your red meat though expect to pay a premium, things in Iceland can get quite expensive. On the subject of money you will find that you don't need that much cash as everywhere down to the vending machines uses cards.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-01-28 06:54:38 UTC
ISD Tipene wrote:
Odinsve was my 2nd fanfest hotel and one of my favourites. In terms of your other questions, people have already answered that you need good legs to walk from the Keflavik airport to Reykjavik :) The flybus is a pretty cheap way of getting there and also a good way of meeting your fellow Eve players, but taxis are an alternative (best to share if you find a group at the airport).

Registration is handled at Harpa usually the first day of the fanfest. It's just a matter of taking your email with ref number and ID to a desk with a friendly CCP staff member will sort you out on all passes bought. If you have a pub crawl pass as well for example they will sort you out at the time. If you're looking for good quality food though Nonnis is the place to be and you'll find other CCP staff and FF attendees there at all times of the day.

There is a hot dog stand near Harpa that all tourist guides rave about (personally not into hot dogs but it always seems busy). If you like your red meat though expect to pay a premium, things in Iceland can get quite expensive. On the subject of money you will find that you don't need that much cash as everywhere down to the vending machines uses cards.

Excellent! Thanks. I think most of my questions were answered. My girlfriend says that as I get closer to the date, my tickets will be printable. Like I said, I havent flown in a long time, so I dont remember when I get my flight tickets. You guys have really been giving me pointers! Im just looking to absorb as much time into the trip as possible. I still dont know which events to pick.
CCP Claymore
C C P Alliance
#8 - 2015-01-29 16:03:41 UTC
Take the flybus from the airport! It is a great service, clean, reliable, and cheap.
I would say avoid taxi at all cost if you can, if you do not get a full taxi of people it will cost you a fortune compared to the flybus.

There are loads of places you can get good food from and none of it is fermented or the head of another animal. Nonnas is kinda like subway....but better, same with Hjollabattar.
Bulan is like the Mcdonalds of Iceland, there is one 2 minutes from Harpa, but there are loads of places that sell great burgers and stuff like that. You will find something you like.

Also, everyone here speaks English and everyone I have met so far is really nice, so do not be afraid to ask the locals.

Quality Assurance Analyst Team Psycho Sisters

Katabrok First
Apukaray Security
#9 - 2015-01-29 16:22:35 UTC
The only person that I met while in Iceland who didn't know English was a city bus driver, who scolded me for not embarking with the correct amount of change to pay my fare. I think that was what happened, he looked at me slightly pissed off, I think...
Net 7
#10 - 2015-01-29 17:36:23 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper
This will be my second trip to fan fest, me and the wife are flying out of denver and landing monday in iceland. This year as we are staying a week, we rented a car.

Last time i went was in 07, the location and some of the hotels were different but these shoudl still hold.

The fly bus was not a bad way to travel, it took about an hour and 1/2 to reach hotel cabin (the hotel we were at in 07) the ride was comfortable. And on the way back on sunday, the shuttle picked you up form the hotel so its convinant.

Depending on where your hotel is, you should be able to walk to harpa, we walked to the old fan fest venue and it was a peaceful walk, even got a chance to chat with other people walking.

The food in iceland is expensive, be very aware of that. Prices have changed but one of the times my wife and i went out to eat, we would up paying $85 for a burger, lamb steak and two drinks. So make sure you have money.

The people were friendly, we got lost the first day, and once i said 'hi' i'm lost do you know where this is?" i got blank looks then i said "um... do you know where eve fan fest is?" and about 10 people at the same time all went "OH CCP eve fanfest?!?! yea its over there" was rather funny.

We went in oct.. and it was COLD. I'm assuming by weather patterns it will be a little warmer, but not sure how much. I recommend cold weather clothing just in case (and if you are like me and weigh 120 pounds when wet, bring LOTS of layers.)

The tap water my wife swears is one of the best she has ever had.

anyway, just go have a good time. Make sure you are at the airport really early, international flights have added security. and make sure your pass port is ready to go.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-01-30 00:21:39 UTC  |  Edited by: xhaloboyx
CCP Claymore wrote:
Take the flybus from the airport! It is a great service, clean, reliable, and cheap.
I would say avoid taxi at all cost if you can, if you do not get a full taxi of people it will cost you a fortune compared to the flybus.

There are loads of places you can get good food from and none of it is fermented or the head of another animal. Nonnas is kinda like subway....but better, same with Hjollabattar.
Bulan is like the Mcdonalds of Iceland, there is one 2 minutes from Harpa, but there are loads of places that sell great burgers and stuff like that. You will find something you like.

