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EVE General Discussion

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Any new info about EVA ?

First post
Solecist Project
#101 - 2015-01-06 20:49:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Erica Dusette wrote:
This is right on the money.

Likewise I'd be quite happy with it as a mere social feature and would pay for it.

But the more practical aspects the more popular it'd be and the greater percentage of supporters. Eve is notorious (imo) for antisocial folks, just try saying hi in local most times: the silence in reply is often deafening. Not counting trade hubs of course, lol.
That's right. And sad.

Ordinarily people like me, an avatar enthusiast and supporter of avatar gameplay, would be told to go back to [insert random avatar based game here], not dissimilar to Jenn's early comment asking what another poster was doing in a spaceship game if they want WiS style stuff. But you see most people who are into that stuff are also into pvp, pve, industry, etc. and that is why they're playing a spaceship game. They already love EVE as it is.
You're not ordinary.
lol Erica ... No, you are NOT ordinary. :p
The most ordinary people are those who do not ever post at all ...
... and of all people who post you are definitely not even close to ordinary. d:

low-class of players here. That's all bs really, opposition to this kind of thing honestly just comes down to personal prejudice and a desire to keep EVE just the way that individual likes it.
I never oppose change just because I prefer things stay as they are. That's just a sad state of mind.

I oppose the idea of change that looks like it has negative consequences.
You too would not want to have what Second Life has, as example, here in EVE.

You wouldn't. Read on.

My thoughts are that some form of avatar-based gameplay or interaction is inevitable. Not only because it's what a lot of others have or are doing but because it's already happening here. You see the more avatar related things that are gradually released the more people begin to enjoy them, and the less stigma is attached. Eventually people will start wanting to actually do stuff with these things they've spent so much time and money on.

So, brace yourselves. Pirate
You're probably the most reasonable person to talk with about it.

Provide a way of natural selection to weed out the scum from the game ...
... and you can have my support. Before that though, I'm not willing to give it.

I am sure that most people will have much less issue with WiS,
given that there is a way to take care of those who need to be taken care of.

There is sadly no indication that the majority of WiS people want it to be PvP in any way or form.

And without that, WiS simply is a horrible idea. Not even our current carebears would want all
these lunatic self entitled vermin crybaby carebears who rage BLOODYMURDERGRIEFER
at the slightest HINT of someone doing anything to them.

Example? ArcheAge. One out of so many!

People who kill their own faction do not cause any actual loss. There is no loot dropped, there is no XP lost,
there is only a minor, rediculous repair cost to items for the victim. The vermin, though,
will call you any name in the book. You're a sociopath, murder, rapist, molester,
that you should be beaten to death, someone should visit you at your door, **** you,
you should be hit by a car, the police should bust you, etc. etc. etc. ....

... just because you ruined their worthless sorry asses' illusion in a ******* videogame.

These people are the worst scum.


A GIGANTIC part of the whole problem!
EVE is a PVP game!
The scum wants to be left alone, so they can feel great about how ******* worthless they are!

Conclusion: WiS ain't ever gonna happen, unless we can kill the **** out of them!
The best way to make WiS interesting for more than the small crowd ...
... is to give us an outlook on how to keep these people out of the game!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#102 - 2015-01-06 20:52:27 UTC

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#103 - 2015-01-06 20:57:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Erica Dusette wrote:

This is right on the money.

Likewise I'd be quite happy with it as a mere social feature and would pay for it.

But the more practical aspects the more popular it'd be and the greater percentage of supporters. Eve is notorious (imo) for antisocial folks, just try saying hi in local most times: the silence in reply is often deafening. Not counting trade hubs of course, lol.

Ordinarily people like me, an avatar enthusiast and supporter of avatar gameplay, would be told to go back to [insert random avatar based game here], not dissimilar to Jenn's early comment asking what another poster was doing in a spaceship game if they want WiS style stuff. But you see most people who are into that stuff are also into pvp, pve, industry, etc. and that is why they're playing a spaceship game. They already love EVE as it is.

But they, like me (and like CCP once proudly did), merely see EVE's potential to be something much more and want to encourage that.

There it is. That is the common denominator present not only in WiS people but all "more subs" and "EVE would be great if" types. The idea, no, the feeling that EVE isn't already all it needs to be.

