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Brining Back Battleships and Battlecruisers.

Anthar Thebess
#1 - 2015-01-26 12:14:17 UTC
So it is 2015 and we play in EVE: Drone and Tengu Online. We wait for promised SOV and null changes - but as CCP is still gathering input , we can expect this after station walking. It was canceled ? Who could expect this Roll

Now fun times of tornado / naga fleets are gone - as those hulls are just to soft targets for isthars, tengus or just plain old bombers.
Other battlecruisers are also to slow for roams, and worthless in bigger fights.
They only are useful, when you have guests , your last real drone ship just diead , and you have still some still some hulls from old days.

My suggestion, probably very bad one, is to create new meta game for those ships, and only for those ships.
Something that not only will force other players to change doctrines, but what is more important start using mixed doctrines , that will cover all possible ships and damage types.

This meta can be achieved by creating one or set of new higslot modules. That will force others to use all possible damage types in order to achieve any thing.

If we can go into 1 module that allow us to choose what extra bonus we want to have now, or multiple modules that are installed depending on the situation - is something we can discuss here.

Lets assume 1 module that allow to define what extra functionality is enabled at this time. ( just to simplify)

This is pure defensive module, it can be mounted only on on Battlecruisers and Battleships.
You can activate/change one of the modes each 2 minutes.
- Laser dispersion :
All laser attacks have reduced 50% damage
- Hybrid Discharger
Hybrid weapon damage reduced by 50%
- Magnetic field amplifier
Projectile weapon damage reduced by 50 %
- Plasma field
Missle / bomb damage reduced by 50%
- Drone targeting scrambler
Drone damage reduced by 50%

In all of those cases this works both ways , so if you are in Megathron and you have hybrid discharger enabled , both your and incoming hybrid damage is halved.

Like you see i just put every where 50% reduced damage, this can be also discussed.
Main goal is very simple , your battlecruiser or battleship, can have additional , and BIG reduction of specific damage type applied to you.

I think that this will put something new to the game, for sure bring some life to Battleships and Battlecuisers , and for sure put some new META into the game.

Higslot module will require quite often sacrificing one of the guns, and choosing proper mode against enemy fleet.
2 minute cycle will not allow instant fleet adaptation.

What do you think can this bring mixed fleets back to the game?

Orange Something
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2015-01-26 12:38:03 UTC
I don't like this idea. Sorry, but having a module that basically would need to be fitted onto every single BC/BS isn't fixing the problem in a good way, as every ship would literally have to sacrifice a high slot to be viable.

As much as I like the idea of BSs and BCs getting back into the game, and the idea of more mixed fleet comps, this is not the way to do it.
Helios Panala
#3 - 2015-01-26 13:07:03 UTC
I'm pretty sure you basically just want a defense for battleships against bombers.

If that is the case, I'd prefer it if it was handled by drones. A full flight of 5x 'bomb shields' would take 50% of the blast for you at the cost of dying themselves.
Your battleships would probably be able to handle a few bombing runs before running out of sacrificial drones, but at some point someone will have to deal with those bombers, no straight 50% damage reduction forever.

Hmm, that is pretty specialized though. Maybe they could try and intercept all damage while they're out, with low HP they'd be able to greatly help with withstanding the first blast of alpha damage but rubbish in sustained dps fights.
Anthar Thebess
#4 - 2015-01-26 13:19:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Helios Panala wrote:
I'm pretty sure you basically just want a defense for battleships against bombers.

If that is the case, I'd prefer it if it was handled by drones. A full flight of 5x 'bomb shields' would take 50% of the blast for you at the cost of dying themselves.
Your battleships would probably be able to handle a few bombing runs before running out of sacrificial drones, but at some point someone will have to deal with those bombers, no straight 50% damage reduction forever.

Hmm, that is pretty specialized though. Maybe they could try and intercept all damage while they're out, with low HP they'd be able to greatly help with withstanding the first blast of alpha damage but rubbish in sustained dps fights.

Bombs are not so big issue when you mount smartbombs.
People just need to know how to use them , and extra firewall ships need to be properly placed.

