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War on Gankers

First post
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#381 - 2015-01-07 23:12:18 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Your rights aren't affected by someone else posting a ticket.
That isn't what you said above. You distinctly said that if all the miners were to report the people who gank, that CCP should change the rules around that.

Make up your mind already.
No, I said they would change the rules around that. That's CCP exercising their right to keep players entertained with their game. If you feel like that's not a risk, then continue to grief away while delicately balancing the line. We already know CCP will move the line when they feel it needs to be moved. If you trust that with people being within their rights to report you when they feel you've purposely harassed them, that CCP will maintain the current status quo, then that's your choice. I'd not bet on it though.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#382 - 2015-01-07 23:13:00 UTC
Ramcath wrote:
Here's where all this is eventually going to lead in regards to hi-sec ganking. This is the way I see it:

1. Ganking has existed for a very long time
2. No one is saying that the solution to the problem of hi-sec ganking is to prevent all or any means of ganking
3. There are people who rage about getting ganked, there are others who accept it's part of the game

To have an open and honest debate about the issue is usally ignored on the forums by the gankers. Their responses always lay blame at the pilots who got ganked, and their solutions are based off of in game mechanics, and it's not that these solutions are not credible. Yes, pilots would be better off with a scout, they would be better off to travel in groups, they would be better off to use JF's.

The problem is that there is no understanding, at least spoken or written on the forums, where all this is going to lead eventually. If gankers ignore the fact that there is an exploitation of game mechanics in regards to hi-sec then eventually CCP will step in and change it. The solution that would allow both sides to continue the game is somewhere in between, and until gankers acknowledge this they are on a path that will take away an aspect of Eve that they find enjoyable, and as they should. This game provides so many different ways to play, and those who are calling for reforms are not saying that ganking shouldn't be allowed, at least not en masse.

I believe that two simple solutions to this current issue is to remove aggro against freighters, allowing they to log off safely, and to reduce the log off safely timer depending on which security status system you are in.

Now, I already see the ganker drivel responses that are coming my way, so go ahead, it's a free forum, respond with blaming 'gankees', etc. like usual. What you have to accept though is that CCP is a business, and if you think for one second that CCP is going to allow the players of their game dictate the ebb and flow of bringing in new business, or cancelled subscriptions, all in the name of "well Eve is being played the way it was intended" then you are incredibly mistaken, and here's why:

1. If game mechanics is being employed successfully on all fronts then why is there hi-sec? There is an implied safety that comes with being in .5 systems or higher.

2. Why is there Concord? There is an element of game mechanics that CCP intended to prevent people from blowing up ships in high sec.

*don't just quote the above two points, you are missing the intent which is below*

I could go on but these two brief points show an intended difference between null/low/high sec systems. To ignore this is going to cause hi sec gankers to be incredibly upset when the business side of CCP kicks in. Yes, this debate has raged on for years, but the one thing no one can ignore is that CCP has changed aspects of the game for the past decade because they do in fact listen to their players. If the end result is going to be do nothing and lose subscriptions then you are mistaken on the intent of CCP, at least the business side of it. CCP has proven they will modify when needed or when they think it will improve the overall experience of the majority of their players.

The last year has seen an incredible change in null sec systems, and the emphasis from Dev posts has been because they are trying to get more people into null sec. Don't be shocked if one day an update rolls out and eliminates aspects of ganking that ganking fan-boys didn't see coming.

I believe ganking should be allowed in hi-sec, I truly do. Modifying small aspects, no aggro for freighters, shorter log off safely timer, would not prevent ganking against bots, or afk auto-pilots.

I don't expect an outpouring of gankers saying, "wow... this post has changed my perspective entirely, thank you!" I know the trolls will come out instead, and at the end of the day the true change will come from CCP, not in game players who decide to no longer gank or change who they gank. With the rise of CODE though ganking has taken on a new form, and it's one that will no longer be ignored by Devs. Remember, CCP is the one who installed the log off safely feature in the first place... do you truly believe that this is the last and final action they are willing to take?


Those two brief points, seem to show an intended difference between people who misunderstand the relationship between Null/low and Hisec, though.

There is an implied safety to being in hisec, its just that this safety isnt 100% safe. If it was, it would prevent any and all weapons lock from being possible, something that CCP could easily program in.

Concord isnt there to prevent people from blowing up ships. Its there to make it harder for people to blow up ships. Thats the entire reason why Concord shows up on a delay. Again, if CCP wanted to, they could make concord response times to Zero, effectively making it impossible to gank.

