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Tired Of Serious Corps? New Eden Renegades - Small Gang PvP BARBARIANS

First post
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#61 - 2015-01-13 23:52:40 UTC
Its been a while, but here is the BR on our latest roam!

After sending out the word, we got maybe 10-12 people and shoved em all in various high damage close range destroyers and set out to find things to blow up. A few jumps in, we encounter a small 8 man frig gang in a plex, who run away as soon as we enter (understandably) apart from one poor sod who just wasnt fast enough. Confident from our recent kill we charged a gang of confessors sat on a plex a jump or two later, expecting to die in a fire as we get kited around (no webs means abs will never die to us if done right). We landed just as they had killed a small frig gang or something, anyway we spread tackle and started shooting! One or two got away, howeverfourdied in a nice pretty ball of fire. As we were looting and counting our dead (myself included), someone notices a corax gang on scan. Shortly after, said gang lands on us on the plex and engages. Between them, they killed our entire fleet (worth about 20m onhoes) and itcostthemsixcoraxesand a comet. Entirely worth! We killed like 600m of stuff and only lost 20-30m ourselves.

After a small break and a cheeky reship, we caught a stupid comet outside our home station who thought he could bait tank us for his machariel mate (who did show up and killed a 2m catalyst).

SIDETRACK: So there is this gang of duders running around our area camping gates in an insta locking slasher backed up by 5-6 arty thrashers. Several of us been caught by them across the last few weeks, so this next fight was personal.

We charge them on the gate, not giving a single **** about gate guns (they werent flashy) and begin shooting! When the dust settles we have killed 3 thrashers and their slasher, whilst only losing 3 catalysts (not even totaling 1 of their ships in price lol). TAKE THAT DIRTY NERD CAMPERS. New Eden (Hero) Renegades saving lowsec one ****** camp at a time.

We reship into what we have left in the corp hangar (used like 250 ships in the past month) and bang heads with a tristan gang in a minmatar plex. They melt before our damage (we expected them to tank us tbh - they had legion links and there were loads of them) and only 1 escapes to tell the tale of how bad RR tristans are.

The roam ends with one of our members getting volleyed by a hyena with fighters from a nyx and us charging around trying to find something before playing with a new thrasher slasher camp (they didnt fight us this time lololol) then docking up!

Was a great fun roam with lots of action condensed into two hours.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#62 - 2015-01-21 10:38:02 UTC
Going out for some cheeky small gang and solo pvp against Brave Newbies and their campers.

Always ends well!

Went out for a jaunt all alone yesterday and managed to bump into some AMARR VICTORS on a gate. The condors TD was annoying as hell, but I managed to get the comet with null and then chase down the condor.

Ending the roam by dying in a fire to a BNI camp. I split up many of their ships and snagged a dram among a load of other t1 frigs. I got greedy and dived on a hoobkill but alas, the TDs were strong and he stayed alive long enough for the blob to land =(

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
New Eden Renegades
#63 - 2015-01-21 10:49:07 UTC
oh wow this is a cool corp esp their leadership they are awesome <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#64 - 2015-01-21 17:29:43 UTC
Two heroic fleets were taken out last night.

The first was a merlin/rifter gang with a random friend in a sader. We lost 2 dudes to gatecamps along the way through providence unfortunately (damn those hyenas).

The survivors kept going until we bumped into a pair of claws on a gate. We engaged expecting them to jump. They decided to shoot back. 2 claws quickly became 3 claws, a raptor and a crow, vs our 3 merlins, rifter and crusader. BRING IT ON. We even snagged a pod worth 100m!

Bravely charging onwards (now with -1 rifter lololol) we welped at brave newbies home system and managed to catch an atron as well as a crow before all dying in a glorious blob filled fire!


We reshipped into 2m catalysts and sallied forth once again! Nothing happened for a few jumps (like 15... yawn) and then we spot a crappy gatecamp hovering around in a bubble 80k off our ingate. We warp past them and land on our outgate, then warp back to where we came from deliberately landing in their bubble! The call is out to tackle anything as their whole gang spreads out and flees like cowards. The retribution is the first to die (shiny t2 ooooooo) and then we mop up the rest. -1 gatecamp.

Confident in our glorious battleboats we enter brave newbies home system, and get completely welped by a large fleet waiting for us (derp). We lost everyone in fleet but kill a corm, kestrel,tristan, atron, whored on a celestis and a final atron! 6 destroyers lost for a fair amount of kills, OP SUCCESS!

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#65 - 2015-01-22 14:30:11 UTC
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#66 - 2015-01-23 11:43:32 UTC
The day started off well, with me and Marcel taking out some lml ships with the aim of taking down a frig fleet in HED-GP.

We entered system and an ishtar, gila gang had already molested them. However we quickly caught up with the stragglers in a bubble (they got caught by their own bubble on their way home) and we engaged. Marcel died pretty early on (atrons are p fast) but gave me enough time to wipe their fast tackle. RLMLs reload is really really annoying. As are 3 damping ships =( In the end they fled after we killed a few of em.

I died to an instalocking gatecamp on the way back sadly (more on this later).

