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Nestor need some love.

First post
Ichtys kuromitsu
Fit me I'm famous
#1 - 2015-01-14 17:48:31 UTC
Well i like the hull ship, but the price (too high) and the hull bonus is bit useless .

(lazer/explo/ RR capacitor)

Have you planned some change ?

And you Eve community what do you think ?

Ty in advance and fly safe !
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#2 - 2015-01-14 17:49:46 UTC
You are not alone.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#3 - 2015-01-14 17:54:06 UTC
It has its purpose but its purpose in kinda "meh" ... so the ship is kinda "meh".

That's why it's expensive. If it was as useful as Machariel, it would be farmed as much as Machariel and would be cheaper. Currently barely anyone is bothering to cash it in the LP store because the market is small (and there are better ways to cash in SoE LP).
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2015-01-14 18:47:01 UTC
Ichtys kuromitsu wrote:

And you Eve community what do you think ?

I think you missed F&I by a bit.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2015-01-14 18:50:14 UTC
CCP. Your forum is broken. I click links in GD and end up in obvious F&I threads.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-01-14 19:04:35 UTC
Ichtys kuromitsu wrote:
Well i like the hull ship, but the price (too high) and the hull bonus is bit useless .

(lazer/explo/ RR capacitor)

Have you planned some change ?

And you Eve community what do you think ?

Ty in advance and fly safe !

You could always farm the BPC.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#7 - 2015-01-14 19:04:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It has its purpose but its purpose in kinda "meh" ... so the ship is kinda "meh".

That's why it's expensive. If it was as useful as Machariel, it would be farmed as much as Machariel and would be cheaper. Currently barely anyone is bothering to cash it in the LP store because the market is small (and there are better ways to cash in SoE LP).

The common opinion I am seeing is that the Astero is the best LP investment for return on investment. An afternoon of SoE lvl 4 missions can get enough LP for one, they seem to hover in price between 70-80 million ISK, and are common enough not to be "oooh look an Astero! Our killboards need the stats! BATPHONE!!!!!" so when you explore in them you don't have every passer-by on the way to something else decide to stop just to scan down the system and whack you.

Lots of Asteros get popped too, so demand is high.

Stratios - quarter million ISK at least and it's a gank magnet but quite capable I see less of them though. Practically a "pocket carrier" too.

(I have built 2 of them and ended up selling them instead of using them because I'd rather have the ISK than someone else have the green on their killboard - do I win at PVP?)

Nestor.... WTF?

There is a long thread somewhere on the Nestor and it's a hard sell. Super expensive. Huge gank magnet for that but lacking the DPS and tanking capability of something that so many would want to pop. Try one in a large fleet and I don't think the FC even has to broadcast it. Is it an exploration ship? Yes. Is it a "logistics battleship"? Yes.
But in order not to compete with logistics ships, it's not the best logistics ship for the money. Might as well save ISK and use a logi.
As for exploration, the Stratios has the DPS and low mass for all of the exploration content (of which most can still be handled with an Astero depending on pilot skills) so it's not even the best exploration ship. Worse: it cannot cloak and an exploration ship that cannot cloak is a target. An exploration ship that costs as much as a Nestor costs is a big fat target.

Players have been begging for some other special capability to justify the cost. Being immune to D-Scan would have been PERFECT for the Nestor since it can't cloak, but that's going to recons. Being interdiction immune would have been perfect for the Nestor but that went to inties.

Thus the capabilities of the Nestor that has no mastery in a specific field fail to justify the cost. It's a ship without a home. Some groups manage to use them in small fleets though, and reports of their capabilities have been good, but not enough players are experimenting with them.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#8 - 2015-01-14 19:07:10 UTC
Thread has been moved to Features & Ideas Discussion.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Cynosural Samurai
#9 - 2015-01-14 19:26:15 UTC
I dunno i and 2 buddies 3 v servered the entirty of singularity in nestors and we lasted a good 15 minutes until the 15 blapdreads showed up...
Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2015-01-14 21:01:46 UTC
Nestor is a broken ship. It always has been... I don't see how CCP could ever fix it.
Godfrey Silvarna
Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#11 - 2015-01-14 21:18:37 UTC
Nestor is an excellent Logistics boat for Wormhole PvP fleets. For this role nothing needs to change.

