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Moon landing conspiracy theories

First post
VKhaun Vex
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2011-12-18 03:03:08 UTC  |  Edited by: VKhaun Vex
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Imagine the repercussions if the landings turned out to be faked. Even if those involved are long dead, it gives the US a longer nose than pinocchio and would probably start a new space race for another country to be first.

There are no repercussions.

There is no space race to start because everyone knows the U.S. and Russia could both pull it off today and neither one wants to throw the money at doing so right now.

The only thing you'd see is a reaction from China because their government so full of corruption and lies our greatest conspiracy theories about our own governments in the US and UK can't do it justice. They would blow some of our money they've gotten in trade on a manned mission to the moon with stolen/copied tech, and then claim they were the only nation that could do it. Every big name in world politics would ignore them and giggle about them at parties when they're not around.

However, they seem to be trying to put a man on the moon anyway, and everyone already laughs behind China's back.

I'm sure they'll give the first Chinese man to stand on the moon a lead medal, but if you don't believe in a U.S. moon landing I don't know why you'd believe China.

Charges Twilight fans with Ka-bar -Surfin's PlunderBunny LIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEE PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!!!! -Taedrin Using relativity to irrational numbers is smart -rodyas I no longer believe we landed on the moon. -Atticus Fynch

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2011-12-18 04:46:38 UTC
Shocked Shocked


Frontier: Prelude To Darkness - An animated scifi web-series, featuring me! Watch it :) ...and coming soon, play Wing Commander Saga: Darkest Dawn. Also, with me. :)

Atticus Fynch
#23 - 2011-12-18 07:05:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Atticus Fynch
baltec1 wrote:
Because the soviets would have just gone along with a fake moon landing by their enemyRoll

Keep in mind it is current techology that is slowly exposing this via the internet. The desktop PC you use now has more power in it than NASA's mainframes inthe 1960s. Tracking spacecraft was also very difficult back then. Why would the Soviets have be any the wiser?

According to the world the US went to the moon...right?

Why would anyone doubt such a thing?

But many bits and pieces when put together show something strange about the whole Apollo program.

[b]★★★Cargo Pilots Unite!!!★★★[/b]

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#24 - 2011-12-18 07:20:48 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Atticus Fynch wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Because the soviets would have just gone along with a fake moon landing by their enemyRoll

Keep in mind it is current techology that is slowly exposing this via the internet. The desktop PC you use now has more power in it than NASA's mainframes inthe 1960s. Tracking spacecraft was also very difficult back then. Why would the Soviets have be any the wiser?

According to the world the US went to the moon...right?

Why would anyone doubt such a thing?

But many bits and pieces when put together show something strange about the whole Apollo program.

Not long after the moon landings we sent several probes to the outer planets, before the moon landings soviets were sending probes to venus. If they can track much smaller targets all the way to venus then they can track a larget object a meer 250k miles to the moon. They also intcepted the transmissions from the moon by the landers and orbiters.

Then there is jodrell bank telescope in the UK which not only tracked apollo but also confirmed sputnik and just about ever other American and Soviet probe for decades. A dish so powerfull it is still in use today.
VKhaun Vex
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2011-12-18 07:26:31 UTC  |  Edited by: VKhaun Vex
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Why would anyone doubt such a thing?

You keep eluding to some great reason that has turned you around but you're not posting it. Any example from your articles is not only going to be EASILY destroyed, but they're based on books that have been known to be wrong for a long time, and were written originally by people who had no clue what they were talking about.

baltec1 wrote:
...they can track a larget object a meer 250 miles to the moon.

The moon is not a mere 250 miles away.

Read the damn wikepedia.

Normally I don't like leaning on a wiki for source material but lots of people working together on the info is astronomically better then linking these crappy sites by random gullible people who haven't looked into anything except to read books written by people who've been known to be wrong for decades.

Note: 3rd party evidence section

Charges Twilight fans with Ka-bar -Surfin's PlunderBunny LIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEE PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!!!! -Taedrin Using relativity to irrational numbers is smart -rodyas I no longer believe we landed on the moon. -Atticus Fynch

Atticus Fynch
#26 - 2011-12-18 07:45:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Atticus Fynch
VKhaun Vex wrote:

This thread stinks of SO MUCH STUPID I can hardly stand it.

The only "stupid" I see in this thread are people saying "you're stupid for not believing it" but I have yet to hear any arguments on specifics.

-How were the astronauts shielded from radiation?
-Why are there inconsistenies in the photographs?
-Why oh why for such a huge event in all of humanity could things like blueprints and orignal footage disappear? Hell the US still has the original Declaration of Independance and Constitution from the 1700s, but it cant keep the stuff from man's first steps on the moon from the 60s and 70s?