What i want :
1 . Create new META that will make battleship and battlecruisers more viable.
2 . Make this meta to work in favor of new doctrines, especially mixed ones so 230 isthars or tengus will be less desired

Reducing 50% of specific damage AFTER hards , is a killer to any single type fleet.

Enemy bringing 3 tengu fleets.
Hybrid mode ON!.
Isthars swarm of isthars
Anti drone mode ON!

Remember that what i suggest affect both specific DPS and tank.
You need to sacrifice 1 high slot , and only on specific hull type - bigger hulls, excluding capital ships.
Helios Panala
#5 - 2015-01-26 13:35:55 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Bombs are not so big issue when you mount smartbombs.
People just need to know how to use them , and extra firewall ships need to be properly placed.

What i want :
1 . Create new META that will make battleship and battlecruisers more viable.
2 . Make this meta to work in favor of new doctrines, especially mixed ones so 230 isthars or tengus will me less desired

Reducing 50% of specific damage AFTER hards , is a killer to any single type fleet.

Fair enough, I'm apparently picking up the bad habit of assuming ulterior motives in every F&I topic.

It does seem like way to much of a heavy handed hard counter though. I'd like Battleships to come back in a big way but giving them the ability to negate 50% of a whole weapon types damage plus resists seems a little to far.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#6 - 2015-01-26 13:40:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Anthar Thebess wrote:

Enemy bringing 3 tengu fleets.
Hybrid mode ON!.
Isthars swarm of isthars
Anti drone mode ON!

Remember that what i suggest affect both specific DPS and tank.
You need to sacrifice 1 high slot , and only on specific hull type - bigger hulls, excluding capital ships.

You remember the recent fight in A-C? Roll We had Harpies, Tengus, Bombs, Ishtars and Laser/Projectile BS. What does your module solve there?

@Helios Panala
No worries, 98% of every new topic in this forum has ulterior motives.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Anthar Thebess
#7 - 2015-01-26 14:38:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Helios Panala wrote:

Fair enough, I'm apparently picking up the bad habit of assuming ulterior motives in every F&I topic.

It does seem like way to much of a heavy handed hard counter though. I'd like Battleships to come back in a big way but giving them the ability to negate 50% of a whole weapon types damage plus resists seems a little to far.

50% it is just a number to start talk.

Rivr Luzade wrote:

You remember the recent fight in A-C? Roll We had Harpies, Tengus, Bombs, Ishtars and Laser/Projectile BS. What does your module solve there?

@Helios Panala
No worries, 98% of every new topic in this forum has ulterior motives.

What this changes?
How often fleet fights are limited to 1-2 base doctrines?

The whole idea base on this that you need to put multiple doctrines on field , or enemy just will adapt to them , and only if he brings battleships or battlecruiser.

I was on this A-C fight , and if i remember correcly 80% od your damage was from drones , and 60?% of our damage was from Napocs.

I remember that bombers where doing no damage on us for most of the fight, as bombs where killed by smart bombs.

Remember that you are talking about big blob fight , local 1.8k people.
What i'm talking will change battlefilelds on smaller fights where we have 100-200 people on each side.
Usually then each fleet consist from 80% similar dps ships, and 20% of support and logistic ships.

To be honest.

No more ONLY isthars , ONLY rattlesnakes , ONLY napocs, ONLY machariels/TFI.
FC that will bring fleet on field will have to have Napocs , TFI, Megathrons , Typhoons in one fleet just to deal with 1 module.

This will change battlefield more than any thing else.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#8 - 2015-01-26 15:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Bronson Hughes
Battleships declined in popularity for one reason:


Given current bomb mechanics, it is far too easy for a handful of stealth bombers to take out an arbitrarily large group of battleships, especially shield-tanked battleships, in one salvo.

Before bombing runs were widespread, battleship fleets were pretty common. I know this because I flew in them all the time in years past. Easy bombing runs made them a very risky proposition in nullsec, so their popularity started waning. And with the warp speed changes impacting their perceived ability to roam, their use in losec and hisec declined outside of certain niche circumstances.

