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EVE General Discussion

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Any new info about EVA ?

First post
State War Academy
Caldari State
#121 - 2015-01-07 15:16:38 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Leannor ... I really wonder how you look like without that top. ^_^

you know the grannie joke at the bustop and the nightie right?

"Lykouleon wrote:


Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#122 - 2015-01-07 15:35:04 UTC
Leannor wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
Leannor ... I really wonder how you look like without that top. ^_^

you know the grannie joke at the bustop and the nightie right?


Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#123 - 2015-01-07 16:02:53 UTC
I liked their exploration idea, but then I am an explorer. Its a shame they canned it.

Exploring giant multi-level derelict structures that you can get lost in would be pretty sweet. Give us a motion tracker like in Alien so we can see if there is anyone else in there to hunt down.

Maybe we can throw a legion clone or a robot into our cargo and link up with it and use that to explore. So when you die you just wake up in your ship instead of half way across New Eden with your ship left behind. Maybe you can go back in if you brought more than one explorer clone/robot.

The clone/robot could use your existing hacking/analyzing/salvaging skills to find stuff of value. Get passed locked doors and disable security systems with hacking. Remove valuable parts from various things with the salvage skill (and a trusty blowtorch). Decipher alien languages with the analyzing skill maybe, for clues on how to bypass something or find the area with stuff worth hacking/salvaging. Get some sweet loot and huff it back to your ship before someone else comes along and shoots you in your face.

I wasn't too excited about the earlier WiS, with staring at corp mates in a meeting room and playing poker and whatnot.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#124 - 2015-01-07 16:48:40 UTC
Unezka Turigahl wrote:
I liked their exploration idea, but then I am an explorer. Its a shame they canned it.

I wasn't too excited about the earlier WiS, with staring at corp mates in a meeting room and playing poker and whatnot.

Depends if they're hot ... Blink

"Lykouleon wrote:


Net 7
#125 - 2015-01-07 17:03:04 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.

Not really. The engines are different and that makes the assets pointless to export.

WoD + Incarna: Carbon engine (WoD used a different more evolved version than Incarna, which wasn't retrofit into EVE)
DUST 514: Unreal 3 engine
Valkyrie: First Unity, now Unreal 4 engine
Legion: Unreal 4 engine

Different engines mean different art assets. You can't plug Unreal into EVE client and Carbon hasn't been touched in EVE for 3 years. Plus, likely any developers with Carbon expertise were fired when the Atlanta office was closed.

When I say "WiS is dead", it's with reasons.

Actually this is not entirely true. Legion is being made in Unreal 3, at least as of Fan Fest. And confirmed on the dust forums.

and we really have no idea how they plan to intergrade all the games with different engines. For all we know, they have a team working to convert eve to unreal. But who the hades knows. And Carbon is not JUST the avatar engine, it controls a lot of other factors as well, and is still being worked on, many devs have corrected this line of thinking that carbon is just the WiS engine, its not. I also would not be surprised if they had caned carbon for avatars and moved over to unreal. But not a dev so idk,

And we don't know what ccp and eves future plans are. But I think betting on them to grow in the next 5 years is a good bet. The Rift has a lot of hype, and could flop sure, but most people who tried it, myself included, love the damn thing. And if valk is a good game... then CCP has nothing to worry about.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#126 - 2015-01-07 17:28:12 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
and we really have no idea how they plan to intergrade all the games with different engines. For all we know, they have a team working to convert eve to unreal. But who the hades knows. And Carbon is not JUST the avatar engine, it controls a lot of other factors as well, and is still being worked on, many devs have corrected this line of thinking that carbon is just the WiS engine, its not. I also would not be surprised if they had caned carbon for avatars and moved over to unreal. But not a dev so idk,

Yup. No CARBON, no time dilation, for one thing. It was, and remains, a significant upgrade to EVE's underlying engine. It still has some very basic flaws, such as the fact that the bulk of it is still written in a language that doesn't know what threads are (Stackless Python). A lot of the CARBON improvements were achieved not only by refactoring e.g. the message passing code, but rewriting it in C++. There's a lot of that left to do.

Moving EVE to Unreal... wow. That would be a profound cultural shift for CCP. I wouldn't be surprised if they're at least kicking the possibility around somewhere, but they already have an increasingly robust inter-game communication API in CREST, and they just completely overhauled the way assets are created and introduced into EVE, possibly with an eye to the future. I can see it working even if EVE stays on its current engine. In that case, I don't think anything will happen before they finally send some poor team into the weeds to externalize character choice to the Launcher so that they can fire up whatever game engine they need to launch from there. But I'm just guessing.

