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A list from a bitter veteran. [Upppdated]

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2011-12-19 20:09:57 UTC
I simply do not agree with the sentiment of the "bitter vets". For them it has to be all about PvP, PvP, PvP. If anything is worked on in the slightest that doesn't contribute to PvP they freak and throw a fit about it. I've been playing since launch. I am perfectly happy with the direction of EvE. I want to see WiS completed, more ships in game, better graphics on top of improving PvP as well as PvE experiences.

I podded out of my WH this weekend to go do some low level missions with a buddy who I gave a 60 day trial to. Was it boring? Yeah...compared to what I am used to doing but I still saw some interesting things I have never seen before. Such as a "ship graveyard" which consisted of one gigantic ship that is completely out of place in the EvE universe wrapped around an asteroid. Supposedly this graveyard consisted of hundreds of ships...this was not the case.

I would like to see that fixed. I want to see an actual ship graveyard full of hundreds of destroyed ships in EvE. However, I know that if CCP even mentions doing something like this the "bitter vets" will up and rage about it. The vets need to stop being little bitches and either play the game or leave.

Bounties for all!

Jojo Jackson
Dead Red Eye
#62 - 2011-12-19 20:10:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Jojo Jackson
Xoria Krint wrote:

  • Eve is about risk vs reward.

  • Scaming, highsec ganking, piracy have all NO risk too as it's just a simple calculation.
    My ship cost X, so I lose X by intend (YOUR OWN WILL) or need to find a target which is worth X+Y where my victim has NO changs to avoid my scanning.

    NO RISK !
    If you try to tell other the oposit, you just lie to them!

    Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #63 - 2011-12-19 20:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
    Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
    I simply do not agree with the sentiment of the "bitter vets". For them it has to be all about PvP, PvP, PvP. If anything is worked on in the slightest that doesn't contribute to PvP they freak and throw a fit about it. I've been playing since launch. I am perfectly happy with the direction of EvE. I want to see WiS completed, more ships in game, better graphics on top of improving PvP as well as PvE experiences.

    Wrong. It's not all about PvP, PvP and PvP. It's very much about the market, the industrial side and the economic. The carebear stuff. It's a lot about that as well. I wan't WiS as well. And I wan't more ships. But i want the ships to fill a role, and i want FiS to work before they make WiS.
    Jojo Jackson wrote:
    Xoria Krint wrote:

  • Eve is about risk vs reward.

  • Scaming, highsec ganking, piracy have all NO risk too as it's just a simple calculation.
    My ship cost X, so I lose X by intend (YOUR OWN WILL) or need to find a target which is worth X+Y where my victim has NO changs to avoid my scanning.

    NO RISK !
    If you try to tell other the oposit, you just lie to them!

    I would still say that there is a risk in scamming people. Both IRL and ingame :P Highsec ganking is not a risk because no one in Empire can PvP.. Suicide ganking would be very high risk if more players just knew a little of PvP. They could really laugh about all the greifers if "they" just had some balls and tried things. Piracy is high risk as well. I don't think you know what you are talking about sir.

    Check out the "My Eve" section in the Eve forums and watch a PvP movie or two, it's high risk. Have you ever been -5? Now that's risky. Try it, i bet it will be game changing for you, in a good way. It's just a game. You dare to do it.
    Knug LiDi
    The Dark Space Initiative
    Scary Wormhole People
    #64 - 2011-12-19 20:30:39 UTC
    Jonathan Ferguson wrote:

    I don't get the hostility in your closing remark, but whatever. Bitter vets are generally more principled and care more about the game than CCP or the fanbois/sycophants do. I doubt this guy supported character sales at the time. Do you have some evidence that he did?

    My hostility was not necessarily at the OP, but at those that refer to themselves as bitter vets who complain that the way EVE is now is wrong and not as good as it was and these new people/systems/features/gameplay styles are the problem.

    I offer my sincere apologies to those bitter vets who are willing to accept that they themselves are a significant reason that EVE is the way it is today.

    EVE is a product of its age. WHY it is what it is due in a significant way to how it was then and what players did then.

    The bitter vets who rant and rage were part of the problem/process/reason we have the EVE of today. Except they accept no part of that responsibility.

    Did the OP ever discuss his role, personally, as to why we have the EVE of today? No. He states he doesn't like the EVE of today and proclaims that one of the current fixes is the greatest source of his ire.

