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I want ISK Titan Smash! 3rd January 2015 - TIME CHANGED TO 7PM!!!

First post First post
Corbin DalIas
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#161 - 2015-01-10 01:35:55 UTC
Protovarious wrote:
English is your second language I take it. That's fine, this is an international game. So let me break it down for you:




UNBIASED anything I publish - be it blogs or podcasts. Ask anyone. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit ya where my boot kicked ya.

You're being awfully apologetic for IWantISK. It's amusing. Believe me, IWantISK has already lost accounts from this and when I'm done, they'll lose A LOT more.

By the way, has anyone taken a look at those community-friendly people over at ? Those guys know customer service.

EVE-BET.COM - The OFFICIAL headlining sponsor of #Eve_nt!

(Get used to this folks, I'll be plugging them for awhile)

not unbiased.
I take it thinking is not your first language.
The Neocom Network
#162 - 2015-01-10 01:43:39 UTC
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
English is your second language I take it. That's fine, this is an international game. So let me break it down for you:




UNBIASED anything I publish - be it blogs or podcasts. Ask anyone. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit ya where my boot kicked ya.

You're being awfully apologetic for IWantISK. It's amusing. Believe me, IWantISK has already lost accounts from this and when I'm done, they'll lose A LOT more.

By the way, has anyone taken a look at those community-friendly people over at ? Those guys know customer service.

EVE-BET.COM - The OFFICIAL headlining sponsor of #Eve_nt!

(Get used to this folks, I'll be plugging them for awhile)

not unbiased.
I take it thinking is not your first language.

Will someone please translate what "not unbiased" means.

Not unbiased means I am biased.

You've proven your incompetence.

You're arguing with yourself, dude. Just stop. You're giving your website a worse name than it already has.

Co-host of The Neocom Podcast -

Eve Community Blogger - The Eve Editorial -

Twitter: @Proto_Eve

Lenny Kravitz2
Brave Operations - Lollipop Division
#163 - 2015-01-10 01:48:30 UTC
Protovarious wrote:
If you did not listen to both interviews on GRN Eve Radio then please do so before inserting your foot deeper into your mouth.

Fact - The defense fleet (regardless of whether it was organized or not) held the field. Everyone was invited back to get in on kill because the titan HAD to die. It was by happenstance that someone on the defense fleet got the final blow.

Fact - It was conceded by IWantISK that Nashh NEVER intended to give the 20 bil to the final blow since it happened to come from someone in the defense fleet. So for those crying about it, shut up.

Fact - It was further conceded by IWantISK that Nashh offered up the 20 bil to the top damage dealer instead. Nashh NEVER indicated that the ISK was awarded to the defense fleet member. The notion that it was IWantISK's idea to change the awarded party indicates you did not listen to the interview on the BC Show.

Fact - Bobmon ran with the half-baked story because he was in comms when Nashh was ambushed by seven members of IWantISK's staff / board. Despite the fact that there were NO accusations made of purposeful misconduct at the time, Bobmon took his tabloid title for the article to drive traffic to his site.

Fact - By IWantISK's own admission, they concluded that Nashh did not intend to corrupt the event. The reason they pulled sonsorship of #Eve_nt was because Nashh refused to bend over and apologize for the killing blow fiasco despite putting on a successful event otherwise.

You can disagree with how the remaining ISK was given to Chribba if you want to, but the fact remains that if I would have been treated the way Nashh (A WELL KNOWN AND TRUSTED CONTENT CREATOR TO THIS GAME) was treated by some elitist jerk sitting on a pile of space pixel money, Id've taken that 100bil ISK and converted it to PLEX in the cargo hold of the nearest Atron in Jita and let the chips fall where they may. Nobody deserves that kind of disrespect and you who are swallowing EN24's drivel are complete gullible tools. If you believe IWantISK are the victims here, then you clearly are what's wrong with this community.

There has not been ONE person that was directly involved with the organizing of the event, it's sponsor, nor Bobmon himself (who still has not printed a retraction of the title of the related article) that there was ANY intentional effort to undermine this event.

Now instead of trying to drive a content creator out of the game (because it's easier to **** on somebody rather than create the content for yourselves) how about you actually stop shitposting about it like it was YOUR isk. It wasn't. The top damage dealer got the ISK and this was acceptable to all parties (Including the defense fleet). Nashh offered up 20 bil of his OWN ISK in order to appease the situation.

