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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Looking for Crop!

Obi-Wan Kennobi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-12-22 06:51:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Obi-Wan Kennobi
Hey all,

I am a relatively new player and have been told by many people that joining a crop. is the best way to get involved with the community, for both PvE and PvP. So here I am!

I'm looking for;
- Corp that offers both PvE and PvP
- A good player base, but not hundreds of players, I feel if there are only 50 or 60 people in a corp, things are more personal and you get to know each other easier - where as when yo have 1000 people it's hard to keep track of everyone!
- New player friendly
- Active group with a good atmosphere.

I am currently using cruisers and skilling to get the most out of the weapons/defenses
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#2 - 2014-12-22 07:03:58 UTC
Green skull LLC is a corp run by a CEO who loves his hair too much, strokes his ego at will and voiced Charlie the Unicorn. If you are looking for a corp with very few rules or a place to get your industry on, Green Skull LLC has a place under the stairs for you.

What we do;

Arrow US and EU Timezone
Arrow PVP – Roams are frequently organised on the fly when we have the urge to ruin someones day
Arrow Industry – Want to expand your business empire? Great! Want to become a part of our Industry wing? Awesome we have a place for you!
Arrow Mining – do you like to chill out with the corp mining in lowsec, while selling your ore for profit, Great we have a place for you!
Arrow Zero drama attitude – Everyone disagrees from time to time, we deal with it quickly and move on.

What we require;

ArrowNo drama attitude – Drama Llama's will be removed from corp.
Arrow Must have a strong sense of humor – those who are easily offended will not fit in well here.
Arrow Teamspeak and a working Mic.
Arrow Must be Self Sufficient.
Arrow A proactive approach to the game – Don't wait for someone to organise something if you are bored, organise it yourself.
Arrow 5 Million skillpoint minimum – not a hard cap, we look more at what a member can bring to the corp than what your skills are.
Arrow Full API check and teamspeak interview

If you're interested in joining, or are looking for more info, join 'GSLLC Public' or contact one of our recruiters below.


Samoth Egnoled
Valhe Valodiere
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-12-22 14:49:53 UTC
Good day!

Please take a look at our corporation! Anarchy Of Eden Recruitment URL

Wrath Of Titans
#4 - 2014-12-22 15:57:45 UTC
No auto response

Dark Eternity

All is ask is you take a few minutes to have a look :)

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-12-22 17:59:57 UTC
Hey there,

I feel like we may be a good match for ya. We have a relatively small corp but we are part of a large alliance/ you can pick the size of group you want to fly with.

Ashrum Core is recruiting new pilots for both industry and PVP efforts in Null Sec space. Our corporation focuses on casual, fun, on-demand pvp fights and industry. There is plenty of profit to be made and fun times to be had in small, med and large scale pvp encounters and through our industry projects.

Some key traits:

Communications: TS3 & Mumble (for alliance ops)
Primary Focus: PVP, Mining & Industry (We fly basic frigates through Capital Ships)
Location: Vale of the Silent
Age Requirments: Preferred 18+ (Exceptions made on case-by-case)

We have several HR tools that we use to vet new members. If you are interested, please send a message to Dermia in game.



Director, Ashrum Core

Gen MarcusAurelius
Risk Breakers
#6 - 2014-12-23 01:29:01 UTC
if you haven't decided on which corp to join. Let me put my corp in your list.

More info in this link:

Short version- We're a corp that just want to have fun
Jorgus Liet
Banana Inc.
#7 - 2014-12-24 22:50:58 UTC
Umbra-Domini is opening her doors again to recruit new pilots to fill our ranks.

We are looking for pilots that want to live in nullsec and are eager have fun and help out with corp and alliance efforts.
Not to forget doing the things they like in this wonderfull game!

What can we offer you?!

- A nice mutual corp with experienced players.
- An atmosphere where real life always comes first.
- Very nice space with Serpentis NPC's.
- Being a member of Space Monkey Alliance, a part of CFC, who offer great services to their corporations.
- Access to TeamSpeak3.
- Maxed Rorqual mining bonusses.
- Availability of all ABC-ore.
- Availability of ice belts with Gallente ice and Caldari ice.
- Ore buy back program.
- A lot of PVP opportunities.
- Occasionnal roams, with corp and with alliance.
- Capital operations, alliance and coalition based.
- POS'es for safe warp outs.
- A wide based industrial core, with experienced industrialists and all kinds of production.

What we are looking for?

- Pilots who are willing to help out where needed.
- Who can fly specified ships or are willing to train into them .
- Able to be on TeamSpeak and have a working headset.
- Teamplayers
- Dedicated miners.
- Hardcore PVP'ers.
- Die hard PVE'ers.
- Fierce industrialists.
- All Eve players with experience who are looking for a good time.
- Full account API is needed in order to join the corporation.
- Mandatory to be on alliance TeamSpeak.
- Be there when corporation and alliance operations take place.

If you're interrested or wanna know more, join our recruitment chanel "Umbra-Domini recruitment" for a chat!

Kind regards,

Umbra-Domini recruitment team
Cerva Dynamite
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2014-12-25 00:28:12 UTC
Black Flag Operators

Black Flag Operators was started by a group of tight knit friends and we have expanded our operations to the universe of New Eden.

Our members come from all walks of life with many of them having current or former military experience.

We utilize a modified version of the US Navy ranking system, and our chain of command has a great deal of leadership experience in and out of the gaming world.

We are not hardcore players, and understand that people have lives outside of video games, as such, there are no mandatory events or play time requirements.

Operators enjoy the luxury of a drama free, fun and entertaining member base to explore New Eden with.

We Provide Corporate support services such as Hauling, Ore Buyback and Ship Replacement Programs.

We're currently based in highsec and our members can be found doing any number of activities including, but not limited to:

- Mining Operations with Orca Support
- Missioning
- Small Gang PvP Roams
- Exploration for fun and profit
- Covert operations into wormholes and nullsec
- Manufacturing and Research

-Voice Communications, we use teamspeak3
-No Trial accounts
-Full, Account API
-Must apply with your Main Character. Alternate characters will be considered only after your main character has been accepted.

New and old characters are welcome to apply!

In-Game Recruiting channel: "join.BFO" (without quotations)

We have big plans for the future, but we need your help to accomplish them! Go to and apply today!

Cerva Dynamite
CEO Black Flag Operators
Junkyard crew
#9 - 2014-12-25 02:37:51 UTC
plant, fungus, or alga??
Obi-Wan Kennobi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2014-12-25 05:22:46 UTC
Thank you everyone for the invitations, it's nice to see a player base who welcomes new players and offers help, which is something I did not see a lot of in Warcraft!

I have chosen a guild...I mean corp (xD) and I am happy with them!

Once more, thank you for the invitations! :)