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CSM Campaigns

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Jayne for CSMX - ELECTED! - Thank you for your support!

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Jayne Fillon
#1 - 2015-01-05 09:38:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
With the starting of the new year, I am proud to announce my candidacy for CSMX.

My name is Jayne Fillon, and I've been playing this wonderful game without pause since early 2012. Like many, the sandbox nature of EVE was overwhelming to me at first, and I struggled to find my place in New Eden. After a very brief stint in highsec running missions, I joined a small PvP corp in Syndicate, only to be robbed soon after joining. From there, I tried to start my own wormhole corp, which failed early on. Finally, I moved onto lowsec where I tried, unsuccessfully, to become a mercenary.

At this point I was on the verge of quitting the game, and would have, had I not found the NPSI community.

My love for the NPSI community started over two years ago - eight months after I started playing - and I have not looked back since. My experience flying NPSI helped me learn how to PvP and eventually led me to become a fleet commander. Before I knew it, I was the CEO of a successful PvP corporation - and from there, I founded a completely new NPSI channel called “Spectre Fleet,” where I spend most of my time.

My Eve story is far from unique - I've heard countless stories just like it.

Unfortunately, unlike mine, these stories often end with “I was on the verge of quitting the game, and then I did.

Out of all the the things NPSI showed me, the most important was the need to be engaged in what you do. Playing this game alone is not enough, you have to be an active participant within the community to truly experience Eve. The community as a whole is what makes this game fun, it’s why we stay. The community is the sole reason why we still log in despite no shortage of other games to entertain us.

Despite all this, the tools players have to facilitate forming groups and playing together are severely lacking.
Thankfully, CCP is aware of these complaints and are actively taking steps to address the current issues.

Last year, during the FanFest keynote speech, CCP Seagull outlined Eve Online’s development roadmap. There were two main focuses during 2014: Industry (released with Crius), as well as a redesign of corporations and alliances. The latter topic was discussed during the summer summit with CSM9, and the details were published in the meeting minutes later that year. The twelve page section covering Team Five-O’s meeting with CSM9 placed the scale and difficulty of this project into perspective:

“Fozzie explained that CCP had their external testing partner come in and map out corporations and alliances. The information was so thick and obscure that there were things no one knew about. [...] The partner company has produced a one hundred and five page document [...] that explains the current corporation and alliance system and how it relates to the rest of Eve.”

Unsurprisingly, during the Eve Vegas keynote speech in October, a new development roadmap was released, listing the redesign of corporations as an ongoing project. This means that whether you like it or not, redesigning corporations has become a priority for CCP, and will be the precursor to both sovereignty warfare and starbase management. This is an important project. This project will lay the foundation of future releases and development, and it goes beyond just corporations and alliances...

Whether it’s been called “Corp Lite” by CSM9 Funkybacon or “Social Groups” by CSM9 Mangala Solaris , there is a need for something more than what the traditional corporation structure can provide. There are a myriad of groups operating all over New Eden who operate outside of the current corporation and alliance mechanics: nullsec SIGs, highsec incursion groups, roleplayers and lore aficionados, gankers and anti-gankers, podcasters, traders, bloggers, and of course the NPSI communities themselves.

None of these groups operate in game with anything other than a chat channel and a mailing list.
There is literally nothing else in game for these groups to use, and this needs to change.

The list of things that could (and should) be either tweaked or completely redesigned is rather substantial, but I'm confident that with my experience both as a corporate CEO and leader of the largest channel based community in the game, I can help CCP make the right decisions. If you are a part of any of the communities I listed above you should know that your most vocal advocate on the current CSM, Mangala Solaris, has elected not to run for another term. Let me be your voice in his stead, and help CCP create an Eve that promotes and encourages social interaction, building a stronger Eve community.


Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#2 - 2015-01-05 09:39:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon

Never heard of NPSI before? Watch my presentation from Eve Vegas!
Want to know more about Spectre Fleet? Read our Community Spotlight!
Are there other NPSI opportunities? Check out my sticky on the forums!
Wondering if I know PvP mechanics? Read my articles on!
Want to watch cool videos of me Fleet Commanding? Glad you asked!
Nullsec Titan Friends || Death by 1000 Papercuts || Storm of Kamela

Contact Me

If you'd like to ask me a question or just chat, don't be a stranger! I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, or alternatively you can come and join us in the "Spectre Fleet" channel - meet people, hang out, join fleets, and have fun!

Ingame: Direct Convo, or Mails
Channel: "Dame Hel's Hangout"
Twitter: @BomberJayne

Interviews and Further Reading

1/08 - Lowsec Questionairre and Interview on
1/24 - CSMX Candidate Interview with CapStable
1/27 - CSMX Candidate Analysis Show #2

Page Summaries

Page 2 - Are tools for community organizations such as NPSI groups worth spending developer time on?
Page 3 - Does having a past involving meta-gaming in Eve reduce my suitability as a CSMX candidate?
Page 4 - Do I want to alter the wardec mechanic? Spoiler alert: Yes. Yes, I do... and that isn't a bad thing.
Page 5 - Is there really a need for a CSM that represent the NPSI communities? + talk of Fleet Standings.


Tweet from CCP Goliath regarding the Corporation and Alliance update. 75k words, 219 pages.

CSM9 Winter Minutes

As was discussed in the OP, the corporation and alliance redesign has already begun. This work will continue into CSMX, but has already started being discussed by CSM9. Below are the relevant portions of the CSM9 Winter Summit Minutes as they relate to my platform:
CCP Fozzie also went over the social groups feature that they still have on the table, though not in active development at this time. Sugar Kyle brought up the difference between the idea of a social club vs a social corporation. CCP Fozzie agreed there's a difference, and that the social club is a good way to put it to differentiate them. This would allow people to do things like a have chat room, mailing list, personal standings, allow things such as fleet finder adverts to clubs and so on. It would also allow you to belong to multiple clubs, and would have no impact on your corporation membership.
This is the same concept that I am proposing, and want to help CCP implement during the coming year.

CCP Fozzie asked if the CSM had any further ideas for functionality that social clubs could use. Ali brought up the idea of a organizational unit within a corporation with things like independent group chats only accessible to group members. CCP Fozzie replied that this could be part of the rework of things like groups.

Mike brought up that highsec wardeccers were worried that social clubs would discourage more people from staying in corporations. Sugar Kyle pointed out that people can already stay in an NPC corp and create a common chat channel. CCP Fozzie talked about how they wanted to provide more incentives to join corporations such as structure usage, and that this would be more desirable.

Mike brought up the idea of calling corp lites "Societies". CCP Fozzie approved of that name and suggest that they have a checkbox to set your society secret or not. The topic then did turn to seriously having the option to keep these groups membership secret. Access control was also discussed.
Based on this, I'll now be referring to the proposal as "societies," and agree with the points listed above.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Starbuck Keikira
#3 - 2015-01-05 09:43:43 UTC
+1, count on my vote!
Mangala Solaris
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#4 - 2015-01-05 10:03:33 UTC
Jayne has been a personal friend of mine for well over a year now, we both share a very similar focus when it comes to our own in-game activities and our ambitions for those around us. His promise to focus on corp-lite/social groups and tools to help those groups is very close to my heart and I am happy to see he will take up that mantle.

As a result I am proud to say Jayne earns an easy endorsement from me. He'll be #1 on my ballot, he best be #1 on yours.

Now for a quick question or two, Jayne how have you found the "new" EVE of the past 8 months or so since the release cadence changed to 6 weekly expansions?
Is this something you support, and will work with CCP on to ensure they do not stray from this new found path of goodness?

What is your view on the re-balancing efforts of late, notably Recons and of course the continuing efforts at module tiericide?
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#5 - 2015-01-05 10:15:13 UTC
Met Jayne at Eve Vegas.

Nice guy. He'll be somewhere on my Ballot Smile

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Apex Aubaris
#6 - 2015-01-05 10:24:42 UTC
Jayne would actually be a reasonable choice for CSM

☑ Fleet Commander (knows how to herd cats // how to craft dank doctrines)
☑ Community Leader (he made something thats actually not **** // didnt let it failcascade within the first 2 months)
☑ Not bad with words (apparently he writes for some spaceshipnewspaper)
☑ Will (pretend to) listen to you
☑ Canadian
☑ CSM#1



Managing NPSI Fleets in its current form is a major pain in the ass - what features/ideas would you advocate to CCP to improve the management of NPSI Fleets // Fleets in general? (I am aware that this is a big topic - 3 key points/ideas (if you have any))

Old School Crew
#7 - 2015-01-05 10:57:39 UTC
Having flown under - and with - Jayne for a decent amount of fleets and hearing him talk about these subjects I can confidently say he is suited for the job!

You have my vote!
Jon Burrows
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2015-01-05 11:17:37 UTC
Before my stint in wormholes I flew with Jayne virtually every day, this guy knows what he is talking about. +1 vote from me.

Peace through superior drone power

Alpha Republic - Transcenders of Space and Time
Solyaris Chtonium
#9 - 2015-01-05 11:19:19 UTC
+1 vote/endorsement from me for his support of cloaky ninjas!
Nashh Kadavr
#10 - 2015-01-05 11:47:08 UTC
Tora Bushido
The Vendetta Mercenaries
Vendetta Mercenary Group
#11 - 2015-01-05 12:54:48 UTC
Can you tell me your opinion on a few of the current Eve issues ? For example ganking in high-sec. I know the player, but not yet your ideas about the game play.


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Keep It Simple Software Group
#12 - 2015-01-05 13:53:26 UTC
Has my vote :)

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2015-01-05 15:00:03 UTC
I am overjoyed that Jayne is back in the running and he will be on my ballot for many reasons.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#14 - 2015-01-05 15:39:58 UTC
This is the perfect year to have you on CSM. You'll be prominently placed on my ballot.

Am I correct in assuming that you'd like non-alliance communities to be able to have their own logos, at least if they're large enough? Do you think players should be able to submit their own designs, or assemble them from provided bits as is done with the (admittedly dated and archaic) corp logo system? Maybe both?

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Jayne Fillon
#15 - 2015-01-05 21:07:17 UTC
Mangala Solaris wrote:
Now for a quick question or two, Jayne how have you found the "new" EVE of the past 8 months or so since the release cadence changed to 6 weekly expansions? Is this something you support, and will work with CCP on to ensure they do not stray from this new found path of goodness?

What is your view on the re-balancing efforts of late, notably Recons and of course the continuing efforts at module tiericide?

In regards to the faster release cadence, I've been extremely impressed with the rate at which CCP has been churning out new features - and good features at that. I feel that the flexibility of this system compared to the older 6 month release cycle has given the developers the freedom to be more brazen with their changes, knowing that they can tweak them if they don't bring the desired (or at least, beneficial) results - see the removal of industrial teams for an example. I think that CCP's old rigid release cycle hindered development, and if they need to "stray" from the current release cycle (a week forward here, a week delay there, etc) then this system gives them the flexibility they need to make it happen, and they absolutely should.

Modules tiericide is awesome for everyone - except probably Entity, who I assume is crying into pools of ISK now that all his defunct and unique items are either being rebranded or removed. Oh well, can't make everyone happy, and the changes are certainly for the best. As for recons, specifically the dscan change, this one plays on my heart strings for the simple reason that dscan immunity falls under a category of game design called an "incomparable". With a bit of nifty math, you can quite easily determine which ships have the most dps, or the most tank, the most maneuverability, etc. However, there is no way you can equate "dscan immunity" to having 100 more dps or something else equally quantitative. Hopefully I haven't lost you.

What this essentially means is that there is no way to empirically determine if this feature will make recons overpowered or underpowered compared to other ship classes, as their attributes are "incomparable." This is good game design, as it forces players to move away from minmaxing and towards to use of tactics to best one another in combat. I'll indulge myself and take this one step further: this leads to a state of play referred to as "cyclic" imbalance. The recon upon first release will be widely considered as powerful (if not overpowered), until suitable tactics are created to counter them, at which point those mechanics will come under scrutiny. Now you need ongrid scouting of enemy fleets, etc etc.

