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My Only Gripe About Eve Online Is.........

First post
Solops Crendraven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2015-01-05 06:43:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Solops Crendraven
Ferni Ka'Nviiou wrote:
Solops Crendraven wrote:
Yes!Open your minds!Make Eve Free.No more Subs.And 75%off all ships.why not ????is it to much to ask from this community. I just dont get it.Shocked

Now you're just getting creepy. And since you haven't really commented on the feedback we provide about making EVE F2P, I get the idea that you're trolling. Goodbye.
?????????now im a troll? before you assume and judge me please to first understand me you been so busy insulting me you havnt realized i am only trying to help the eve community please take the time to watch my stream on this issue important note; the New Age has begun corps, goon and bni is old news and rhetoric . so i now declare this chapter closed .now for the reign of the Eve Of Thrones. let us celebrate the rise of new powers and players no taxes and free rent! Winter is here...

Moving To Las Vegas Watch Me Play Poker! enter link description here

Eve Academy Corporation
Nomad Alliance
#102 - 2015-01-05 12:33:27 UTC

"I got 3-4-5 accounts because I like to play that way but its too expensive......" (from OP's twitch)

There's a reason why we have corps and alliances - at the very least so we don't have 3-5 accounts. If you are going to gripe you're going to get flamed.

I was just in a C1 WH that had 7 towers. With a hi-sec static. They were all offline. Likely because the tower was owned by 10 member corps and each corp, were a a corp of alts. For this example - better to do a "jaunt" with a hauler and POS structures, do your thing in the WH, then take it all down and leave. Point being - do the "jaunt" with a corp. Not your alts..... Other people. Just an example.

Once again Devs. A trailer focusing on Corps and Alliances at the noobie would be good right about now. There is already one about a solo Wolf ratting - saved a miner from pirates - the miner introduced him to his corp - and he became part of an alliance of players that worked together. We need a more modern trailer that uses that as an individual element.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#103 - 2015-01-05 13:29:54 UTC
NoLife NoFriends StillPosting wrote:
Gotta agree with OP. EVE isn't so much a sandbox as a pay to win game where you need multiple accounts to do anything pretty much anything.

Pity the silly clowns that make this crusty old paper/rock/scissors game their life and live on the forums.

it is pay to win, ... if you choose to measure yourself against someone in the real world with more money.

But that's a choice. Comparison to anyone else is not a part of the game.

At anyone point in time, if everyone had one toon and did no money extras, then there will alway be someone ten times poorer than you and someone ten times richer than you.

How and why they got there, in your situation, is irrelevant. Everyone is on their own race, I'm not racing you, and you only race me by your choice.

"Lykouleon wrote:


State War Academy
Caldari State
#104 - 2015-01-05 13:35:43 UTC
NoLife NoFriends StillPosting wrote:
Mary Jane Moonbeam wrote:
NoLife NoFriends StillPosting wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Anything you can do with multiple accounts you can do with multiple people.
Go out and make some friends and stop whinging.
And trust me, 'pay to win' mentality only results in hilarious killmails at the expense of those who embrace it.
But hey, I benefit from that particular form of idiocy, so by all means encourage people to spend more on things they don't understand how to use. It makes things spicy for me.

You silly kids missed the point. In a sandbox game you shouldn't have to have rely on multiple accounts, friends or otherwise, to experience so much of the content.

In other sandbox games you aren't forced to play with others to experience the majority of the content. The prevalence of which takes away from the sandboxyness of EVE. Some people like to play on their own in a world populated by other people without actually playing with other people, believe it or not.

The more versatile EVE is, the more people it will attract and maintain. If you answer to lack of solo play is in EVE is, "get some friends", you are a irrational, counter-productive, and silly person who should really refrain from posting.

You can play in EVE without playing with other people.

Then you just miss all the content that is other people. Which is most of EVE, as it appropriate for an MMO.

Pretty simple, but nobody seriously expect people like you to understand even the simplest of things.

Forcing co-op gameplay is not necessary to be an MMO and actually detracts from the sandbox element. Ultima Online was the first great sandbox mmo and you could do ALL of the content solo. The PVP was much better too. Yours is a ignorant, one-dimensional way of thinking. Get some common sense. There are more possibilities other than black and white.

