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Mike Azariah ---> CSMX

First post
Doyle Aldurad
Stellar Winds Consortium
#81 - 2014-12-26 17:40:43 UTC
Definite endorsement from me and mine :)
Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#82 - 2014-12-29 22:28:33 UTC
As I said in an earlier post, I like Mike, but I do have an issue with one specific highsec activity, Incursions. Mike, do you feel that the rewards for Incursions match the risk as well as the effort required? Do you feel Incursion income is properly balanced with even other highsec activities like missions or mining?

What about the balance between highsec and lowsec incursions, do you feel the balance is in the right place there?

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2014-12-30 02:25:09 UTC
Two step wrote:
As I said in an earlier post, I like Mike, but I do have an issue with one specific highsec activity, Incursions. Mike, do you feel that the rewards for Incursions match the risk as well as the effort required? Do you feel Incursion income is properly balanced with even other highsec activities like missions or mining?

What about the balance between highsec and lowsec incursions, do you feel the balance is in the right place there?

Effort AND training . . . I, and a lot of the Incursion folks, I have talked with would love to see incursions get a make over, more variance, updated, etc. As for balance . . . how would you suggest we compare them to L4's or mining? One cannot afk an incursion, one cannot solo an incursion, a newish player with low SP will need the support of a lot of other people with more skills to survive an incursion. So should incursion income be on par with L4's? no.

I would LOVE for scout sites to be redone . . . heavily redone. To give newer small groups a taste of what is to come, just as L1's slowly build to L2's and so on.

As for lowsec? Hell, yes, that needs a buff to income to balance out the SAME level of training as needed in high along with increased risk and the shift to t1 fits and less blingy ships which slows down the income rate. I also would like to see some mechanism that keeps the movement of the lowsec incursions from being so large from one to the next as they have a MUCH harder time doing the migration after an incursion closes.

You never specified what your 'issue with incursions is'. I presume it is that they make too much isk for too little effort?

If so do you also think that we should take a serious look at other income streams that exceed that income and are shown to also be relatively low risk?

End thought. I doubt ANYTHING is perfectly balanced in this game as balance in a living system always requires adjustments and constant monitoring. I would encourage CCP to revisit things in a rotation to see how the balance is currently, maybe have a patrol lap, so to speak.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Sarah Flynt
Red Cross Mercenaries
Silent Infinity
#84 - 2014-12-30 05:05:59 UTC
Hi Mike,

what are your thoughts about risk-free looting of yellow wrecks in highsec by "laundering" the loot using a fleet hangar? Are you okay with this and if so, why? If not, would you try to push for a change?

In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, it works like this: gankers gank a hauler/freighter and the resulting wreck is of course yellow. To loot the wreck risk-free they use 2 characters: the first one sits in a ship with a fleet hangar (Deep Space Transport or Orca), the second one can be an alt without any skills in a noobship. Both warp to the yellow wreck and the char in the noobship loots the stuff from the yellow wreck by putting it directly into the fleet hangar. The result is that the noobship goes suspect, the DST/Orca however does NOT and can warp off safely carrying the loot. Given the size of the fleet hangar of a DST, even ships up to BS size can be looted without any additional risk (compared to a blue wreck).



Sick of High-Sec gankers? Join the public channel Anti-ganking and the dedicated intel channel Gank-Intel !

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2014-12-30 08:19:22 UTC
Sarah Flynt wrote:

what are your thoughts about risk-free looting of yellow wrecks in highsec by "laundering" the loot using a fleet hangar? Are you okay with this and if so, why? If not, would you try to push for a change?

In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, it works like this: gankers gank a hauler/freighter and the resulting wreck is of course yellow. To loot the wreck risk-free they use 2 characters: the first one sits in a ship with a fleet hangar (Deep Space Transport or Orca), the second one can be an alt without any skills in a noobship. Both warp to the yellow wreck and the char in the noobship loots the stuff from the yellow wreck by putting it directly into the fleet hangar. The result is that the noobship goes suspect, the DST/Orca however does NOT and can warp off safely carrying the loot. Given the size of the fleet hangar of a DST, even ships up to BS size can be looted without any additional risk (compared to a blue wreck).

This is funny, so obvious once it is pointed out. The EASIEST would be to make someone under the criminal flag unable to transfer good in or out of a hold but then that would hit the guys who refit on the fly with mobile depots.

Out of curiosity, what would you have happen? Make the possession of the looted goods a yellow offense or make transfer of the same impossible? Gold does no crimes, has no guilt. Does anyone ever gank the orca that holds the stolen goods? Or is the immediate presence of Concord make that an impossibility?

On the larger side . . . I think that Crimewatch/Bounties/wardecs and all associated with it are about due for a re-examination. This is the Hisec equivalent of Sov, after all. It is the rules hisec lives and dies by.

