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Crime & Punishment

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come join the troll fest people, joinin eth trolling

First post
Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#21 - 2015-01-06 10:08:59 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Levnil Oriki wrote:
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

i have the solution you seek my friend.

move to lowsec & get farmed there.

you will still lose ships (that's eve) but guarantee you the "war deccers" Roll won't follow you.

Well you're already wrong there. Though I've heard that if lowsec isn't enough to deter us, which it isn't of course, "deep lowsec" is his next escape route.

am i to beleive that the coward letter in the OP was written by you?

inconcievable What?

You are not to believe that! Shockingly, it wasn't me.

As for the talk of cowardice, I hear station-tanking is becoming very popular again in certain parts of Amarr lowsec.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#22 - 2015-01-06 10:17:24 UTC
Levnil Oriki wrote:
As for the talk of cowardice, I hear station-tanking is becoming very popular again in certain parts of Amarr lowsec.

perhaps you should venture into



Deep lowsec.



to avoid such dishonorable tactics.


Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2015-01-06 10:49:41 UTC
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Levnil Oriki wrote:
As for the talk of cowardice, I hear station-tanking is becoming very popular again in certain parts of Amarr lowsec.

perhaps you should venture into



Deep lowsec.



to avoid such dishonorable tactics.

I dunno, it might be scary out there in the wilds! Plus, it'll still have stations Ugh
Chainsaw Plankton
#24 - 2015-01-06 10:57:48 UTC
oh C&P how I have missed you!

I demand a trial by combat if the OP dies then he is indeed a liar, if he wins then this noblehart fellow is clearly seeking vengeance in the wrong place and should repent by spending a whole month mining.

either way I hope I get to eat some popcorn

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#25 - 2015-01-06 10:59:23 UTC  |  Edited by: McChicken Combo HalfMayo
This thread is severely lacking in RL drama. Very disappointing.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#26 - 2015-01-06 11:02:45 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
oh C&P how I have missed you!

I demand a trial by combat if the OP dies then he is indeed a liar, if he wins then this noblehart fellow is clearly seeking vengeance in the wrong place and should repent by spending a whole month mining.

either way I hope I get to eat some popcorn

Arrange a duel, and call any t2 ship class that both pilots can use. Lord Whisker/Wrath's will be limited due to biomassing so often. Such a waste P
Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#27 - 2015-01-06 11:03:32 UTC
McChicken Combo HalfMayo wrote:
This thread is severely lacking in RL drama. Very disappointing.

Give it some time, OP always delivers RL drama. Specialty of his.
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#28 - 2015-01-06 12:19:51 UTC
Im afraid camping my hq station in low sec is pointless, i am unable to undock before 7pm each night anyhow as i have far to much to do.

There is no "escape" plan, nothing of the sort, we will carry on as always.

Levnils people who are "hunting" me, spend more time docking up and hiding from FW pilots and Pirates, but the fact your corp is spread all over new eden speaks volumes.

As i have said to your pet moxo, do w/e you want, my alt is in Gallente low sec plexing, making money, makes no diff to me and my corp mates are indifferent to this whole drama rubbish.

Such is eve.

The fact after 5 months you still track every forum post i make, well, that also speaks volumes sir.

methinks you need a hobby, EMA WILL NOT fail and it WILL NOT fall, no matter what you do.

Trust me on that. You also know that war decs don't bother me in the slightest, if people get caught and blown up, that is there stupid fault and they need to learn to stay out of high sec and use alts to move ships to low sec jump points.

I have zero interest in high sec, it bores me.

Thanks for your time fellas :)
Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2015-01-06 12:31:45 UTC
Lord Whisker wrote:
Im afraid camping my hq station in low sec is pointless, i am unable to undock before 7pm each night anyhow as i have far to much to do.

*cough*spam recruitment*cough*
Can you not do two things at once?

Lord Whisker wrote:
There is no "escape" plan, nothing of the sort, we will carry on as always.

Levnils people who are "hunting" me, spend more time docking up and hiding from FW pilots and Pirates, but the fact your corp is spread all over new eden speaks volumes.

Ever live in a wormhole? The exits have a habit of moving around a bit ya know.

Lord Whisker wrote:
As i have said to your pet moxo, do w/e you want, my alt is in Gallente low sec plexing, making money, makes no diff to me and my corp mates are indifferent to this whole drama rubbish.

Such is eve.

But,'re in the Amarr militia! Playing both sides...such a dastardly clever move.

Lord Whisker wrote:
The fact after 5 months you still track every forum post i make, well, that also speaks volumes sir.

methinks you need a hobby, EMA WILL NOT fail and it WILL NOT fall, no matter what you do.

Trust me on that. You also know that war decs don't bother me in the slightest, if people get caught and blown up, that is there stupid fault and they need to learn to stay out of high sec and use alts to move ships to low sec jump points.

I have zero interest in high sec, it bores me.

Thanks for your time fellas :)

I knew you'd deliver a good drama and feels-filled sperg though. Lunchtime entertainment \o/

Seriously, you should just have a button marked "push to receive drama."
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#30 - 2015-01-06 12:48:43 UTC
This coming from someone who stalks me across the forums and bisects every post i make to make himself look clever?

I know your Irish, but cmon, even you can do better than that fella :)
Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#31 - 2015-01-06 13:00:23 UTC
Lord Whisker wrote:
This coming from someone who stalks me across the forums and bisects every post i make to make himself look clever?

