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Love the new Exequror - Did CCP hire a genius?

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Provence Tristram
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#41 - 2015-01-18 02:20:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Provence Tristram
Memphis Baas wrote:
Provence Tristram wrote:

Unlike human faces, [...] a predilection towards a certain style of car, or boat, or house, or... yes... spaceship is likely affected by any number of non-preprogramed life experiences, sensations, and simple, inexplicable want (the very intangible stuff that makes us human).

Counter-point. The part of the brain that recognizes patterns as faces and immediately rates the symmetry doesn't turn off when we look at other things.

Symmetrical ships will appeal to more people than non-symmetrical ships; the trick is that we have, what, more than 200 ships in the game and they all have to be unique and easily recognizable somehow. Fortunately, the world probably has several thousand different models of cars and vehicles, and they're mostly symmetrical, so I think the issue with the ships already has solutions.

EDIT: Regarding "genius", it's more like they had Picasso-wannabe art designers and now they switched back to Raphael / Renaissance. I like the changes; keep the abstract in all the meta and stats we have to deal with when looking at the ships, and let their shapes be realistic.

Necessity governs symmetry in the real world. I celebrate the randomness of Gallente ships for their artistic value, but it's quite possible that they simply find that that's the best way to build these things. I really think the 'all symmetrical' crowd need to lay off and go fly ships that please them, dropping the crusade to eradicate all that is different. I'm not trying to change what you like -- why do you feel the need to behave contrarily towards me and my likes?
Kelleth Kirk
Caldari State - Osprey Wing 7
#42 - 2015-01-18 02:26:54 UTC
Ahh, the new Exequror is lovely, I am flying the Navy Issue version and I am tearing through level 3 missions... Good fun in a lovely ship =)

I am not much for Gallente ships usually, too potato like for my taste, but I like the new design for it =)

I miss having ISK.

Solops Crendraven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2015-01-18 09:13:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Solops Crendraven
The New Exequror is absolutely Sexy.Blink

Moving To Las Vegas Watch Me Play Poker! enter link description here

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#44 - 2015-01-18 10:17:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Pahrdi
FoxFire Ayderan wrote:
To be fair not all asymmetry in the ships is bad. The Catalyst comes to mind, which is a good looking ship despite being asymmetrical. As is the Myrmidon (which I guess still does have bi-lateral symmetry).

It does come down to how it is done. Big bulgy things hanging off or growing out (like the Torax) or "missing limbs" (like the old Exequror) or broken limbs (like the Atron) or bent and crooked (like the Imicus) are NOT the right way to do asymmetry. In general people are going to be turned off from that. And as much as I otherwise like the look of Gallente ships, these bizarre design choices ruin them.

I liked the old design of the Exequror exactly because of that. So besides the general graphic improvement, the new design is a change for the worse to me.

Remove standings and insurance.

Provence Tristram
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#45 - 2015-01-18 10:21:10 UTC
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
FoxFire Ayderan wrote:
To be fair not all asymmetry in the ships is bad. The Catalyst comes to mind, which is a good looking ship despite being asymmetrical. As is the Myrmidon (which I guess still does have bi-lateral symmetry).

It does come down to how it is done. Big bulgy things hanging off or growing out (like the Torax) or "missing limbs" (like the old Exequror) or broken limbs (like the Atron) or bent and crooked (like the Imicus) are NOT the right way to do asymmetry. In general people are going to be turned off from that. And as much as I otherwise like the look of Gallente ships, these bizarre design choices ruin them.

I liked the old design of the Exequror exactly because of that. So besides the general graphic improvement, the new design is a change to the worse for me.


The change is what it is, but not everyone has to act like it was a good one. What's more, I think the skeek sides of the new Exeq are, by in large, a failure. I don't care what the intent was, the result is that it looks far less detailed than most Gallente ships. Compare it with a Vexor or a Brutix... the differences are kind of embrassing.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2015-01-18 11:21:54 UTC
I like the new exequror/oneiros but i find the nose a bit to big. Now please could you change this ugly imicus/helios model :(
Memphis Baas
#47 - 2015-01-18 11:59:56 UTC
Provence Tristram wrote:
I really think the 'all symmetrical' crowd need to lay off and go fly ships that please them, dropping the crusade to eradicate all that is different. I'm not trying to change what you like -- why do you feel the need to behave contrarily towards me and my likes?

If this is a thread where we don't try to change what other people like, but rather just express what we like, then the OP expressed his pleasure, a number of people posted once to express their views (pro or con), then YOU started replying over and over how you dislike it. If that's not a crusade then drop it; we got it: you dislike the new Exequror.
Provence Tristram
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#48 - 2015-01-18 12:03:58 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
Provence Tristram wrote:
I really think the 'all symmetrical' crowd need to lay off and go fly ships that please them, dropping the crusade to eradicate all that is different. I'm not trying to change what you like -- why do you feel the need to behave contrarily towards me and my likes?

If this is a thread where we don't try to change what other people like, but rather just express what we like, then the OP expressed his pleasure, a number of people posted once to express their views (pro or con), then YOU started replying over and over how you dislike it. If that's not a crusade then drop it; we got it: you dislike the new Exequror.

Lol. Okay, get angry, I don't really care. Never once -- never once -- have I said change it back. And yet, your party is never satisfied: with the Exequror forever altered, it's on the to the next project! Tally ho, let's hunt this fox into extinction!
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#49 - 2015-01-18 19:31:45 UTC
I'm going to date myself here.

When I first saw it in-game, this is what I thought of.

Any ship that digs that deep into my nostalgia storage locker gets a big thumbs up from me.

Mr Epeen Cool
Harrison Tato
Yamato Holdings
#50 - 2015-01-18 20:31:15 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
I'm going to date myself here.

When I first saw it in-game, this is what I thought of.

Any ship that digs that deep into my nostalgia storage locker gets a big thumbs up from me.

Mr Epeen Cool

If the Exequror now includes a flying mini-sub I give it three thumbs-up.
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