The fact that Hisec is safer, doesnt mean its safe. Thats the difference.

Only someone who has a deep misunderstanding of EVE and its mechanics, would ever come to this conclusion, which is something you seem to have.

If those that support ganking become an extremely small minority, then sure, theres nothing we can do to prevent CCP from taking the greedy route and appeasing its larger majority for money. But thats CCPs choice, whether they want to sell out, or whether they want to keep EVE at its actual core, at what they began with, and intended to run with. Its not the gankers fault that they want EVE to stay true to its core.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#383 - 2015-01-07 23:15:02 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, I said they would change the rules around that.

So then my rights are effected when they maliciously abuse the petition system by reporting a legitimate in game action.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#384 - 2015-01-07 23:41:13 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, I said they would change the rules around that.
So then my rights are effected when they maliciously abuse the petition system by reporting a legitimate in game action.
No, your rights are not affected by another player exercising their right to report harassment. They may be affected if CCP later decide to make changes to the game based on that, but that's the game bro.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

412nv Yaken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#385 - 2015-01-07 23:46:33 UTC
Dear Diary:

It is day 11 of the latest cold hard war white knights are raging on us. Though to date we are still winning... Like we always do.

Praise James 315 and code.

A True Champion of High Security Space

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#386 - 2015-01-07 23:47:14 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, I said they would change the rules around that.
So then my rights are effected when they maliciously abuse the petition system by reporting a legitimate in game action.
No, your rights are not affected by another player exercising their right to report harassment. They may be affected if CCP later decide to make changes to the game based on that, but that's the game bro.

If I went on the Call of Duty forums and complained that people shouldn't be allowed to shoot at me, I just want to play the game as a medic/engineer whatever, and don't want to shoot other people...

I would be laughed off of their forums, and possibly banned for trolling. And rightly so, because I am deliberately and knowingly asking for something that the game is not. If I wanted a medic simulator and I play Call of Duty, I am literally playing the wrong game.

But somehow the exact same situation is not just plausible but reasonable in EVE Online, according to you.

Well, when asked about it, CCP Falcon disagreed, and in fact if I recall he called you a scaremongerer and a liar.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#387 - 2015-01-07 23:59:14 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
If I went on the Call of Duty forums and complained that people shouldn't be allowed to shoot at me, I just want to play the game as a medic/engineer whatever, and don't want to shoot other people...

I would be laughed off of their forums, and possibly banned for trolling. And rightly so, because I am deliberately and knowingly asking for something that the game is not. If I wanted a medic simulator and I play Call of Duty, I am literally playing the wrong game.

But somehow the exact same situation is not just plausible but reasonable in EVE Online, according to you.
Except that's not what's being discussed here. What is being discussed here is that code grief players and that's borderline at best. EVE is not designed so a bunch of antisocial basement dwellers can get kicks out of upsetting other people.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Well, when asked about it, CCP Falcon disagreed, and in fact if I recall he called you a scaremongerer and a liar.
I'm sure he did (though I don;t think it was about griefing) but then again Falcon says a lot of things. Last I checked though he wasn't the deciding voice at CCP.

Honestly though, if you truly think that code purposely attacking players to upset them, trolling them and "harvesting tears" is not a problem, then what do you have to worry about when people file support tickets when they feel harassed? If you're so sure that EVE won't change the rules, then there's no problem, surely? But if you're not so sure, and that's why you're arguing repeatedly against people rights to file support tickets in the game they pay for, then perhaps your behaviour needs reconsideration.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#388 - 2015-01-08 00:11:27 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Except that's not what's being discussed here. What is being discussed here is that code grief players and that's borderline at best. EVE is not designed so a bunch of antisocial basement dwellers can get kicks out of upsetting other people.

Crouching up and down on the corpse of an enemy player is borderline at best. CoD is not designed so a bunch of antisocial basement dwellers can get kicks out of upsetting other people.


Honestly though, if you truly think that code purposely attacking players to upset them, trolling them and "harvesting tears" is not a problem, then what do you have to worry about when people file support tickets when they feel harassed?

I don't, I was answering your hypocritical claim that anti ganking petitions can't infringe on my rights as a player. They're malicious abuse of the petition system, they're intended to infringe on my rights as a player.

That's more griefing than anything CODE does.

But if you're not so sure, and that's why you're arguing repeatedly against people rights to file support tickets in the game they pay for

That's because filing tickets on non reportable behavior is literally against the rules. Apparently you have to have some ulterior motive to enforce the rules, according to you. Why does that not surprise me at all.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Azn Empire
#389 - 2015-01-08 00:20:12 UTC
I have no sympathy, for those that have a poor reaction to losing space pixels. None.
I also do not blame pilots for laughing at those poor reactions and doing so in local or on other webs sites. HTFU?

It's a game. The horse isn't behind the cart here, it's in front of it. Funny how we must change our play style, to suit those with hurt feelings. Over their poor expectations of a game, that is renowned for being harsh.

Do I get bored of hearing about the CODE every five minutes? Yes.
Does it mean I need a hug? Well, no. But thanks for asking. (They are nice though)

We have one proud pilot in here (who claims of course some love of PvP, don't they all though?) saying the following.
You guys, sadly remind of the same kind of people who get their kicks and call it fun, massacring a 22 kids in a school and when the police shows, kill themselves.

Yep, I can sure see the CODE are the issue here. It's most definitely not those they are shooting.
Why do we know this? Because Kell speaks the truth, whereas we all just post opinions. Amirate?

Now I shall get myself a double choca Mocha and then read just how wrong I actually am. (With fact and not opinion, of course.)

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#390 - 2015-01-08 00:20:56 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
What a paradox the mindless highs. pubbies that sit there all day pveing like bots want to play their way but, don't want other people to be able to do the same.

Those backsystem null rats won't farm themselves. Get back to work!

I don't rat, that's what ~valued allies~ like our SMA friend here do.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#391 - 2015-01-08 00:39:06 UTC
Mag's wrote:
I have no sympathy, for those that have a poor reaction to losing space pixels. None.
I also do not blame pilots for laughing at those poor reactions and doing so in local or on other webs sites. HTFU?

It's a game. The horse isn't behind the cart here, it's in front of it. Funny how we must change our play style, to suit those with hurt feelings. Over their poor expectations of a game, that is renowned for being harsh.

Do I get bored of hearing about the CODE every five minutes? Yes.
Does it mean I need a hug? Well, no. But thanks for asking. (They are nice though)

We have one proud pilot in here (who claims of course some love of PvP, don't they all though?) saying the following.
You guys, sadly remind of the same kind of people who get their kicks and call it fun, massacring a 22 kids in a school and when the police shows, kill themselves.

Yep, I can sure see the CODE are the issue here. It's most definitely not those they are shooting.
Why do we know this? Because Kell speaks the truth, whereas we all just post opinions. Amirate?

Now I shall get myself a double choca Mocha and then read just how wrong I actually am. (With fact and not opinion, of course.)

Dude, not cool. Theyre feelings are being hurt. Thats worse than physical violence.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#392 - 2015-01-08 00:43:12 UTC
Solonius Rex wrote:

Dude, not cool. Theyre feelings are being hurt. Thats worse than physical violence.

Are you being tortured? If so you need to call ripard teg right now so he can defend your space human rights.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Azn Empire
#393 - 2015-01-08 00:44:28 UTC
Solonius Rex wrote:
Mag's wrote:

Dude, not cool. Theyre feelings are being hurt. Thats worse than physical violence.
Ahh but I'm a sociopath and I play chess. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#394 - 2015-01-08 03:05:06 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Solonius Rex wrote:

Dude, not cool. Theyre feelings are being hurt. Thats worse than physical violence.

Are you being tortured? If so you need to call ripard teg right now so he can defend your space human rights.

Maybe i should. Its like im being waterboarded in my mind.

And then lit on fire.

In my mind.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#395 - 2015-01-08 03:13:57 UTC
Solonius Rex wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Solonius Rex wrote:

Dude, not cool. Theyre feelings are being hurt. Thats worse than physical violence.

Are you being tortured? If so you need to call ripard teg right now so he can defend your space human rights.

Maybe i should. Its like im being waterboarded in my mind.

And then lit on fire.

In my mind.

"You triggered me, and that makes you the worst person in the world, ever, and you should have your genitals hooked up to a car battery."

(I was seriously told that by someone last week)

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Boulder Shoulders Industries
#396 - 2015-01-08 04:18:12 UTC
To clarify:

1. If game mechanics is being employed successfully on all fronts then why is there hi-sec? There is an implied safety that comes with being in .5 systems or higher.

2. Why is there Concord? There is an element of game mechanics that CCP intended to prevent people from blowing up ships in high sec.