Also, everyone here speaks English and everyone I have met so far is really nice, so do not be afraid to ask the locals.

AWESOME! Thanks. I think that pretty much covers the food places then.

DaReaper wrote:
This will be my second trip to fan fest, me and the wife are flying out of denver and landing monday in iceland. This year as we are staying a week, we rented a car.

Last time i went was in 07, the location and some of the hotels were different but these shoudl still hold........

This is good information. Coming from NY, I am used to expensive food and definitely the most expensive cab rides in the world. So i'll buff my bank account for food purchases.The hotel Odinsve where I am staying, is approx 3/4 of a mile from Harpa so that is a cake walk for me to get to Fanfest. Now the fact that you mentioned you weigh about 120 lbs is hilarious, as that is my exact weight. I'll make sure to prep for winter wear. JFK has a pretty strict, but faster than most security screening, so I'll be waiting for the flight way before it departs.
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#12 - 2015-01-30 13:08:10 UTC
I have a series on twitter:

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Chingy Chonga
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2015-01-30 16:43:55 UTC

It is quite fitting that you would do that series. Big smile
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#14 - 2015-01-30 17:24:00 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Explorer
xhaloboyx wrote:
I will be walking from Reykjavik Airport to the hotel and from the hotel to Harpa each day. Then I will walk from the hotel back to the airport on my last day.
No, you will be landing in and leaving from Keflavík International Airport, not Reykjavík Domestic Airport. I marked both airports in my map, which is a part of my ongoing twitter series, for reference. Keflavík International Airport is 50 km / 31 miles from Reykjavík.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#15 - 2015-01-30 18:08:08 UTC
Oooh! Thanks for the map, Explorer! By the way-- when we discussed pools last, you'd mentioned Laugardalslaug as your recommendation, but I'd been eyeing Sundhöllin; I assume Laugardalslaug is the better facility, but Sundhöllin would suffice for some basic swim training?

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Imperium Technologies
Sigma Grindset
#16 - 2015-01-30 23:27:36 UTC
I don't know of many breakfast places in Iceland and often the "buffets" at your hotel is little more than cereal. However I have found the Laundromat cafe to be a great place to both grab a bite to eat and to meet other capsuleers. It can be a little pricey at times however it has been great every time I have eaten there and you get a lot of food for you money. It also helps that, like everyone I have met in iceland so far, the staff are nice people.
CCP Avalon
C C P Alliance
#17 - 2015-01-31 21:26:21 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Avalon
And now with links & food advice.

Bus services from Keflavik airport
CCP Explorer's "Coming to Fanfest" series
Fanfest FAQ (regarding tickets etc.)

I too am a picky eater, but I've always found something in the following places (all with locations down town):

Couple of locations that are not down town, and might require reservation, get my recommendation as well; Roadhouse & Fabrikkan.
At Roadhouse the burger 'The Empire State' is my choice, and 'Animal Park' at Fabrikkan are my burgers of choice.

Plenty of bars down town double as restaurants during the day or up until 9pm. I don't expect anyone to be too upset should you ask them whether they serve food, when you're in doubt. Big smile

If you're craving snacks or fruit, you might want to make a trip to a market (that isn't 10-11). There are two very close to the CCP office, and another in the opposing direction from downtown. CCP Explorer's map has these locations marked in!

CCP Avalon // Web Developer // Team Webster // @ccp_avalon

Twitch: CCP_Avalon

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#18 - 2015-01-31 22:18:12 UTC
Makoto Priano wrote:
Oooh! Thanks for the map, Explorer! By the way-- when we discussed pools last, you'd mentioned Laugardalslaug as your recommendation, but I'd been eyeing Sundhöllin; I assume Laugardalslaug is the better facility, but Sundhöllin would suffice for some basic swim training?
Sundhöllin would really not suffice. I would recommend Laugardalslaug (best) or Vesturbæjarlaug (fairly close by). Both are marked on my map. There is a very lovely coffee house just across the street from Vesturbæjarlaug to refuel. Blink


Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#19 - 2015-01-31 22:29:02 UTC
Registration for Fanfest is opening on Monday this year Smile

Should help with not having to queue in the freezing cold.

(Source: CSM winter minutes, day 2)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Glasgow Dunlop
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2015-01-31 22:32:59 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Registration for Fanfest is opening on Monday this year Smile

Should help with not having to queue in the freezing cold.

(Source: CSM winter minutes, day 2)

Its not cold, its mildly refreshing Big smile

@glasgowdunlop #tweetfleet

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