Further attempts at trying to scandalize this event and drop a drama cyno because you want to rage about something only shows that you either DON'T have all the information or are choosing not to listen to facts. The event is done. Now go find something else important to rage about.

First I don't believe IWantISK were the victims....nor anyone for that matter. I think that IWantISK was upset because the players were not the ones that really took down the titan.

Also, the defense fleet was a great idea and that wasn't the problem. The problem (from what I have heard) was that the defense fleet held the field after 7-8 hours of people trying to kill the titan. After like hour 4 or 5, they should have stopped shooting people and said that if people could break the tank, they can kill the titan.

And my last tidbit is, if you are a 'trusted' content generator, then you don't keep ISK if someone drops your sponsorship because they didn't like how you performed. Good practice is to return it and learn from whatever mistakes were made and work to do a better job next time. Giving that ISK to a competitor, who will use it to promote their own advertisement events is even more of a problem and further takes away from the 'trusted' content generator bit.

More communication should have happened, Nashh should have had his fleet back off a bit after a good fight, and he should not have given ISK that wasn't his to a competitor of the peeps that sponsored him.

my 2 cents
Dark Flare
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#164 - 2015-01-10 01:56:25 UTC
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
English is your second language I take it. That's fine, this is an international game. So let me break it down for you:




UNBIASED anything I publish - be it blogs or podcasts. Ask anyone. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit ya where my boot kicked ya.

You're being awfully apologetic for IWantISK. It's amusing. Believe me, IWantISK has already lost accounts from this and when I'm done, they'll lose A LOT more.

By the way, has anyone taken a look at those community-friendly people over at ? Those guys know customer service.

EVE-BET.COM - The OFFICIAL headlining sponsor of #Eve_nt!

(Get used to this folks, I'll be plugging them for awhile)

not unbiased.
I take it thinking is not your first language.


Kings of Lowsec

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#165 - 2015-01-10 01:57:05 UTC
What Lenny Kravtiz2 said is exactly why I got involved with this topic. I also don't really give a **** about how the event was handled, as both sides made mistakes. However, Nash, being a trusted (lol?) host for EVE means he does NOT get to make stupid, butthurt judgement calls like giving away sponsored ISK just because he was pissed off and didn't want to return it to the sponsor.

We get it. Nash was upset and felt cornered. But that doesn't change a damn thing. The ties were severed, the event was over, the drama would have died down -- then Nash blew the top off the entire thing by not returning the ISK he was given IN EXCESS OF THE TITAN'S COST back to the sponsor.

Nash screwed up, big time. I will make it my mission in this game to let everyone know about his theft unless he returns the ISK.
Dark Flare
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#166 - 2015-01-10 01:57:46 UTC
Lenny Kravitz2 wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
If you did not listen to both interviews on GRN Eve Radio then please do so before inserting your foot deeper into your mouth.

Fact - The defense fleet (regardless of whether it was organized or not) held the field. Everyone was invited back to get in on kill because the titan HAD to die. It was by happenstance that someone on the defense fleet got the final blow.

Fact - It was conceded by IWantISK that Nashh NEVER intended to give the 20 bil to the final blow since it happened to come from someone in the defense fleet. So for those crying about it, shut up.

Fact - It was further conceded by IWantISK that Nashh offered up the 20 bil to the top damage dealer instead. Nashh NEVER indicated that the ISK was awarded to the defense fleet member. The notion that it was IWantISK's idea to change the awarded party indicates you did not listen to the interview on the BC Show.

Fact - Bobmon ran with the half-baked story because he was in comms when Nashh was ambushed by seven members of IWantISK's staff / board. Despite the fact that there were NO accusations made of purposeful misconduct at the time, Bobmon took his tabloid title for the article to drive traffic to his site.

Fact - By IWantISK's own admission, they concluded that Nashh did not intend to corrupt the event. The reason they pulled sonsorship of #Eve_nt was because Nashh refused to bend over and apologize for the killing blow fiasco despite putting on a successful event otherwise.