This one does go in my book (I keep a book of things to ask CCP) but I have no idea if it will get much traction.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#86 - 2014-12-30 23:27:51 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Two step wrote:
As I said in an earlier post, I like Mike, but I do have an issue with one specific highsec activity, Incursions. Mike, do you feel that the rewards for Incursions match the risk as well as the effort required? Do you feel Incursion income is properly balanced with even other highsec activities like missions or mining?

What about the balance between highsec and lowsec incursions, do you feel the balance is in the right place there?

Effort AND training . . . I, and a lot of the Incursion folks, I have talked with would love to see incursions get a make over, more variance, updated, etc. As for balance . . . how would you suggest we compare them to L4's or mining? One cannot afk an incursion, one cannot solo an incursion, a newish player with low SP will need the support of a lot of other people with more skills to survive an incursion. So should incursion income be on par with L4's? no.

I would LOVE for scout sites to be redone . . . heavily redone. To give newer small groups a taste of what is to come, just as L1's slowly build to L2's and so on.

As for lowsec? Hell, yes, that needs a buff to income to balance out the SAME level of training as needed in high along with increased risk and the shift to t1 fits and less blingy ships which slows down the income rate. I also would like to see some mechanism that keeps the movement of the lowsec incursions from being so large from one to the next as they have a MUCH harder time doing the migration after an incursion closes.

You never specified what your 'issue with incursions is'. I presume it is that they make too much isk for too little effort?

If so do you also think that we should take a serious look at other income streams that exceed that income and are shown to also be relatively low risk?

End thought. I doubt ANYTHING is perfectly balanced in this game as balance in a living system always requires adjustments and constant monitoring. I would encourage CCP to revisit things in a rotation to see how the balance is currently, maybe have a patrol lap, so to speak.


My issue is not too much ISK for too little effort, but more for too little risk. Especially with the complete lack of randomness in Incursion spawns, the only real risk to a player in a good Incursion group is the slight risk of ganking and probably the more real risk of falling asleep.

I do think the reward is far too high, and especially because unlike just about any other high reward activity (wormholes, exploration, whatever), Incursions don't suffer from any scarcity. If one wants to, they could pretty much run Incursions 23.5/7 (unless the Incursion folks are having an argument again and prematurely finishing the Incursions). They are also very one-dimensional, unlike in w-space where one has to scan, pvp, fuel POSes, people can really specialize in Incursion running, and just do that. They don't even need to haul loot out, just stop over in a hub for ammo every now and then.

And yeah, any other source of income that is high reward and low risk should be looked at very closely. If that hits w-space, fine. I don't think you can really make the argument that it is low risk though.

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2014-12-31 05:10:07 UTC
Two step wrote:

My issue is not too much ISK for too little effort, but more for too little risk. Especially with the complete lack of randomness in Incursion spawns, the only real risk to a player in a good Incursion group is the slight risk of ganking and probably the more real risk of falling asleep.

I do think the reward is far too high, and especially because unlike just about any other high reward activity (wormholes, exploration, whatever), Incursions don't suffer from any scarcity. If one wants to, they could pretty much run Incursions 23.5/7 (unless the Incursion folks are having an argument again and prematurely finishing the Incursions). They are also very one-dimensional, unlike in w-space where one has to scan, pvp, fuel POSes, people can really specialize in Incursion running, and just do that. They don't even need to haul loot out, just stop over in a hub for ammo every now and then.

A couple of things. I would love to know the metric you use to measure risk. So we could compare game styles in a objective way.

You have everyone fueling POS's in your holes? You don't have people who 'take a job' and specialize in it? When I lived in a class 5 I knew how to scan but I left it to others better at it. When I run incursions I know how to do DPS but I am better at Logi though I will bring what the FC calls for.

But why are we comparing apples and oranges? Each type of gameplay is an option to choose with pluses and minuses. Some choose the PvP route and complain that everyone makes more isk than them. Other choose the Trade which, if done properly, has little risk and HUGE returns. But you and I don't choose to do either of them, not because they are wrong or bad, they just are not for us. IF incursions are the be all and end all why is everyone not doing them?

yup, they are boring, you need skills, there are gankers and people who TRY to run them for 23.5/7 and fall asleep wiping a fleet, there is the migration when someone takes the mom and the dead days when nothing is available. There are days with too many in the system and competing for every site (and losing some of them) and there are days when no fleet is up. There is the politics of the various communities and all of that is effort. Working for a living. There are thieves who take all of the SRP funds and the burnout of command types. In short . . . it is Eve as usual.

As I said previously, would I like them to be more of a challenge? More variation? Yes. But that also goes for PvE missions and a lot of other PvE content.

There will always be some activity that makes the most isk. What it is does not matter, there is one and there will always be one. So do we haul it down to our level or ascend to meet it, surpass it, OR do we like what we do (and do what we like) and stop making isk the reason for play.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

The Aussienauts
#88 - 2015-01-02 21:21:25 UTC
Mike Azariah will be on my ballot this year. I do not always agree with him, but I think he's a great asset to the CSM.