But the truth is, that's just those particular individuals seeing the cup half empty when it fact it's not even half full, it's FULL full lol. A large subset of humanity consists of people who can't really be happy with something for very long and always want 'more' of something. On a persona note I've dealt with people like that my entire life, and to a man (or woman) they never get why I'm happy with whatever situation i'm in (be it game, job, relationship whatever) while they find themselves in a constant state 'less than happy'-ness.

The above is why when CCp adds something new to the game some of us (who are already naturally content) are ecstatic (because CCP took something that was already great and somehow made it greater) while the "EVE has so much potential" crowd greats each new patch with muted 'meh....well, maybe that's a nice step in the right direction...maybe' .


I'm not going to buy into the arguments that it's wasteful dev resources, or will bring some low-class of players here. That's all bs really, opposition to this kind of thing honestly just comes down to personal prejudice and a desire to keep EVE just the way that individual likes it. And neither of those are in anyway new here or unique to WiS.

This bit is just an outright self serving lie. The idea that people like me simply want things to stay the same as opposed to these wonderfully altruistic WiS types who want nothing personally for themselves but rather just want a better game for the sake of the children is pure hogwash.

What people like me want is for CCP to learn from the past, a past where trying to turn a excellent niche game company into the next mediocre and soon to die Blizzard clone failed (as it should have). A past where said excellent niche game company decided to 'back-burner' core development of their only successful product in an attempt to create a situation where they could draw in both the space-barbie crowd (incarna) and the "alternative lifestyle sparkling vampires" crowd (WoD).

All for what? so a few "outside the target demographic" EVE players can 'sit at a virtual bar and stare at a virtual planet while they talk to strangers over teamspeak' and do nothing else?. Screw that noise.

CCP is going in the right direction right now (making separate games to cater to separate types), if they Want do to "World of EVE" one day that's fine, just as long as it's not today.
Goonswarm Federation
#104 - 2015-01-06 20:59:42 UTC
Monument shooters. Should have been banned for disturbing the servers.

Why EVE needs youngblood gameplay

In my mind, the goal for these new players would be a general feeling that, "I don't really like the whole space ships thing but I like the large-world FPS storyline." a reason why they pay a sub.

As long as they pay a sub, and participate in EVE... I don't get the negativity over it. If it supports more subs, then it would support more devs. ...and I'm not talking about Dust, which tied its fate to the PS3.

A PC engine, able to be iterated and updated.

Issues: FPS games are touchy about demanding fullscreen and exclusive control of the mouse, so I'm not hoping that multiboxing while dismounted is viable out of the box, but I intend to try at least.

I'd definitely commit SP to training shooter skills.
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#105 - 2015-01-06 21:02:20 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
You're not ordinary.
lol Erica ... No, you are NOT ordinary. :p
The most ordinary people are those who do not ever post at all ...
... and of all people who post you are definitely not even close to ordinary. d:

Not quite what I was getting at, but agreed. I'm the first to admit I'm weird and have no worry doing so. Oops

Solecist Project wrote:
Conclusion: WiS ain't ever gonna happen, unless we can kill the **** out of them!

I'm all for Murdering in Stations.

Though I meant just personally I'd still be happy with a mere social aspect because I spend a lot of time being social in EVE. Any enhancements to that which also add extra immersion are awesome from my perspective. So I'll keep encouraging it because it makes "my" EVE better, and others will argue against it because it doesn't fit with "their" EVE.

Which ironically is why I take so much interest in these threads yet simultaneously try so hard to avoid them these days lol

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#106 - 2015-01-06 21:07:31 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
There it is. That is the common denominator present not only in WiS people but all "more subs" and "EVE would be great if" types. The idea, no, the feeling that EVE isn't already all it needs to be.

I think that's a really weird way to look at it.

Same with pretty much the rest of the post.

Like I mentioned in my own last reply to Sol there, silly arguments like this and the majority of posts here are what I try to avoid these days. You're welcome to keep enjoying it though if that's part of your EVE, but I've got a dozen angry Germans to run from ingame. Afterward I hope to murder all of them with the help of some friends if they ever wake up. Then once that's done I'll prolly kick back for some RP.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Solecist Project
#107 - 2015-01-06 21:10:39 UTC
Erica Dusette wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
You're not ordinary.
lol Erica ... No, you are NOT ordinary. :p
The most ordinary people are those who do not ever post at all ...
... and of all people who post you are definitely not even close to ordinary. d:

Not quite what I was getting at, but agreed. I'm the first to admit I'm weird and have no worry doing so. Oops

Solecist Project wrote:
Conclusion: WiS ain't ever gonna happen, unless we can kill the **** out of them!

I'm all for Murdering in Stations.

Though I meant just personally I'd still be happy with a mere social aspect because I spend a lot of time being social in EVE. Any enhancements to that which also add extra immersion are awesome from my perspective. So I'll keep encouraging it because it makes "my" EVE better, and others will argue against it because it doesn't fit with "their" EVE.

Which ironically is why I take so much interest in these threads yet simultaneously try so hard to avoid them these days lol
The mere social aspect isn't untieable from being able to shoot them.
That's the whole issue from my side. It's just not working without it.

Being social = Interaction = Realism demands that we have the ability to harm others,
else the vermin will come and infect this game until it dies. A horrible death.

lol the game.

we'd all lose.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#108 - 2015-01-06 21:27:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dersen Lowery
Jenn aSide wrote:
If spaceships aren't enough for you, why choose to play a game focused on spaceships alone (as the playable 'avatars') when other space games that have avatar play exists (the aforementioned SW and ST MMOs) with at least 1 more (Star Citizen) coming? You know that plenty of us like our spaceship (that is really a submarine) focused game right?

I really don't understand this argument.

I like EVE enough that I want more of it. EVE on the ground. EVE in stations. EVE in ruined hulks. EVE in space, whether in capsules or not. Not Minecraft (although at least that's a sandbox--maybe EVE could learn something from it in certain contexts). Not STO, which has indifferent avatar gameplay and cool spaceship combat (which, maybe, CCP could poach ideas from?), but which is an undiluted theme park and therefore not EVE.

The original, crazy vision for EVE was to be without precedent as a comprehensive alternate universe. Some of us like that vision, crazy as it is.

EDIT: It occurs to me that I've seen a lot of EVE player chatter in STO, so maybe there is a symbiotic relationship where people take breaks from 'serious meaningful spaceships' to play 'fun inconsequential spaceships' for a while. STO's PVE is light-years ahead of EVE's (and it had better be).

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Goonswarm Federation
#109 - 2015-01-06 21:31:46 UTC
This space ships premise needs to be fleshed out some more. EVE has very few places for this to happen, that I can think of. Stations, and planetside. Under ground might be a third.

What those areas would also require is a story. Rather than attempting to drive the players with a story given by CCP's lore people, a more organic route would be allowing players to drive the story. This is already happening to a small degree in Factional Warfare and orbital strikes. (See: General Tsao's Alliance)

EVE has touted the fact that it gains subscriptions year after year, but here's another fact: I've gained two subscriptions per year over the last five years. So. That moving mass of player age in the video I linked? I'm willing to bet it's the same people taking on more subscriptions, for the most part.
Net 7
#110 - 2015-01-06 22:00:54 UTC
Sorry I did not read this all, so if this was addressed my appoligies.

Avatar game play is not dead, but tis on hold. I think there is a lot of support for avatar play, be it WiS, or via legion/Valk. I'm just not sure avatar play past WiS is viable in eve.

I mean the SC idea of drilling holes into roids, getting into a mobile unit away from the ship and manually mining inside an asteroid, just would not work well with eve game play. And sounds boring as hell.

Soemthing that MIGHT be interesting, is like this:

We make star gates, go to new worlds and in there worlds are derelict stations. We can dock on these stations, then use suits to explore them and steal technology from them, and at the same time, anyone can come to this station, dock up and come hunt us down in them. This would be a good use of a 'legion' clone for an eve player. Or even a use for a new type of pod technology. But besides something like that, not sure avatar outside WiS would work out very well.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#111 - 2015-01-06 22:04:01 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
This space ships premise needs to be fleshed out some more. EVE has very few places for this to happen, that I can think of. Stations, and planetside. Under ground might be a third.