You can disagree with how the remaining ISK was given to Chribba if you want to, but the fact remains that if I would have been treated the way Nashh (A WELL KNOWN AND TRUSTED CONTENT CREATOR TO THIS GAME) was treated by some elitist jerk sitting on a pile of space pixel money, Id've taken that 100bil ISK and converted it to PLEX in the cargo hold of the nearest Atron in Jita and let the chips fall where they may. Nobody deserves that kind of disrespect and you who are swallowing EN24's drivel are complete gullible tools. If you believe IWantISK are the victims here, then you clearly are what's wrong with this community.

There has not been ONE person that was directly involved with the organizing of the event, it's sponsor, nor Bobmon himself (who still has not printed a retraction of the title of the related article) that there was ANY intentional effort to undermine this event.

Now instead of trying to drive a content creator out of the game (because it's easier to **** on somebody rather than create the content for yourselves) how about you actually stop shitposting about it like it was YOUR isk. It wasn't. The top damage dealer got the ISK and this was acceptable to all parties (Including the defense fleet). Nashh offered up 20 bil of his OWN ISK in order to appease the situation.

Further attempts at trying to scandalize this event and drop a drama cyno because you want to rage about something only shows that you either DON'T have all the information or are choosing not to listen to facts. The event is done. Now go find something else important to rage about.

First I don't believe IWantISK were the victims....nor anyone for that matter. I think that IWantISK was upset because the players were not the ones that really took down the titan.

Also, the defense fleet was a great idea and that wasn't the problem. The problem (from what I have heard) was that the defense fleet held the field after 7-8 hours of people trying to kill the titan. After like hour 4 or 5, they should have stopped shooting people and said that if people could break the tank, they can kill the titan.

And my last tidbit is, if you are a 'trusted' content generator, then you don't keep ISK if someone drops your sponsorship because they didn't like how you performed. Good practice is to return it and learn from whatever mistakes were made and work to do a better job next time. Giving that ISK to a competitor, who will use it to promote their own advertisement events is even more of a problem and further takes away from the 'trusted' content generator bit.

More communication should have happened, Nashh should have had his fleet back off a bit after a good fight, and he should not have given ISK that wasn't his to a competitor of the peeps that sponsored him.

my 2 cents

Er, the fight DID only last 4hours. Where you pulled 8 hours from I have NFI.

Kings of Lowsec

The Neocom Network
#167 - 2015-01-10 02:30:06 UTC
AMGSiR wrote:
What Lenny Kravtiz2 said is exactly why I got involved with this topic. I also don't really give a **** about how the event was handled, as both sides made mistakes. However, Nash, being a trusted (lol?) host for EVE means he does NOT get to make stupid, butthurt judgement calls like giving away sponsored ISK just because he was pissed off and didn't want to return it to the sponsor.

We get it. Nash was upset and felt cornered. But that doesn't change a damn thing. The ties were severed, the event was over, the drama would have died down -- then Nash blew the top off the entire thing by not returning the ISK he was given IN EXCESS OF THE TITAN'S COST back to the sponsor.

Nash screwed up, big time. I will make it my mission in this game to let everyone know about his theft unless he returns the ISK.

If by "butthurt" judgement calls you mean making a decision based on being harassed on comms, besmirched on EN24, and subsequently harassed via text to give money back that he had no written or verbal agreement to do so, then you put a price tag on your pride and decide how much it's worth.

Personally, I admire that the money went to Chribba instead of my alternative. IWantISK just learned a 100bil ISK lesson. Again, agree with it or not, that judgement wasn't ours to make. It became personal so as a result, a decision was made that both satisfied Nashh's need to wash his hands of it, and still put the ISK to good use without having to claim anything to IWantISK.

Show me an agreement that was made and I'll support your opinion about returning the ISK. Until then, it wasn't theft.

Co-host of The Neocom Podcast -

Eve Community Blogger - The Eve Editorial -

Twitter: @Proto_Eve

Corbin DalIas
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#168 - 2015-01-10 02:58:26 UTC
Protovarious wrote:
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
English is your second language I take it. That's fine, this is an international game. So let me break it down for you:




UNBIASED anything I publish - be it blogs or podcasts. Ask anyone. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit ya where my boot kicked ya.

You're being awfully apologetic for IWantISK. It's amusing. Believe me, IWantISK has already lost accounts from this and when I'm done, they'll lose A LOT more.

By the way, has anyone taken a look at those community-friendly people over at ? Those guys know customer service.

