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Anti-Cloak that doesn't break the game

Azn Empire
#101 - 2011-12-17 16:52:21 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
No, it isn't, for one simple reason. In nullsec, even blues might shoot you.
Sure, if you like. Roll

I'm not sure if you don't believe me, or if you mean that awoxers are as prevalent in empire as they are in nullsec.

For those of us who don't have blues....
For those whom only set positive standards to players/corps that don't shoot us,
For those of us with the Sec Status to travel through hisec,

Nullsec is much safer than Hisec. I'm' not calling hisec dangerous, I'm just saying that identifying threats in nullsec is easier, and hence its safer! Just becuase this isn't true for your specific corp, doesn't make it untrue for the majority of Nullsec residence.

Local allows you to instantly know if there is a potential threat in system, meaning you can almost always get safe if you're so risk-adverse. In Hisec, there are usually so many neutrals that identifying threats is much more difficult.
This basically.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2011-12-17 17:48:34 UTC
Gerrick Palivorn wrote:
Autopilot a full Iteron 5 between Amarr and Jita and tell me what happens.

Done that plenty of times. vOv

Doesn't make hisec less safe than nullsec, if you have to make basically every bad move in the book to get ganked, whereas in nullsec all you have to do is not pay attention for a few seconds at the wrong time.

Gerrick Palivorn wrote:
A person or group wanting to stall financial gain in an area realizes that it's to easy. They park cloaky bomber alt in a ratting system and play another game, this has the effect without any effort on there end, maybe an attack every once in a while to keep the locals on there feet. But it is to easy to scare the crap out of everyone in a system, all you have to do is show up.

Now lets remove local, it removes the necessity for them to be afk. Now to gain the same effect as before they actually have to attack ratters, they have to actively engage a target to get noticed. Which in turn would encourage safer ratting practices and gate security as well as active intel rather than passive local. Its lazy to expect 100% accurate intel delivered on silver platter.

Actually, and I thought I'd made this clear, what removing local (or removing certain ships from local) means is that while the cloakers don't have to be AFK, they also don't have to be present. The locals will have to basically have someone watching all the gates and wormholes all day, every day, and when (not if) they let someone cloaky through, they have no way of knowing whether or not that guy is gone, afk, or even logged out, or even if that one guy is actually multiple guys which have accumulated over time/slipped past the guards etc.

This doesn't matter to me, since I just go on fleet ops, so there can be as many cloakers as they can fit in the solar system, but I'm seeing it from the viewpoint of those who don't have hisec alts making tons of money in hisec, but try to actually make a living out there, and if they're going to have to put in as much effort just to keep safe as they would've done in a wormhole system, then they might as well move to wormhole systems and get some proper rewards for their risk. Or they can do what a lot of other former nullsec guys did, and go back to hisec and earn the same/more there. Which means an even emptier null than before it'll turn into cloakroam online.

Which is precisely why I'd love to see this change happen, precisely so I can point at these posts and say "See? told you so."

Mag's: I'm just going to point to my response to his post.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Questionable Acquisitions
#103 - 2011-12-17 21:34:13 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:

Actually, and I thought I'd made this clear, what removing local (or removing certain ships from local) means is that while the cloakers don't have to be AFK, they also don't have to be present. The locals will have to basically have someone watching all the gates and wormholes all day, every day, and when (not if) they let someone cloaky through, they have no way of knowing whether or not that guy is gone, afk, or even logged out, or even if that one guy is actually multiple guys which have accumulated over time/slipped past the guards etc.

Well if you removed everyone from Local, that cloaker doesn't know how many friends his potential target has without probing/Dscaning the same system and adjacent systems, which in turn will allow his potential targets to possibly see the probes if he uses those and know that there is someone active in the system. Even with probes and DScan the Cloaker doesn't know if his potential targets have cloaked friends themselves, or are equipped with a cyno, or have set up a log on trap. Basically there's lots of uncertainty on ALL sides.

Should players in Nullsec have 100% certainty of safety assuming they're paying even the slightest attention to what's going on around them?
Kolya Medz
Kolya Inc.
#104 - 2011-12-17 21:56:08 UTC
How about creating anti cloaking probes that require 2 or more players to use? These probes would be skill intensive and slower than regular probes.

Scanning a cloaked ship would become easier with more players scanning, and more difficult with fewer.

Cov ops would still be just as useful.. except you would no longer be perma cloaked and invincible. Stay too long in the same place and someone will eventually find you. This would get rid of lamer afk cloakers, and make using a cov ops require much more thinking and strategy.
Questionable Acquisitions
#105 - 2011-12-17 22:08:36 UTC
Kolya Medz wrote:
How about creating anti cloaking probes that require 2 or more players to use? These probes would be skill intensive and slower than regular probes.

Scanning a cloaked ship would become easier with more players scanning, and more difficult with fewer.

No, Cloaks ought to be a tool for the few to outplay the many, your suggestion puts the power back in the hands of the many.