I have a lot more faith in CCP's ability to execute now. They're getting better and better.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Goonswarm Federation
#127 - 2015-01-07 17:59:21 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.

Not really. The engines are different and that makes the assets pointless to export.

WoD + Incarna: Carbon engine (WoD used a different more evolved version than Incarna, which wasn't retrofit into EVE)
DUST 514: Unreal 3 engine
Valkyrie: First Unity, now Unreal 4 engine
Legion: Unreal 4 engine

Different engines mean different art assets. You can't plug Unreal into EVE client and Carbon hasn't been touched in EVE for 3 years. Plus, likely any developers with Carbon expertise were fired when the Atlanta office was closed.

When I say "WiS is dead", it's with reasons.

I've heard the exact opposite from devs, that many of Dust's assets are portable to Legion.

That means "portable from Unreal engine 3 to Unreal engine 4". But 80% of the work it's engine dependant, if you want anything that looks "A" quality.

But, WiS was made with Carbon, WoD was made with Carbon, and you can't plug Unreal engine into EVE. So in terms of engines, either CCP keeps developing and updating Carbon (for the CQs alone) or shifts to the use of off-the-shelf engines. Yet then WiS must become a different game, which CCP can't develop until they're done with developing their current new games. That's 5 to 8 years minimum, assuming that EVE and CCP would last that long...

...which is not something i'd invest on. What?

assets don't get tossed out the window as soon as something is compiled in an engine. There's still everything that has been done from concept art to textures, and sets of vertexes that make up 3D models. You don't go from one engine to another. Instead, you back up some steps, and recompile everything for the other engine. baka.
Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#128 - 2015-01-07 18:01:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Sol Project

Set of connected triangles, made of vertices = mesh

Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


Goonswarm Federation
#129 - 2015-01-07 18:04:08 UTC
both are correct.

also, anyone who says CCP won't last much longer is uninformed. it sounds dumb to people who know otherwise.
Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#130 - 2015-01-07 18:11:45 UTC
Yes, the dictionary shows both but "vertices" is what is being found everywhere
when it comes to 3d graphics. While still correct, it just reads off.

That's why I mentioned it.

Wasn't an attack or something.

Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#131 - 2015-01-07 18:13:37 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
If spaceships aren't enough for you, why choose to play a game focused on spaceships alone (as the playable 'avatars') when other space games that have avatar play exists (the aforementioned SW and ST MMOs) with at least 1 more (Star Citizen) coming? You know that plenty of us like our spaceship (that is really a submarine) focused game right?

I really don't understand this argument.

I like EVE enough that I want more of it. EVE on the ground. EVE in stations. EVE in ruined hulks. EVE in space, whether in capsules or not. Not Minecraft (although at least that's a sandbox--maybe EVE could learn something from it in certain contexts). Not STO, which has indifferent avatar gameplay and cool spaceship combat (which, maybe, CCP could poach ideas from?), but which is an undiluted theme park and therefore not EVE.

And CCP is giving you more EVE, in the proper way: seperate games that they are basically developing in the side and in tandem with paying attention to their flag ship product.'

EVE isn't the only game I play that has the "I want all the things in one easy package, without regard for how hard that would be for some developer to deliver" people in it. Just google "I want Infantry in World of TANKS" and you'll see the same thing. I once had a guy tell me that " will eventually go out of business if they don't combine their games". It hasn't.


The original, crazy vision for EVE was to be without precedent as a comprehensive alternate universe. Some of us like that vision, crazy as it is.

That 'original vision' led to a bloated, grasping, greedy company that thought one successful game meant that could make other games AND expanded their NICHE space ship game into something with more mass appeal while ignoring their core customers and "seeing what we would do, not what we would say"...

It took this community putting it's foot down to put a stop to that, and now CCP is a leaner, more focused and smaller organization that listens to and talks to it's customers, that rapidly delivers excellent values to it's core customers (every freaking 6 weeks now) and is an organization that knows which side of it's bread it's butter resides on (the EVE Online side). They are giving people who want to alk around and shoot stuff a game called Legion (on the PC, thank God) and people who want to do "jet fighters in space" will have Phoenix, and perhaps CCP will do what is doing and have some sort of overal 'tie in' to the 3 seperate games.

And that's more than enough for me and I think peope like me. Trying to cram "WiS' into an old game that has a code base so old and mysertious that they would rather change superficual game mechancis than risk fooling with it (see the coming fight/FB nerf) was dumb to begin with. CCP isn't dumb anymore.

Solecist Project
#132 - 2015-01-07 18:32:07 UTC
It's really hard not to switch sides when people like the above person ruin it.

You are full of hate and "I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT".
So many words. So full of yourself.

You should pick yourself at your own nose sometimes.

No wonder people call you a troll ... sheesh.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#133 - 2015-01-07 20:12:55 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.

Not really. The engines are different and that makes the assets pointless to export.

WoD + Incarna: Carbon engine (WoD used a different more evolved version than Incarna, which wasn't retrofit into EVE)
DUST 514: Unreal 3 engine
Valkyrie: First Unity, now Unreal 4 engine
Legion: Unreal 4 engine

Different engines mean different art assets. You can't plug Unreal into EVE client and Carbon hasn't been touched in EVE for 3 years. Plus, likely any developers with Carbon expertise were fired when the Atlanta office was closed.

When I say "WiS is dead", it's with reasons.

I've heard the exact opposite from devs, that many of Dust's assets are portable to Legion.

That means "portable from Unreal engine 3 to Unreal engine 4". But 80% of the work it's engine dependant, if you want anything that looks "A" quality.

But, WiS was made with Carbon, WoD was made with Carbon, and you can't plug Unreal engine into EVE. So in terms of engines, either CCP keeps developing and updating Carbon (for the CQs alone) or shifts to the use of off-the-shelf engines. Yet then WiS must become a different game, which CCP can't develop until they're done with developing their current new games. That's 5 to 8 years minimum, assuming that EVE and CCP would last that long...

...which is not something i'd invest on. What?

assets don't get tossed out the window as soon as something is compiled in an engine. There's still everything that has been done from concept art to textures, and sets of vertexes that make up 3D models. You don't go from one engine to another. Instead, you back up some steps, and recompile everything for the other engine. baka.

You *can* use the textures and maps from engine A on engine B. But, shall you look at PBR ships? How they look... wrong? Like, plastic toys? Shiny like glass? And that's just because, even using the same engine, they changed some of the mathematic foundations of rendering the textures. And now most textures and most maps are not suit to PBR, so they'll need to be redone until they look "right"... within the same exact engine!

High quality material and lighting takes 80% of the workload of any asset. The mesh... well, as long as it haves the right maount of polygons in it, it can be worked on. But it's secondary in terms of work. As soon as it doesn't causes geometry errors, it's kosher to go with any engine, with minor tweaking.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#134 - 2015-01-07 22:54:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
ISD Ezwal wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
By the way, this thread will be closed as redundant.
Not today and not by me.

*gasp* Shocked

EDIT: I know I'm late but *gasp* Shocked!

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#135 - 2015-01-08 14:10:58 UTC
By the way: with or without WiS, the game still has got avatars.

Personally, I would love to see them expanded -more pre-set poses, more backgrounds, more mobility (torso, arms and hands at least...), and more options to see them full-body without being within the client preview.

Also, it would be great to have some direct control on light sources and camera position.

I don't need to see my space-Barbies walk and wave their hands. I just need to be able to pose them... Bear
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#136 - 2015-01-08 14:53:50 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
... more pre-set poses
I just want to set the pose my self, like some kind of mannequin or something like that...

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#137 - 2015-01-08 15:01:47 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
It's really hard not to switch sides when people like the above person ruin it.

You are full of hate and "I AM RIGHT I AM RIGHT".
So many words. So full of yourself.

You should pick yourself at your own nose sometimes.

No wonder people call you a troll ... sheesh.

No one is forcing you to read anything I post. Sorry if the truth if offensive.
Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#138 - 2015-01-08 15:10:17 UTC
Except that you're not posting the truth.

You're posting your twisted reality.

The first post of mine where I critiqued your drivel pointed that out already.

You hate too much, it clouds your mind.

Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


Indahmawar Fazmarai
#139 - 2015-01-08 15:56:03 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
... more pre-set poses
I just want to set the pose my self, like some kind of mannequin or something like that...

Well, I asked "more mobility", but I'm still unsure about allowing players to pose female avatars below the waist, heh.

*I* and everyone I know would make a sensible use of it, but generally speaking TTOO (Time To Outrageous Obscenity) would be quite short... Blink
Goonswarm Federation
#140 - 2015-01-08 16:07:35 UTC
because awkward, no-talent photoshop hack jobs of female avatars in default underwear is sensible