EVE-BET.COM - The OFFICIAL headlining sponsor of #Eve_nt!

(Get used to this folks, I'll be plugging them for awhile)

not unbiased.
I take it thinking is not your first language.

Will someone please translate what "not unbiased" means.

Not unbiased means I am biased.

You've proven your incompetence.

You're arguing with yourself, dude. Just stop. You're giving your website a worse name than it already has.

So you're biased.
Learn to be unbiased before posting information.
Dark Flare
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#169 - 2015-01-10 03:11:39 UTC
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
English is your second language I take it. That's fine, this is an international game. So let me break it down for you:




UNBIASED anything I publish - be it blogs or podcasts. Ask anyone. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit ya where my boot kicked ya.

You're being awfully apologetic for IWantISK. It's amusing. Believe me, IWantISK has already lost accounts from this and when I'm done, they'll lose A LOT more.

By the way, has anyone taken a look at those community-friendly people over at ? Those guys know customer service.

EVE-BET.COM - The OFFICIAL headlining sponsor of #Eve_nt!

(Get used to this folks, I'll be plugging them for awhile)

not unbiased.
I take it thinking is not your first language.

Will someone please translate what "not unbiased" means.

Not unbiased means I am biased.

You've proven your incompetence.

You're arguing with yourself, dude. Just stop. You're giving your website a worse name than it already has.

So you're biased.
Learn to be unbiased before posting information.

If you followed that rule you wouldn't have any posts in this thread.

Kings of Lowsec

The Neocom Network
#170 - 2015-01-10 03:14:49 UTC
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
English is your second language I take it. That's fine, this is an international game. So let me break it down for you:




UNBIASED anything I publish - be it blogs or podcasts. Ask anyone. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit ya where my boot kicked ya.

You're being awfully apologetic for IWantISK. It's amusing. Believe me, IWantISK has already lost accounts from this and when I'm done, they'll lose A LOT more.

By the way, has anyone taken a look at those community-friendly people over at ? Those guys know customer service.

EVE-BET.COM - The OFFICIAL headlining sponsor of #Eve_nt!

(Get used to this folks, I'll be plugging them for awhile)

not unbiased.
I take it thinking is not your first language.

Will someone please translate what "not unbiased" means.

Not unbiased means I am biased.

You've proven your incompetence.

You're arguing with yourself, dude. Just stop. You're giving your website a worse name than it already has.

So you're biased.
Learn to be unbiased before posting information.

I don't have to be unbiased you half-witted, tryhard shitstain. I run an opinion site. I respect Nashh Kadavr. I know the facts based on the swill you put out there. Don't presume to tell me how to present facts, Eep. You don't have to be unbiased to present facts when they're confirmed by all involved.

You never denied any of it. Just your tryhard argument of how "Trust" somehow equates to taking a s**t on the community and one of it's organizers. So come off the alt and defend your ego if it means that much to you. Facts are, you've lost the community's support on your "hollier than thou" crusade and will continue to receive backlash long after Eve Nottingham is done.

Oh, and has anyone taken a look at ? Great people over there!

Co-host of The Neocom Podcast -

Eve Community Blogger - The Eve Editorial -

Twitter: @Proto_Eve

Corbin DalIas
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#171 - 2015-01-10 19:16:56 UTC
Protovarious wrote:
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
Corbin DalIas wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
English is your second language I take it. That's fine, this is an international game. So let me break it down for you:




UNBIASED anything I publish - be it blogs or podcasts. Ask anyone. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit ya where my boot kicked ya.

You're being awfully apologetic for IWantISK. It's amusing. Believe me, IWantISK has already lost accounts from this and when I'm done, they'll lose A LOT more.

By the way, has anyone taken a look at those community-friendly people over at ? Those guys know customer service.

EVE-BET.COM - The OFFICIAL headlining sponsor of #Eve_nt!

(Get used to this folks, I'll be plugging them for awhile)

not unbiased.
I take it thinking is not your first language.

Will someone please translate what "not unbiased" means.

Not unbiased means I am biased.

You've proven your incompetence.

You're arguing with yourself, dude. Just stop. You're giving your website a worse name than it already has.

So you're biased.
Learn to be unbiased before posting information.

I don't have to be unbiased you half-witted, tryhard shitstain. I run an opinion site. I respect Nashh Kadavr. I know the facts based on the swill you put out there. Don't presume to tell me how to present facts, Eep. You don't have to be unbiased to present facts when they're confirmed by all involved.