Couldn't care less if no one can use it for missioning. Not all battleships need to be made for highsec.
Mario Putzo
#12 - 2015-01-14 21:30:51 UTC
Meh if it was repurposed as a Black Ops logistic ship. I would probably think its price worth the value. As it stands there is literally nothing the Nestor offers that makes its value remotely reasonable.
John Wolfsson
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2015-01-14 22:04:48 UTC  |  Edited by: John Wolfsson
nestor is one of the most useful and powerful ship currently in game ... , omg think essentialy it is a flying heavy tanked mobile depot .... , you can refit your carrier or dread or whatever in vicinity of nestor ... if you dont see usefullness in this come into wh space :) , you will learn quickly why is nestor important
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#14 - 2015-01-14 22:09:30 UTC
Godfrey Silvarna wrote:
Nestor is an excellent Logistics boat for Wormhole PvP fleets. For this role nothing needs to change.

Couldn't care less if no one can use it for missioning. Not all battleships need to be made for highsec.

The price makes it a ship for highsec. Just sayin' Cool

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2015-01-14 22:10:03 UTC
Another topic from 0.0 player who thinks everything has to be about him and every ship has to be for him? get over fact not everythign is for you ... just as capitals cant be used in highsec and blackops arep retty much useless in WH space ...
Just please dont touch nestor ... go cry about barghest or about ishtars ... thats what are you good at ...
ashley Eoner
#16 - 2015-01-14 22:11:20 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Ichtys kuromitsu wrote:
Well i like the hull ship, but the price (too high) and the hull bonus is bit useless .

(lazer/explo/ RR capacitor)

Have you planned some change ?

And you Eve community what do you think ?

Ty in advance and fly safe !

I use the nestor on a near daily basis. Nothing in highsec can come close to the repping power while having such a beast of a tank and the capability to utilize such a wide variety of drones in the field. Then there's the ability to use it as a mobile depot for refitting on the fly.

I own and operate multiple nestors :P

I've even used a nestor in a HQ shield fleet. 1207 DPS out to 50 KM while sporting better resists/ehp then the other DPS. Since it's laser/drone based I can even run it as a dps/sniper hybrid. Hella handy for filling roles as the fleet moves on.

It's also incredibly handy in WHs as mentioned earlier..

This thread seems to be one of those "I don't have a use for the ship so clearly it's broken" threads....

Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Godfrey Silvarna wrote:
Nestor is an excellent Logistics boat for Wormhole PvP fleets. For this role nothing needs to change.

Couldn't care less if no one can use it for missioning. Not all battleships need to be made for highsec.

The price makes it a ship for highsec. Just sayin' Cool

Since when has price mattered? Price doesn't stop the other +1b battleship hulls from being used or capital ships from being used...
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-01-14 22:34:19 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Godfrey Silvarna wrote:
Nestor is an excellent Logistics boat for Wormhole PvP fleets. For this role nothing needs to change.

Couldn't care less if no one can use it for missioning. Not all battleships need to be made for highsec.

The price makes it a ship for highsec. Just sayin' Cool

you have never seen wormhole fleet, did you?
Lugh Crow-Slave
#18 - 2015-01-14 22:34:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
the nestor currently fills a niche after the smb only problem is the price but thats our fault
ashley Eoner
#19 - 2015-01-14 22:40:32 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Zmikund wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Godfrey Silvarna wrote:
Nestor is an excellent Logistics boat for Wormhole PvP fleets. For this role nothing needs to change.

Couldn't care less if no one can use it for missioning. Not all battleships need to be made for highsec.

The price makes it a ship for highsec. Just sayin' Cool

you have never seen wormhole fleet, did you?

His post on the nestor clearly shows that he has had limited experiences in Eve....
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#20 - 2015-01-14 22:46:52 UTC
i actually think the 50% rep bonus they sneaked in is a little OP really.. but at over 1.1bil for the hull its something to justify it i guess.

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

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