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color schemes?

Vapor Ventrillian
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2015-01-04 00:40:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Vapor Ventrillian
Equinnox Dethahal wrote:
I really loved the black/grey scheme I had prior to the update, however, after the update it forced upon me an amarr scheme with black and gold, and I fcking love it.

I have read quite a few posts with people who chose the most disgusting combo of colors that were bright and painful to look at, who lost their ability to make EVE look like a clown.

So I think the new look of eve made the game look better, but that screwed over the people who wanted a headache while playing I guess.

"black and gold, black and gold, black and gold, fark this cold!!"

*realizes the depth and layers of the chorus of that song and has a moment of deep repose...and loses an eyball to an over aggressive space Antelope*

The Evil Overlord of Scope, self elected as all good overlords should be

Badel Jramodarr
#22 - 2015-01-04 05:31:15 UTC
Maya Kirai
#23 - 2015-01-04 05:46:41 UTC
Badel Jramodarr wrote:

Escape menu settings - turn off blur

The new interface cannot have full transparency = what I mean.
Ms Forum Alt
#24 - 2015-01-04 15:45:58 UTC
Laken Starr
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2015-01-05 05:32:18 UTC
Johan Civire wrote:
Vala Goauld wrote:
Hello men!

So, I log in for a while, and I see ccp have taken over the color scheme of the client.

Where is my pink color scheme? Seriously, all these manly military colors?


There are games for your kind of people to : Have fun!

I tried it awhile back, but it was too hardcore for my tastes.

I too was disappointed at the lack of a pink option. The Amarr2 scheme is the best we can do currently.
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