Fast forward several hours and we head out again with a few more people this time! Making it to GE- with only losing 1 fleet member to a camp was a complete success. We decloak and engage the big gang sat on the gate. We volley a claw who decided to charge us (very brave) and pop a badly fit thorax (and also get his 60m pod lololol). An atron dies as does a condor before we all go down.

We reship into merlins and head out again. We get separated by some more gatecamps and the 2 heroes up ahead engage a wolf at the sun. The wolf dies and only takes a merlin with him. We lose 2 merlins to ANOTHER INSTALOCKING camp and almost call it a night.

Still extremely bitter from being nailed twice by the same gang without getting to blow anything up, I figure the camp will engage anything under 5 people. We head back to say hello in a HAM drake and 2 RLML caracals. Upon jumping in, we see the vaga and a cynabal sat at 0 on the gate. Silly billies obviously do not know what HAM drakes do to shield cruisers. I burn back to gate and they all aggro, in scram range. The cynabal drops really really quick and their gang starts nailing our caracals (the drake is fairly tanky) and we go for the vagabond as one caracal dies. The vaga tanks nicely and the 2nd caracal dies. Its just me vs their gang now and im hitting armor. Luckily the vaga's asb charges run out and he drops through armor alot faster than I do. Once he goes down I start working on a sabre as I hit hull. The sabre hits hull just as I pop (lucky boy i forgot to heat my invul - 2 more seconds and he would be dead). 110m of ours down for 440m of theirs, AND we got to stick it to the damn campers. OP SUCCESS!

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#67 - 2015-01-26 22:13:02 UTC







-1 alliance

Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#68 - 2015-01-27 17:19:38 UTC
Took out some talwars to go and say hi to brave newbies earlier today.

Got welped on by a pair of orthrus, super hard.

We shipped up to 2 drakes and a caracal to go give em a welping back.

Landed in their camp and they all scattered. We killed some tackle and they left.

One of our more terrible members forgot ammo, so we waiting in a safe whilst more ammo was en route. Shortly after, a bomber lands on us and we freak out (and charge!)

The rest of their gang lands and we engage. Tank holds but our caracal does not (scrub cant fly a drake) and we blap out the rest of them. I go down just as i hit warp (was like 65% speed and SOOOO NEARLY got out) and cyber gets out. Totally werf!

So we go out again about half hour later and find a bunch of miners in a plex (mmm yummy!). We catch a skiff and he takes forEVER to die. He goes down and their fleet lands. We are destined to die now and fight it out to the bitter end. A cynabal lands halfway through the fight, and he is insta primaried (500m wololol). We all die but it was yet again totally werf!


Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#69 - 2015-01-28 10:50:09 UTC
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#70 - 2015-01-30 00:08:39 UTC
Caught us a sneaky vagabond. Took a while but once his asb charges ran out, we got him!

A jump later we welped into a gatecamp and nailed a daredevil. Ofc we all died but hey , 4 merlins.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#71 - 2015-01-30 10:39:50 UTC
Took a drake gang out a few nights ago, unfortunately we were unable to get a fight in brave space due to the 50 man phantasm fleet, 30 man ishtar fleet, 15 man worm fleet and the huge defense fleet of brave all goofing around on ge- station.

We did engage a 15 man vexor gang though, once they started dying they all bailed =(

We then travelled to PFR home system and they did not want to fight, so we all split ways and went home/sold our ships to PFR and podded home. In the middle of this, I solo pvped a talos and atron before selling up and letting them pod me home.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2015-02-02 20:34:06 UTC
So we have some wartargets who live in the same station we do at the moment and after some bugging we got them to fight.

Hilarity happened.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#73 - 2015-02-03 10:55:05 UTC
As we formed up (only half hour late this time!) someone noticed all our wartargets were undocking and leaving system in a frigate gang. We gave chase and ended up jumping into them. ARRGH a trap! Someone was calling primaries (no one followed them though lol) and we all died, but we managed to wipe the enemy gang.

We asked in local (after exchanging some friendly banter) and we all went out roaming together. Snagging a tornado on a gate (who vollied me as i burned in for tackle sadface) and a pod.

Shortly after we welped into a confessor gang (yeah they molest talwars lol) and we managed to kill a keres before all dying (paid for fleet gg).

Our newly found friends had in corp stuff to do (and promptly all dissapeared from the area) so we took out a bunch of merlins. We found a sabre and his gang on a gate. We all died but the sabre popped as well (losing 6m in merlins to kill 55m in sabre ggwp).

Things got serious then as people started logging off, so we decided to ship up and fight their gatecamp. Using a cloaky alt, we got a warpin on another tornado and began the blapdown. He popped quickly and our merlin called tackle on the orthrus (who hero burned into us for some reason) and he died shortly after. We then worked on somesmall tackle.

Once they all died, we sat on the gate and waited for a response. Unfortunately, the cowards did not fancy a rematch on the gate so we gave them a fight on their station. An inty gang landed, whored on some kills and then warped off (much hero very brave). We caught a slicer, nailed a tackle atron and managed to slowly kill an asb cyclone through guardian reps (lol 72k damage taken).