This one video is also strange:
(supposedly viewed from 110 000 miles on the way to the Moon.)

Lastly, no one here has looked at the links in depth. The first one is over 10 pages of text and photos (not exactly for the TLDR ADHD crowd). No one has addressed any of the specific questions presented.

So that is the only kind of "stupid" going on here. Whether I believe or not is not the point. The question is, why inconsitencies in the whole Apollo program and could such a huge lie (if it is a lie) actually be pulled off and kept for so long?

[b]★★★Cargo Pilots Unite!!!★★★[/b]

VKhaun Vex
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2011-12-18 08:06:59 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
-How were the astronauts shielded from radiation?
Radiation is not magic pony dust. It's made of different kinds of particles. The kinds you're talking about Edit: Be polite, CCP Phantom don't penetrate metal and are not on the moon. The radiation with sufficient strength to harm a human is in a belt around the earth. Some anomalies can cause radiation problems for people on the moon, but those didn't happen at the time our people were there and they are quite rare.

-Why are there inconsistenies in the photographs?
There aren't any, you're just gullible. They used wide angle lenses and the moon reflects light very well with it's hilly surface. Not understanding the shadows is proof only that the author doesn't know what they're talking about.

-Why oh why for such a huge event in all of humanity could things like blueprints and orignal footage disappear? Hell the US still has the original Declaration of Independance and Constitution from the 1700s, but it cant keep the stuff for man's first steps on the moon from the 60s and 70s?
They were not 'lost' as in misplaced, they were lost as in destroyed. They re-used the film which was no longer made, rather than have all new equipment made. There were plenty of copies and the footage has always been available, otherwise you wouldn't have your video to begin with.

Atticus Fynch wrote:
Lastly, no one here has looked at the links in depth. The first one is over 10 pages of text and photos (not exactly for the TLDR ADHD crowd). No one has addressed any of the specific questions presented.

Yes we have. The articles are based on books, by people who didn't know what they were talking about, and those books have been DESTROYED logically a dozen times, and much of that destruction probably occurred before you were even born. Read the wiki on conspiracy theories.

Charges Twilight fans with Ka-bar -Surfin's PlunderBunny LIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEE PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!!!! -Taedrin Using relativity to irrational numbers is smart -rodyas I no longer believe we landed on the moon. -Atticus Fynch

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#28 - 2011-12-18 11:11:04 UTC
Off topic posts removed. Please stay on topic and polite, thank you.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Crystal Nova Inc.
#29 - 2011-12-18 11:53:34 UTC
Atticus Fynch wrote:
Im a science and technology geek and a die hard NASA fan.

NASA was very cool, very cutting edge IMO and I scoffed at people that said we never landed onthe moon. Being a fair person though I listened to their arguments.

Well, it is a damn good argument. In fact, so good that I no longer believe we landed on the moon. I also came to the conclusion that NASA is full of ****.

Big 180 for me.

Here are two links with very convincing arguments. Makes for interesting reading.

Your thoughts?

PS. I also think the Mythbusters sold out on their Moon conspiracy episode as they had NASA helping them out with their experiments.

Of course, had they found the myth plausible, it probably never would have made it on the it was joke from the start.

It might be a stretch but just apply some common sense, look at the facts, not some nonsense that has been rebuffed a million times and then some.

For me, regardless of the hard scientific evidence, the single most obvious thing is that a secret this big could never ever be kept sooner or later the truth would come out and in the case of the moon landings with so many people involved it would barely have made it past "Huston this is tranquillity base...." before it was blown, all the spurious crap you think is legit is nothing compared to this one simple thing.

So please if you want to deny basic common sense and intelligence then be my guest, be a fool, but be a fool on your own time, did you really think you would be taken seriously?

Keep this bollox to yourself thank you.


Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#30 - 2011-12-18 17:40:16 UTC
The Scope
#31 - 2011-12-19 01:55:27 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I knew a guy on the volleyball team who had a 32” vertical leap right here on Earth. So when I see guys jumping maybe 12”, if that, in a 1/6 gravity environment with no air resistance, I’m not really all that impressed.