That being said, I can see dscan immunity wreaking havoc in faction warfare. I'm sure CCP isn't oblivious to these dangers, but their effects in lowsec warfare will have to be closely monitored to ensure it doesn't lead to less fights, and an even more risk averse playstyle. That would - I assume - be the opposite of what is intended.

FAKE EDIT: I reread the post, CCP Rise had already commented of the dangers of dscan immune recons in FW.

Finally, I will say again that the directional scan immunity is staying, though we are very aware of concerns (especially concerning FW site abuse) and will watch closely to see how this new capability is used and make any necessary adjustments.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jenshae Chiroptera
#16 - 2015-01-05 21:13:17 UTC
Mangala Solaris wrote:
Jayne has been a personal friend of mine for well over a year now, we both share a very similar focus when it comes to our own in-game activities and our ambitions for those around us.

Ah! So, we only have to choose between you two then? Twisted

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Jayne Fillon
#17 - 2015-01-05 21:18:02 UTC
Apex Aubaris wrote:

Managing NPSI Fleets in its current form is a major pain in the ass - what features/ideas would you advocate to CCP to improve the management of NPSI Fleets // Fleets in general? (I am aware that this is a big topic - 3 key points/ideas (if you have any))

Oh christ that list is massive.... you're asking about specifically NPSI Fleets?

1) Fleet standings, either manually set or inherit from FC.
2) More options in fleet adverts, saved presets, etc.
3) More granular fleet, channel, and mailing list roles.

It pains me to just pick three, but there you go. For more, you should check out the discussion here or again watch my presentation from Eve Vegas, where I talk about this near the end. The link is in the OP.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#18 - 2015-01-05 21:52:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
Tora Bushido wrote:
Can you tell me your opinion on a few of the current Eve issues? For example ganking in high-sec. I know the player, but not yet your ideas about the game play.
Ganking in highsec is in a good place overall, imho. I've both ganked, and been ganked multiple times. Every time I've been ganked I've either been AFK, or taken too large of a risk. Everytime I gank, I'm impressed with the amount of organization required to pull it off successfully; if you want to make a profit from ganking, the complexity of an operation increases even further.

That being said, highsec as a whole is not in a good place overall.

The reason for this was summarized beautifully by Sion Kumitomo in the CSM9 Summer Summit Minutes:
If I am a high sec CEO, my optimum path is to be non-social. It is to not invite people to help me.
.... which is wrong on so many levels it's unbelievable. Why are there no incursion corporations or alliances? What about mission running, or mining corporations? Why does highsec not have the same storied history that inspires historians to write books?

I speak to these issues in particular because you left your question open ended and I know you are personally invested in the wardec mechanics, which I believe is in dire need of an overhaul and has been in need of one for a long time. I'll leave it at that for now, but if you want a more detailed response please be more specific. I'll be happy to answer.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#19 - 2015-01-05 23:01:07 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
This is the perfect year to have you on CSM. You'll be prominently placed on my ballot.

Am I correct in assuming that you'd like non-alliance communities to be able to have their own logos, at least if they're large enough? Do you think players should be able to submit their own designs, or assemble them from provided bits as is done with the (admittedly dated and archaic) corp logo system? Maybe both?
I would support anything that helps give these groups of players a sense of belonging, such as a collective symbol or identity to rally around. Think of how important the bee has become in goon culture, or the phage or pandemic legion, or even middle management dino from TEST.

It doesn't overly matter to me what medium is used to create these, as both player created or provided tools would work, but there has to be something. Even simple cosmetic items such as logos or tickers often hold a lot of meaning for players. This has become an issue with new alliance logos being delayed indefinitely, which is something that hopefully gets resolved soon.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Project Compass Holdings
#20 - 2015-01-06 03:19:18 UTC

Seriously, good luck, you'll be on my ballot.
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