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Proteus Release Issues

First post
Malou Hashur
Enterprise Holdings
#81 - 2015-01-14 21:05:49 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:
Paulo Selegato wrote:
Alice Saraki wrote:
Malou Hashur wrote:
Alice Saraki wrote:
How about strange behavior of rats ? Even after today's DT and some "fixes" rats still attack my drones. And when i return my drones into drone bay, rats still dont attack my ship even if i use ewar modules on them and just swirling around my ship (i waited more then 5 min and rats still dont attack me). But if i launch drones into space rats instantly start attacking my drones. Is this some sort of new agrro mechanic or what ? And why theres nothing was said in patch notes about this ? Thank you.

Its a "feature".

If this a "feature" why nothing was said about this "feature" in patchnotes ?

Can CCP Habakuk just clarify to us, its a bug or a "feature"?

I am currently testing a fix for the aggression problems with NPCs (and drones) and so far it is promising. I hope we can include it with the next patch (probably tomorrow).

Also happening with the "non-aggressive" Circadian Seeker drones.

CCP Philosophy ==>>

  1. If it works, break it. If it’s broken, leave it and break something else.

  2. Ignore all Forum comments that raise issues and concerns about our "features", and bring said "features" in anyway.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2015-01-14 22:03:23 UTC
I noticed the bug with the rats not aggressing properly yesterday and just decided to go mine instead because I remember one time this happened before and it was a pain.

what I found was happening though is that the rats basically went into a kind of passive mode after the first wave. they would just sit there and would only go after something once they were aggro'd by it. which is why they go after drones. the drones go after the rats and the rats then respond. if you don't send the drones after the rats, the rats don't agro the drones. the work around I found for this at the time was to use a target painter. hitting one of the rats with a target painter would **** them off, then they'd attack me, THEN I'd send my drones in and didn't have any issues. It was a bit of a pain...but it worked.

the last time this happened, it was fixed next day. so hopefully this time around it'll get squared away fairly quickly as well.
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#83 - 2015-01-14 22:31:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Ploing
Singrave wrote:
Did CCP buff the lone Burners tank\damage this patch?

besides that and the drone issue i can not restart my pi cause the window that i really want to do this not shows up.

seems u messed much this time and better spent time in qa than thinkin about new content.

edit. hope we will get no bootgate.ini again.

edit2 clicked the home button to get to the command center before. clickin again brings back the window. but i think this is not intended.
Balder Verdandi
Wormhole Sterilization Crew
#84 - 2015-01-15 00:41:04 UTC
Still having issues with contracts not blinking.

Still having issues with mail not blinking.

At least chat windows blink the way they're supposed to now.

Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#85 - 2015-01-15 03:17:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Murkar Omaristos
Edit: nvm.
Bastard Children of Poinen
#86 - 2015-01-15 05:31:17 UTC
Anyone else seeing 2x fuel consumption in their towers, or just me?
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2015-01-15 08:05:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Sylverbear
Rats dont change target in complexes anymore. Working as intended?
Orez Lohengramm
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2015-01-15 08:56:44 UTC
Malou Hashur wrote:
CCP Habakuk wrote:
Paulo Selegato wrote:
Alice Saraki wrote:
Malou Hashur wrote:

Its a "feature".

If this a "feature" why nothing was said about this "feature" in patchnotes ?

Can CCP Habakuk just clarify to us, its a bug or a "feature"?

I am currently testing a fix for the aggression problems with NPCs (and drones) and so far it is promising. I hope we can include it with the next patch (probably tomorrow).

Also happening with the "non-aggressive" Circadian Seeker drones.

rats not aggressing properly still here
and not only me by at least 4,5 people have these problem
please fix it

i tested with Domi with 3,4 difference site
of coz the other people are not in the same solar system
so i guess i am not alone
Leisure Yi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2015-01-15 09:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Leisure Yi
Orez Lohengramm wrote:

rats not aggressing properly still here
and not only me by at least 4,5 people have these problem
please fix it

i tested with Domi with 3,4 difference site
of coz the other people are not in the same solar system
so i guess i am not alone


Orez Lohengramm +1

I have the same problem.
Rexal Kouvo
Formosa Research Center
#90 - 2015-01-15 09:10:10 UTC
Swiftstrike Incorporated
#91 - 2015-01-15 11:07:23 UTC
Sansha NPCs seem unable to switch targets post-Proteus. They pick 1 target at the start of each new wave and just stick with it.

Casual Incursion runner & Faction Warfare grunt, ex-Wormholer, ex-Nullbear.

Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#92 - 2015-01-15 11:20:09 UTC
Posting to remind you that mousing over chat tabs still stops them from blinking, and that this behavior is something that nobody wanted.
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#93 - 2015-01-15 11:21:21 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:
I am currently testing a fix for the aggression problems with NPCs (and drones) and so far it is promising. I hope we can include it with the next patch (probably tomorrow).

This should be fixed now with today's down-time, and it only needed a server hotfix.

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Malou Hashur
Enterprise Holdings
#94 - 2015-01-15 11:40:42 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:
CCP Habakuk wrote:
I am currently testing a fix for the aggression problems with NPCs (and drones) and so far it is promising. I hope we can include it with the next patch (probably tomorrow).

This should be fixed now with today's down-time, and it only needed a server hotfix.

What about all the other issues in this thread ?

CCP Philosophy ==>>

  1. If it works, break it. If it’s broken, leave it and break something else.

  2. Ignore all Forum comments that raise issues and concerns about our "features", and bring said "features" in anyway.

CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#95 - 2015-01-15 12:06:01 UTC
Malou Hashur wrote:
CCP Habakuk wrote:
CCP Habakuk wrote:
I am currently testing a fix for the aggression problems with NPCs (and drones) and so far it is promising. I hope we can include it with the next patch (probably tomorrow).

This should be fixed now with today's down-time, and it only needed a server hotfix.

What about all the other issues in this thread ?

I am unfortunately not familiar with most of those issues and it really does not help when some players post issues from older releases into a thread for Proteus. This just makes it more difficult to filter out the new issues and this is really not the place to discuss older issues.
Beside this: Please send bug reports for any issues, which are not fixed yet. There are a few minor fixes in the pipeline for the next patch, but I am not aware of any major problems, which are not fixed yet on TQ.

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Gosharn Redrick
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#96 - 2015-01-15 14:04:42 UTC
Confirmed that the carrier drone aggro appears to be fixed, I've just run a few anomalies and they are back to normal.
Lil' Brudder Too
Pistols for Pandas
#97 - 2015-01-15 14:47:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Lil' Brudder Too
CCP Habakuk wrote:
Malou Hashur wrote:

What about all the other issues in this thread ?

I am unfortunately not familiar with most of those issues and it really does not help when some players post issues from older releases into a thread for Proteus. This just makes it more difficult to filter out the new issues and this is really not the place to discuss older issues.
Beside this: Please send bug reports for any issues, which are not fixed yet. There are a few minor fixes in the pipeline for the next patch, but I am not aware of any major problems, which are not fixed yet on TQ.

Wait, so what you are telling us is, that even though all the issues posted in the "issues" thread from the previous release, only 5 weeks ago, that are still current issues, should only be posted in the thread from that release, even though they apparently didn't get enough attention in that thread, and are thusly STILL current issues?

This makes no sense. It has been my general experience that CCP considers something 'fixed' once the player base stops posting that it is broken. Telling us to not post current issues in the CURRENT "issues" thread is the most bassackwards thing i have ever heard. I knew this was going to happen with this new cycle, every new release would be the death of the fixing of issues raised in the previous cycle, because CCP likes to save face. (apparently there are still no official "known issues" for Proteus?)

but I am not aware of any major problems, which are not fixed yet on TQ.

Confessor buttons doesn't ring a bell eh, honestly?

PS: There are still lots issues from, well, *several* previous releases that are not fixed yet. And no, unless you are going to pay me, i will not do your QA's job to point those out (if they were doing their job there would already be a list). Why would i do the QA's job when i'm essentially already paying them to DO THEIR JOB. It sounds rude, yes, but honestly, we are paying you guys to do a job, which it appears some of you are unwilling to do, then expecting us to do said jobs for them...all while we are paying their salaries!
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#98 - 2015-01-15 15:08:03 UTC
Lil' Brudder Too wrote:

Wait, so what you are telling us is, that even though all the issues posted in the "issues" thread from the previous release, only 5 weeks ago, that are still current issues, should only be posted in the thread from that release, even though they apparently didn't get enough attention in that thread, and are thusly STILL current issues?

This makes no sense. It has been my general experience that CCP considers something 'fixed' once the player base stops posting that it is broken. Telling us to not post current issues in the CURRENT "issues" thread is the most bassackwards thing i have ever heard. I knew this was going to happen with this new cycle, every new release would be the death of the fixing of issues raised in the previous cycle, because CCP likes to save face. (apparently there are still no official "known issues" for Proteus?)

but I am not aware of any major problems, which are not fixed yet on TQ.

Confessor buttons doesn't ring a bell eh, honestly?

PS: There are still lots issues from, well, *several* previous releases that are not fixed yet. And no, unless you are going to pay me, i will not do your QA's job to point those out (if they were doing their job there would already be a list).

Posting here about old issues from previous releases is making it more difficult to find the new issues in this thread - and I fully want to concentrate on those directly after a new release.

On the other hand I am totally NOT telling you to shut up about older issues - but it would be great if you could use other means for these reminders, preferably bug reports or the "Issues, Workarounds & Localization" forum. Most of those issues are indeed on our internal lists (and I just bumped the internal defect about the confessor buttons). I recognize that there is currently no good way for sharing those lists and "discussing" old issues and I promise that I will bring this issue up within our QA department (some ideas in this direction were already discussed).

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Mira Stargazer
Epic Warfare
#99 - 2015-01-15 16:03:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Mira Stargazer
I have more often problems with the launcher since this release - no connection, restart launcher. After a few times it connects. Also very sloooow download with the release and the patch. (100Mbps and working just fine, so it shouldn't be the connection)

Is it something with the server load?

EDIT: Also some mysterious logins. I log in through the launcher, and then I suddenly find myself at the classic game login screen (the game itself) and with the messege "socket closed". I can then click "log in" and the game launches normally.

I have feelings, I can smile - and murder while!

Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#100 - 2015-01-15 16:03:50 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:

Posting here about old issues from previous releases is making it more difficult to find the new issues in this thread - and I fully want to concentrate on those directly after a new release.

can you confirm that burnermissions work as intended or also buggy.