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Feedback request on Contract system

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Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#481 - 2014-12-02 22:07:18 UTC
I would also like to see a kind-of subscription list for contracts. Instead of having to constantly juggle around with the clumsy contracts UI, I would like to have a list/fancy window where I can see at a glance new public contracts (CCs in particular) from certain people without having to mess with the contract search settings.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Jon Dekker
Dekker Corporation
#482 - 2014-12-11 00:08:35 UTC

I'd love a sub-category of contracts that help facilitate pre-fit ships. It should clear in the title as to what ship they are (unlike [multiple items]). They would be limited to a single ship, fitted modules, and any charges, drones, or fuel in the cargo. Anything else is excluded from the contract. The description could then be used by the seller to promote their other sales, or possible uses for their specific ship (explorer, PVP,scout, ice mining, solo lowsec pve, etc)

The details of the contract would clearly list the ship and the items included, and a link to the fit can be listed which you can drag into chat or open in your fittings window.

I would prefer this sort of capability to be in the Markets, but if it can be done sooner in contracts then either way it would be a great feature.

Spencer Owl
Amarr Empire
#483 - 2014-12-11 05:06:24 UTC
The single most annoying thing about the contract system is the GUI. You can't effectively search for items like blueprints. Notes are below:

- Having to search for items by exact name can be a serious pain. The market categorizes by type and allows for favorites which is helpful but those items are all on the same playing field (i.e. - his tech 2 scram is the same as anyone else s). Not so when it comes to BP/BPC or fitted ships. Each one is different. Something that allows quick and easy drill down of what I'm looking for would be amazing. A self populating search window with adjustable bars for stats, runs, etc. A preview of fitting or drill down for items fitted on ships would be helpful as well.

- The freight contract system has a fundamental flaw. I can't for the life of me understand why I need to contract items to my alt so that they can be freighted across the galaxy (I'm specifically speaking of fitted/rigged ships). Either allow someone to assign a contract to themselves or let them place fitted ships into the cargo hold of another.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#484 - 2014-12-20 05:28:30 UTC
allow type filters to be check boxes, instead of the pull down box. *like the current null, high, low*

Im sick of looking at pages upon pages of capitol part BPCs for 1m isk.


Radix Financial
#485 - 2014-12-20 19:53:49 UTC
Regarding your idea of making contracts more "trustworthy", I've got a great suggestion.

Right now, courier contracts are very simple and don't allow for any parameters outside of "completion within this time period or failure".  The current system looks something like this:

1 Day to complete
1 billion collateral
15 million reward

Further parameters could be set which would greatly improve courier services for both parties.  For example:

1 Day to complete
1 billion collateral
10 million reward
20 million reward if completed within 2 hours

Even further, you could set multiple parameters on one contracts:

10 million reward
15 million reward if completed within 4 hours
20 million reward if completed within 2 hours

Right now the only options are to offer a verbally agreed tip if completed within a certain time frame, or to simply offer more reward with the hopes that a hauler will honor your request for a fast delivery.  Both of these options are not set in stone and can be easily violated (not trustworthy).

As someone who uses couriers daily, I feel like this area could use some improvement, and would benefit greatly from very little work.  I have spoken with numerous other players about this topic, and it is definitely something  a lot of players would benefit from.
Raccoon's with LightSabers
#486 - 2014-12-21 23:03:41 UTC
I would like the ability to make my contracts available only to people based on their standing to the corp / alliance.

I'd like the ability to prevent specific characters from accepting my contracts based on their standing or individually. (e.g. I don't want a specific corp or person being able to accept courier contracts.)
Caldari 5
D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
#487 - 2014-12-22 03:02:26 UTC
This came up in another thread

Caldari 5 wrote:
Banlish wrote:
Contract work between players
Let players create jobs like contracts for others to work on, think of an industry job ready to go, but it needs another player to come by and click 'create' with the right skills as well as tying up their character instead of mine. I'd pay good isk for that, something I think could open new opportunities for players.