You never denied any of it. Just your tryhard argument of how "Trust" somehow equates to taking a s**t on the community and one of it's organizers. So come off the alt and defend your ego if it means that much to you. Facts are, you've lost the community's support on your "hollier than thou" crusade and will continue to receive backlash long after Eve Nottingham is done.

Oh, and has anyone taken a look at ? Great people over there!

You're slow my friend. From the beginning I said you were being biased. Regardless of what your profession (of being unjustly biased) is, I was right to guess you were biased.

Just because you run an opinion-based site doesn't mean you're supposed to be biased.

Figure out the definition of biased first.:: unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.

You're so unfair that I am glad your tabloids admit it.
Heebe Sklor
#172 - 2015-01-10 19:35:12 UTC
Corbin DalIas wrote:
You're slow my friend. From the beginning I said you were being biased. Regardless of what your profession (of being unjustly biased) is, I was right to guess you were biased..

How stupid are you? He SAID he was biased from the beginning and yet you keep going on about it like you just discovered the Holy Grail. Are you still in kindergarten and waiting to receive your gold sticker?
Lenny Kravitz2
Brave Operations - Lollipop Division
#173 - 2015-01-10 19:49:00 UTC
Protovarious wrote:
AMGSiR wrote:
What Lenny Kravtiz2 said is exactly why I got involved with this topic. I also don't really give a **** about how the event was handled, as both sides made mistakes. However, Nash, being a trusted (lol?) host for EVE means he does NOT get to make stupid, butthurt judgement calls like giving away sponsored ISK just because he was pissed off and didn't want to return it to the sponsor.

We get it. Nash was upset and felt cornered. But that doesn't change a damn thing. The ties were severed, the event was over, the drama would have died down -- then Nash blew the top off the entire thing by not returning the ISK he was given IN EXCESS OF THE TITAN'S COST back to the sponsor.

Nash screwed up, big time. I will make it my mission in this game to let everyone know about his theft unless he returns the ISK.

If by "butthurt" judgement calls you mean making a decision based on being harassed on comms, besmirched on EN24, and subsequently harassed via text to give money back that he had no written or verbal agreement to do so, then you put a price tag on your pride and decide how much it's worth.

Personally, I admire that the money went to Chribba instead of my alternative. IWantISK just learned a 100bil ISK lesson. Again, agree with it or not, that judgement wasn't ours to make. It became personal so as a result, a decision was made that both satisfied Nashh's need to wash his hands of it, and still put the ISK to good use without having to claim anything to IWantISK.

Show me an agreement that was made and I'll support your opinion about returning the ISK. Until then, it wasn't theft.

From everything that I had read, EN24 ran with the news before the coms bit was even done. So we can safely assume that I Want Isk had nothing to do with the article.

Also, your comment about you admire that the money went to Chribba completely throws off your whole Nashh is a trusted content event coordinator. Essentially everyone else that isn't bro's with Nashh won't trust him with their isk becuase if he doesn't do the job they thought he would and they get upset with it, he will keep their isk or give it to their competitor.

There is no 100 billion isk lesson to be learned here. This wasn't a situation where a no named person told I Want Isk to trust them to put on an event and then they took off with the Isk. This was a known and 'trusted' individual who was provided fundings to hold an event, the sponsor didn't like how things turned out and after talking about it decided to pull the sponsorship and give the players that participated the rest of the Isk.

Nashh could have washed his hands and boosted his PR by just giving the Isk back so that the players that participated could get more Isk. Also, if he had kept a cool head about it, he could have saved the sponsorship or at least regained it at a later date. Instead he gave it to a competitor....which in his line of work is probably the dumbest thing he could do.

Mistakes happen and I am sure that both sides screwed up. Add to this getting blown out of proportion and egos being bruised, you have a fail cascade. The sponsor is the client, Nashh's job was to make the client happy. If the client didn't like his work, all he had to do was accept that and see what he could do to fix it.

I Want Isk probably overreacted to the situation. From what I had heard, people had a blast... so we know the event wasnt all that messed up. I just think that I Want Isk wanted to make sure that the participants of the event (not the host or those that were helping him), gained as much as they could (both fun and Isk).