What those areas would also require is a story. Rather than attempting to drive the players with a story given by CCP's lore people, a more organic route would be allowing players to drive the story. This is already happening to a small degree in Factional Warfare and orbital strikes. (See: General Tsao's Alliance)

EVE has touted the fact that it gains subscriptions year after year, but here's another fact: I've gained two subscriptions per year over the last five years. So. That moving mass of player age in the video I linked? I'm willing to bet it's the same people taking on more subscriptions, for the most part.

This makes sense. As the player base gets older, we tend to pull in players that are around our age. Friends, and family. As well as older players tend to add more accounts as years go by. I know I have.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#112 - 2015-01-06 22:16:35 UTC
One more:

Personally as a nearly 11 year vet, I love the spaceship game play of eve. Its fun, its what has kept me here. But at the same time, I kinda wish for a bit more variety of game play. Not as a way to change eve, but to supplement the current play. I signed up for dust beta and have an account there because I wanted new ways to experience and explore and play eve. The issue is, I still wanted eve. Dust not being connected really did not give me a reason to play it, besides jumping on and dying (I SUCK at FPS) and if it was on pc and I could switch easily between eve and dust I'd of played more.

CCP dropped the ball on WiS in that they made it forced, and not optional. People loved the Character creator, hell people still do. Avatar play is wanted, but it needs to be optional. And besides station or planetary exploration, there is not much else we can do with it. Lets face it, eve fights are much too quick for boarding parties, but if you could sabotage stations... that might be fun.

Avatar play needs to come, be optional, and a supplement to current play. Something that enhances what we do now, but is not mandatory, and anything bought in NES still needs to be sellable with isk

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#113 - 2015-01-06 22:27:26 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:
Oxylan wrote:
Because topic "Team Avatar and the future of our prototype" is locked i need to ask.

According to this, i need to ask.

"There has been an idea kicking around CCP for a long time now about an ideal starting point for avatar gameplay. That is exploring hazardous environments in order to get awesome stuff."

Anyone got informations about this feature? soon tm, in hibernation mode, work in progrss, or maybe delayed, or just rip ?

Once upon time CCP had an idea that they would expand their world by reusing their technology and buying a very different IP.

The IP they bought required full 3D avatar in fancy clothing instead of more or less static ships.

Captains Quarters was a tech demo of that new rendering engine and the first iteration got a bit of flak for setting GPU's on fire.

After some tweeks it's a little bit better, unless your avatar gets stuck on a corner, which is common.

The current status is that the full avatar game (also known as World of Darkness) is cancelled, so any further advance on the avatar game is dead.

With a possible exception for CCP devs doing something on their spare/free/play-time.

Except this is not entirely true. CQ was not the first interation. The very first iteration was in 07 shortly after WW was bought. At fan fest 07, they showed off the trinity engine and the carbon engine. And gave us a sneak peek at the "Ambulation" project. Which btw was AWESOME. (look it up, I'm serious, Ambulation in 07 was bad ass awesome sauce) Sometime after Trinity, when they were doing work on WoD, they scrapped WoD and started over, and they also scraped Ambulation and reworked it. That rework became WiS. So they killed something that looked awesome, and gave us crap. They also said "Avatar play will be strictly optional" yet its not. You first log into avatar play. WiS is crap. The promise though, is not. CCP its time to relook at WiS.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Goonswarm Federation
#114 - 2015-01-06 23:13:39 UTC
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#115 - 2015-01-06 23:30:15 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.

Not really. The engines are different and that makes the assets pointless to export.

WoD + Incarna: Carbon engine (WoD used a different more evolved version than Incarna, which wasn't retrofit into EVE)
DUST 514: Unreal 3 engine
Valkyrie: First Unity, now Unreal 4 engine
Legion: Unreal 4 engine

Different engines mean different art assets. You can't plug Unreal into EVE client and Carbon hasn't been touched in EVE for 3 years. Plus, likely any developers with Carbon expertise were fired when the Atlanta office was closed.

When I say "WiS is dead", it's with reasons.
Mharius Skjem
Guardians of the Underworld
#116 - 2015-01-06 23:36:49 UTC
Concord Guy's Cousin wrote:
Crumplecorn wrote:
Take away dev time from the main game to work on awesome sounding avatar gameplay?

Well, what could possibly go wrong?
Relevant youtube video and image

That would be due to the Greed is Good memo leak.

