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Criminal/Standings Consequences

Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#1 - 2015-01-05 13:41:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Dangeresque Too
*DISCLAIMER: This is not about nerfing ganks, protecting haulers, or arguing the rights/wrongs with ganking. It is about having bad standings with NPCs, be it faction, concord, pirate etc.*

"You have entered Caldari space, where criminals will not be tolerated!"

Yeah, the NPC corps take such offense to pilots in space yet give them unlimited choices on where to fly and what stations to dock in. So what is the overall feel here for criminals... they are told they are evil, that they are enemies of the faction, and that they will surely die for their transgressions... but then they are allowed to dock in police/navy stations with no consequences and they are permitted to travel through any stargate. Sounds a lot like "Will not be tolerated" in fact means "we will completely tolerate you". In what mindset does any of that make any sense?

After much thought on the subject there needs to be a drastic overhaul to how the game handles pilots with negative standings (be it security, faction, or npc).

Lets say you were curious and spent some of the early months blowing up NPC convoys and therefore incurred a hefty negative standing with that particular NPC corp (in my case I was all the way down to -8 with 2 or 3 NPC corps). Then you fly to one of their stations, you request docking permission and they accept. Really?!?! You just blew up a bunch of their ships and they absolutely hate you, why would they even think about letting you dock in their station and why the heck didn't the station's guns light you up the second you landed on grid?

We can take the above example and apply it to say really bad faction standing. Say you are an oustanding Gallente citizen, but during some time running missions you blew up more than your fair share of Caldari Navy ships. The Caldari Navy doesn't much care for you and they will shoot your ship on site in their space (if you ship is large/slow enough, but that doesn't really matter as they won't scram you anyways). Upon entering Caldari space you (and all other pilots on grid) get a warning saying that "You have entered Caldari space. Since you have proven to be an enemy to our people, you will be terminated!". So you then fly to the nearest Caldari Navy station, request docking permission, and they accept. Again, their navy hates you, even tells you so every time you load grid in their soveriegn space. Yet you can still be on grid with a navy station with no fear of the station guns blasting you out of the sky or not being allowed to dock and use their facilities. They hate you and will try to kill you every time you are in space yet are just fine with having you dock in their stations and use their facilities.

Now the last instance, negative security pilots. The galactic police have placed a bounty on your head, the faction navies will engage you on site (again, if you are using a large/slow enough ship), yet you have permission to fly through any stargate and dock in any station, no penalties, no fines, no consequences. For instance this guy ( or this guy (, he's a -10 and seems to be able to do just about whatever he wants, I don't see how there are really consequences for his criminal behavior, do you? He does whatever he wants, kills pods, haulers, orcas, frieghters, POS arrays, etc. He goes whereever he wants and kills whatever he wants, even to the point of being able to coordinate with dozens of other -10 pilots to take down larger targets. Pretty impressive considering Concords stance on criminals. But then again not so much as any NPC corp and station openly harbors criminals. Aiding and abetting the fugitives should make any such station or entity an accessory to their crimes. But alas, the system is in place to grant these criminals open range with little consequence.

Again, all I have been saying this whole time is to think of it as if hi-sec NPCs treated pilot standings the way null sec alliances do, you aren't cool with the owners, sorry about your luck, might want to fix that (and they have made it pretty easy to fix that).

Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#2 - 2015-01-05 13:41:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Dangeresque Too
Ok, presuming you are still with me. I'm not anti-ganking, I love ganking, now I only do it for profit and not nearly as often as I would like to, haven't done it in a while though. But pilots with low standings (be it faction, npc, or security) enjoy relative freedom compared to what one would think would come with being of such low standing. I can't be a wanted criminal and still have free riegn to hang out at the local police office and carry out my daily business and expect anything less than to be arrested on site, so why should these bad standing pilots expect to be treated different?

Now as far as what actions need to be taken, if you can't derive that from the examples I will lay it out in more detail:

1) Negative NPC corp standings should disallow you from docking at their stations and using their services. Their stations should shoot you on site. And if you want access to those facilities again, then work with a friend to share some corp standing with you, afterall this is a multiplayer game, right?

2) Negative Faction standings, you should be shot on site from stations that belong to that faction. You should be denied access to those stations as you are an enemy of the state, thereby a sworn enemy of that station. Gate guns should appropriately engage as well, they are state operated facilities are they not?

3) Negative Security standings. Concord has declared you to be a pirate and a criminal, to be shot on site. Any NPC station to accept you would be actively aiding and abetting a fugutive, therefore you would be shot on site at any high-sec NPC station and not allowed to dock. Gate guns should engage you on site as well. (still working on if/how much gates should allow access for criminals or if it should be separated via system security level and the extent of the negative standings, but that is where a lot of the -10 grief gankers will go full ****** flame mode saying its not fair and hi-sec is already too safe, nevermind the lack of real applicable consequences to their actions currently)

4) Faction Navies should all scram/point you, and if you can kill the tackle ship and get away good for you until the next time you land on grid in their space. The Navy forces should also escalate after a set amount of time if you are just tanking their damage, bring in more guns, heavier guns, and additional tackle too.

Over the years I've seen things going on in game and thought to myself, "why in the world is that even possible or accepted?". Things like a Fleet Tempest in an opposing faction's militia sitting on a gate in a Caldari 1.0 system like everyone else is just in the wrong place. He was there for at least an hour, avoiding faction police by having his FW buddy in a frigate warp around grid all the time distracting the Navy NPCs. Thats like a division of US Marines hanging out in Pyongyang, North Korea, randomly shooting communist party members as they walk past the capital building because they have a clown making balloon animals on the corner distracting the North Korea army. Or in another situation a guy just sitting on a gate, tanking and endlessly killing the Faction Navy ships, must have been at it for at least a half hour, there were dozens of NPC wrecks floating around. That's just like those awful Walker Texas Ranger fights, where you have a dozen bad guys surround him, but they seem to only be allowed to attack him one at a time, waiting until the previous guy is out of action before sending the next one in.

With these changes being criminal would have meaningful consequences that would actually affect your ability to perform normal activities in high security space, kinda like being on Interpol's wanted list might just a little bit hinder your ability to do normal people things in public. Might even help distribute the market a little bit more back to the factional hubs like CCP would like to see happen instead of Jita 4-4 being the practical end all of market activity.

And what ever happened to the long ago announced changes to player policing like gaining sec status for killing negative sec pilots or criminals? We are still capped at best 5.0 and worst -10 no matter what a pilot does. And both sets of those pilots have exactly the same access to stargates and stations and services etc.


Having negative standings should have a tangible consequence. You should no longer have access to the stations of those groups that hate your or say they will shoot on site. Stations and gates belonging to those groups that you have negative standing with should infact shoot on site. Negative security pilots labeled criminal by Concord should not be given safe refuge in NPC stations in high-sec as those NPCs would be aiding and abetting a fugitive. Regular NPC corps, or even pirate NPC corps, should deny access to those who have negative standing with them.

You can more than easily enough fix your bad standings, and it is even easier keep them fixed. Eve is a game about choices, if don't like the consequences, then don't keep making those choices. As a criminal or low standing pilot, you chose that life, and there should be consequences, live with it or learn how to fix your standings. This affects all players, PvE, FW, and criminals alike, everyone has bad standing with someone and it doesn't make much sense that those factions don't deny facility services or don't shoot them on site.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you are going to start heavily critizing based on the TLDR then take the appropriate time to actually read the rest of the post. I really hate having to copy/paste because people can't/don't read.

Black Pedro
#3 - 2015-01-05 14:47:19 UTC
This proposal seems heavily influenced by the "why isn't Eve more like real life" fallacy. Eve is an internet space ship game and thus has to have fun as its main goal. There are many strange things that go on in New Eden that have no resemblance to reality and to argue something should "be more like real life" is a dangerous road to go down.

There are reasons why players are not locked out of any station in Empire space - CCP has said that is one of their design principles and allows player freedom across space. Further, CCP Seagul is pushing the game away from arbitrary NPC mechanics, so adding yet another complicate layer of "docking rights" enforced by NPCs which may confuse players for no other reason than "making Eve like real-life" does not seem likely.