This actually sounds pretty cool, similar to Courier Contracts for Haulers, Manufacturing/Research Contracts for Industrialists, So the Contractor puts in BPO/BPCs, and the items required for it, sets times to accept and complete(May have to set a minimum time for completion above the production time to avoid scams), a Reward and a Collateral, Then Contractee gets a Plastic Wrapped package that can be installed like any other manufacturing/research job, once it is done they deliver the job and complete the contract.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#488 - 2014-12-22 04:20:38 UTC
Since there's not a "search this thread" feature in this forum software...

Allow players to lower contract price without having to cancel and recreate the contract - this would not change the deposit amount or eventual tax paid.
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#489 - 2014-12-22 05:04:57 UTC
Hyacinthine wrote:
Since there's not a "search this thread" feature in this forum software...

Allow players to lower contract price without having to cancel and recreate the contract - this would not change the deposit amount or eventual tax paid.

Try forum gold , does page by page search, works wonders.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

#490 - 2015-01-13 03:33:15 UTC

Of course with the quick option to change the price.
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#491 - 2015-01-13 09:03:25 UTC
HeXxploiT wrote:

Of course with the quick option to change the price.

Like this one? Image

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Angerlach Ferr
Molden Heath Mineral Reserve
#492 - 2015-01-15 15:00:37 UTC
The ability to see whether an item is packaged or not is missing.

Been seeing lately a lot of contracts that have hardwirings in them that turn out to be "unwrapped" and thus cant be resold on market !
(bug or exploit?)
Anvil Capital Trading
#493 - 2015-01-15 15:16:52 UTC
Re-iterating my desire to see you allow us accept a contract in a different region.
Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#494 - 2015-01-15 19:07:58 UTC
BugraT WarheaD wrote:
Maybe having the hability to name a contract will be nice. For example, when I make dozens of contracts with pre-fitted ships form my corp, all contracts are named [Multiple Items]. It's boring, why shouldn't I be able to name it ?

Maybe there should be a class of contracts that covers pre-fitted ships. So you just choose that category of contract when making the contract (remembers it to next time), and then the contract name will be the ship name (so you name the ships by marking them all and clicking "set name for marked ships"). Or something like that.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#495 - 2015-01-20 10:00:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Can CCP please change the wording on the notifications when completing delivering a Courier Contract?

Currently it says:

"Deliver Courier Package" in the right click menu.
"Really Complete" in the warning notification.
"Crate Delivered" in the final completion notification.
(Technically, I would also add the "Complete" button in the contract window itself to it, but who uses this button anyways? For the sake of comprehensiveness, this button should also read "Deliver", as we do deliver something to somewhere.)

This inconsistency between Deliver - Complete - Deliver causes me every time to look at it two, three, six times in panic to absolutely make sure that it says complete and not trash or cancel/fail. Instead, I would like to see the warning notification say "Really Deliver" in order to have a smooth flow of words, which does not interrupt your clicking path and perception when you do it right but jumps to your eyes and rips them out of the holes, throwing them at your your soon to happen fail when you do it wrong.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#496 - 2015-02-03 08:07:26 UTC
Can we please have savable contract setting presets? I use a very specific set of settings every day and have to enter the filter/settings data every time I use them, which is very tiresome. Instead, I want to save a particular filter setting and have the ability to select it from a drop down menu.

Note: I do not want to have the automatic storage of filters like in the "Location" drop down menu, but the ability to save filters myself and select them myself from a drop down menu. This should accompany my previous feature request of an overview page with subscriptions to see contracts from particular players/corps/alliances.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#497 - 2015-02-03 09:17:22 UTC
I do like the idea to set additional bonus rewards like we have in missions.

