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WA------! Site On--- --ed!

Jaret Victorian
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#241 - 2014-12-14 15:05:59 UTC
mr ed thehouseofed wrote:
i recently visited site one in eram to watch sleeper activity and report back unfortunately some eager capsuleers decided to kill the sleepers before i had a chance to see what was going on.

as you can see from the picture i have obtained some more information from the site .

i have yet to read all the information at this stage , i suggest pilots wishing this information for their own to visit site one as soon as they can , one archive facility was empty which suggests more information is yet to come

site one

has anyone wondered where the acceleration gate is heading?

Wonder no longer! Technically, Site One is still under construction, but, infortunately, Dr. Hilen Tukoss disappeared and progress has stopped. I see you have some summaries. These are the summaries of the projects which were performed a couple of years ago by capsuleers. You can still find some information on them on GalNet. You can start right here.
Samsara Toldya
Academy of Contradictory Behaviour
#242 - 2014-12-14 16:35:57 UTC
mr ed thehouseofed wrote:
unfortunately some eager capsuleers decided to kill the sleepers before i had a chance to see what was going on.

Soon after your Salvage drone salvaged the four Seeker wrecks while you investigaed the archives new Seeker drones arrived at Site One and quickly warped to a customs office, maybe investigating what happened to the other drones.

I can't tell how the reinforcements entered Eram, my probes didn't spot a wormhole nor is there a visible Unidentified Structure in system.

If we want to keep the Seeker drones out of Site One we would need permanent guards.
mr ed thehouseofed
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#243 - 2014-12-14 23:52:24 UTC
thank you for the link Jaret , i will read all the information to bring me up to speed .

Samsara its the first time iv'e seen sleepers at site one , i will continue to monitor the site as often as possible , the wrecks yielded nothing more than scrap metal

i want a eve pinball machine...  confirming  CCP Cognac is best cognac

Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#244 - 2014-12-15 00:46:01 UTC
Sleepers in a system without a US?

Well..........what the **** does that mean?
#245 - 2014-12-22 13:57:20 UTC
Avio Yaken wrote:
Gehen Sealbreaker wrote:

My money is on Sansha's Nation.
We know that they have multiple fleet staging systems from which they launch the Incursions on our space, none of which was ever found. Except for the data of the probe that went through, we have no idea what these systems may be.
We also know they gained over the past few years some extensive knowledge in wormhole manipulation. They could very well be occupying unreachable space.

I do not have such data at hand, but if someone could check the relay token expiry date for significant events, say, Sansha Incursions, I would be interested to see the results.

May I ask your reason to think that? Why would they capture Hilen? What purpose do they serve him?

There was a sighting of a Sansha fleet in Jove space. The Jove later sent a message that they had driven the Sansha out. Perhaps the Sansha did not get what they went there for. Perhaps that is why they need Jove DNA and tissue samples.
#246 - 2014-12-22 20:34:08 UTC
Shattered Wormhole

No signs of life.
Tristan Valentina
#247 - 2015-02-14 06:20:43 UTC
Th(is is the first transm)ission I hav(e been able to ma)ke in so(me time. Thi)s is Dr Hil(len Tuk)oss, broa(dcasting on lo)w band eme(rgen)cy FTL – I’m uns(ure of t)he exact fr(equen)cy.

Site On(e is compromi)sed. All sta(ff inv)olved wi(th the Are)k’Jal(aan Pr)oject sho(uld cons)ider it inse(cure an)d should aba(ndon an)y equi(pment the)rein, cons(ider it cont)amin(ated).

(Disre)gard the pre(viou)s commun(ication)s from wh(at ap)pears to be m(y) NeoC(om. The)ir inte(nt )is misdir(ection o)n the p(art of tho)se who ha(ve me res)trained. DT* coope(rated wit)h the(m in )all c(ases.)

I ha(ve attem)pted to ma(ke conta)ct (with Eif)yr & C(o to no av)ail, in or(der to re)lay det(ails of m)y situa(tion). It is my la(st hop)e tha(t this t)ransmissi(on will b)e pick(ed up by t)he FTL networ(k and broa)dcast t(o the perti)nent pl(aces?).

I am cu(rrently held aga)inst my wi(ll, my cap)tors are unkno(wn but from t)he few det(ails of my s)urrou(ndings I hav)e bee(n able to asc)ertain, I am bei(ng he)ld somewh(ere in Anoi)kis. The ava(ilable d)ata tha(t I could ga)ther wo(uld sugg)est some(where in clos)e pro(ximity to a Wolf-Ray)et, given luminos(ity an)d gravity signatures.

It is impe(rative t)he cap(suleer ta)skforce dedica(ted to Arek'Ja)laan contin(ue the)ir work i(n my abs)ence. With(out my pre)sence, t(he pro)ject mus(t conti)nue to adva(nce with re)cent (inform)ation (you've) received.

I beli(eve my cap)tors to be (Sleeper? Sister? Pirate? Jovian?)s, fear(ful of the e)vent (now t)ranspiring, and (are in a st)ate of (pa)nic.

I emp(lore [sic] you) all to continue to further the (aims of the Are)k’Jalaan proj(ect and to con)tinue to wo(rk on a so)lution. (The f)ate of the (pro)ject (is now) in yo(ur ha)nds, and (if the)re is any (chance of communication/my escape?) in future, I (shal/wil)l endea(vour to d)o so.

D(--- - - - -- - )rch (--- - - )m (--- - -- -d)anger I( - - - - -------- - - -)o gr(-- -- -- --- )

*D(o not sea)rch (for )m(e as the d)anger i(s far t)o gr(eat.)* is this what we are working with for the end of the message?

Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#248 - 2015-02-14 10:32:54 UTC
For a moment, I thought the Jovian Body Parts Collector had done something.

I think all those people I saw placing body parts in the container at Site One, might soon have cause to regret so doing.

Wahahahaaaaa !

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Mystika Vendetta
State War Academy
Caldari State
#249 - 2015-02-14 12:52:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mystika Vendetta
Something I learned from past experiences working on Intel is that real Intel never goes public. Never.

Jaret Victorian wrote:

Edit: second guess about this "Don't try". "Don't try to search for me". That, however, negates my guess about the edge of somewhere.

Based on capsuleers' fisiology and way of thinking, asking not to try to seach for someone is practically an invitation to do it...
One should always be concerned, then, who has the most to loose in case of capture and loss of technology and intel. Some things just simply need to be ignored.
Jaret Victorian
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#250 - 2015-02-14 16:40:29 UTC
Mystika Vendetta wrote:
Something I learned from past experiences working on Intel is that real Intel never goes public. Never.

Jaret Victorian wrote:

Edit: second guess about this "Don't try". "Don't try to search for me". That, however, negates my guess about the edge of somewhere.

Based on capsuleers' fisiology and way of thinking, asking not to try to seach for someone is practically an invitation to do it...
One should always be concerned, then, who has the most to loose in case of capture and loss of technology and intel. Some things just simply need to be ignored.

Yeah, we are currently ignoring Mr. Tukoss' request to stop looking for him. You can check things up here if you are intrested.
Scope Works
#251 - 2015-02-14 16:58:15 UTC
And soon the main act will begin.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Mystika Vendetta
State War Academy
Caldari State
#252 - 2015-02-14 19:02:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Mystika Vendetta
Jaret Victorian wrote:
Yeah, we are currently ignoring Mr. Tukoss' request to stop looking for him.

Exactly what I was affraid yet so predictable...
If you wanna know more about Dr.'s whereabouts ignore his hypothetical request of not looking for him and ignore your basic impulses of doing exactly what is expected from a capsuleer.

Be smart.