Soraya Xel - Council of Planetary Management 1 -

A Murder Of Crows.
Homicidal Tendencies.
#89 - 2015-01-03 06:57:05 UTC
Mike is a good choice as I have come to know him as on podcasts and EVE Radio. He's honest and very easily approached.

Want to find all the podcasts around EVE Online visit @chyph3r  on Twitter

So you want to be a Hero
#90 - 2015-01-04 21:43:23 UTC
Nice to see you running again for CSM, thanks for your time and effort for the past year representing.

It's good to know someone is out there fighting the good fight for the hi-sec part of the community Cool

As a personal favor could you please keep both eyes on CCP's greed is good view concerning neural remapping

Regards, a Freelancer

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Nashh Kadavr
#91 - 2015-01-05 11:51:12 UTC
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#92 - 2015-01-06 20:47:04 UTC

Keep Mike on the job improving the game.
Grima The Mad
Ouroboros Solutions
Recursive Horizons
#93 - 2015-01-09 06:46:25 UTC
Mike, you've done many fantastic things for the Eve Online community and you're out there actively in the trenches of the forums actively discussing things with people. I'm definitely giving you spot #1.

I have lost track of what I was doing.

The Neocom Network
#94 - 2015-01-10 02:49:13 UTC
Let there be no doubt that unless I am comatose or dead, Mike will be #1 on my ballot. Nobody in memory since I've been playing has been so in touch with the community, has the thickest skin, and is as open to reasonable player feedback to take to the table as he is.

Mike, you're clearly what this game needs and what the community deserves. As long as you're running, I'll keep voting.

(Just not like 20 years of something. I don't wanna fit the bill for your CCP retirement)

Mike Azariah for CSMX because YES!


Co-host of The Neocom Podcast -

Eve Community Blogger - The Eve Editorial -

Twitter: @Proto_Eve

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2015-01-10 03:08:45 UTC
Protovarious wrote:

(Just not like 20 years of something. I don't wanna fit the bill for your CCP retirement)


OK but if I do 10 years will I get a sword? A letter opener even?


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

The Neocom Network
#96 - 2015-01-10 03:18:36 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Protovarious wrote:

(Just not like 20 years of something. I don't wanna fit the bill for your CCP retirement)

OK but if I do 10 years will I get a sword? A letter opener even?


Is Mrs. Azariah trusting you with sharp objects again?

Co-host of The Neocom Podcast -

Eve Community Blogger - The Eve Editorial -

Twitter: @Proto_Eve

Tasspool Harp
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2015-01-13 11:23:33 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:

Once you deem HTFU as the food keeping EvE alive

Thank you for your post. It got my blood up sufficiently to ensure I get off my lazy arse and cast a vote for the first time.
And that vote will be going to Mike.
JoJo McKee
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#98 - 2015-01-13 13:20:50 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:

Look, the current NPE trains the players to mine, to shift a bit of freight, to run missions. Is that how YOU describe Eve to people in real life? The disconnect needs to be addressed.

I was drawn to Eve because it was described by a gamer colleague as a rich virtual universe where you had a lot of options as a player. If someone had described it as a PvP spaceship game I would not have bothered to even download the client and just kept trying to get better at Counter-Strike.

Regarding the social aspect of the game , I'm wondering if something more can be done to encourage players while they are still going through the tutorial phase (and maybe as part of the tutorial) to engage with other players in their faction by fleeting up and running a mission together or doing PvP in destroyers against a similar fleet from another faction (Amarr vs Minmitar , Caldari vs Gallente) . Don't torch me for bringing up WoW, but something like those Capture-the-Flag missions where you join a room with other random players to form a team could work quite well.

The other problem I gather new players in highsec face is how to deal with wardecs. Well meaning corp or alliance heads will often direct their members to avoid the enemy in order to not provide kills. While this is a rational approach , in effect the message going out to new players is "Don't fight. Don't mission. Don't Mine. Don't Haul. Get Killed and I'll kick you out." So basically you've spent some money to play a game and you're being told to not play. Even mid-sized corps and alliances are not averse to giving out these directives.

Now of course , some will say the player should just join a big alliance capable of defending itself, but is that where we want players ending up by default? These large entities also have their own rules and requirements and are not for everyone. Some players will figure out the best way to keep playing and avoid wardecs is to go back into the NPC corp, but that offers up a socially sterile experience at best unless you have other contacts in-game.

Maybe limiting the number of wardecs a small corp can be subjected to in a 30 day period combined with making it more costly to wardec might allow small corps to survive and grow. It is sometimes not the actual wardec itself but the fear it will be extended or that another wardec will come along immediately after that is the problem for the small corp and its members.

Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#99 - 2015-01-14 18:18:01 UTC
Mike has been a solid, intelligent and die hard performer for the CSM process and the capsuleers of New Eden.

It has been my pleasure to donate to his Operation Magic School Bus project. It is always a pleasure when he graces us on the High Drag Podcast.

Mike, you have my axe.

Good luck on the election!

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#100 - 2015-01-19 20:39:29 UTC
Sending a vote your way, Mike. Solid choice.