If you consider that point of view, you can see how this situation got messed up far more then it should when Nashh refused to give the rest of the Isk back.

Bottom line: That isk was meant for the I Want Isk event and those that participated NOT Chribba or his events. Nashh can no longer be considered trusted now and there is no sense in defending him.
Dark Flare
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#174 - 2015-01-11 03:47:42 UTC
Lenny Kravitz2 wrote:
Protovarious wrote:
AMGSiR wrote:
What Lenny Kravtiz2 said is exactly why I got involved with this topic. I also don't really give a **** about how the event was handled, as both sides made mistakes. However, Nash, being a trusted (lol?) host for EVE means he does NOT get to make stupid, butthurt judgement calls like giving away sponsored ISK just because he was pissed off and didn't want to return it to the sponsor.

We get it. Nash was upset and felt cornered. But that doesn't change a damn thing. The ties were severed, the event was over, the drama would have died down -- then Nash blew the top off the entire thing by not returning the ISK he was given IN EXCESS OF THE TITAN'S COST back to the sponsor.

Nash screwed up, big time. I will make it my mission in this game to let everyone know about his theft unless he returns the ISK.

If by "butthurt" judgement calls you mean making a decision based on being harassed on comms, besmirched on EN24, and subsequently harassed via text to give money back that he had no written or verbal agreement to do so, then you put a price tag on your pride and decide how much it's worth.

Personally, I admire that the money went to Chribba instead of my alternative. IWantISK just learned a 100bil ISK lesson. Again, agree with it or not, that judgement wasn't ours to make. It became personal so as a result, a decision was made that both satisfied Nashh's need to wash his hands of it, and still put the ISK to good use without having to claim anything to IWantISK.

Show me an agreement that was made and I'll support your opinion about returning the ISK. Until then, it wasn't theft.

From everything that I had read, EN24 ran with the news before the coms bit was even done. So we can safely assume that I Want Isk had nothing to do with the article.

Also, your comment about you admire that the money went to Chribba completely throws off your whole Nashh is a trusted content event coordinator. Essentially everyone else that isn't bro's with Nashh won't trust him with their isk becuase if he doesn't do the job they thought he would and they get upset with it, he will keep their isk or give it to their competitor.

There is no 100 billion isk lesson to be learned here. This wasn't a situation where a no named person told I Want Isk to trust them to put on an event and then they took off with the Isk. This was a known and 'trusted' individual who was provided fundings to hold an event, the sponsor didn't like how things turned out and after talking about it decided to pull the sponsorship and give the players that participated the rest of the Isk.

Nashh could have washed his hands and boosted his PR by just giving the Isk back so that the players that participated could get more Isk. Also, if he had kept a cool head about it, he could have saved the sponsorship or at least regained it at a later date. Instead he gave it to a competitor....which in his line of work is probably the dumbest thing he could do.

Mistakes happen and I am sure that both sides screwed up. Add to this getting blown out of proportion and egos being bruised, you have a fail cascade. The sponsor is the client, Nashh's job was to make the client happy. If the client didn't like his work, all he had to do was accept that and see what he could do to fix it.

I Want Isk probably overreacted to the situation. From what I had heard, people had a blast... so we know the event wasnt all that messed up. I just think that I Want Isk wanted to make sure that the participants of the event (not the host or those that were helping him), gained as much as they could (both fun and Isk).

If you consider that point of view, you can see how this situation got messed up far more then it should when Nashh refused to give the rest of the Isk back.

Bottom line: That isk was meant for the I Want Isk event and those that participated NOT Chribba or his events. Nashh can no longer be considered trusted now and there is no sense in defending him.

Nash didn't break an agreement when he kept the ISK (and subsequently gave it to Chribba). He fulfilled everything that was asked when the ISK was handed over, it was after the event that IWI decided to change his mind and demand it back. It's amusing because IWI was fine with just not giving the money to the final blow (which we all expected anyway when it was us who held the field) until hordes of people who weren't even involved started whinging. It was after that that he went full dumb and demanded a public apology from Nash and the isk returned.

Kings of Lowsec

Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#175 - 2015-01-11 16:34:19 UTC
Lol. This is still going. Hahhahaha.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#176 - 2015-01-11 19:30:28 UTC
As the event date has passes and this thread has now derailed off topic significantly, it get's a lock.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)