    If only we could fall into a woman's arms

    without falling into her hands

    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #65 - 2011-12-19 20:34:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
    Knug LiDi wrote:

    Did the OP ever discuss his role, personally, as to why we have the EVE of today? No. He states he doesn't like the EVE of today and proclaims that one of the current fixes is the greatest source of his ire.

    Enlighten us then. Ending a post like that is not very constructive, sir.
    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #66 - 2011-12-19 20:34:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
    Doublepost (I blame "We were ganked bla bla bla")
    Eve Cluster Explorations
    #67 - 2011-12-19 20:37:32 UTC
    It is the bitter vets fault that the game has been dumbed down to suit new players?

    I must have missed something when I skimmed the thread.

    Witty Image - Stream

    Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

    Jonathan Ferguson
    JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
    Ferguson Alliance
    #68 - 2011-12-19 20:47:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonathan Ferguson
    Knug LiDi wrote:
    The bitter vets who rant and rage were part of the problem/process/reason we have the EVE of today. Except they accept no part of that responsibility.

    I've never bought (or sold) ISK for $ or been tempted to.

    I've never cheated/exploited or been tempted to.

    I've never botted or been tempted to.

    I've spent a considerable amount of time trying to save CCP from themselves.

    Could I have spent more time railing against CCP incompetence/greed/stupidity/lack-of-integrity?

    I suppose. I feel like I did my share of the heavy lifting. YMMV

    (If you're going to blame someone for the EVE of today, I'd put it squarely on the sycophants (many of whom are also vets) of New Eden who cheered every boneheaded idea CCP ever had. Not the people who kept the flame of the New Eden sandbox alive even when CCP brought out the fire hose.)
    Pak Narhoo
    Splinter Foundation
    #69 - 2011-12-19 20:47:23 UTC
    Bitter vet is bitter.

    Hey find yourself a game that is like EVE but better.

    Oh, wai......
    Hark Hanam
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #70 - 2011-12-19 21:58:29 UTC
    Xoria Krint wrote:
    Ahoy fellow spaceship pilots. When I started to play Eve eight years ago i was looking forward to the future of Eve Online. I could imagine how cool it would be in a near future. Today, i wish Eve was rolled back to 2004, nothing is better 2011 (graphic is better, i admit).

    This is what happens when one play a game for its potential instead of playing it for what it is.

    Your expectations are not met, like other peope's. This game seems to provide a decent amount of satisfaction to some people, or some of them are playing "for what it could become it the future".

    But i agree with your list, its just that successful craftsmen tend to become industrialists money makers. I'm not sure if i could resist to sell a pure, nice product made with a lot of love and dream for millions of real $ : who can blame ? those who never had this kind of choice ?
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #71 - 2011-12-19 22:00:41 UTC
    After being with this game for 5.5 years, does that make me a Bitter Vet or just a Grumpy Vet? Roll

    There are numerous points the OP mentioned I agree with. Yet the one aspect I believe he might be railing against but has not noted has been CCP's requirement of time to accomplish things in the game. While the original intention was this cold, harsh universe that translated into real life periods of boredom followed with a sudden adrenaline rush, today's game has been "sped up" in my opinion. What today's gamers take for granted, we old timers ~worked~ to get done. While I understand many of the reasons for the changes, the changes were not always for a better overall "feel" of the cold, harsh universe.

    Eve was originally a downloaded game with no rating versus a store bought copy with ratings upon logging in.

    The game was intended as an adult game with adult themes versus letting children play.
    - One of my earliest missions from an agent was to supply her with a stash of drugs. That mission is long removed...
    - Prostitutes used to be an "item" in the game.
    - The old Quafe Gallentian station had a holographic picture of what almost appeared to be a naked woman dancing.

    The 15 kilometer crawl to the gate versus jump bridges and warp to zero.

    Learning skills: those players looking long term versus those that wanted something _now_.

    The rivalries in game and in lore between the Amarrians versus the Minmatarians and the Caldarians versus the Gallentians was much more prominent.
    - I was able to look at any avatar on the old forums and know instantly what race they were by their distinct clothing, facial features, and modifications. Today, everyone almost appears too modern.
    - I "used" to have spiked hair and enough facial metalic features that I appeared more a terminator with a skin graft.
    - Amarrians were known as slave owners and abusers and proud of it.