Also i like the idea Banlish wrote about the contract work between players.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#498 - 2015-02-03 11:12:11 UTC
can i please get a proper notification when a contract is issued to me? or at the very least have the contract icon flash when a contract is sent in every time rather than a third of the time?
Pyramid Celestial
#499 - 2015-02-04 08:31:07 UTC
1. Add Search feature for description, i.e. DARKNESS ALLIANCE TENGU FIT 1 or ASP MINES. This would help people fitting ships for alliance to better advertise what fit is what. The second part of this is so that old items that aren't on the market anymore have a way to be searchable.

2. Do not allow accepting public contracts from anywhere. This just helps makes more incentive more people just to sit in Jita and contract spam and scam.

3. Somehow make it possible so that you can sort ships in the contract and see what is actually fit on fit ships. Sometimes you think you are getting a nicely fit Crow and an Iteron but you are in fact getting a poorly fit crow and some junk. This also goes for containers it would be nice to know (or easily tell) if you are buying a bunch of stuff in a container that you aren't going to be able to repackage and able to relist.

4. Make crystals that have been used or damaged some how stand out. There are other items that for whatever reason are unrepackageable - make it clear that these items are not simply just 1 item but are in fact assembled.

5. Make it more clear when you are buying a ship that you won't be able to repackage it remotely if you are unable to. Sometime you buy a ship in a contract and you can repackage it and sometimes you can't. Total crap shoot.

6. Make it so the final contract screen comes up first and you have to accept it on that screen to finalize it. I like to think of it as a Print preview. This way you could potentially copy and paste the contents into something like evepraiser to be sure you are listing the item for a fair price - my current work around for this is to contract the item to myself and check pricing that way.

7. Make a link in the Eve wallet that is clickable for the transaction that brings up the actual contract. For example I do a lot of corporate contracting over a number of characters. The transaction shows up in my wallet but the contract DOES NOT appear when I search for completed contract on the corporation. In order to find the contract I need to manually go through (hopefully remember) each and every character to find the contract.

8. Treat contracts being made to alliance mates or alliance available in the same way as corp contracts are in that you have more available.

9. Fun stuff. Make it so that you can see what system your courier package is actually in. This way you can tell if Red Frog has actually left.

10. Make better search feature for old contracts. I sometime sbuy stuff and then forget what Ipaid for it. If I could search "Archon" in my old contracts then it would help narrow things dow.

11. Fix the issue where you can right click and search for contracts that an individual has available but when you type the name manually under the my contracts window you aren't

12. Add a box like with evemail or donating plex under the My contracts area so when you start typing the name of someone to check their contract history it pops up with similar names.

13. Same idea as above when creating contracts. If I drag and drop the name of a character i.e. Graye....please do not prompt me with every character in eve that has a similar name.

14. Use point form on the Contract start page so you can clearly see how many contracts you have available to who

15. Create a pawn shop option. Essentially a hybrid of the old loan and sell contracts. A person could put up items and receive isk and then they can get their items back after repaying with interest.

16. I'll add more later.

Regnar Avastum
#500 - 2015-02-07 23:23:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Regnar Avastum
Hi, I would like to add the following:

- Corporate Contracts: Maybe make it so you can set contracts no matter where the items included are located. For example, currently if I want to set a contract, with the corp as the issuer, the items must either be in a corp hangar or in the delivery section. This is relevant if I want for example a courier contract to drop the items in the delivery hangar at the destination. Currently if I have items in my personal hangar I need to first contract it to myself, accept as corp and then finally set the courier contracts.

- Real time asset data: Setting up a contract in another region is a real pain especially if you need to split the items. Currently you can only split inside the contract panel when you choose the items. It is very cumbersome and often finally leads into an error that is notifying me that assets have changed. The error may be caused also by items getting bought from the market and stacked with the rest.

- Delivery Hangar: Ok this is not about contracts per say but it is totally related. It's very annoying that you can't stack items or split them in this hangar. Being denied these actions does not make sense, especially since you can split items but only from within the contract panel (cumbersome).

- General Improvements: It takes forever to set up contracts, a more streamlined approach would be appreciated with the possibility to easily remake certain regular contracts