There are already "consequences" in that the faction police do hunt down criminals and enemies and destroy them. You could make them stronger but why? The last (second-to-last ?) trailer hinted that the Empires are losing power so I wouldn't be suprised to see the faction police removed altogether at some point. But if you want a lore reason, the empires (and NPC corps) are scared of the demi-gods that are us, the capsuleers, and thus give us a wide berth not to upset us into targeting them. So therefore they have to tolerate our shenanigans out of fear.

From a game design perspective make large chunks of space totally unaccessable to certain players would be a large nerf to certain players, most notable highsec criminals and Faction Warfare combatants. Such changes would have to be balanced by others, and all this to make the game more "realistic" seems unnecessary.

The game needs less NPC-based mechanics and more player-driven ones. This idea goes in the wrong direction.
Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#4 - 2015-01-05 14:56:19 UTC
CCP has also stated that criminal and negative standings should have consequences, and currently there aren't really any. I did say Eve should be more "real", I just said it should provide legit consequences for player actions and happened to give a couple relating to real life examples for people who have limited imaginations. I gave plenty of in game examples too.

Your response seems to depend on carebears working together and fighting for their protection, that idea is never going to happen and if you or CCP think it will please wake up. As you are just an alt ganking account I can understand your concern for not being able to grief anyone anywhere anytime anymore.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#5 - 2015-01-05 15:03:26 UTC
Even the empires require ISK to run. Sure, they may hate you and they may shoot you on sight, but denying docking rights or access to station services to those that they are on bad terms with limits their income pool.

CONCORD and faction police also require ISK to operate. They already destroy any ship engaged in criminal activity in hisec. They will also engage pilots with low enough security status given the time. What you are proposing would require gate guns and/or CONCORD/FacPo ships to be everywhere in space. How would you propose that CONCORD and the empire factions pay for all of these assets? That kind of tax on capsuleers would likely be huge.

tl;dr: Not changing for gameplay and lore-based economic reasons. Never forget...CCP wants criminals operating in hisec.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Black Pedro
#6 - 2015-01-05 15:13:37 UTC
Dangeresque Too wrote:
CCP has also stated that criminal and negative standings should have consequences, and currently there aren't really any. I did say Eve should be more "real", I just said it should provide legit consequences for player actions and happened to give a couple relating to real life examples for people who have limited imaginations. I gave plenty of in game examples too.

Your response seems to depend on carebears working together and fighting for their protection, that idea is never going to happen and if you or CCP think it will please wake up. As you are just an alt ganking account I can understand your concern for not being able to grief anyone anywhere anytime anymore.

Why does it always come back to the "grief" word?

I didn't realize that your suggestion was actually intended to make highsec safer - if so I would have given a different response.

There are plenty of consequences: -10 players are freely shootable by anyone, and can't do anything other than warp quickly around in highsec. An outlaw is essentially limited to ganking, and only ganking and enjoys zero protection from other players. Adding station lockouts would only be yet another nerf to highsec criminals, and raise the bar of entry to new players looking to get into the profession requiring them to have an Orca alt.

CCP has spent a lot of effort coding in game mechanisms to allow highsec criminals to operate such as security status, CONCORD, Crimewatch. Why would they go to all that trouble only to make it unworkable for highsec criminals to operate in highsec?

Highsec criminals are suppose to exisit in this game by CCPs design. If you don't like them there, you are suppose to stop them yourself, as is intended by CCP.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#7 - 2015-01-05 15:23:28 UTC
Criminals already have meaningful consequences and restricted gameplay. But its up to players to dish out the real justice, and thats what EVE's about.

I am kinda leaning towards station restrictions for FW players, but that would be if faction navies were changed to not really do anything. Leave it up to the players.

As for outlaws not ever being able to dock anywhere in hi-sec? theres no reason to go that far. Outlaws are not playing station games and have to go through extraordinary methods to do what other players can do. As gankers they also provide a good service.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2015-01-05 15:39:46 UTC
OP, give it up. Dudes want game to have consequences, meaning they get to be the one pulling the trigger, at no risk to them selves in their cheap destroyer throw away ships but you have to suffer consequences for their actions. Meaning, they get to be the one that doesn't have to deal with consequences, you would think that the grind to get back sec status would take longer or sec status would impose a higher tax or would lock them out....nope, free ride, cheap throw away ship like a wrapper from burger that was just eaten, and you get your face stomped in. Might as well have free respawn....oh wait, CCP went ahead and made that possible a month ago.....pods should of never existed, ship blows up, you go with it, med clone cut scene respawn, lose skill points, and there is the consequences of your actions, even if you where the one in a destroyer or the barge blowing up (think T3 penalty, but applied to EVERYTHING! except newb ships and shuttles). Every time you ship went boom, you lost something that wasn't calculable with the word "isk" Twisted
Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#9 - 2015-01-05 15:40:31 UTC
And if I was just complaining about Eve not being real then I would have filled this with references to no weak points on ships, bumping not doing any damage, no firing arcs on ships, weapons shooting through objects in between you and your target, warping through stations/planets, etc etc.
Black Pedro wrote:
There are plenty of consequences: -10 players are freely shootable by anyone, and can't do anything other than warp quickly around in highsec. An outlaw is essentially limited to ganking, and only ganking and enjoys zero protection from other players. Adding station lockouts would only be yet another nerf to highsec criminals, and raise the bar of entry to new players looking to get into the profession requiring them to have an Orca alt.

CCP has spent a lot of effort coding in game mechanisms to allow highsec criminals to operate such as security status, CONCORD, Crimewatch. Why would they go to all that trouble only to make it unworkable for highsec criminals to operate in highsec?

Highsec criminals are suppose to exisit in this game by CCPs design. If you don't like them there, you are suppose to stop them yourself, as is intended by CCP.
LOL, you lose your ship, what, meta 0 fit thrasher? Oh my, what a distraught pilot you must be having to suffer so... and freely shootable by anyone, again, so someone can maybe if they are super fast lock your empty pod or cheap dessie? I have to reiterate: relevant consequences. I never said you couldn't still operate, but your operations would be actually limited and you might have to actually be creative with your gameplay.

How would station/gate lockouts be any different than null with player owned space? With player run outposts and controlled stations, you can't use the facility unless you are the owner or the owning group gives you express permission to use it. If you have terrible standing with that alliance, tough cookies, find somewhere else to do business. Jump bridges and POCOs also apply here. They are player run and therefore more restrictive than the NPC run facilities of the same type.
Bronson Hughes wrote:
Even the empires require ISK to run. Sure, they may hate you and they may shoot you on sight, but denying docking rights or access to station services to those that they are on bad terms with limits their income pool.

CONCORD and faction police also require ISK to operate. They already destroy any ship engaged in criminal activity in hisec. They will also engage pilots with low enough security status given the time. What you are proposing would require gate guns and/or CONCORD/FacPo ships to be everywhere in space. How would you propose that CONCORD and the empire factions pay for all of these assets? That kind of tax on capsuleers would likely be huge.

tl;dr: Not changing for gameplay and lore-based economic reasons. Never forget...CCP wants criminals operating in hisec.
Since when did the massive taxes already in the system not mean anything? Station rents, market taxes, the massive new industrial fees, CSPA charges, war fees. Seems the NPCs have sufficient funding already without any meager amount you say is contributed by criminals.

And where did I say they had to be everywhere at the same time? I just said they should lock you out of stations that you had bad standing with, and the stations/gates already have guns, right? You telling me that the guns shooting means that the police have to spawn too? Or that the guns would have to spawn even though they are already everywhere? The only increase in anything I was talking about was escalating faction navies when someone has been tanking them for an hour. Not sure about how you feel it should go, but even in a hi-sec war people don't just endlessly throw a couple frigates at a time at a hefty battleship for hours without trying to escalate to some degree. If you say grabbed a carrier in low, would you just send 2 cruisers at a time and never call for heavier reinforcements?
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Criminals already have meaningful consequences and restricted gameplay. But its up to players to dish out the real justice, and thats what EVE's about.

I am kinda leaning towards station restrictions for FW players, but that would be if faction navies were changed to not really do anything. Leave it up to the players.

As for outlaws not ever being able to dock anywhere in hi-sec? theres no reason to go that far. Outlaws are not playing station games and have to go through extraordinary methods to do what other players can do. As gankers they also provide a good service.
Yeah, cause players blowing up your cheap fit cata is really a hefty consequence, or catching your empty pod now that there are no clone fees. Can you explain how this is a relevant consequence?