I had this in a previous post but after reading it I think I need to clarify this, in the hopes that the ganker fan-boys will begin to understand the mind of those who are against the gank. My first point holds true, there is an element of safety that comes with hi-sec, to ignore that is ridiculous. It doesn't mean that you cannot get blow'd up in hi sec, obviously you can. There are duels, war dec's, aggro from stealing from wrecks, etc. However, this is not what is being discussed, we're specifically looking at ganking freighters/haulers. So you cannot say that there is not implied safety due to the fact that you cannot fire on someone else without one of the previous things discussed allowing you to do so. Simply admit there is an element of safety and we can move on.

Concord - Yes, with the implied safety of hi sec, Concord is there to prevent pilots from attacking others without repercussions... why? Because low sec and null sec exist, and this is definitely part of the game mechanics built specifically for those systems. You can still attack, be attacked, etc., in high sec, and no one is clamoring for that aspect to change.

So to all the gankers, very few pilots who are against ganking are specifically saying that ganking should be banned.

I think ganking is just fine, but just not fine the way it is. I don't want to ban ganking, I just think it should be more appropriate towards the level of security system you are in. Removing aggro from a freighter is one idea, and so is reducing the amount of time for the log off safety feature.

Guess what this allows!!! You can still gank, and you'll get freighter pilots who are afk, autopilots, and bot freighters. All this does is allow freighter pilots who are in hi-sec a means of keeping their assets.

The gankers need to start thinking up some ways for an in-between solution to this, because if they rely on CCP to do it then they won't like the result.

Here is possible outcomes that could come down in the future:

1. Concord is allowed to attack pods (this could be a definite since this would not prevent ganking, but a ganking squad would now have to be more than a mere handful of pilots jumping into Catalysts or other cheap destroyers) Remember, there are no more skillpoints to buy for clones, so CCP could view blowing up pods as an even exchange.

2. CCP removes all aggro for capital ships in high sec - allowing them to log off safely

I actually think option #1 is the best outcome since it doesn't prevent ganking, it merely changes the size of a required squad, and gives freighter pilots the ability to fit to withstand a larger attack.

All in all, if the only responses from gankers is going to be, "you're stupid, play better. you're dumb, play smarter" then when the changes come there will be a shock. I don't believe for one second that gankers right now will implement self-discipline changes, it will have to come from CCP, but if gankers refuse to view the other side of the coin then they are removing themselves from the changes and discussion that will eventually come.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#397 - 2015-01-08 04:46:57 UTC
Lucas Belvar wrote:

Trolly shyznit

Welcome back Vee.... I mean Lucas.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#398 - 2015-01-08 04:58:32 UTC
Ramcath wrote:
To clarify:

1. If game mechanics is being employed successfully on all fronts then why is there hi-sec? There is an implied safety that comes with being in .5 systems or higher.

2. Why is there Concord? There is an element of game mechanics that CCP intended to prevent people from blowing up ships in high sec.

I had this in a previous post but after reading it I think I need to clarify this, in the hopes that the ganker fan-boys will begin to understand the mind of those who are against the gank. My first point holds true, there is an element of safety that comes with hi-sec, to ignore that is ridiculous. It doesn't mean that you cannot get blow'd up in hi sec, obviously you can. There are duels, war dec's, aggro from stealing from wrecks, etc. However, this is not what is being discussed, we're specifically looking at ganking freighters/haulers. So you cannot say that there is not implied safety due to the fact that you cannot fire on someone else without one of the previous things discussed allowing you to do so. Simply admit there is an element of safety and we can move on.

Concord - Yes, with the implied safety of hi sec, Concord is there to prevent pilots from attacking others without repercussions... why? Because low sec and null sec exist, and this is definitely part of the game mechanics built specifically for those systems. You can still attack, be attacked, etc., in high sec, and no one is clamoring for that aspect to change.

So to all the gankers, very few pilots who are against ganking are specifically saying that ganking should be banned.

I think ganking is just fine, but just not fine the way it is. I don't want to ban ganking, I just think it should be more appropriate towards the level of security system you are in. Removing aggro from a freighter is one idea, and so is reducing the amount of time for the log off safety feature.

Guess what this allows!!! You can still gank, and you'll get freighter pilots who are afk, autopilots, and bot freighters. All this does is allow freighter pilots who are in hi-sec a means of keeping their assets.

The gankers need to start thinking up some ways for an in-between solution to this, because if they rely on CCP to do it then they won't like the result.

Here is possible outcomes that could come down in the future:

1. Concord is allowed to attack pods (this could be a definite since this would not prevent ganking, but a ganking squad would now have to be more than a mere handful of pilots jumping into Catalysts or other cheap destroyers) Remember, there are no more skillpoints to buy for clones, so CCP could view blowing up pods as an even exchange.

2. CCP removes all aggro for capital ships in high sec - allowing them to log off safely

I actually think option #1 is the best outcome since it doesn't prevent ganking, it merely changes the size of a required squad, and gives freighter pilots the ability to fit to withstand a larger attack.

All in all, if the only responses from gankers is going to be, "you're stupid, play better. you're dumb, play smarter" then when the changes come there will be a shock. I don't believe for one second that gankers right now will implement self-discipline changes, it will have to come from CCP, but if gankers refuse to view the other side of the coin then they are removing themselves from the changes and discussion that will eventually come.

Allow me to address this. Please note I am not a ganker (well, not strictly, I have before when I am feeling bored).

You are suggesting multiple nerfs to the present gameplay. Buffs to non-combat ships, etc, all the while knowing that the option was there for you to avoid being blapped.

EvE's differing security sectors are not intended to be differing levels of difficulty or safety. They are only vehicles to provide for different game mechanics. Contrary to popular belief, nullsec is not the "last level" of EvE, nor do you need experience in one zone to progress to the other.

You want the "log off safe" button to allow ships to drop aggression. That would mean every single time someone was about to lose a ship, they would log off. That isnt fun for anyone.

People losing ships is the sole factor that drives the economy. If nobody loses a ship, nobody would BUY a ship. If nobody buys, nobody builds... and if nobody builds... NOBODY BUYS ORE.

Losing an expensive asset sucks. We have all lost shiney space things. But at the same time, it does not. It should give you a goal (revenge), it should teach you (tank+friends=win), and you get CONTENT where there was none.

This game has had about all it can take for nerfs. Non-combat ships arent suppose to be able to fend off an entire squadron of pilots. Does it take 20 F-14's to blow up an oil tanker? Hell no. It takes 1. I know, RL examples suck, but just trying to put the whole "cost" perspective into play for you.

Learn to appreciate the game as it is, and realize that the majority of the community plays the game because its hard, your assets mean something, and making a mistake will cost you -- while benefiting someone else.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#399 - 2015-01-08 05:17:12 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:

People losing ships is the sole factor that drives the economy. If nobody loses a ship, nobody would BUY a ship. If nobody buys, nobody builds... and if nobody builds... NOBODY BUYS ORE.

This is someone who can see past his own nose.

The way the game's economy works is that if you fly ships at all, the economy doesn't just like it if you die, it mandates that you die. Getting blown up is what turns the wheels of the game's economy.

And making freighters 100% safe is not a good step to take no matter what flimsy justifications the risk averse try and put forth. Freighters, like every other ship, exist to die.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Boulder Shoulders Industries
#400 - 2015-01-08 05:34:20 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:

People losing ships is the sole factor that drives the economy. If nobody loses a ship, nobody would BUY a ship. If nobody buys, nobody builds... and if nobody builds... NOBODY BUYS ORE.

This is someone who can see past his own nose.

The way the game's economy works is that if you fly ships at all, the economy doesn't just like it if you die, it mandates that you die. Getting blown up is what turns the wheels of the game's economy.

And making freighters 100% safe is not a good step to take no matter what flimsy justifications the risk averse try and put forth. Freighters, like every other ship, exist to die.

To the previous two posters, you have completely ignored the fact that I said ganking shouldn't be outlawed, or done away with. Nerfing freighters would only work if the pilot is still active. If he's afk, autopilot, then he's ganked. As for losing ships, yes, that is the economy. I'm all for pvp, fighting, even ganking, but if it becomes to a point where anyone who takes out a freighter in hi sec can't move it then the economy will suffer as well. Seeing past your own nose requires you to quit blaming pilots, or ignoring their points of view. My whole previous posts have been about finding solutions within Eve so that CCP doesn't have to make drastic changes.

If you can't argue those points then just be quiet because we've seen every ganker post already about how dumb and stupid pilots are. If that's your point then you will be in for a shock when CCP makes changes that could've been prevented if an honest discussion had taken place. Think about it. Why in the world did CCP make the 'log off safely' feature to begin with??!!??!! Why???

If the game mechanics were already fine then why was this created?! You ignore the points made by those of us trying to discuss the issue, and pick and choose small parts of a post, misquote the intent, and use that as a means of making the same ganker points. Wake up... take a step back... view this issue objectively and be a part of the solution. Here I am telling you flat out that I think ganking is okay and yet that is not relevant because it doesn't serve your rhetoric.