    Players were proud to advance from frigate to cruiser versus "What do you mean I can't start with battleships?"

    Wars seemed so epic back then that before I started playing here, I was reading on other gaming boards the great battles between Sir Molle and his Band of Brothers versus whomever was fighting them at the moment. Yet today, it seems if there is a battle report, it is one blob versus another blob with the server bellying up soon afterwards...

    Oh yes, a great time killer: Quest, Pursuit, Comb, Sift. Twisted

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble - must be getting senile with age.
    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #72 - 2011-12-19 22:12:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
    Hark Hanam wrote:

    This is what happens when one play a game for its potential instead of playing it for what it is.

    I don't know if that is your main or not. But if it is, it's funny. I have played this game. I'm a nerd in Eve. I love it. I have played it for what it is. I have never whined on the forums about it. Rarely in-game. In EIGHT years. We are not talking about giving Eve potential, Eve had it all, but it's lost. It's about getting it back.

    I still have some fun in game, but it was so much better. When the currency was worth something.. For me it's so clear, how can you not see it?.....
    Guttripper wrote:

    Always nice with some Eve nostalgia. Stuck-to-ship bugg - best bugg ever Lol. I also liked that it was adult themed and aiming for a older audience. With a dark universe with drugs, prostitutes and scums. Where you learned by mistakes and trust was rare.
    Jojo Jackson
    Dead Red Eye
    #73 - 2011-12-19 22:24:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Jojo Jackson
    Xoria Krint wrote:
    Have you ever been -5? Now that's risky. Try it, i bet it will be game changing for you, in a good way. It's just a game. You dare to do it.

    I had been and it changed my impressions, you are right.

    We rented a constelation and when we tryed to pay the bills, they blocked docking rights, undocked, killed our jump frighter, told the leaders "they refuse to pay" which then desided to kick us (and the billions we brought to this constelation) out again.

    It was RA if you ask ... but doesn't matter as similar behavior is known from nearly all 00 entitys.

    We stand infront of the RA station where we should pay WITH all the stuff and ISK they asked for .... but one of the FC was drungen, bored, stoned, had no sex and just for lulz destroyed everything we worked for.

    THIS is 00 .... concratulations.

    And then there are guys from AAA and -A- who steal mission loot to ransom the runners.

    THIS are selve called PvP players .... concratulations.

    Oh and Goons .... cool stroy with all the highsec suiziding they do ... great 00 ally ... concratulations.

    And you wonder, why there is such a high demand for more laws and harder rules?

    Playing as pure Pirate is ok. But when something is over-abused .... it NEED limitations!
    Don't blame us high sec players. Blame the one, who over-abused it!

    Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #74 - 2011-12-19 22:28:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
    Jojo Jackson wrote:
    Xoria Krint wrote:
    Have you ever been -5? Now that's risky. Try it, i bet it will be game changing for you, in a good way. It's just a game. You dare to do it.

    I had been and it changed my impressions, you are right.

    We rented a constelation and when we tryed to pay the bills, they blocked docking rights, undocked, killed our jump frighter, told the leaders "they refuse to pay" which then desided to kick us (and the billions we brought to this constelation) out again.

    It was RA if you ask ... but doesn't matter as similar behavior is known from nearly all 00 entitys.

    We stand infront of the RA station where we should pay WITH all the stuff and ISK they asked for .... but one of the FC was drungen, bored, stoned, had no sex and just for lulz destroyed everything we worked for.

    THIS is 00 .... concratulations.

    And then there are guys from AAA and -A- who steal mission loot to ransom the runners.

    THIS are selve called PvP players .... concratulations.

    Oh and Goons .... cool stroy with all the highsec suiziding they do ... great 00 ally ... concratulations.

    And you wonder, why there is such a high demand for more laws and harder rules?

    I meant if you have ever went -5.0 security status. If you have ever been an outlaw? Your badly planned 0.0 journey probably was a good lesson for you, plan better next time, and don't rent space and be someones slave - nothing is fun in being a slave.

    Bad choices = Bad situations. Working as intended.