Uh, faction navies already don't really do anything, or did you miss the part about battleships sitting on grid for an hour while their buddy in a frig warps around keeping the faction navy ships from ever targeting the battleship, or where guys will just sit there for hours and tank the couple faction navy ships that do spawn to "police" them.

Whoever said that gankers have to be -10 only? You want to use stations again then grind your status back up, or just plain keep yourself positive, its not really that hard to do anymore with changes to sec status ticks or the new tags.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#10 - 2015-01-05 15:49:16 UTC
geeze, i thought you werent butthurt...

faction navies do shoot players...add your own dps it helps. but if you think faction navies should be able to do it all by themselves, you are playing the wrong game.

-10 players have to stay on the move. they cant do many of the things other players do like mine or mission. They heavily rely on alts. Those are extraordinary measures to get around restricted gameplay. thats a consequence. you have not provided any reason to prevent them from docking in hi sec besides 'it would be more realistic'.

provide a good gameplay reason and we have a dicussion...what your doing is whining right now.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#11 - 2015-01-05 15:54:28 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
you have not provided any reason to prevent them from docking in hi sec besides 'it would be more realistic'.
You mean other than the fact that the police and factions even proudly proclaim to everyone "You will not be tolerated and will be terminated!"... but yet they do not do much to make sure you are terminated if you are endlessly tanking the navy and then they most definitely make sure you are tolerated as long as you aren't currently committing an active crime at the moment. It would be nice if they just did what they say they will do, otherwise stop spamming my screen with it every time you show up on grid.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#12 - 2015-01-05 16:11:51 UTC
Dangeresque Too wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:
you have not provided any reason to prevent them from docking in hi sec besides 'it would be more realistic'.
You mean other than the fact that the police and factions even proudly proclaim to everyone "You will not be tolerated and will be terminated!"... but yet they do not do much to make sure you are terminated if you are endlessly tanking the navy and then they most definitely make sure you are tolerated as long as you aren't currently committing an active crime at the moment. It would be nice if they just did what they say they will do, otherwise stop spamming my screen with it every time you show up on grid.

NPCs in EvE promise things that they can't back up all the time, and this is hardly limited to empire police NPCs. Just ask any mission runner or folks who do combat anoms/sites. They promise to destroy player's ships all the time, yet most of the time they don't.

When players do this, it's called talking smack. Why should NPCs be forbidden to talk smack?

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2015-01-05 16:35:45 UTC
plz go -10 in lo before posting these rants
there are harsh penalties.

further more I do not see the risk to concord letting guys who m ed spa eships to do anything leave said ship
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2015-01-05 16:40:22 UTC
next time you see someone tanking sentry guns in a battleship pull out a tempest and shoot them with a damage type they are not tanking. collect tears.
Synth Tech
#15 - 2015-01-05 16:54:18 UTC  |  Edited by: chaosgrimm
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Criminals already have meaningful consequences and restricted gameplay. But its up to players to dish out the real justice, and thats what EVE's about.

The problem here is that there really isn't a motivation to do so. A non combat pilot just lost over 2 bil due to a freighter being ganked. Do they start to make up their losses with more freighter stuff or with a lack of combat experience and limited desire to participate in combat, try to hunt xyz ganker who is likely just sitting in a station, just to try to cause the pilot a loss of a few mil.

If you believe emotions should be sufficient motivation, then why not make ganking unprofitable, and restrict its motivation to emotion as well?
Azn Empire
#16 - 2015-01-05 19:16:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Being an outlaw and -10, already does have consequences. Just because they are not to your liking, doesn't change that fact.

It's not the system that's broken, it is in fact the mentality of certain players.
News flash. Players gathering together to attempt a task, will out perform those who try things solo in an MMO.

It's not the that crimewatch doesn't work, it's that other players do nothing and the criminals work with the rules. With the rules.

So how about this. Try working with the rules. Try operating with friends. Try using the options available to all. Yes even those of us who are outlaws, do just that.

I have a jump freighter, normal freighter and a full t2 cargo fit BR. All three ships are the first and only ones I've ever bought. Not lost one. Do I have some special power or cheat codes? No. I simply play the game correctly. Blink

This will of course, fall on deaf ears. You don't want to work for your security, you want hand holding. As they say every time in these types of threads.
"Just this one nerf and it will all be balanced."
But you'll never be happy, till ganking is removed. You will claim differently, oh yes you will. But you Sir give the game away, with the use of the term 'Grief'.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#17 - 2015-01-05 19:40:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dangeresque Too
Daerrol wrote:
next time you see someone tanking sentry guns in a battleship pull out a tempest and shoot them with a damage type they are not tanking. collect tears.
Great idea if I'm not part of that faction's war.... Oh hi concord preventing a player from "dealing justice" to a player taking advantage of weak and broken game mechanics...

Mag's wrote:
Being an outlaw and -10, already does have consequences. Just because they are not to your liking, doesn't change that fact.
I like how you guys keep listing all these actual consequences... "no really, it does have consequences", so you lose a cheap fit dessie if you get caught by a random guy, or worse, you lost your now free pod... again, not really a loss there is it?

Mag's wrote:
It's not the system that's broken, it is in fact the mentality of certain players.
News flash. Players gathering together to attempt a task, will out perform those who try things solo in an MMO.

It's not the that crimewatch doesn't work, it's that other players do nothing and the criminals work with the rules. With the rules.
My guess is you've never tried to "deal justice" to criminals from the other side of the system... a sebo'd thrasher will be able to cycle its arties before a max sebo'd griffin can get a lock and assign a jam. This is the case 90% of the time, and it only works 10% of the time if the ganker catches a really slow server tick and the do-gooder catches amazingly lucky server ticks. Nearly every time the thrasher is still immune to being targeted due to their recent warp until they have already locked their target. So pray tell me again, how exactly does one "deal justice" here?

Mag's wrote:
I have a jump freighter, normal freighter and a full t2 cargo fit BR. All three ships are the first and only ones I've ever bought. Not lost one. Do I have some special power or cheat codes? No. I simply play the game correctly. Blink

This will of course, fall on deaf ears. You don't want to work for your security, you want hand holding. As they say every time in these types of threads.
"Just this one nerf and it will all be balanced."
But you'll never be happy, till ganking is removed. You will claim differently, oh yes you will. But you Sir give the game away, with the use of the term 'Grief'.
LOL, you think I'm one of those tards that loses mining ships and untanked haulers full of my loots... no, did you even look me up before saying that I was one of 'those' carebears? Does it look like I need my hand held on my KB? Only losses are from ganking (as in the sending side, not getting ganked) or getting overly ambitious on the 44 POCO empire I tried to set up. I've taken double digit billions in my freighter into Jita during Burn Jita all the time. I know how to fit not-cargo's to a hauler, or to use an inertia'd the crap out of an interceptor to get a dozen bowhead BPO's out of null on patch day. But thats off topic as the thread is about consequences to low standings, not educating noobs and carebears on proper fits and piloting tactics (there are plenty of threads of people trying to do that).

And again, what I proposed with having low standings and your interaction with NPCs is essentially no different than being locked out of POCOs that other players own, or not able to use a Jump Bridge because that alliance will shoot you on site if you land at their POS, or not being able to dock at an outpost in null because you don't have good standings with the owners. Its just that in this case of hisec NPCs, your standing is entirely up to you, not the NPC.
Azn Empire
#18 - 2015-01-05 20:00:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Dangeresque Too wrote:
I like how you guys keep listing all these actual consequences... "no really, it does have consequences", so you lose a cheap fit dessie if you get caught by a random guy, or worse, you lost your now free pod... again, not really a loss there is it?
So you're telling me you don't know them? Wow, it's worse than I thought. Shocked

Dangeresque Too wrote:
My guess is you've never tried to "deal justice" to criminals from the other side of the system... a sebo'd thrasher will be able to cycle its arties before a max sebo'd griffin can get a lock and assign a jam. This is the case 90% of the time, and it only works 10% of the time if the ganker catches a really slow server tick and the do-gooder catches amazingly lucky server ticks. Nearly every time the thrasher is still immune to being targeted due to their recent warp until they have already locked their target. So pray tell me again, how exactly does one "deal justice" here?
There is an old saying. "There is more than one way to skin a cat."
You see CCP hand you the tools, you have to find ways to use them.
These also include ways to move things, that mean gankers never even get a chance at you. Not just shooting.

