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Low Sec Gate Camp

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Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2014-12-18 06:02:54 UTC
ya I flew a cov ops around in high sec cloaked for a while to learn the mechanics. What people have said about the 2-2.5 Km thing is true. Other things to note is about a 1 second server request time for every action. I'm not exactly sure how that figures in here but I can say that if you land cloaked inbetween that 2-2.5 km range and you have clicked jump before warping it seems to take longer.

Things to try are clicking warp to zero and then clicking jump when you get under 2kms or hitting warp to zero the manually decloaking then hitting jump. Again try this out in high sec to get the feel for it first.

If people are being remoted boosted they can pretty much insta lock you. There is that 1 second server request time but essentially they can insta lock you. I seem to recall reading that remote sensor boosters do not suffer from diminishing returns or something like that. So if they can lock you nearly instantly and there will almost always be enough alpha in a gate came to pop a scanning frig then if there is any hiccup what so ever on your side you will get blown up. Essentially there is nothing you can do to garuntee you will not get blown up in that situation.

With regards to low sec: I live in null sec everyone that I play with lives in null sec and most of them are PvPers. None of them will do anything in low sec except maybe travel through it when there is no option. Most people agree that low sec is more dangerous than null sec.

If you go into low sec everyone that sees you is going to try to kill you. In low sec they shoot everything that moves and if it does not move they shoot it to see if it moves. IMHO if you don't want to PvP then you should not be in low sec. I know that there are some people that will say that they do low sec exploration and I'm sure it can be done but imho the risk versus reward when isk / hour is taken into account just isn't there in low sec.

All of the above being said you are far safer in space that you are familiar with. If you get to know the locals and set up some tactical bookmarks you can operate a lot more safely. If you have a tactical more than 150km from a gate you can get on grid and see if the gate is camped before jumping. Also you can warp to a safe spot while cloaked and check the people in local on the kill boards to see if they have a history camping gates in the system that you are in. And if you know the locals, keep in mind I'm not say are friendly with the locals just familiar with who is who and who does what and how they operate then you will have a pretty good idea of what is going on just by looking at who is in local.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-12-18 07:06:03 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Actually Elena,. How many clients do you usually operate?

One usually. Windowed mode. Often with a lot of other stuff running on the PC

Paranoid Loyd wrote:
Confirming this has started happening to me as well, since Rhea was released and more often in cloaked ships than non-cloaked ships.

I haven't seen any cases since Rhea (probably cause I haven't been playing much), definitely from before. I'll have to start making a note about what ship, what station/gate what time.
#23 - 2014-12-18 11:56:08 UTC
I have been having the same issue in high sec gates, I hit jump but it just "hangs" for 2-3 seconds or even longer sometimes before finally really annoying and no reason for "laggy" jumps. I could see how it would be a killer in low sec and 0.0

You literally just have to keep spamming the jump button and hope it catches up with itself and you finally are allowed to jump. Been happening a lot more since last patch.
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-12-18 13:10:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Aralyn Cormallen
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

what myself and Elena are describing is not supposed to happen .

Actually Elena,. How many clients do you usually operate?
I almost always have two and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it.

I've noticed this can happen both when running multiple clients (it happened yesterday when I was tabbing between clients mid-warp keeping a scout a jump ahead) and when just running a single client (I left my Tengu sat stationary on a nullsec undock with hostiles in local for 5 minutes on saturday due to this Shocked). I haven't noticed any common features in the times it happens (a sudden thought is whether it happens when you tab before you enter warp, or whether it is dependant on when the jump/dock part of the command gets issued?).
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#25 - 2014-12-18 14:03:38 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

what myself and Elena are describing is not supposed to happen .

Actually Elena,. How many clients do you usually operate?
I almost always have two and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it.

I've noticed this can happen both when running multiple clients (it happened yesterday when I was tabbing between clients mid-warp keeping a scout a jump ahead) and when just running a single client (I left my Tengu sat stationary on a nullsec undock with hostiles in local for 5 minutes on saturday due to this Shocked). I haven't noticed any common features in the times it happens (a sudden thought is whether it happens when you tab before you enter warp, or whether it is dependant on when the jump/dock part of the command gets issued?).

I've had this happen with

  1. switching between clients in windowed mode (decent chance)
  2. switching between clients in full screen mode (regularly)
  3. switching between clients in fixed window mode (occasionally)
  4. extensive camera movements while in gate cloak or aligning after a gate cloak (occasionally)

Especially in case of 4. I make sure to reissue the jump or dock order while in warp.

Remove standings and insurance.

Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#26 - 2014-12-18 14:42:13 UTC
OP having just looked at your lossmail, it's worth mentioning that Tama is one of the most heavily camped systems in the game.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#27 - 2014-12-18 14:59:41 UTC
Orlacc wrote:

ISD LackOfFaith wrote:

Hawkine Sasen wrote:
i was looking into exploring in WH space but apparently there are sleepers on those sites so you need a combat ship is that correct??

Yep, that's right.

No that's not right sorry, There are now null-type relic and data sites in WH with no sleepers

Really? That's my bad, then. Sorry.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#28 - 2014-12-18 17:41:41 UTC
Hawkine Sasen wrote:
anyway any help and advice would be much appreciated.Big smile
I don't know if it makes any difference but I'm in the habit of pressing warp to zero + jump, instead of just jump.

If local looks suspicious I'll bounce off a planet cloaked and then land 100km off the gate. I'll motor 150km+ away from the gate to make a tactical BM. If there's an active gate camp I'll wait until they are distracted to jump through. It can be interesting to watch the camp operate.

Keno Skir
#29 - 2014-12-19 03:50:32 UTC
Confirming i have also been having this issue, i'll hit Jump / Dock and the ship wil Warp To 0. Only occasionally but regular enough to notice. It's happened couple of times since Rhea.

Hitting the Jump button a couple extra times in warp might help, i sometimes do it out of paranoia these days Roll

Ellen Madullier
Savage Moon Society
#30 - 2014-12-19 15:12:18 UTC
Hawkine Sasen wrote:

i was looking into exploring in WH space but apparently there are sleepers on those sites so you need a combat ship is that correct??

This is a common misunderstanding!

Enter any wormhole that leads to 'unknown' space. These contain relic and data sites found in nullsec. You'll only be able to run ones with pirate faction names like Blood Raiders Crystal Quarry. Without the pirate faction name are the relic and data sites that have sleepers.

Fly safe!


Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#31 - 2014-12-19 16:29:45 UTC
Ellen Madullier wrote:
Enter any wormhole that leads to 'unknown' space. These contain relic and data sites found in nullsec.

And keep in mind that "unknown space" (C1-C3) is not the same as "dangerous unknown space" (C4-C5) or "deadly unknown space" (C6). Only the lower class wormholes (C1-C3) have data/relic sites without rats.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Hawkine Sasen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2014-12-22 19:49:49 UTC
Thankyou everyone who has responded, you have given me some excellent advice that i will take on board.

also a Big thankyou to the person who kindly donated me the isk covering the cost of my loss.

im still learning but im having soo much fun. Looks like my new exploration visit is going to be in WH, now i know i can run
sites without those pesky sleepers attacking me..

fly safe everyone and ill see you online (hopefully ill be cloaked so you wont see me Big smile )
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#33 - 2014-12-22 22:26:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
OP, should you want to avoid solo smartbombers in a covops...

1. Have a bookmark < 1 AU of the gate, singling it out for 5 degree scans. Make the BM mid warp by warping on 100 on a gate. Use this BM in the future to pre-check gates before you commit.

2. Check his angle from the gate. He's catching targets coming from somewhere. His AoE range is limited and he has to keep at a distance from the gate, usually 5000m. That means you can warp on 0 from the gate as long as you avoid coming in at the expected angle.

3. Warp on your BM and then back to the gate, out of his range but somewhat closer. While cloaked move towards a position on the opposite side of the gate he has to keep over 5000m in order to fire his bombs. Slowboat 150Km out or pick a celestial in line, and use it to make a BM over 150Km range (minimum warp-to distance). Use THIS bookmark warp at 0 on the gate from an angle.

4. Pass often enough and the BS pilot will adjust his angle just for you, on occasion, or use an alt / friend to catch you. Just understand your advantage is being able to scout the grid itself before warping to 0 on anything.

5. Might as well just warp on 30 and slowboat the rest if it's an unsupported BS.
Cherri Minoa
Serendipity Technologies Inc
#34 - 2014-12-23 00:59:07 UTC
I generally run 2 or 3 clients on three monitors and I get the following:

- "Dock" or "jump" acts as "warp to zero" : (sometimes)
- Warping cloaked to a gate with the command "jump" lands me between 2.5km and 2.6km from the gate and I uncloak even though there is nothing within 2,000m : (very rare)
- My overview won't update (the padlock icon stays on) and I have to click on another monitor to remove the padlock icon : (very often)

There seems to be some issue with EVE and multiple clients as if it is handling the window focus incorrectly.

"If I had been censured every time I have run my ship, or fleets under my command, into great danger, I should have long ago been out of the Service" - Horatio Nelson

Davey Talvanen
Kingsparrow Wormhole Division
Birds of Prey.
#35 - 2014-12-23 13:14:07 UTC
Sugar Smacks wrote:
You could of hit the warp to 0 button instead of the jump button and it would of caused all of this.
Next time when u land, start hitting the jump button over and over for the gate when your worried, it can't hurt.

This. A lot of the time when I reach a gate there is a delay between arrival and jump unless I spam the jump button.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2014-12-23 14:52:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tipa Riot
The measures to take:

  1. deactivate cloak a second before landing on grid
  2. spam jump button

On the other side if camped, wait with gate cloak at least until your cloak reactivation timer is gone.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2014-12-23 17:10:21 UTC
I sometimes get the warp to zero effect when I've clicked the Jump or Dock button in the selected items window. Or at least I did and it was happening long before Rhea. I usually have 2 clients running in windows mode on dual screens.

I don't believe it is the result of dual clients. I've tried to establish what the problem is, but it doesn't replicate when you are looking. The best guess I have is that once upon a time I would spam the Jump/Dock button several times as I'm going to warp. More recently I am careful to click it once only and it seems to occur a lot less nowadays to the point that I can't remember the last time it happened. It seems to me that the client doesn't register the double/triple click properly and gets confused as to what the last command was, effectively cancelling the scheduled Jump/Dock action.

To the OP. When you are in this situation, it is hard to correctly judge how long things actually took. However, note that when you come out of warp normally, you are invulnerable for about 5 seconds during which time you cannot be targeted if you don't do anything. However, when you come out of a cloaked warp and are decloaked I often notice a couple of seconds where your ship then moves closer to the gate even though you are already in range, thus I suspect your invulnerability drops with the decloaking effect. The answer here is to spam the jump button if you have landed in a gate camp.

I would not advise decloaking early. The same gates that get camped regular are just as likely to have a cloaked Smart Bombing ship waiting for you. They will decloak and start bombing if they see you coming on D-Scan with far more likely chance of killing you.

Setting up perch bookmark about 200 Km above, below or to one side of the gate is the correct way to go, but this is a tedious process to do for every gate especially in areas you don't frequent regularly. As a priority you should do the ones that connect High Sec to Low Sec (Low sec side) and Low Sec to Null Sec (Null sec side), the first time you use them. These are the ones most likely to be camped. Then on the return journey warp to the bookmark and observe any camp before making the final warp and jump, in this case you can decloak prior to landing because you will be coming in at the wrong angle for the hidden smart bomber. When making such bookmarks ideally use an Interceptor fitted for speed and failing that a Slasher/Condor so fitted. Jump in, confirm it is clear of a camp and then start burning in a direction at a right angle from your distant out gate - so that the bookmark isn't inline with it. Avoid warping to 100K and then back-pedaling 50 Km to make your bookmark. Make your bookmarks at least 180 Km from the gate, because when you are coming in, you sometimes want to warp straight to the bookmark especially if scouting something else. However, depending on the type of gate when you jump in you can land up to 30 Km from the measured center of the gate and find you are too close to any bookmark placed 150 Km from the gate.
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