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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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New player, few questions :)

First post
Kiri Kaneko
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-01-08 12:40:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiri Kaneko
So my Dad's friend convinced me to give it a try and I'm intrigued so far by how the game is shaped by it's players. Spent 15 minutes watching a video of the last 6 years of territory changes in nullsec and it seems really cool!

When I play an MMO I usually have a clear objective in mind. I just finished the early part of the tutorial and it's talking to me about careers so I think now is a good time to enquire about what I should be trying to achieve.

When I play an MMO I usually have one of a few objectives:

1) Complete all the quests - This is my most common one, my motivation for playing Runescape and The Old Republic, and to a much lesser extent WoW. To me it's basically following the main story til it's conclusion are the current farthest point but this game doesn't have a story outside the history players have made and I don't really know how I could get in on that

2) Personal assets - What I usually go with in games not heavy on story or when I've finished the story and just want something to recognise my achievements, like a posh player owned house in Runescape or a fully upgraded and well defended base in Tribal Wars. Or perhaps a good looking and expensive outfit that makes me stand out and look stylish. I did a bit of research into planetary interaction but it seems to just be something like automated mining complexes. Is it possible to find some planet of people in medieval level of technology, come down and declare myself their Goddess Empress and elevate them with advanced technology or something? Sorry if that sounded a bit psycho XD

I basically want some kind of player owned planet or space station that I can walk around upgrading and make it look really posh and cool

3) Guilds - Doesn't happen very often but sometimes I'm playing a game and meet a really cool group of players that I really like and want to help and work together with. Haven't been in a good guild for a while since it seems recently the guilds I've joined have been full of jerks but there have been times in the past when I was in a cool and mature guild and we've worked together to advance in something like a player owned base (Runescape), conquest system (Ragnarok Online) or some kind of raiding content (WoW). Is player interaction all about Nullsec? Which guilds are the nicest and most mature?

Thankyou for your help :D
Love the DaKa
#2 - 2015-01-08 12:54:59 UTC
First, since it will come up anyway:

Other than that, it is up to you to define and achieve goals. Some people want to settle their own wormhole, others try to become 'good' at pvp, yet others just try to become filthy rich. As long as you are not too lazy to read and learn, you can literally do anything you want, including scamming, robbing and trolling other players.
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-01-08 12:59:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Aralyn Cormallen
1 - There are a couple of epic quest arcs, but they wont hold up long. Mission running is massively repatative, so it doesn't look like what you are after here.

2 - You cannot personally control planets, but you can erect control towers over moons, and many industrialists run mineral mining, research, and production farms out in space. And as for actual system control, thats the realm of us nullsec guys.

3 - Corporations (don't say the G-word, someone might set you on fire) are an important part of the game, and near-essential for any of the more advanced (and certainly multiplayer) aspects. They run on a larger scale here than in games you may have been before (my corporation is some 400 characters strong, and in an alliance of multiple thousand characters, but some might say we are on the high end of things size-wise!).

And it's not just about nullsec - as long as the corp has a unified goal, a corp is a valuable base for yourself in any sec space (even in highsec, but thats why I disclaimed "unified goal", be very wary of jack-of-no-trades highsec corps that are just there to take up space and drive potential new players out the game through boredom and exploitation). An important distinction from other games is that creating a corporation is planting a flag and offering an open invite to others to come mess with you; many a "just friends" corp erected in the style of other games guilds has been seriously pillaged and left as a burning reminder to everyone else that this game does things differently. Its not for the faint of heart.

The best way to approach things is decide what you want to do, and set about getting there. Set as long-term a goal as you like (although a series of breadcrumb goals will be better if you are a sort whose attension easily wanes), and trip, stumble, and trial-and-error your way there. You will suffer setbacks, you will (if you percevere) get victories, and in a couple of years you may find yourself doing something you didn't realise was possible. Good Luck Big smile

EDIT - As for nicest corperations... we are all lovely to our friends, and complete a**holes to everyone else, if someone tells you their place is the nicest, they want something off you, so beware. On that point, we are the nicest Pirate
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#4 - 2015-01-08 13:00:34 UTC
Kiri Kaneko wrote:
1) Complete all the quests - This is my most common one, my motivation for playing Runescape and The Old Republic, and to a much lesser extent WoW. To me it's basically following the main story til it's conclusion are the current farthest point but this game doesn't have a story outside the history players have made and I don't really know how I could get in on that

Eve's not really a questy game. There are missions, but it's a relatively small pool, which you'll see over and over. No main story.