Oh and there are players shooting outlaws and having fun doing it. But sure, you go out there and jam away. What?

Dangeresque Too wrote:
LOL, you think I'm one of those tards that loses mining ships and untanked haulers full of my loots... no, did you even look me up before saying that I was one of 'those' carebears? Does it look like I need my hand held on my KB? Only losses are from ganking or getting overly ambitious on the 44 POCO empire I tried to set up. I've taken double digit billions in my freighter into Jita during Burn Jita all the time. I know how to fit not-cargo's to a hauler, or to use an inertia'd the crap out of an interceptor to get a dozen bowhead BPO's out of null on patch day. But thats off topic as the thread is about consequences to low standings, not educating noobs and carebears on proper fits and piloting tactics (there are plenty of threads of people trying to do that).

And again, what I proposed with having low standings and your interaction with NPCs is essentially no different than being locked out of POCOs that other players own, or not able to use a Jump Bridge because that alliance will shoot you on site if you land at their POS, or not being able to dock at an outpost in null because you don't have good standings with the owners. Its just that in this case of hisec NPCs, your standing is entirely up to you, not the NPC.
Why would I look you up? I have no interest in what ships you fly or have lost. I look at your request and poor scorn on that. It's not personal, it's about the game and balance.

OK here's the deal. Let's go with standings, but for everyone. While we are at it, let's include this idea, but add to it so that rats also shoot the pods of mission runners.
Then we should look at low sec stations and whether high security players be allowed to dock there.

A complete package sounds just right.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Dangeresque Too
Pistols for Pandas
#19 - 2015-01-05 20:29:29 UTC
Looks like you failed to read and understand again buddy, but I'm not going to turn this into a back and forth as you just can't seem to get what is being said, and besides, you live in lowsec so what do you care?

Tools to fight gankers (since you seem to struggle with lists let me help)... lets see...

  • jamming them before they gank (as a means to prevent the gank entirely)
  • tanking their gank (but everyship has a max it can defend against, so that only goes so far)
  • working to prevent the gank (pilot skill and intelligence, what to fly, how to fly it, and when to fly it)
  • blowing them up during a gank (which doesn't really do anything to prevent the gank to begin with)
  • catching them while they travel (again, not really a loss to them as at best you catch a cheapest fit dessie and a free pod)
  • checking for available killrights and killing their ship first (though doesn't apply to -10 gankers, just the ones that make an effort to play more of the game so they don't have to complain about how hard life is for -10 pilots)
  • even gone so far as to build brick fit cruisers and battleships to grab freighter gank scoopers (but then as soon as you show up on grid they gank you with the 30+ catas before they hit the freighter and then let the poor sap log off and ewarp and hit him there instead so you would have to scan them down in that very brief window from gank to scoop)

Yes, as I said above I've done all those, I know how to not be ganked/survive the alpha ganks while going through a gate or coming out of a station (station exits, friendly webs, dmg controls etc). I agree that people need to be educated but again, not what this thread was about, go find the many other threads that attempt to do that instead. Other than maybe a slight inconvenience to the ganker, there is no incentive for players to actually do anything with crimewatch at all, also another issue for another thread.

Anything else I miss for countering/fighting a gank? Not really any other ways to "deal justice" in game, what little justice is to be had in blowing up a cheap ship and free pod. You say there are plenty of players out there shooting outlaws and having fun, but shooting criminals does nothing to hurt them, they are losing their ship regardless, and its a cheap ship at that more often then not.

So now what is left as a consequence? Not much, you lose your cheap fit ship and free pod. Or did I miss something so horribly awful for you to deal with you can't even write it in text? All I keep seeing is posts saying I'm wrong for a noob because I can't be super leet and kill all criminals before they can gank anything and cost them mountains of isk and time but nothing actually with any hard facts or evidence or examples. Unless you are too afraid to list out ways for people to better hurt gankers for fear of it no longer being a game of shooting fish in a barrel. So pray tell how does one "deal justice" to criminals or -10 pilots?

Also note, this thread is not about suspects and people being yellow flashy either, but about standings and consequences for having low standings.
Arden Elenduil
Unlimited Bear Works
#20 - 2015-01-05 20:51:56 UTC
Oh dear, this thread again.
And apparently, now with 200% more wall of text
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