I know your Irish, but cmon, even you can do better than that fella :)

Stalks? Hard to miss the shouting eejit Big smile

Got something to say about my nationality there, do ya? Reported!
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#32 - 2015-01-06 13:03:51 UTC
Awww u can dish it out hard but when banter comes at you, you report it?

I'm 1/4 Irish, from my mothers side so bite me fella

Don't dish it, if you can't take it.

Just shows everyone how butt hurt you get when you hear some thing you don't like....

Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2015-01-06 13:11:48 UTC
I thought you'd enjoy the publicity!

Like that other thread of yours where you ended up having a go at CCP Falcon himself, as well as a few others.

As for butthurt, and your constant need to have the last word, well I think "kthnxby" is the definition of sticking your head in the sand and clenching hard.

Keep it coming though, the popcorn munching viewers are probably loving this.
Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#34 - 2015-01-06 13:16:57 UTC
/me munches on popcorn

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#35 - 2015-01-06 13:22:25 UTC
Levnil Oriki wrote:
I thought you'd enjoy the publicity!

Like that other thread of yours where you ended up having a go at CCP Falcon himself, as well as a few others.

As for butthurt, and your constant need to have the last word, well I think "kthnxby" is the definition of sticking your head in the sand and clenching hard.

Keep it coming though, the popcorn munching viewers are probably loving this.

Issue is, your smart ass comments just make you look stupid.

You throw all this trouble my way, for what? Cause your butthurt?

uh huh w/e mate, u derailed a thread to make urself known, this thread had nothing to do with you.

Your an idiot
Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#36 - 2015-01-06 13:27:28 UTC
Lord Whisker wrote:
Levnil Oriki wrote:
I thought you'd enjoy the publicity!

Like that other thread of yours where you ended up having a go at CCP Falcon himself, as well as a few others.

As for butthurt, and your constant need to have the last word, well I think "kthnxby" is the definition of sticking your head in the sand and clenching hard.

Keep it coming though, the popcorn munching viewers are probably loving this.

Issue is, your smart ass comments just make you look stupid.

You throw all this trouble my way, for what? Cause your butthurt?

uh huh w/e mate, u derailed a thread to make urself known, this thread had nothing to do with you.

Your an idiot

I swore not to take you seriously until your spelling and grammar improved. The saga continues, sadly.

Lord Whisker wrote:
You throw all this trouble my way, for what?

I'm troubling you, am I? A few posts ago, I read that this didn't bother you.

I joined in here to help Jerry give you some advice that would perhaps have been more useful. You need all the help you can get, even if it is from me!
Azn Empire
#37 - 2015-01-06 13:29:36 UTC
Lord Whisker wrote:
Your an idiot
Best line yet and still a classic.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#38 - 2015-01-06 13:31:34 UTC
yeh yeh

same old crap "look at me, im levnil, i inherited a butt ton of people, made a corp n now think im a big bad ceo" oh and

"btw, the guy im trolling and being an ass to, recruited every member of my corp before i took them all and started my own corp to go into a wormhole..."

There you go, fixed it

You are a nobody, a no one, simple as that, you never did anything to get those members, u sat back and watched me do all the work and now you sit here, havin a go at me hiding in a wormhole?

w/e boy, keep going, without me, u'd be nothing, still in that tiny ass corp being a "director" with no roles

you owe me everything
Avalia Nobleheart
#39 - 2015-01-06 13:32:12 UTC
Lord Whisker wrote:
Levnil Oriki wrote:
I thought you'd enjoy the publicity!

Like that other thread of yours where you ended up having a go at CCP Falcon himself, as well as a few others.

As for butthurt, and your constant need to have the last word, well I think "kthnxby" is the definition of sticking your head in the sand and clenching hard.

Keep it coming though, the popcorn munching viewers are probably loving this.

Issue is, your smart ass comments just make you look stupid.

You throw all this trouble my way, for what? Cause your butthurt?

uh huh w/e mate, u derailed a thread to make urself known, this thread had nothing to do with you.

Your an idiot

But you posted this up for all to see because... You wanted to hide? See, you wanted to let everyone know that I, a complete and utter stranger to you had issues with what you're doing to my friend. You know this is a public thread after all. Everyone is allowed to post upon this lovely thing.

And for the love of...

*You're *Because *You *Yourself *You're

And please learn to start your sentences with an uppercase, and end with at least a period.

Not saying who this makes look stupid but...
Misty Jigglypuffs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2015-01-06 13:35:00 UTC
Avalia Nobleheart wrote:
Lord Whisker wrote:
Levnil Oriki wrote:
I thought you'd enjoy the publicity!

Like that other thread of yours where you ended up having a go at CCP Falcon himself, as well as a few others.

As for butthurt, and your constant need to have the last word, well I think "kthnxby" is the definition of sticking your head in the sand and clenching hard.

Keep it coming though, the popcorn munching viewers are probably loving this.

Issue is, your smart ass comments just make you look stupid.

You throw all this trouble my way, for what? Cause your butthurt?

uh huh w/e mate, u derailed a thread to make urself known, this thread had nothing to do with you.

Your an idiot

But you posted this up for all to see because... You wanted to hide? See, you wanted to let everyone know that I, a complete and utter stranger to you had issues with what you're doing to my friend. You know this is a public thread after all. Everyone is allowed to post upon this lovely thing.

And for the love of...

*You're *Because *You *Yourself *You're

And please learn to start your sentences with an uppercase, and end with at least a period.

Not saying who this makes look stupid but...

He always ends on a period, it explains his mood swings that we're seeing now.