In 200 lb of EVA Suit it is... Roll

Not to mention that the bulky suits make it very hard to control a jump, and make getting up from a fall a non-trivial endeavor. Furthermore, being in a hostile environment very far from home make any unfortunate fall from a high jump a potentially lethal disaster.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2011-12-19 03:19:25 UTC
One of the guys that went to the moon should've taken a can of Pepsi and posed for a picture holding it. Then sold the picture to the Pepsi Co. for eleventy billion dollars Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

#33 - 2011-12-19 03:26:13 UTC
Really? Almost 2012 and people still cling to the idea that the Apollo landings were a hoax?
Humanity is truly doomed.
No range? No problem!   Join the Church of the Holy Blaster™ . A Hybrid religion.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#34 - 2011-12-19 09:58:48 UTC
Atticus Fynch wrote:
VKhaun Vex wrote:

This thread stinks of SO MUCH STUPID I can hardly stand it.

The only "stupid" I see in this thread are people saying "you're stupid for not believing it" but I have yet to hear any arguments on specifics.

-How were the astronauts shielded from radiation?
-Why are there inconsistenies in the photographs?
-Why oh why for such a huge event in all of humanity could things like blueprints and orignal footage disappear? Hell the US still has the original Declaration of Independance and Constitution from the 1700s, but it cant keep the stuff from man's first steps on the moon from the 60s and 70s?

1. They wern't

2. What inconsistenies?

3. Many of the plans for the D-Day landings, the battle of the somme and most of the Paris sewer system have also been lost/destroyed

Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#35 - 2011-12-19 16:23:03 UTC
" The Apollo astronauts traveled through the Van Allen radiation belts on the way to the moon; however, exposure was minimized by following a trajectory along the edge of the belts that avoided the strongest areas of radiation.
The total radiation exposure to astronauts was estimated to be much less than the 5 rem set by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity "
The Unwanted.
#36 - 2011-12-19 16:24:37 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Many of the plans for the D-Day landings, the battle of the Somme and most of the Paris sewer system have also been lost/destroyed

I lost my cars keys once, no idea where or how.

I used my spare set and strangely, I found that my CD of the Armageddon Soundtrack had been removed and replaced with my (ex) girlfriends Barbie-girl sing-a-long CD.

I have since come to the conclusion that Danish mega corps stole my keys, got into my car, changed the CD to influence my music listening tastes to better suit their economy.

I since ditched that girl, literally - by driving my car into a ditch as the passenger side has no airbag. I left CD player running on auto-repeat for Aerosmith, in the hope she would understand.


This space for rent.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#37 - 2011-12-19 16:28:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Razin wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I knew a guy on the volleyball team who had a 32” vertical leap right here on Earth. So when I see guys jumping maybe 12”, if that, in a 1/6 gravity environment with no air resistance, I’m not really all that impressed.

In 200 lb of EVA Suit it is... Roll

Not to mention that the bulky suits make it very hard to control a jump, and make getting up from a fall a non-trivial endeavor. Furthermore, being in a hostile environment very far from home make any unfortunate fall from a high jump a potentially lethal disaster.

There is one hilarious/disturbing piece of film with an astronaut spending like 30 or 40 seconds trying to stand up after falling to the ground on his belly... those EVA suits were very rigid (although were the best that could be done back then) and limited severely the mobility of limbs and joints.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#38 - 2011-12-19 16:50:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Astrid Stjerna
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

The original tapes of the moon landing where re-used for the first shuttle missions in order to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. So think of this: the only original audio-visual stuff surviving of the broadcast of the first moon landing is a 16 mm filmation of a 8Lol

I just wanted to point out that the 16mm filmation technique was actually a fairly common process in that era, since the prints would stand up better to the run of time than straight film.

The original tapes, were they available today, would also suffer from aging defects. Look at the Star Wars special features -- they had to go back frame-by-frame to recolor the blue 'age tint' from the worn-out prints.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2011-12-19 17:30:37 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
HI, obsidian here,

after meeting one of the apollo astronauts the one who was not a military personal but a geologist, Dr. Schmitt. I can say this. the lunar samples are cool and fun to study. Just saying the physical rock evidence we brought back outweighs any conspiracy theorist.

We have here, someone who has met one of the astronauts that went to the moon and back. And he's been ignored by the OP. Science seems to believe that the moon rocks are real. We've been using them for quite some time and there hasn't been an uproar saying 'these are Earth rocks!'.

It seems that the most of same people that worked on the initial space program with Mercury, Gemini as well as Apollo seemed to believe that all of the missions they were supporting were real.
Rana Ash
Electus Matari
#40 - 2011-12-19 18:50:21 UTC
So lets say, just as a thought experiment that the conspiracy theorists where proven right.
The moon was a hoax, then what?. What will they try and prove a hoax next?, that elvis and michael jackson are'nt dead?. They are with kennedy on some island playing poker all day?..