Also, when you call cloakers invincible do you mean that in the same way as someone docked in a Station is invincible or Can CovOps Frigates single handedly decimate whole fleets now type invincible?
Kolya Medz
Kolya Inc.
#106 - 2011-12-17 22:52:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Kolya Medz
Xorv wrote:
Kolya Medz wrote:
How about creating anti cloaking probes that require 2 or more players to use? These probes would be skill intensive and slower than regular probes.

Scanning a cloaked ship would become easier with more players scanning, and more difficult with fewer.

No, Cloaks ought to be a tool for the few to outplay the many, your suggestion puts the power back in the hands of the many.

Also, when you call cloakers invincible do you mean that in the same way as someone docked in a Station is invincible or Can CovOps Frigates single handedly decimate whole fleets now type invincible?

I meant invincible as in "might as well be docked" invincible.

Said probes would need to be very skill intensive, only characters with beefy maxed scanning skills should be able to scan for cloaks.
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#107 - 2011-12-17 23:28:09 UTC
Doesn't matter how skill intensive it is, it will start becoming a requirement to live in 0.0, something that would have a negative impact on population.

While anti-cloaking techniques introduced in the form of scanning and probing sounds like a good idea, the more you try to make it fair the more it becomes unbalanced with the whole of the rest of the community. AFK Cloaking only happens in SOV 0.0, thats it, no one afk cloaks in a wormhole, theres no real point. If they are cloaked they are gathering intel, actively.

NPC Null is the same way, the locals want to fight you and so AFK Cloaking is useless, if they want to make isk they move systems. Lowsec is at extremely low populations right now anyway so no reason to afk cloak there either.

The strategy of AFK Cloaking is localized to Sov Nullsec only, so why apply a solution to all sections of new eden when only a localized solution is needed.

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#108 - 2011-12-17 23:46:56 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
I literally can't wait to see every roam being nothing but cloaky ships.

Oh god, I hope not. While a more unpredictable local could be more interresting, seeing everyone running around with a cloak on will be no fun at all. Some from of defence against them needs to happen too.

A probing game, or a fuel based system is the two most likely scenarios.

You worry too much.

If they all have cloaks on, you won't see them.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2011-12-17 23:58:57 UTC
Xorv wrote:
Well if you removed everyone from Local, that cloaker doesn't know how many friends his potential target has without probing/Dscaning the same system and adjacent systems, which in turn will allow his potential targets to possibly see the probes if he uses those and know that there is someone active in the system. Even with probes and DScan the Cloaker doesn't know if his potential targets have cloaked friends themselves, or are equipped with a cyno, or have set up a log on trap. Basically there's lots of uncertainty on ALL sides.

The cloakers have this uncertainty now, nothing has changed there. The only thing removing local would change is give cloakers a huge boost, and inhabitants a huge nerf, and the combination of uncertainty, danger and the increase in effort they have to do will drive a lot of carebears back to hisec.

Those unironically in favor of removing local are wholly focused on just their experience, instead of looking at the bigger picture. The only reason I'm currently voicing support for removing local, is so we can get a real demonstration of what happens when you make huge changes to balance without thinking.

Actually, we have seen what happens when you do that. It's called supercaps.

Xorv wrote:
Should players in Nullsec have 100% certainty of safety assuming they're paying even the slightest attention to what's going on around them?

No, and they aren't. It's not as if they're safe if they pay attention to local once every half hour or so, it takes constant vigilence. And if someone's been cloaked in a system for hours or days, they'll have to just not undock like a big scared babby, ignore him, or bring an escort.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Questionable Acquisitions
#110 - 2011-12-18 00:46:01 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:

The cloakers have this uncertainty now, nothing has changed there. The only thing removing local would change is give cloakers a huge boost, and inhabitants a huge nerf, and the combination of uncertainty, danger and the increase in effort they have to do will drive a lot of carebears back to hisec.

Right, exactly my point cloakers have a lot risk already if they don't choose to just remain cloaked and do nothing. Changing Local Chat is about correctly balancing the game. the only "nerf" is to those that want 100% safe PvE in nullsec, which just shouldn't be in the first place. It isn't just a buff to cloakers it's also a buff to a player in any ship that wants to sneak about for surprise attack or avoidance. If anything removing Local Chat Intel opens up more ship types and player types to Nullsec.

I hate using the word "Carebear" it doesn't have any universal meaning, just more of an insult. If you mean players that want consensual or no PvP, think PvE should be free from any sort of PvP, that would like to see EVE become more Themepark and WoW like, then why consider them at all? They don't belong in a game that is supposedly a Sandbox type and PvP focused game. If they do come, which they always do, then it is they who must adapt, not the game. So let them go back to Empire, let them leave the game if they want, with appropriate changes EVE should attract more appropriate players to replace them.