Saying "the people are the content" is an excuse for not having great gameplay. Whenever I hear people say that I think they are an ignorant apologist that is only knee-jerk defending whatever crappy mmo they play. Many people play mmos without co-op gameplay and desire it.

You should be embarrassed.

omg, *facepalm*

"Lykouleon wrote:


Solecist Project
#105 - 2015-01-05 14:19:32 UTC
Leannor wrote:
NoLife NoFriends StillPosting wrote:
Gotta agree with OP. EVE isn't so much a sandbox as a pay to win game where you need multiple accounts to do anything pretty much anything.

Pity the silly clowns that make this crusty old paper/rock/scissors game their life and live on the forums.

it is pay to win, ... if you choose to measure yourself against someone in the real world with more money.

But that's a choice. Comparison to anyone else is not a part of the game.

At anyone point in time, if everyone had one toon and did no money extras, then there will alway be someone ten times poorer than you and someone ten times richer than you.

How and why they got there, in your situation, is irrelevant. Everyone is on their own race, I'm not racing you, and you only race me by your choice.

The really funny part is how he talks about people on the forums ...
... while he cried about how CCP changed his rattlesnake.
Think it was a rattlesnake.

He's a fulltime troll, don't feed him.

But this whole thread is one gigantic troll that's very well executed.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solops Crendraven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2015-01-05 19:01:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Solops Crendraven
I dont mind getting Flamed on this Thread However I just don't understand why Everybody on this Forum Wants to pay a subscription for a MMO this really disturbs me while every other MMO beside Wow is free and they use Micro transactions to make money. I thought I would get more support I though maybe we can make the 2 other alt in our one account more useful so i wouldnt have to purchase 3 more accounts wouldn't it be great they can also log in too,With all honestly dont you think paying $20 for ship a little Expensive?All Im saying is If Ships where a $1 each people wouldnt be so miser about flying the bling and we would have Epic battles.Is that Unreasonable? And rattlesnakes way overpriced I mean ill buy one but its going to suck losing my bling vs some 2cents frigs .and why they brown looking or is it my PC Low settings.

Moving To Las Vegas Watch Me Play Poker! enter link description here

Solecist Project
#107 - 2015-01-05 19:06:28 UTC
Sixth page.

Ask me for a date!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#108 - 2015-01-05 19:15:09 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Sixth page.

Ask me for a date!

Well, the head pose with respect to the body is really sexy, thumbs up!
Solops Crendraven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2015-01-05 19:26:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Solops Crendraven
Ya i like her vest.
and you just reminded me whats up with the Absurdly Expensive Virtual Monocles selling on the market?
And people Think i need to see a shrink

Moving To Las Vegas Watch Me Play Poker! enter link description here

Eve Academy Corporation
Nomad Alliance
#110 - 2015-01-05 20:09:34 UTC
Solops Crendraven wrote:
I dont mind getting Flamed on this Thread However I just don't understand why Everybody on this Forum Wants to pay a subscription for a MMO this really disturbs me while every other MMO beside Wow is free and they use Micro transactions to make money. I thought I would get more support I though maybe we can make the 2 other alt in our one account more useful so i wouldnt have to purchase 3 more accounts wouldn't it be great they can also log in too,With all honestly dont you think paying $20 for ship a little Expensive?All Im saying is If Ships where a $1 each people wouldnt be so miser about flying the bling and we would have Epic battles.Is that Unreasonable? And rattlesnakes way overpriced I mean ill buy one but its going to suck losing my bling vs some 2cents frigs .and why they brown looking or is it my PC Low settings.

$20 is cheap to buy/fit a ship. Expensive if you don't know how to fly it and stay camped in a station or cloaked.

The reason people want to pay to play this game is because of the amount of WORK done to maintain an excellent MMO that has stood the test of time - all you have done is gripe.

Rattlesnakes aren't so expensive if you find an Indy to build it for you.
Jurico Elemenohpe
Flipsid3 Tactics
#111 - 2015-01-06 00:40:10 UTC
Solops Crendraven wrote:
I dont mind getting Flamed on this Thread However I just don't understand why Everybody on this Forum Wants to pay a subscription for a MMO this really disturbs me while every other MMO beside Wow is free and they use Micro transactions to make money. I thought I would get more support I though maybe we can make the 2 other alt in our one account more useful so i wouldnt have to purchase 3 more accounts wouldn't it be great they can also log in too,With all honestly dont you think paying $20 for ship a little Expensive?All Im saying is If Ships where a $1 each people wouldnt be so miser about flying the bling and we would have Epic battles.Is that Unreasonable? And rattlesnakes way overpriced I mean ill buy one but its going to suck losing my bling vs some 2cents frigs .and why they brown looking or is it my PC Low settings.
Not really overpriced if you know how to make isk.. A few hours of in game farming or a couple of hours in a job (at $10/hour)
Eve Cluster Explorations
#112 - 2015-01-06 00:48:43 UTC
Solops Crendraven wrote:
every other MMO beside Wow is free
Not really, they just compromise the game instead. It might be pay to progress faster, which encourages building grind into the game model, or nickel and diming, which encourages putting content (usually cosmetic) behind a paywall.

Having a subscription fee is a burden the game has to carry, a downside to playing it, but it is a metalevel burden which doesn't actually affect the game itself. 'Free' games almost invariably just move the burden inside the game world as described above, which is why 'free to play' is, in the vast majority of cases, synonymous with ****.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#113 - 2015-01-06 00:59:17 UTC
Solops Crendraven wrote:
With all honestly dont you think paying $20 for ship a little Expensive?

I currently have 5 paid accounts (lowers head in shame).

Solops Crendraven wrote:
All Im saying is If Ships where a $1 each people wouldnt be so miser about flying the bling and we would have Epic battles.

There'd be no reason to without consequence.

Like during titan events on SiSi: it is a novelty, but doesn't make for sustained long-term game-play.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2015-01-06 02:55:49 UTC
No one's making you run multiple accounts, you do that on your own terms.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Steppa Musana
#115 - 2015-01-06 06:00:59 UTC
It's free if you aren't a complete mutt. You can make a subscription each month passively just through manufacturing.
Solops Crendraven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2015-01-06 13:25:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Solops Crendraven
Why would You fly Around with 1k worth of plex??????Shocked And I thought I was Throwing away Money.

Moving To Las Vegas Watch Me Play Poker! enter link description here

Solops Crendraven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2015-01-06 13:33:00 UTC
Steppa Musana wrote:
It's free if you aren't a complete mutt. You can make a subscription each month passively just through manufacturing.
A Nutt Maybe A MuttIM NOt

Moving To Las Vegas Watch Me Play Poker! enter link description here

omgitsbees Isayeki
#118 - 2015-01-06 14:38:47 UTC  |  Edited by: omgitsbees Isayeki
Crumplecorn wrote:
You're looking for a single player game.

No single player RPG like Eve-O though, so i'll continue playing this. I also don't have any complaints about Eve-O, so we are all good here.

Solops Crendraven wrote:
Why would You fly Around with 1k worth of plex??????Shocked And I thought I was Throwing away Money.

According to the money figure in the article, that is about 75 months worth of Eve-O subscription?
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#119 - 2015-01-06 15:23:45 UTC
stupid is as stupid does.
undock with a month or two's worth of rent and don't scream when you lose it.
microtransaction is a terrible idea that does not fit eve.
You should feel a modicum of shame about your relentless attempts to promote your twitch channel that nobody really cares about. You should feel greater shame for seriously trying to change the nature of a game that appears to be older than you are.
Also, now that we've gone full circle and heard what you have to say...

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#120 - 2015-01-06 15:31:19 UTC
Crumplecorn wrote:
Solops Crendraven wrote:
every other MMO beside Wow is free
Not really, they just compromise the game instead. It might be pay to progress faster, which encourages building grind into the game model, or nickel and diming, which encourages putting content (usually cosmetic) behind a paywall.

Having a subscription fee is a burden the game has to carry, a downside to playing it, but it is a metalevel burden which doesn't actually affect the game itself. 'Free' games almost invariably just move the burden inside the game world as described above, which is why 'free to play' is, in the vast majority of cases, synonymous with ****.

You forget the best reason for the sub fee ... gets rid of the transiant riff raff who don't care about EVE.

If you're paying for something, you're gunna commit to it. Be it as a piewat, Jita scammer, spy, leader, flunky or carebear, they're all as important as each other.

"Lykouleon wrote: