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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Buying ammunition....

Marcuus Arielius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-01-20 03:20:31 UTC
I can not figure out how the market place works at all. Im trying to but antimatter charge s for my weapons and I have NO FREAKIN clue what I am doing? I dont want to bid, i want to buy immediately!!! I have no idea when I actually bought the stuff or if I even did. I have no idea where to pic the ammunition up. This game is so frustarting!!!

Someone please list step by step the process on how to buy something, please.

The only thing I figured out was the search feature in the market place.

Qn'qura Zalas Zula
#2 - 2015-01-20 03:24:38 UTC
You always buy outright unless a piece isn't for sale at the price you want (in which case a buy order is created and waits to be filled)
When you buy from another station, finding it is just a matter of opening the assets tab, right clicking on the station where it was delivered from market and laying in a course to go fetch.

buying it is just a matter of right clicking in the listing and selecting buy this, then just enter how many you want in the box.

Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

#3 - 2015-01-20 03:25:12 UTC
Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2015-01-20 03:25:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Azda Ja
If you have some charges with you already and want to buy more. Right click them. Then:

- click View Market Details
- you'll see the sell orders on top and buy orders at the bottom. You're looking at the sell orders.
- sort the columns by clicking at the top, I usually go by distance (the number denotes jumps from your current location)
- right click, choose buy and then type the amount you want to purchase
- right click the same sell order again and "set destination"
- jump however far you need to go, dock and grab your ammo from the inventory

EDIT: typos n stuff


Marcuus Arielius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2015-01-20 03:31:50 UTC
Thanks. okay I am at the station from where I bought the ammunition. . .where is it? How do I pick it up?
Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-01-20 03:35:06 UTC
Marcuus Arielius wrote:
Thanks. okay I am at the station from where I bought the ammunition. . .where is it? How do I pick it up?

In your inventory. Alt-C. Or the icon on the left side of your screen.


Marcuus Arielius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-01-20 03:36:55 UTC
AWESOME people thanks for your help! Finally figured it out.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2015-01-20 05:48:47 UTC
You can not solo Eve. You need friends in game.

Joining a new player friendly corp is a decent way. Don't be afraid to talk in local also. There are public chat channels. Most corps / alliances that are recruiting have public chat channels.

You need friends that you can ask questions as you go, especially early on. If you are having trouble finding some people willing to sit in a chat channel with you and answer a question here and there then mention it in this thread along with your approximate normal play times zone or time frame and I am sure you will have offers.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2015-01-20 10:06:51 UTC  |  Edited by: J'Poll
As said:

Market window has 2 windows, buy and sell orders.

Buy orders: You set the stats you are willing to pay for an item. So you say: I will buy item "x" for "y" amount of ISK and it has to be withing "z" jumps of station "A". This means you have to wait till someone comes along and sells the item to your buy order, but it can be cheaper or easier for you to do so, if you are not in a hurry to get said item.

Sell order: You set up an advert saying, I'm selling item "x" for "y" ISK in station "A". Now, anybody who wants that item, can just buy it from you and collect it in station "A".

So if you want to buy something now, use a sell order and just collect it where it is sold (doesn't always mean it is also in the station you are in).

If you want something, but don't need it now and want to safe some money, use buy orders.

Buy order - Pull part of the market. Someone asks for an item and pulls it from other people wanting to sell it.
Sell order - Push part of the market. Someone doesn't need an item and pushes it onto the market to sell to someone else.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-01-20 10:39:36 UTC
I sometimes forget that the hanger tabs aren't in the station window as default, and then I start a new alt and spend ages searching for my stuff. There is an checkbox in the options menu to "merge hanger tabs in to station window"; this makes finding thigs in the station you are in so much easier.
Marcuus Arielius
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-01-20 14:58:53 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
I sometimes forget that the hanger tabs aren't in the station window as default, and then I start a new alt and spend ages searching for my stuff. There is an checkbox in the options menu to "merge hanger tabs in to station window"; this makes finding thigs in the station you are in so much easier.

This is very useful information, thank you. I'll look in the options menu next time in game to figure this out.

Very helpful, Thank you.
Celine Sophia Maricadie
Tal-Cel Industry and Salvage LLC
#12 - 2015-01-20 15:30:56 UTC
You really should do all of the tutorial and career agent missions. It seems from your posts and questions that you haven't done these for what ever reason. These teach you many very basic things like using the market, etc., as well as they give you a number of free ships, skills (that you would otherwise have to buy), and most of all some basic knowledge. This will save you some frustration as well as time back-and-forth asking on the forums how do these basic things work. You're most welcome to ask about basic stuff here, of course, just trying to save you the time and frustration as it seemed you were really frustrated.

And as others have mentioned, find yourself a good and active player corp. Don't try and do everything solo.

Welcome to Eve Online!

Big smile
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#13 - 2015-01-20 20:42:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
For what it is worth...

The market is a brokerage system, and operates on orders. There is actually no way to avoid that, but the orders can be "hidden" when the duration of an order is set to "immediate", but it is still an order! Immediate orders don't have a brokerage fee, but other durations do!

First, make sure to click on the price column header several times (there are "intermediate" sort orders possible), until the prices are sorted:
* Sell orders (top-section): lowest price at the top.
* Buy orders (bottom-section): highest price at the top.
This is NOT the default! So do change the sort order, so you don't pay too much!

You ALWAYS buy from the lowest available sell order, and ALWAYS sell to the highest available buy order. There is no way to avoid this!

Buy orders available to you appear in green. Goods are not teleported between stations! You have to go to where the items or orders are!

You can only see orders in the same region you are currently in.

You can always buy from orders at any station, so beware you don't buy from a station far away, or one you don't want to go to (lowsec), or can't dock at (nulsec outpost). There are filters that allow you to hide lowsec and nulsec orders.

Orders over 90 days duration are NPC orders (typically they show as >360 days) . Players are limited to 90 days max. It is usually a good idea to buy skill books only from NPC orders (there are very few skill books that are not sold by NPC).