I also don't know why you assume those that want Local changed haven't thought of the bigger picture or also supported changes in other aspects of the game that could be effected. Most want something to partially replace Local intel like an improved DScan, something that isn't 100% and effortless like Local, but is still useful, more so than the current DScan. As to Empire flooded with your "Carebear" refugees, personally I support heavy nerfs to Highsec ISK income that doesn't come with it's own set of risks like Faction Warfare. In terms of simplicity for CCP coders a Wardec nerf reversal and a huge tax hike on NPC corps would put the risk and a good dose of sandbox back into Empire.
Teddy Ruckspin
#111 - 2011-12-18 01:25:58 UTC
Wouldn't a much simpler solution be "no input from user (eg move ship) after X amount of time means... ship decloaks"? Big smile
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#112 - 2011-12-18 01:29:14 UTC
Teddy Ruckspin wrote:
Wouldn't a much simpler solution be "no input from user (eg move ship) after X amount of time means... ship decloaks"? Big smile

So I just set a direction and speed and go. Also if you mean changing direction, easy enough to set up a program to stop my ship and set it to full speed again every so often. Bad idea's are bad no matter what spin you put on them.

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Teddy Ruckspin
#113 - 2011-12-18 01:42:14 UTC
Gerrick Palivorn wrote:
Teddy Ruckspin wrote:
Wouldn't a much simpler solution be "no input from user (eg move ship) after X amount of time means... ship decloaks"? Big smile

So I just set a direction and speed and go. Also if you mean changing direction, easy enough to set up a program to stop my ship and set it to full speed again every so often. Bad idea's are bad no matter what spin you put on them.

You can use a macro for original idea as well which is why I agree with you! I was just making the point that there are quicker and easier ways to achieve the exact same thing as the original idea Big smile
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#114 - 2011-12-18 01:50:54 UTC
Teddy Ruckspin wrote:
Gerrick Palivorn wrote:
Teddy Ruckspin wrote:
Wouldn't a much simpler solution be "no input from user (eg move ship) after X amount of time means... ship decloaks"? Big smile

So I just set a direction and speed and go. Also if you mean changing direction, easy enough to set up a program to stop my ship and set it to full speed again every so often. Bad idea's are bad no matter what spin you put on them.

You can use a macro for original idea as well which is why I agree with you! I was just making the point that there are quicker and easier ways to achieve the exact same thing as the original idea Big smile

Gingers Rock! Now on to something less important.

It's good that some people realize how rediculously easy it is to set up something to defeat there anti-cloaking ideas.

Ambushes, and tactics are needed to kill an afk cloaker...

Oh and more patience than them.

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Spork Witch
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#115 - 2011-12-18 11:55:11 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
I literally can't wait to see every roam being nothing but cloaky ships.

Oh god, I hope not. While a more unpredictable local could be more interresting, seeing everyone running around with a cloak on will be no fun at all. Some from of defence against them needs to happen too.

A probing game, or a fuel based system is the two most likely scenarios.

Or, you know, undock and call their bluff?

You being an idiot or a coward and letting one person lock your system down is _your_ problem, not theirs. I can achieve the same result if you just didn't happen to have any probes in-system.

Gallente Federation
#116 - 2011-12-20 15:50:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Kittamaru
For those worried about this being used in W-Space - simple solution - make it not function in W-Space due to spatial distortions or something.

I'm all for removing local IF you allow for some form of self defense scanning - I'm talking about the ability to actively watch what is going on in exchange for a chance to see incoming hostiles. A possibility for this would be a high-slot module that actively pings the system every other second or so - issue being it's such a high powered pulse that anyone's warp drive can lock onto it, meaning it's also easier to get to you before you can escape. Adds more flavor to the game in that you need someone else scanning the system for you (which canbe fun if you set them just outside a POS shield - hostile warps to em and BAMF)
Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#117 - 2011-12-20 16:09:41 UTC
Kittamaru wrote:
For those worried about this being used in W-Space - simple solution - make it not function in W-Space due to spatial distortions or something.

I'm all for removing local IF you allow for some form of self defense scanning - I'm talking about the ability to actively watch what is going on in exchange for a chance to see incoming hostiles. A possibility for this would be a high-slot module that actively pings the system every other second or so - issue being it's such a high powered pulse that anyone's warp drive can lock onto it, meaning it's also easier to get to you before you can escape. Adds more flavor to the game in that you need someone else scanning the system for you (which canbe fun if you set them just outside a POS shield - hostile warps to em and BAMF)

We have one of these magical systems you talk about already in wormholes. I could get in trouble for sharing this with the non-wormhole community, so please PLEASE don't share this with ANYONE.

We call it... D-Scan. Granted it's not active, you actually have to do it yourself, but it's really easy and quite powerful when actually used.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2011-12-20 16:19:42 UTC
And gives you how many seconds' advance warning before you're tackled?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#119 - 2011-12-20 16:23:42 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
And gives you how many seconds' advance warning before you're tackled?

Considering it has a 14AU range and that, living in wormholes you've taken precautions for that very event, plenty. Of course, for the more significant ops you'll also have someone in hole with combats out at max range keeping an eye on the entire system for any new ships that appear, or new sigs that could indicate a new K162 opened.

However no system, by design, is infallible. Eve would be pretty damned boring if it was totally safe.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#120 - 2011-12-20 16:29:16 UTC
Even if we're talking about a cloaked ship warping to a bookmark they made earlier?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat