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It is Past Time for the Republic to Sue for Peace

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#101 - 2014-12-18 17:17:55 UTC
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Desiderya wrote:
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Tuulinen for Empress.

That would be pretentious. I vote we call him Duchess.

Now look what you've done.

Now you just need a proper dress and you'll be all set. I'm thinking something in green....

Whoa, will that work with my pale complexion?

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#102 - 2014-12-18 17:24:42 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Desiderya wrote:
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Tuulinen for Empress.

That would be pretentious. I vote we call him Duchess.

Now look what you've done.

Now you just need a proper dress and you'll be all set. I'm thinking something in green....

Whoa, will that work with my pale complexion?

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#103 - 2014-12-18 19:03:07 UTC
Claudia Osyn wrote:

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

Wow. I'm amazed you know precisely the right dress colour for a stocky Civire male in his mid-twenties to wear for social occasions. I would have thought this was a fairly niche subject.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Scope Works
#104 - 2014-12-18 19:32:00 UTC
She's good at what she does.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2014-12-18 19:45:27 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

Wow. I'm amazed you know precisely the right dress colour for a stocky Civire male in his mid-twenties to wear for social occasions. I would have thought this was a fairly niche subject.

This certainly explains the vast swathes of fanfiction I've been pulling off the surface web of Guristas information networks lately...

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#106 - 2014-12-18 20:11:08 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

Wow. I'm amazed you know precisely the right dress colour for a stocky Civire male in his mid-twenties to wear for social occasions. I would have thought this was a fairly niche subject.

What can I say, all Gallente are born with a supurb sense of fashion. Now, what kind of shoes to put you in.....?

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#107 - 2014-12-18 21:29:07 UTC
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

Wow. I'm amazed you know precisely the right dress colour for a stocky Civire male in his mid-twenties to wear for social occasions. I would have thought this was a fairly niche subject.

What can I say, all Gallente are born with a supurb sense of fashion. Now, what kind of shoes to put you in.....?

Six inch stilettos, red.

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Zanzibar Heroshima
#108 - 2014-12-18 21:34:50 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

Wow. I'm amazed you know precisely the right dress colour for a stocky Civire male in his mid-twenties to wear for social occasions. I would have thought this was a fairly niche subject.

What can I say, all Gallente are born with a supurb sense of fashion. Now, what kind of shoes to put you in.....?

Six inch stilettos, red.

With the green dress? Surely some high gloss black would be in order.
Soren Tyrhanos
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#109 - 2014-12-18 21:38:01 UTC
Zanzibar Heroshima wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

Wow. I'm amazed you know precisely the right dress colour for a stocky Civire male in his mid-twenties to wear for social occasions. I would have thought this was a fairly niche subject.

What can I say, all Gallente are born with a supurb sense of fashion. Now, what kind of shoes to put you in.....?

Six inch stilettos, red.

With the green dress? Surely some high gloss black would be in order.

Oh God forgive these people their fashion faux pas...... I can't bear to watch.

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#110 - 2014-12-18 21:38:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Claudia Osyn
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:

I think a nice pastel green would suit you just fine, with the proper application of cosmetics you would be turning heads in no time...

Wow. I'm amazed you know precisely the right dress colour for a stocky Civire male in his mid-twenties to wear for social occasions. I would have thought this was a fairly niche subject.

What can I say, all Gallente are born with a supurb sense of fashion. Now, what kind of shoes to put you in.....?

Six inch stilettos, red.

No, I don't think his butt needs the help, besides, they're hard to move in. I'm thinking a cute pair of slippers in green and silver..

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#111 - 2014-12-18 21:51:00 UTC
Claudia Osyn wrote:
No, I don't think his butt needs the help, besides, they're hard to move in. I'm thinking a cute pair of slippers in green and silver..

That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me today, also my ankles thank you.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#112 - 2014-12-18 22:10:39 UTC
Soren Tyrhanos wrote:

Oh God forgive these people their fashion faux pas...... I can't bear to watch.

I think I could find an outfit for you too....

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#113 - 2014-12-18 22:14:51 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:
No, I don't think his butt needs the help, besides, they're hard to move in. I'm thinking a cute pair of slippers in green and silver..

That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me today, also my ankles thank you.

The truth doesn't always have to hurt. Also, your ankles are very welcome.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

N'maro Makari
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#114 - 2014-12-19 20:50:53 UTC
This thread is in a good place. Carry on.

**Vherokior **

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#115 - 2014-12-20 08:19:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Anabella Rella
Gwen Ikiryo wrote:

...So what's the harm in them trying? Most religions have practically unfulfillable mandates, and still manage to function in wider society just fine, so long as they don't have a sword in their hand to go with it.

But Pilot Ikiryo that's precisely the problem with the Amarr; the DO have a sword in their hand (the Imperial Navy, 24th Imperial Crusade, navies of the various heir families) and are quite willing to use it to further their mandate. Remember a few years back when one of the heirs sent an invasion fleet into Gallente territory? Need I remind you of the empire's naked aggression against the Jove?

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#116 - 2014-12-20 08:46:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Anabella Rella wrote:
Gwen Ikiryo wrote:

...So what's the harm in them trying? Most religions have practically unfulfillable mandates, and still manage to function in wider society just fine, so long as they don't have a sword in their hand to go with it.

But Pilot Ikiryo that's precisely the problem with the Amarr; the DO have a sword in their hand (the Imperial Navy, 24th Imperial Crusade, navies of the various heir families) and are quite willing to use it to further their mandate. Remember a few years back when one of the heirs sent an invasion fleet into Gallente territory? Need I remind you of the empire's naked aggression against the Jove?

His Highness was punished, by us, for that. The Republic didn't do the same for the Elder Fleet. Even when ordered to by CONCORD.

And the attack on the Jove was over a century ago, before we established CONCORD and formal diplomatic relations. There seems to be a regular failure in people to understand that an attack on a nation to which you have no diplomatic relations is not in any way the same as breaking treaties to attack someone you do have diplomatic relations with. When you establish formal diplomatic relations and policies with other nations, when you have given your word, you are obligated to conduct yourself accordingly. Ergo, while the Jove were threatened by Amarr before CONCORD, they are not at risk now so long as they remain a CONCORD signatory. The same was the case with the Republic.
Gwen Ikiryo
Alexylva Paradox
#117 - 2014-12-20 08:56:00 UTC
Anabella Rella wrote:
But Pilot Ikiryo that's precisely the problem with the Amarr; the DO have a sword in their hand (the Imperial Navy, 24th Imperial Crusade, navies of the various heir families) and are quite willing to use it to further their mandate. Remember a few years back when one of the heirs sent an invasion fleet into Gallente territory? Need I remind you of the empire's naked aggression against the Jove?

Miss Rella,

I mean no disrespect, but if you had taken a look at the conversational context in which I made that post, you would have observed that I was arguing with Andreus in the context of a hypothetical scenario where the Empire ceased any attempts at military expansion.
Mizhara Del'thul
#118 - 2014-12-20 10:12:39 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
. Ergo, while the Jove were threatened by Amarr before CONCORD, they are not at risk now so long as they remain a CONCORD signatory. The same was the case with the Republic.

I have combat records against invading Imperial fleets that says otherwise. Pretending that the state of war was anything but finally making it official doesn't do you nor us any favors.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2014-12-20 10:43:43 UTC
I have never been of any illusion that the Amarr have renounced the idea of military conquest of the cluster - a brief glance at the rhetoric from the vast majority of their highest figures of authority attests to that. What I willingly concede that they are is unwilling to attempt that military conquest right now. To them peace has always been, essentially, a means to an end - an opportunity to wait for a more favourable state of affairs. No matter what House Sarum said, at the dawn of CONCORD, the Empire was in no position to fight a war of conquest, even against the nascent Republic. Vak'Atioth and the Minmatar rebellion had so damaged Imperial morale and military power that a war ran the risk of ruining them. Peace wasn't just common sense, it was essentially a neccessity. The Empire needed to rebuild its strength and pride.

But their attitude to the rest of the cluster hadn't changed - the presumption of innate, divinely-mandated racial superiority never disappeared. Samira said it herself - the Empire is a nation founded upon conquest.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#120 - 2014-12-20 10:43:47 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:
Sure. End slavery and we'll talk. Until then, not so much.

Some minmatars are indeed so stupid to tell Imperials what to do within their Empire, while it is Republic and Empire relations and systems in warzone are under the threat.

I have said somewhere, that asking Amarr to end slavery is the same as asking us all to remove public school education system. It is simply absurd, and I can't believe how ridiculously blind and ignorant these minmatars, who call to end slavery in the Empire.

Such minmatars should never be allowed to be in power, and I hope that the Empire will continue defending systems from TLF to not let TLF to control any of people's lives or assets.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.