I know because I was there. I'm at the top right shooting the statue in the screen shot.

A recovering btter vet,  with a fresh toon and a determination to like everything that CCP does to Eve...

Don't take me too seriously though, I like to tease a bit on the forums, but that's only because I love you...

Goonswarm Federation
#117 - 2015-01-07 00:34:05 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.

Not really. The engines are different and that makes the assets pointless to export.

WoD + Incarna: Carbon engine (WoD used a different more evolved version than Incarna, which wasn't retrofit into EVE)
DUST 514: Unreal 3 engine
Valkyrie: First Unity, now Unreal 4 engine
Legion: Unreal 4 engine

Different engines mean different art assets. You can't plug Unreal into EVE client and Carbon hasn't been touched in EVE for 3 years. Plus, likely any developers with Carbon expertise were fired when the Atlanta office was closed.

When I say "WiS is dead", it's with reasons.

I've heard the exact opposite from devs, that many of Dust's assets are portable to Legion.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#118 - 2015-01-07 07:53:29 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.

Not really. The engines are different and that makes the assets pointless to export.

WoD + Incarna: Carbon engine (WoD used a different more evolved version than Incarna, which wasn't retrofit into EVE)
DUST 514: Unreal 3 engine
Valkyrie: First Unity, now Unreal 4 engine
Legion: Unreal 4 engine

Different engines mean different art assets. You can't plug Unreal into EVE client and Carbon hasn't been touched in EVE for 3 years. Plus, likely any developers with Carbon expertise were fired when the Atlanta office was closed.

When I say "WiS is dead", it's with reasons.

I've heard the exact opposite from devs, that many of Dust's assets are portable to Legion.

That means "portable from Unreal engine 3 to Unreal engine 4". But 80% of the work it's engine dependant, if you want anything that looks "A" quality.

But, WiS was made with Carbon, WoD was made with Carbon, and you can't plug Unreal engine into EVE. So in terms of engines, either CCP keeps developing and updating Carbon (for the CQs alone) or shifts to the use of off-the-shelf engines. Yet then WiS must become a different game, which CCP can't develop until they're done with developing their current new games. That's 5 to 8 years minimum, assuming that EVE and CCP would last that long...

...which is not something i'd invest on. What?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#119 - 2015-01-07 09:10:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Leannor
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
The tinfoil tells me Dust was the CCP illuminati way of sneaking Incarna and EVA development under everyone's radar. Dust has some portability to PC, and that will have some bleed-through to EVE.

at least that's what the hopeful Rain likes to believe.

Not really. The engines are different and that makes the assets pointless to export.

WoD + Incarna: Carbon engine (WoD used a different more evolved version than Incarna, which wasn't retrofit into EVE)
DUST 514: Unreal 3 engine
Valkyrie: First Unity, now Unreal 4 engine
Legion: Unreal 4 engine

Different engines mean different art assets. You can't plug Unreal into EVE client and Carbon hasn't been touched in EVE for 3 years. Plus, likely any developers with Carbon expertise were fired when the Atlanta office was closed.

When I say "WiS is dead", it's with reasons.

I've heard the exact opposite from devs, that many of Dust's assets are portable to Legion.

That means "portable from Unreal engine 3 to Unreal engine 4". But 80% of the work it's engine dependant, if you want anything that looks "A" quality.

But, WiS was made with Carbon, WoD was made with Carbon, and you can't plug Unreal engine into EVE. So in terms of engines, either CCP keeps developing and updating Carbon (for the CQs alone) or shifts to the use of off-the-shelf engines. Yet then WiS must become a different game, which CCP can't develop until they're done with developing their current new games. That's 5 to 8 years minimum, assuming that EVE and CCP would last that long...

...which is not something i'd invest on. What?

really? they've already done twice that, and no real sign of slowdown. Momentum alone should keep CCP going at least 5 years. And how many mini computing revolutions have they sailed through - I was playing other (new) games when I started playing EVE in 2004. These have died due to being left behind. EVE still strong out front though. I'd invest on 5 years certainly. 8 is more of a punt, but still a good one.

"Lykouleon wrote:


Solecist Project
#120 - 2015-01-07 14:37:49 UTC
Leannor ... I really wonder how you look like without that top. ^_^

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia