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Character Bazaar

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WTS/WTA Great Subcap Pilot 41M SPs

#1 - 2015-01-16 19:53:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Outing

I am selling myself. I am a great subcap pilot with 41,878,743 skill points.

Eveboard Link --


Skills at Level V - 46

Armor - T2 Tank
Hull Upgrades V
Mechanics V

Electronic Systems
Propulsion Jamming V

Engineering - 3,349,020 SPs
Advanced Weapon Upgrades V
CPU Management V
Energy Grid Upgrades V
Power Grid Management V
Weapon Upgrades V

Gunnery - 15,865474 SPs
Can fit all T2 Weapons!!!
All Support Skills at V
All specializations trained to at least IV

Cybernetics V
Has +5 attributes implants.
Also has some Cap and gunnery implants in slots 6-10.

Decent Scanning skills

Can fit T2 shield tank

Spaceship Command - 17,299,793 SPs
All Frigates V
All Destroyers V
All Cruisers V
All Battle Cruisers V
All Battleships trained to at least III
All Strategic Cruisers to IV
Almost All Subsystems have been injected and training for them started.

Can immediately run level 4 missions for these corps:
Fed navy
Sisters of Eve

Close to level 4's with:
Caldari Navy

Current remap is for Intel/Memory to finish support skills off.
Neural Remap Available: 12-21-15
Bonus Remaps Available Now - 1

Can fly anywhere in Empire Space
I am in NPC corp, it isn't showing up yet.
No Kill Rights
Positive Wallet
Positive Security Status
Located in Jita.
Short Corp History
ISK to Me.
I pay transfer fee.
All other CCP rules apply.

Min Bid 18B
BO - Make me a solid offer

I am looking to make this sale happen ASAP so make me some solid offers, no lowballs please.
#2 - 2015-01-17 02:41:42 UTC
18.5 bo
#3 - 2015-01-17 02:42:23 UTC
Rainek wrote:
18.5 bo

Accepted please send ISK and account name to me and I will begin transfer.
#4 - 2015-01-17 02:55:15 UTC
Both ISK and account name sent.
#5 - 2015-01-17 03:04:13 UTC

Dear ********,

You have chosen to transfer the character Outing to the account named *********.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Confirmation email, thanks for the quick sale, enjoy the character.