2) Personal assets - What I usually go with in games not heavy on story or when I've finished the story and just want something to recognise my achievements, like a posh player owned house in Runescape or a fully upgraded and well defended base in Tribal Wars. Or perhaps a good looking and expensive outfit that makes me stand out and look stylish. I did a bit of research into planetary interaction but it seems to just be something like automated mining complexes. Is it possible to find some planet of people in medieval level of technology, come down and declare myself their Goddess Empress and elevate them with advanced technology or something? Sorry if that sounded a bit psycho XD

I basically want some kind of player owned planet or space station that I can walk around upgrading and make it look really posh and cool

Afraid not. You can have planetary mining (Planetary Interaction) but it's just resource extraction and processing. You can have Player owned Structures in space, but they're mostly for production too. Limited customization options.


3) Guilds - Doesn't happen very often but sometimes I'm playing a game and meet a really cool group of players that I really like and want to help and work together with. Haven't been in a good guild for a while since it seems recently the guilds I've joined have been full of jerks but there have been times in the past when I was in a cool and mature guild and we've worked together to advance in something like a player owned base (Runescape), conquest system (Ragnarok Online) or some kind of raiding content (WoW). Is player interaction all about Nullsec? Which guilds are the nicest and most mature?

Eve lives and dies by player interaction. There are many many corporations and alliances (groups of corporations) out there.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#5 - 2015-01-08 13:11:04 UTC
Kiri Kaneko wrote:

1) Complete all the quests - This is my most common one, my motivation for playing Runescape and The Old Republic, and to a much lesser extent WoW. To me it's basically following the main story til it's conclusion are the current farthest point but this game doesn't have a story outside the history players have made and I don't really know how I could get in on that

You won't find much of that in eve. Eve has missions but those are mostly a pool of X diffrent mission where an agent gives you a random mission from. So after a while you will know them all.
There are some epic arcs though which cover a story line you can follow and can only do once (or only once in x months)
For example this one
Kiri Kaneko wrote:

2) Personal assets - What I usually go with in games not heavy on story or when I've finished the story and just want something to recognise my achievements, like a posh player owned house in Runescape or a fully upgraded and well defended base in Tribal Wars. Or perhaps a good looking and expensive outfit that makes me stand out and look stylish. I did a bit of research into planetary interaction but it seems to just be something like automated mining complexes. Is it possible to find some planet of people in medieval level of technology, come down and declare myself their Goddess Empress and elevate them with advanced technology or something? Sorry if that sounded a bit psycho XD

I basically want some kind of player owned planet or space station that I can walk around upgrading and make it look really posh and cool

No you can't. You can put up a POS somewhere but that's nothing special.
But you can be the Goddess Empress of thousands of real people if you are talented and work for it Blink
All you have to do is create or join a space empire of your own and lead the other players who follow you to glory. Thats the cool thing about eve, it can be played on so many diffrent level. Some of the big alliance leaders don't even log in but are fully occupied by leading their sheeps through jabber/skype/mumble/TS or whatever other communication tool.
Kiri Kaneko wrote:

3) Guilds - Doesn't happen very often but sometimes I'm playing a game and meet a really cool group of players that I really like and want to help and work together with. Haven't been in a good guild for a while since it seems recently the guilds I've joined have been full of jerks but there have been times in the past when I was in a cool and mature guild and we've worked together to advance in something like a player owned base (Runescape), conquest system (Ragnarok Online) or some kind of raiding content (WoW). Is player interaction all about Nullsec? Which guilds are the nicest and most mature?

Thats the main thing about eve and IMHO you wont have fun very long if you don't search yourself a corp to play with. If this is a high sec, low sec, null sec or wormhole corp entirely depends on what you want to do. Although I think if you search a high sec corp the risk is very high to end in some noob corp that does only boring stuff and disbands the moment it gets wardeced.
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#6 - 2015-01-08 13:16:11 UTC
Firstly, welcome aboard!
Kiri Kaneko wrote:
Complete all the quests

You're going to be a bit disappointed with EVE, if you're looking for quests (aka, "missions" in EVE). The vast majority are essentially radiant quests, where you get the same missions from the same pool. There are special "Epic Missions," and if you're a new player, there's one that's geared towards helping you get your feet firmly planted.

Look into the Blood-Stained Stars mission,

There are a total of 50 missions in it, and it's geared towards taking a new player from frigates into destroyers (and potentially cruisers). You get lots of useful rewards from it, and a fair bit of ISK, as well.

Other than this, there are the COSMOS missions, and Epic Arcs for all of the factions, but there aren't too many things beyond that. EVE is an MMO, and it's geared towards PvP, so our PvE content can be... lacking.

Kiri Kaneko wrote:
Personal assets ... some kind of player owned planet or space station that I can walk around upgrading

Now you're starting to talk EVE-language. While there's no way to go down and declare yourself a goddess of a primitive planet (damnable CONCORD would probably have something to say about that, anyway), you can set up a player-owned starbase (POS), but you can't walk around in one. They're expensive, as one can imagine, especially for a newer player, and you have to keep them fueled (the smallest ones cost about 150 million ISK a month to fuel, AFTER the actual purchase investment). They're also destructable, and are considered corporation assets, so you have to have to be in a player corporation that gives you access to POS management (a very risky thing, so most won't let you without some serious trust-building).

If another player corporation wants to hit you hard, they can declare war on you ("wardec" in EVE parlance), and they can destroy it. You can defend it, of course, and you can set up some automated defenses, but you have limited Powergrid and CPU on the towers to work with (much as with your ships).

Kiri Kaneko wrote:
Guilds - Doesn't happen very often but sometimes I'm playing a game and meet a really cool group of players that I really like and want to help and work together with.

You'll probably catch a bit of flak for calling them "guilds," as they're called corporations in EVE, but considering that EVE is an MMO, the community is the big draw for it.

Check out the "how to find the right corp" thread, at

It's a lot of reading, but it's also a lot of great information. EVE, when played solo and just doing mission grinding, is actually really boring. You'll want to get involved with a player corp sooner than later. You may occasionally run into people who try to bully you into staying in a bad corp, people who claim that "corp hopping" looks bad on your character and will prevent you from joining other groups, but don't you believe it. Everyone in EVE (that isn't a complete cur) understands the challenges of finding a good group of players to play with, so only the most up-tight and undesirable groups tend to consider a long corp history to be a bad thing, and those tend to be the same groups that you want to avoid, anyway, because they take the game much too serious.

Nullsec is definitely one of the three big options for "player-owned things," with the other two being wormholes and faction warfare.

In nullsec, you're a part of a large coalition and you actually "own" the space you're in. This includes everything much like running a country would be like, which also includes the need to be in very tight with the group before you'll be given access to actually run much of anything (spies, backstabbing, theft, and any form of trechery you can imagine are not only acceptable in EVE, but they're basically the name of the game in nullsec).

In a wormhole, you're a part of a much, much smaller group, and instead of being a part of an alliance or coalition, you're in a single corp. Wormholes are very dangerous places as you can't see who is in the area with you, like you can with nullsec, so you always have to be on your toes. It's PvP-centric, but also has some of the most lucrative PvE available in EVE.

In wormholes, instead of outright "owning" your star system, you basically put up your towers and then declare the system yours through right of force. They're very much an "it isn't yours if you can't defend it" type of gameplay.

In Faction Warfare, you join a militia (and you should join a player-ran corp in the militia, getting out of the general militia ASAP, as, again, EVE is a player-centric game). Your goal is to take space for your faction, be it Gallente, Caldari, Minmatar, or Amarr.

Faction Warfare is great for a new player looking to get into PvP, as you can make some pretty good ISK from it, and it's really easy to get into since you really only need a cheap frig to get started.

One thing to note about Faction War, though, are the general dispositions of the militias...

If you want good PvP, go for Gallente or Caldari. The Minmatar and Amarr are better for farming and for drama, if that's your thing (in fact, one of the Amarr militia corps has declared a civil war recently).

In-fighting is pretty common in faction war, but it's most prevelant in the Minmatar and Amarr areas. Civil wars are declared at least once a month, last about two weeks, then everyone comes to a very bitter and cold cease-fire while focusing back on the warzone, only to have everything repeat the next week when a new player accidentally kills a friendly frig due to an unfixed overview.

Gallente and Caldari have their own infighting, but usually it's kept a little more private.
Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2015-01-08 13:27:31 UTC
Quick nitpick. In EVE, we don't have 'guilds' but corporations Blink.

As you realized, EVE doesn't really have quests. You aren't the savior of New Eden, you aren't 'The One", you aren't special. You are just another human being in a vast, cold and hostile universe trying to survive and thrive, by any means necessary. This is the basic premise behind you as a character in the game world. EVE is a sandbox with tools and other players. It's up to you to find your way and make those tools and relationships have meaning, and of course make them fun.

The fun comes through interacting with other players. While I'm sure some players find the solo PVE in EVE fulfilling, the real meat of the game is how we interact with each other. EVE's central premise is that we the players, influence every, single, thing. The market is player run, if people suddenly stop mining Veldspar, the price of Veldspar goes up, CCP will not intervene. If a rival alliance forces you out of your home and destroys or steals all of your assets, that's par for the course. If someone shoots at you, it's up to you to protect yourself, CONCORD (the space police) is punitive, not proactive.

What I'm trying to say is, the game will not really provide you with goals, or recognize your achievements, that's up to you. If assets interest you, you could make it your goal to own one of every single ship CCP has released, and work to achieve that. If it's power, you could join a large group, learn and work hard until you rise through the ranks, or even start your own corp and alliance.

As I said earlier, the universe is vast, it's up to you carve your place into it.

Concerning your final question regarding corporations. Join a good one ASAP. It will open so many doors for you gameplay wise. It is not stressed nearly enough in the games tutorials, but it is extremely important to join a community of some kind. EVE thrives on community interaction, hostile or peaceful. Talk in local, join chat channels. Hell, talk to your fellow newbies and go do something together.

Hang out in this forum section, read and ask questions and you'll learn quickly.

Welcome to EVE. Cool


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-01-08 13:33:28 UTC
Kiri Kaneko wrote:
So my Dad's friend convinced me to give it a try and I'm intrigued so far by how the game is shaped by it's players. Spent 15 minutes watching a video of the last 6 years of territory changes in nullsec and it seems really cool!

When I play an MMO I usually have a clear objective in mind. I just finished the early part of the tutorial and it's talking to me about careers so I think now is a good time to enquire about what I should be trying to achieve.

When I play an MMO I usually have one of a few objectives:

1) Complete all the quests - This is my most common one, my motivation for playing Runescape and The Old Republic, and to a much lesser extent WoW. To me it's basically following the main story til it's conclusion are the current farthest point but this game doesn't have a story outside the history players have made and I don't really know how I could get in on that

2) Personal assets - What I usually go with in games not heavy on story or when I've finished the story and just want something to recognise my achievements, like a posh player owned house in Runescape or a fully upgraded and well defended base in Tribal Wars. Or perhaps a good looking and expensive outfit that makes me stand out and look stylish. I did a bit of research into planetary interaction but it seems to just be something like automated mining complexes. Is it possible to find some planet of people in medieval level of technology, come down and declare myself their Goddess Empress and elevate them with advanced technology or something? Sorry if that sounded a bit psycho XD

I basically want some kind of player owned planet or space station that I can walk around upgrading and make it look really posh and cool

3) Guilds - Doesn't happen very often but sometimes I'm playing a game and meet a really cool group of players that I really like and want to help and work together with. Haven't been in a good guild for a while since it seems recently the guilds I've joined have been full of jerks but there have been times in the past when I was in a cool and mature guild and we've worked together to advance in something like a player owned base (Runescape), conquest system (Ragnarok Online) or some kind of raiding content (WoW). Is player interaction all about Nullsec? Which guilds are the nicest and most mature?

Thankyou for your help :D

1. EVE does not have the typical "Quest line" that most MMOs have. We have missions, but those are just picked at random from a mission-pool by the agent and have some Epic Arc missions which are more like the quest line you know. But they aren't that big (50 missions each).

