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ReflexiveLotteries - EVE Microlotteries

#1 - 2015-01-15 04:44:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Dreae
Johnas Church wrote:
o/ everyone, I am the co-founder and now head of PR with Reflexive Lotteries.

With somewhat of a rocky start and an obvious need and desire to build trust with the EVE community I'm here to clear the air about who we are and what we do.

Myself, and co-founder Dreae have been a part of the EVE universe for several years now. We are players just like everybody else! I saw this thread and fully understand the concerns and questions that might need to be addressed. In terms of the utter lack of information and seeming "Give us your money" mentality in our initial post I fully apologize - when we have put our effort into this undertaking we wanted nothing more than to see it work and to have it take off and become something great. Sadly, in our excitement we failed to appeal to the most important part of this; the community.

So, without further delay:

We are Reflexive Lotteries!
We are an EVE micro-lottery service. ISK is used in exchange for slots in raffles which, in turn, give you a chance to win a shiny new toy - or perhaps just a more full (Or possibly empty, on a bad day) wallet.

How does it work?
It's rather simple, when it boils down to it. The URL follows! (Works in game and out of game!)

Reflexive Lotteries

1. Register - Securely! This is done through EVE's login - your account details are completely safe!
2. You are given 5 million ISK credit to start with
3. You may purchase slots in raffles by 'Twitching' on the slot of your choice, the price is listed below the item preview
4. The winner of a raffle is automatically chosen completely at random as soon as the last slot is taken.
5. If you win an item, you may either redeem it into ISK which is credited to your account -or- have the item fufilled to you in any major trade hub (Jita, Rens, Amarr, Dodixie) It will be contracted to you or if ISK sent to your character.
6. If you need more ISK, you may send the desired amount to ReflexiveLotteries in-game, it might take a couple of minutes for the API to catch up
7. Keep playing!

It's that simple, though - do keep in mind that all fufillments (ISK or otherwise) are handled manually. We will do our best to keep them as instant as possible but please bare with us as we do not have a large staff currently - nor do we intend to give just anybody access to the ISK you trust us with. It's as simple as that.

So that just about covers the basics, so let me cover some more specific points, Q&A time

"This looks an awful lot like Somer.Blink"
It IS an awful lot like Somer.Blink! That was a part of our focus when creating Reflexive. We want to fill that void that Blink left for many of us who enjoyed playing the odds during those times with nothing else to do. An important part about Blink was it's simplicity and user friendliness. This was exactly our intention.

"How can I trust you with my ISK?"
In a nutshell? If you really don't want to, you can't. But, we hope that the fact that we have put a good amount of effort and time into this, and are also EVE veterans and active players ourselves would speak for itself. We wouldn't be sitting here posting on our main characters and potentially racking up bounties if we intended to rip anybody off.

"If I win, how long until I get my items or ISK?
This is a tough one, as we do handle all of these manually - sometimes it will be nearly instant, others it might take an hour or two. The most I can guarantee is that it will take no more than 24 hours to receive your winnings. There are only a handful of us currently and it will likely be staying that way for some time as I mentioned earlier.

"It's rigged!"
No, it's really not. The winning ticket is selected automatically without any intervention or preference. If there happens to be any sort of pattern, I promise you it's coincidence and sheer luck. And, as has been said with Blink on the topic of 'fake characters' buying slots in raffles: Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!

Anyway, I hope that clears the air a little about us! Oh! And you can talk to either of us in the in-game channel ReflexiveLotteries.
Happy playing!
#2 - 2015-01-15 04:44:37 UTC
Keep it clean.
Julius Rigel
#3 - 2015-01-15 05:20:11 UTC
Dreae wrote:
I mean, how hard could it be?
Well, for one, that link looks really shady. No offense.

I mean, if you are trying to run a lottery properly, it's very hard, as in hard work. SOMER didn't become popular overnight. He spent a decade building up trust.

And that's what you're going to need if you plan on taking someone's money in exchange for nothing but a promise of a payout. Hard work. So much hard work that it's clear for everyone to see that stealing the money they give you would not be worth the time you spent earning it.
#4 - 2015-01-15 05:27:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Dreae
Julius Rigel wrote:

Well, for one, that link looks really shady. No offense.

I mean, if you are trying to run a lottery properly, it's very hard, as in hard work. SOMER didn't become popular overnight. He spent a decade building up trust.

And that's what you're going to need if you plan on taking someone's money in exchange for nothing but a promise of a payout. Hard work. So much hard work that it's clear for everyone to see that stealing the money they give you would not be worth the time you spent earning it.

Well then I guess we'll have to build up trust.

I know there's not much I can say that will convince you otherwise, as saying 'Trust me' typically isn't very reassuring, but I would already say it wouldn't be worth my while given the amount of effort I put in to programming the service.

Check it out anyway, you get free credit for signing up, so you're not at risk to just give it gander.

Oh, and the quip about 'how hard could it be' was a reference to Top Gear Cool
Julius Rigel
#5 - 2015-01-15 06:04:30 UTC
Dreae wrote:
I would already say it wouldn't be worth my while given the amount of effort I put in to programming the service.
I believe you, but there's no way to prove that. Only by putting your sweat and tears into the community will this become proven with time.

Dreae wrote:
Check it out anyway, you get free credit for signing up, so you're not at risk to just give it gander.
Again, no offense, but I think I'll refrain from giving your software access to any of my information for the time being. But good luck on your project. Don't give up!
#6 - 2015-01-15 06:16:33 UTC
Julius Rigel wrote:

Again, no offense, but I think I'll refrain from giving your software access to any of my information for the time being.

That is of course your prerogative, but to clarify to register you need only authorize the application through the EVE Single Sign-On server, which only provides character name and character ID, you do not need to use the in-game browser.
chis Panala
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2015-01-15 08:09:24 UTC
Because I miss blink so much I'll do it hopefully your legit and if not such is the risk of gambling
#8 - 2015-01-15 16:12:47 UTC
chis Panala wrote:
Because I miss blink so much I'll do it

That's what it's here for Blink
Johnas Church
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-01-15 23:54:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnas Church
o/ everyone, I am the co-founder and now head of PR with Reflexive Lotteries.

With somewhat of a rocky start and an obvious need and desire to build trust with the EVE community I'm here to clear the air about who we are and what we do.

Myself, and co-founder Dreae have been a part of the EVE universe for several years now. We are players just like everybody else! I saw this thread and fully understand the concerns and questions that might need to be addressed. In terms of the utter lack of information and seeming "Give us your money" mentality in our initial post I fully apologize - when we have put our effort into this undertaking we wanted nothing more than to see it work and to have it take off and become something great. Sadly, in our excitement we failed to appeal to the most important part of this; the community.

So, without further delay:

We are Reflexive Lotteries!
We are an EVE micro-lottery service. ISK is used in exchange for slots in raffles which, in turn, give you a chance to win a shiny new toy - or perhaps just a more full (Or possibly empty, on a bad day) wallet.

How does it work?
It's rather simple, when it boils down to it. The URL follows! (Works in game and out of game!)

Reflexive Lotteries

1. Register - Securely! This is done through EVE's login - your account details are completely safe!
2. You are given 5 million ISK credit to start with
3. You may purchase slots in raffles by 'Twitching' on the slot of your choice, the price is listed below the item preview
4. The winner of a raffle is automatically chosen completely at random as soon as the last slot is taken.
5. If you win an item, you may either redeem it into ISK which is credited to your account -or- have the item fufilled to you in any major trade hub (Jita, Rens, Amarr, Dodixie) It will be contracted to you or if ISK sent to your character.
6. If you need more ISK, you may send the desired amount to ReflexiveLotteries in-game, it might take a couple of minutes for the API to catch up
7. Keep playing!

It's that simple, though - do keep in mind that all fufillments (ISK or otherwise) are handled manually. We will do our best to keep them as instant as possible but please bare with us as we do not have a large staff currently - nor do we intend to give just anybody access to the ISK you trust us with. It's as simple as that.

So that just about covers the basics, so let me cover some more specific points, Q&A time

"This looks an awful lot like Somer.Blink"
It IS an awful lot like Somer.Blink! That was a part of our focus when creating Reflexive. We want to fill that void that Blink left for many of us who enjoyed playing the odds during those times with nothing else to do. An important part about Blink was it's simplicity and user friendliness. This was exactly our intention.

"How can I trust you with my ISK?"
In a nutshell? If you really don't want to, you can't. But, we hope that the fact that we have put a good amount of effort and time into this, and are also EVE veterans and active players ourselves would speak for itself. We wouldn't be sitting here posting on our main characters and potentially racking up bounties if we intended to rip anybody off.

"If I win, how long until I get my items or ISK?
This is a tough one, as we do handle all of these manually - sometimes it will be nearly instant, others it might take an hour or two. The most I can guarantee is that it will take no more than 24 hours to receive your winnings. There are only a handful of us currently and it will likely be staying that way for some time as I mentioned earlier.

"It's rigged!"
No, it's really not. The winning ticket is selected automatically without any intervention or preference. If there happens to be any sort of pattern, I promise you it's coincidence and sheer luck. And, as has been said with Blink on the topic of 'fake characters' buying slots in raffles: Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!

Anyway, I hope that clears the air a little about us! Oh! And you can talk to either of us in the in-game channel ReflexiveLotteries.
Happy playing!
#10 - 2015-01-15 23:56:38 UTC
I've been told I make a bad impression
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-01-16 14:30:21 UTC
I like it.

Can I be an employee.