If you want to make battleships popular again, give them some way of mitigating bomb damage.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

#9 - 2015-01-27 00:53:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Lienzo
Plan A: Add a fourth rig slot to BC and BS and 100 fitting pts to make them less squishy. (But give trimarks a stacking penalty.)

Plan B: Eliminate the range penalty on the lowest tier guns, sharpen the targeting signature on the lowest tier, increase the tracking disparity between the tiers. The result is a mid-long range anti-cruiser/battlecruiser platform that can swat T3s and HACs out of the sky, but can't go toe to toe with anti-battleship fit battleships or capitals. It also gives turret cruiser the same fitting option against frigates without restricting them to web-range.

Plan C: Give Marauders and Command ships a module that prevents a target sub-capital ship from receiving remote repairs for a time, or reduces incoming repairs by 90% for longer or for a shorter cycle time.
Bullet Therapist
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-01-27 02:31:43 UTC
Bronson Hughes wrote:
Battleships declined in popularity for one reason:


Given current bomb mechanics, it is far too easy for a handful of stealth bombers to take out an arbitrarily large group of battleships, especially shield-tanked battleships, in one salvo.

Before bombing runs were widespread, battleship fleets were pretty common. I know this because I flew in them all the time in years past. Easy bombing runs made them a very risky proposition in nullsec, so their popularity started waning. And with the warp speed changes impacting their perceived ability to roam, their use in losec and hisec declined outside of certain niche circumstances.

If you want to make battleships popular again, give them some way of mitigating bomb damage.

I think that there's been a few other factors too, like the prices of t3 components decreasing and the buff to hacs.

Someone else here mentioned that tempest fleet issues can be made to be pretty resistant to bombers, which I've seen first hand work pretty well a few times. The base signature radius of the TFI is low enough that with links is can take a little less than half of a bomb's potential damage. If you're hitting a bomb with smart bombs, it only takes one cycle to destroy them if they're hitting the bomb out of it's native resist profile, though the counter to this is just to decloak the bombers further out a hit the edges of the fleet.

They're certainly a hell of a lot more viable than most other battleship doctrines right now, but they still suffer from some of the issues that people don't seem to talk about much when they mention battleships, first among them being just how much DPS they take relative to HACs and t3s, which puts a lot of pressure to keep a logi wing large enough to support the fleet body. Also, battleships require a lot of support from much squishier assets, like webbing lokis and huginns, which tend to be the weakest link in the doctrine.

But yeah, shield battleships, ouch. Low ehp combined with big sig rads makes it really hard for them to be effective against anything, especially when you're competing against the tengu or eagle, which, even though lesser used, is still a freaking awesome ship.
Anthar Thebess
#11 - 2015-01-27 09:26:04 UTC
Exactly poorly planed bombing runs can be negated by smarbombs.
My idea for them is new meta , but something is better than nothing.

I Loved tornado fleets, now you can do only turkey shooting in higsec Cry

Someone might say that battleship doctrines are viable - yes , but only faction and pirate ships.

Myrm - hunting noobs, and abusing local reps , don't remember when it was on my overview
Brutix - higsec ganker
Talos - higsec ganker

Ferox - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Drake - new player skill it reading old PVE guides around internet
Naga - blaster belt ratting

Harbringer - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Phorphecy - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Oracle - tachion belt ratting

Hurricane - those memories, you have old one under the faction skin , but for the same price you can get really useful HAC, or much cheaper vexor navy
Cyclone - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Tornado - higsec ganker

Whole class of ships totally wasted.
Summarizing current battle cruisers.
7 ships almost not used
3 ships used for higsec ganking
2 ships used for ratting
Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2015-01-27 09:29:32 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Exactly poorly planed bombing runs can be negated by smarbombs.
My idea for them is new meta , but something is better than nothing.

I Loved tornado fleets, now you can do only turkey shooting in higsec Cry

Someone might say that battleship doctrines are viable - yes , but only faction and pirate ships.

Myrm - hunting noobs, and abusing local reps , don't remember when it was on my overview
Brutix - higsec ganker
Talos - higsec ganker

Ferox - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Drake - new player skill it reading old PVE guides around internet
Naga - blaster belt ratting

Harbringer - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Phorphecy - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Oracle - tachion belt ratting

Hurricane - those memories, you have old one under the faction skin , but for the same price you can get really useful HAC, or much cheaper vexor navy
Cyclone - ugh?! what? Why are you flying this?!
Tornado - higsec ganker

Whole class of ships totally wasted.
Summarizing current battle cruisers.
7 ships almost not used
3 ships used for higsec ganking
2 ships used for ratting

Pretty sad to read all that, but in most cases you are 100% right.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Tusker Crazinski
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2015-01-27 13:46:01 UTC
my 2 cents

fix lol T3 buffers, a T3 effectively has better buffer because of their cruiser sig and EHP that put some battleships to shame.

make bombs lockable, albeit faster and more devastating.

give tier 3 battleships sensible buffs, the Rohk and Abbadon are the only 2 that make sense.

Hype and Maelstrom- 7.5 tracking or falloff and 5 damage both with 8 guns. Tier 3 battleships should be and are generally used as fleet ships. not ASB AAR monster tanked bruisers. leave that to faction and T2 hulls

fix drones boats, why take on the penalties of a large ship when you could just get any cruiser with a 125 cubic meter drone bay and get the same amount of gank.

Anthar Thebess
#14 - 2015-01-28 12:00:30 UTC
Something needs to be done.
I loved tornado and naga fleets :/
Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2015-01-28 12:11:51 UTC
Battleships need a big buff to EHP, I think this would do the trick.

Battlecruisers? I honestly don't know what can be done for them. A buff to their warp speed perhaps.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Anthar Thebess
#16 - 2015-01-28 12:20:50 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Battleships need a big buff to EHP, I think this would do the trick.

Battlecruisers? I honestly don't know what can be done for them. A buff to their warp speed perhaps.

Like you see what i propose is also buff to ehp, but only to specific weapons.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#17 - 2015-01-28 12:29:57 UTC
The people who complain about BS and BC fall into two groups. Cruiser pilots who think they should be like cruisers only bigger and people who want overpowered setups back. The ships are fine, you just need to learn how to use them.
Anthar Thebess
#18 - 2015-01-28 12:56:46 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
The people who complain about BS and BC fall into two groups. Cruiser pilots who think they should be like cruisers only bigger and people who want overpowered setups back. The ships are fine, you just need to learn how to use them.

Baltecs are nice :P
But you need to use them in masses, like most of the current doctrines.
We are getting again to the point where alpha doctrine is the best doctrine.
If you cannot alpha enemy ship - something is wrong in your setup.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#19 - 2015-01-28 13:00:42 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
The people who complain about BS and BC fall into two groups. Cruiser pilots who think they should be like cruisers only bigger and people who want overpowered setups back. The ships are fine, you just need to learn how to use them.

Baltecs are nice :P
But you need to use them in masses, like most of the current doctrines.
We are getting again to the point where alpha doctrine is the best doctrine.
If you cannot alpha enemy ship - something is wrong in your setup.

Alpha is always king. We would still be using alpha fleet if not for bombs.

Frankly what needs to happen is the T3 nerf and the removal of sentries. A lot of issues in a lot of areas with a huge number of ships boil dows to just these two fixes.
Anthar Thebess
#20 - 2015-01-28 13:26:18 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Anthar Thebess wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
The people who complain about BS and BC fall into two groups. Cruiser pilots who think they should be like cruisers only bigger and people who want overpowered setups back. The ships are fine, you just need to learn how to use them.

Baltecs are nice :P
But you need to use them in masses, like most of the current doctrines.
We are getting again to the point where alpha doctrine is the best doctrine.
If you cannot alpha enemy ship - something is wrong in your setup.

Alpha is always king. We would still be using alpha fleet if not for bombs.

Frankly what needs to happen is the T3 nerf and the removal of sentries. A lot of issues in a lot of areas with a huge number of ships boil dows to just these two fixes.

This every one know for very long time now.
Apparently no one told this to CCP, shame that they don't read their own forum.
But with the amount of spam her i'm not to surprised.

Battlecurisers are worthless also because of the drone doctrines.
1vs1 they are mostly better than simple vexor navy.
But the more vexors navy you got they are getting more and more effective.
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