It cost us a geddon though (insurance ftw), and we decided to be generous and not take sov in hed-gp with our two drakes (the fights are too good).

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#74 - 2015-02-03 18:23:59 UTC
Bump for awesomeness
Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#75 - 2015-02-05 19:12:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyber Ten
A quiet and wonderfull evening of blowing **** up in EVE was once more upon us as three heroes readied themselves for battle. Jintra (******* ****** is finally back after two years you nerdheim), Masaaq (Who rests quite nicely inbetween my legs) and me shipped into two t1 fit frigs and a Coercer for Masaaq to accomodate his large scrotum and headed towards HED-GP. Our scout in system reported a Tornado on the gate camping it like the boring ****** he is and us being the heroes we are had to liberate this system of the campers vile presence. ALos know as we got a warpin and he ******* died. After unning like little children from the 20 man gang that was now grunting angrily at us we found another random thing off their blob. Tackle was called on the Thorax as a Cormorant leroyed in to save his stricken comrade. We made a note of the pilots bravery as his ship exploded and we munched on the Thorax, losing brave Jintra in the proces. Now down to two members we moved about the system seperatly finding something we could kill as i found the gatecamping gang we had run from earlier. Two brave intercepters charged me to achieve tackle for their friends, not realizing that my meta fit merlin as almost as quick as they are. I manage to nom bothinties as the blob lands and ends my brief but flashy existence. With Masaaq and his massive balls now the only survivor left he did the nly sensible thing he could do. Find taht gang and make then pay for killingg such a harmless t1 frig. One frig and twointies later the gang sadly also found him and he died in a blaze of glory.

After a small break we decided to hassle our wartargets one last time before the war ran out and after a bit of baiting and smack they replied with a nine man caracal gang. sadly we had just scrounged together some heavy ships and they quickly ran after they saw they were dying and we were not.

In honor of us getting kicked out of every alliance we've ever been in we have now proudly done the only sane thing and made our own: This can only end well. Some random wormhole faggots who used to be in something called Fearless. or something joined as well and we now look to seek out and kill even more random crap than usual.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#76 - 2015-02-05 22:01:19 UTC
proud to have been kicked out of 4 (or maybe 5) alliances now!

all that remains is to kick ourselves out of our own.
Mixu Paatelainen
Eve Refinery
#77 - 2015-02-12 16:14:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Mixu Paatelainen
With great sadness we have to let people know Lex died a short time ago, so you'll never get to hear more of his BRs. I hope people can join me in a moment's pause to reflect while listening to his singing. RIP you sexy man.


We gathered a handful of nerds and fitted ourselves out in Nomens and regular Omens for the bads who don't have t2 pulse and energy weapon rigging - our usual targets being the residents of catch, we headed out to see what we could find.

A Zealot, Brutix and Talwar discovered sitting in their own bubbles on Keberz gate not such great idea.

We then discovered a heroic battle hauler fighting a gang of daredevils and dramiels who ran away when we arrived so we did the only acceptable thing and mercilessly killed him.

After humming and hawing about fighting Joshua Foiritain's flycatcher swarm (do you fly with WASD?) we decided not to and nipped into GE-8JV to see what was going on. A TCF armour fleet (nice to see them back) landed, stimulating BNI to bring out a blob of Moas and Scythes. We departed pronto, then followed Joshua's gang to BUZ-DB to try to catch some ice miners but no joy.

Karleigh had to go and discovered no scout best scout. We grabbed an AFK interceptor and a reckless slicer then called it a night after 20 minutes of happy fun docking games in HED-GP.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Mixu Paatelainen
Eve Refinery
#78 - 2015-02-14 12:12:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Mixu Paatelainen
HED-GP has attracted a small but stubborn gang of russian campers. In the absence of BNI doing anything about this problem we dealt with it.

For our efforts we were jumped on by a destroyer gang who discovered Nomen-tracking-is-under-rated, but-then-kitchen-sink-comps are never gonna do very well against renegade barbarian raiders.

Anyway seeing as Brave have all of our pounces now we thought we should go irritiate proviblock for a change while we wait for one of us to man up and make new bookmarks.

A solo camping thrasher didn't know what hit him and despite our presence presumably being spammed in the citadel, this happened.

Volition being the 2nd blobbiest entity in the neighbourhood we headed up to Severance space and parted an irritating talos from its owner. This got the fleet chased by a caracal gang and blows-were-exchanged, we'll call it a draw.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Jintra Jin'tak
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2015-03-11 14:10:49 UTC
So yesterday I was bored and decided to take a Thorax out. Without having luck in 0.0 space due to some camps I decided that I should pay Low-sec a visit.
Sure enough I found Someting to shoot but so did they.

Wondering about how I was able to kill 2 Retrievers while a Protheus and a Vigiland layed into me, I rallied the forces and we went back in.
I warped my trusted totally-not-a-bait Prophecy to a belt and found them mining again. As before, they brought some friends and it was on.
We lost some stuff but at the end, it was totally worth it.
The protheus even payed 11 mil bounty per NERd , which basically means that we came out of it close to zero isk lost. \o/

Best thing is: The bait survived.

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.