    Why would you move down to 0.0 with people you don't trust? Funny story.. But it was not the answer of my question.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #75 - 2011-12-19 22:32:33 UTC
    I'd like to see more risk for scammers. Right now, their biggest risk is not fooling anyone
    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #76 - 2011-12-19 22:38:26 UTC
    Lyron-Baktos wrote:
    I'd like to see more risk for scammers. Right now, their biggest risk is not fooling anyone

    That was also better back in the days. Fewer alts. The scammers used there mains and went "famous" instead. Hardcore. Not like today. Spamming Jita with a macro and just wait...... Having 5-6accounts today ain't that rare.

    Yulai til i die.

    (also, a risk with scamming could be to be attacked by players. That is, if you even undock. Another risk is to get banned. CCP changes there mind on whats legal and illegal every minute with no warnings or late warnings. Now that's risky. You don't want to get banned.)
    Jojo Jackson
    Dead Red Eye
    #77 - 2011-12-19 22:49:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Jojo Jackson
    Xoria Krint wrote:
    I meant if you have ever went -5.0 security status. If you have ever been an outlaw? Your badly planned 0.0 journey probably was a good lesson for you, plan better next time, and don't rent space and be someones slave - nothing is fun in being a slave.

    Bad choices = Bad situations. Working as intended.

    Why would you move down to 0.0 with people you don't trust? Funny story.. But it was not the answer of my question.

    Yes, I had it for a very short time by exident. Flying with a fleet in low and killed some PODs in bigger fights.
    Took me less then 1h to get back to +secure.

    That's why I know these sec-lose is a bad joke!

    For the rest ... we planed it well.
    We just didn't expect, that one stupid drunken guy who got no sex from his girly to have so much influence.

    After that we just had to check this forum (the old forum to be exact) to notice: ALL 00 allys act like RA did with us!

    Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #78 - 2011-12-19 22:56:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
    Jojo Jackson wrote:

    Yes, I had it for a very short time by exident. Flying with a fleet in low and killed some PODs in bigger fights.
    Took me less then 1h to get back to +secure.

    That's why I know these sec-lose is a bad joke!

    Well, i'm not talking about going outlaw for 1hour. I mean living as an outlaw for a month or a year? People do that you know. I think you would learn something from it, and it would be game changing for you, getting some new perspective on the game maybe?

    Getting killed in Eve is no one but your own fault. Get mad at yourself and not at the players that are playing as intended.
    Jojo Jackson wrote:

    After that we just had to check this forum (the old forum to be exact) to notice: ALL 00 allys act like RA did with us!

    There is even a name for it. You where a pet, a slave. YOU LET YOURSELF GET USED. You can't just contact someone and say

    -"Hi can i rent your space?"
    -"Sure, it will cost 5b ISK"
    -"Okey, sending now"

    You need to trust the people first. If you act like that, its not strange that you get used. Its strange that you still play the game. Back in the days you would have quit when you noticed that there where no tutorial and you had to actually work to get the ISK. I bet that if you had mined in a cruiser, alone, for that ISK that you sent to RA.. You would have thought an extra time before you planned your vacation to 0.0
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #79 - 2011-12-19 23:09:50 UTC
    Xoria Krint wrote:
  • CCP is too nice to the players and just gives them everything they want nowadays, and that's the wrong move. Sometimes it feels like CCP has lost the concept of Eve themselves. Greed is always destroying concept and ideas.

  • Sorry, if they give into you, they gotta give in to everyone. You had a couple of good ideas though. You lost points for the lvl 4 idea though.
    Xoria Krint
    The Angelic
    #80 - 2011-12-19 23:16:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
    Nephilius wrote:
    Xoria Krint wrote:
  • CCP is too nice to the players and just gives them everything they want nowadays, and that's the wrong move. Sometimes it feels like CCP has lost the concept of Eve themselves. Greed is always destroying concept and ideas.

  • Sorry, if they give into you, they gotta give in to everyone. You had a couple of good ideas though. You lost points for the lvl 4 idea though.

    I understand that removing the level 4 agents from high security space is sensitive. But you have to admit that they are not balanced? Bot safe? AFK safe? You think it should be easy to bot missions? And to do them AFK? I also stated that fixing lvl 4 missions would be an option as well. I do not necessarily mean harder missions. But harder to do AFK, and harder to program a bot to do. More stuff like that is needed in Eve.

    Low sec needs more gold or highsec needs less of it.