2. No. EVE is all about spaceships. And let me warn you...EVE is also unlike any other MMO. Bigger doesn't always mean better. More expensive doens't always mean better, just a more expensive and ridiculous killmail. EVE is about matching a while bunch of things into the "mose effective trade off". So something might not be the best in stats, but if it is 100 times more cost effective, you go for that.

The closest to a "House" you can get is a POS, which requires a bunch of modules and then a montly upkeep in fuel. But then again, you really don't need it and it is even that common that it's a generic thing. The next step would be an Outpos in null-sec but to build one, you will need a very large alliance with deep pockets to fund it and protect the construction.

A POS can be "upgraded" by adding modules. An Outpost can be upgraded.
A POS doesnt let you dock and thus you can't even walk around, and with an are stuck with the general default Captain's Quarters like any station. There is no "let's decorate my room" option. Same with the outside, even though you can upgrade the services, it will always look the same.

3. EVE in general, not only null-sec is about player interaction and thus also about corporations. As for which guild is Nicest and most your freaking research. Mainly cause what I like is totally different from what Winter likes and what you like etc. etc.


From the looks of all your questions...Can I ask something in return?

Did you even read up on what EVE is before you started?
As all the things show you just jumped on the bandwagon and expect it to be like WoW / RS / SW-TOR.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Hideaway Hunters
The Hideaway.
#9 - 2015-01-08 14:27:35 UTC
Kiri Kaneko wrote:

1) Complete all the quests - This is my most common one, my motivation for playing Runescape and The Old Republic, and to a much lesser extent WoW. To me it's basically following the main story til it's conclusion are the current farthest point but this game doesn't have a story outside the history players have made and I don't really know how I could get in on that

Undock, do something. You are now in your way creating Eve history and "in on that".
As has been said above, EVE isn't about "quests" or missions - it's there as fill out while you find out what you want to do IMO. That said, many "run missions" as their main objective in EVE but I find it extremely repetetive and eventually boring.

EVE is a sandbox - you decide what to do and thus create your own content and adventures.

Kiri Kaneko wrote:

2) Personal assets - What I usually go with in games not heavy on story or when I've finished the story and just want something to recognise my achievements, like a posh player owned house in Runescape or a fully upgraded and well defended base in Tribal Wars. Or perhaps a good looking and expensive outfit that makes me stand out and look stylish. I did a bit of research into planetary interaction but it seems to just be something like automated mining complexes. Is it possible to find some planet of people in medieval level of technology, come down and declare myself their Goddess Empress and elevate them with advanced technology or something? Sorry if that sounded a bit psycho XD

I basically want some kind of player owned planet or space station that I can walk around upgrading and make it look really posh and cool

Nothing like that in EVE I'm afraid - what you can do is bling fit some advanced faction ship like a Machariel and use that as your declataion of yourself in EVE. Expect other to try to kill it for fun and/or profit.

Kiri Kaneko wrote:

3) Guilds - Doesn't happen very often but sometimes I'm playing a game and meet a really cool group of players that I really like and want to help and work together with. Haven't been in a good guild for a while since it seems recently the guilds I've joined have been full of jerks but there have been times in the past when I was in a cool and mature guild and we've worked together to advance in something like a player owned base (Runescape), conquest system (Ragnarok Online) or some kind of raiding content (WoW). Is player interaction all about Nullsec? Which guilds are the nicest and most mature?

This is a "How long is a road" question? And it's corporations, not guilds.

One thing you need to understand is that EVE is all about cooperation. Playing it solo will probably become pretty boring because it wasn't designed with that play style in mind. That said, some people run by their own (hence "probably") but I doubt they never interact with other players.

Look up the resources on what to do in EVE and the corporation recruitment forum to see what there is out there and what others are doing.

Memphis Baas
#10 - 2015-01-08 14:32:57 UTC
1. If your "complete all the quests" is a desire to see the main story line of the game, in EVE you'll have to change this to "make my own story." The reality is that most people don't manage it, but a few of them get good enough / popular enough / do something significant and get recognized. Don't just train skills and grind missions in this game, make a name for yourself.

2. Ships here are treated as tools, to be used and disposed as necessary. There's nothing unique about them. Some ships are rare, others are expensive, but they're still tools. That said, CCP said they're looking at adding special paint jobs, and you can definitely customize your avatar's outfit, but as far as walking around on planets, in stations, etc., CCP started to develop that but then they changed their minds and stopped after giving us a couple rooms to walk around in and that's it. They decided to make a whole other game for the avatars, Dust 514, and it's popularity is a bit less than EVE's.

3. There are good corporations. They are somewhat difficult to find / get into. The game atmosphere is more "business-like PVP or PVE" rather than the "let's all hug cause we're bestest friends" that you get in WoW etc. This is because corp members can shoot each other and steal all of a corp's assets (if given a chance), so you don't have the blind trust that other games have.
Kiri Kaneko
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-01-08 16:56:21 UTC
Well I've played MMOs before including Runescape, WoW, The Old Republic and Ragnarok Online and a few others. I don't know what you mean by jumping on the bandwagon, I've always liked games and when I started playing MMOs about a decade ago I gradually moved towards them from single players and they're my primary focus now. I play them because I like them.

My Dad's friend had been playing EVE since 2010 and persuaded me to join. I don't generally go for sci fi stuff and I thought it would be like star trek or something which I was never really interested in, but it actually seems to be more like Game of Thrones in space from what I've learned over the last few days

I made the topic because there's a few things I generally find myself seeking as my main objective in MMOs. Now I know I will probably be focusing on player interaction and politics in the long run. But for now I think I will try to experience a bit of everything til I build up a clearer picture of how the game goes

Thankyou for the advice, I'll give some stuff a try and maybe post more questions in this topic later so I don't flood the forum
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#12 - 2015-01-08 17:09:19 UTC
Kiri Kaneko wrote:
Well I've played MMOs before including Runescape, WoW, The Old Republic and Ragnarok Online and a few others. I don't know what you mean by jumping on the bandwagon, I've always liked games and when I started playing MMOs about a decade ago I gradually moved towards them from single players and they're my primary focus now. I play them because I like them.

My Dad's friend had been playing EVE since 2010 and persuaded me to join. I don't generally go for sci fi stuff and I thought it would be like star trek or something which I was never really interested in, but it actually seems to be more like Game of Thrones in space from what I've learned over the last few days

I made the topic because there's a few things I generally find myself seeking as my main objective in MMOs. Now I know I will probably be focusing on player interaction and politics in the long run. But for now I think I will try to experience a bit of everything til I build up a clearer picture of how the game goes

Thankyou for the advice, I'll give some stuff a try and maybe post more questions in this topic later so I don't flood the forum

Well unlike 99% of the other MMOs that are set up as a theme park, EVE is a sandbox.

So you have to create your own content and goals etc.
There is no overall quest line to follow or something. There is no grind to end-game, as there is no end-game set by CCP. You have to set your own end game and work towardnit.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Quanah Comanche
#13 - 2015-01-08 17:35:53 UTC
Why don't you let your Dad's friend show you the ropes?
Kiri Kaneko
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2015-01-08 18:14:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiri Kaneko
Yeah I was just talking to him. He offered me a bunch of free stuff but I told him I want to earn everything myself, so he's going to log in later and show me some things and meanwhile told me to do the career path quests so that's what I'll do.

I checked for info on what good general skills I will need but I soon realised that nothing described in the guide even exists anymore so I don't know what the new essential skills are XD

I'll ask on the rookie channel and start training them to 2/3 while I do quests

Also this is very cool:

Thankyou for this, I'll reference it while I play :D
Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2015-01-08 18:46:17 UTC
Regarding skills, this is a good read. It's a plan focused primarily on getting one ready for a variety of different combat roles. However, the forward also explains the skill system and how to approach it in a very good way. Whatever you do, don't fall into the "I need X amount of SP to be able to do Y" trap. It gives you a fantastic base to work from, and having used it myself I can't recommend it enough.

Don't be afraid to try anything as a newbie, especially PvP. If I were you, I'd take your dad's friend up on the offer for a bit of free stuff, get some cheap frigates, and go die in a fire a few times. Drag along any fellow newbie you can and have a good time. You'll die, even if you don't find you enjoy ship to ship PvP, it will teach you to regard your ships as highly disposable tools. You mentioned Star Trek above, your ship ain't no Enterprise. These things we fly are dime a dozen death wagons to be used, abused and exploded.

Sometimes I like to think of EVE as a Cyberpunk Space Opera version of Mad Max. Well, in low security space at least Big smile.


Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2015-01-08 18:52:57 UTC
There are plenty of quests in this game, just the difference is that you're the quest giver and the rewards actually mean something.

You can endlessly customise an empire of pilots, systems and structures. I think the best equivalent of a player house would be null sovereignty. It just take a lot more effort than your house in runescape would.

As said before, EVE would die without guilds.
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-01-08 18:56:55 UTC
Kiri Kaneko wrote:
I'll ask on the rookie channel and start training them to 2/3 while I do quests

There are no quests in EVE. There are no guilds in EVE. You will get mocked for saying either (anywhere other than here)

There are missions and corporations

EVE is nothing like RS or TOR. No storyline, no safe areas, no scripted progression, no levels.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#18 - 2015-01-08 19:02:28 UTC
Kiri Kaneko wrote:
Well I've played MMOs before including Runescape, WoW, The Old Republic and Ragnarok Online and a few others. I don't know what you mean by jumping on the bandwagon, I've always liked games and when I started playing MMOs about a decade ago I gradually moved towards them from single players and they're my primary focus now. I play them because I like them.

My Dad's friend had been playing EVE since 2010 and persuaded me to join. I don't generally go for sci fi stuff and I thought it would be like star trek or something which I was never really interested in, but it actually seems to be more like Game of Thrones in space from what I've learned over the last few days

I made the topic because there's a few things I generally find myself seeking as my main objective in MMOs. Now I know I will probably be focusing on player interaction and politics in the long run. But for now I think I will try to experience a bit of everything til I build up a clearer picture of how the game goes

Thankyou for the advice, I'll give some stuff a try and maybe post more questions in this topic later so I don't flood the forum

As jpoll pointed out, it's a sandbox with very little in the way of rules.
there's nothing to stop someone from utterly ruining your day,
There is nowhere in eve where you cannot be ****ed over in some capacity or another.
skaming ,theft,nonconcentual PvP and abject humiliation(to a point) are common practices here and actually facilitated by the game mechanics.

Once you've lost something in eve , it's gone.

You should be safe in the systems where the career agents are and while running the sisters of eve ark missions but outside of that you are effectively fair game (and may well be treated as such).

The most important thing to remember is not to get wound up about the game , and when you do suffer your first loss at the hands of another player (And you will, regardless of being willing or not) don't fly off the handle about it, many of us like to poke the newbros just to see how they handle losses before deciding whether to offer helping them out (and for the giggles).

Remember that you are the actual content in eve and because of that your attitude will get you much further than anything else .
Kiri Kaneko
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2015-01-08 19:11:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiri Kaneko looks really good thankyou!

I'm not really bothered if I die, I'll get a free newbie ship every time anyway. All I need is some lvl 3 skills and I can probably do most things with those disposable things until I get a clearer idea of what to specialise in. I only need skills that will allow me to explore the game for a few weeks without the frustration of instant death or massive loss. I'm not planning on being some kind of pro anyway, for now I just want to explore and observe while I decide what I want in the long run

I'm not bothered if I lose stuff. If I don't have much worth losing I can just pick myself up and get back out there. And if I do have stuff I don't want to lose I can just leave it in my bank or whatever. Ships and stuff are safe if I leave them docked even in high sec space. And the guides say there are cheap ships that are effective and not much weaker than things that are much more expensive, and that I only need lvl 2/3 skills in relevant areas to get things done
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#20 - 2015-01-08 20:07:16 UTC
Seeking godhood (in a video game) doesn't sound psycho at all. Roll

While it can't be done on any esoteric level you could take over a planets customs office and build one for your corporation. You would levy tax from players (which are interstellar demigods anyway by any human standard). So basicly you get paid in demigod money (ISK) too. In Eve Online, this is what is meant by "ownership" of a certain planet, and it is completely within your reach to be part of a corp that conquers them.
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