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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Ex Astris Opes Is looking to recruit a core of WH combat pilots

#1 - 2014-12-16 01:38:58 UTC
We are E-A-O A recently formed wormhole space corporation looking to grow. We are currently the residents of a C4 with static C4, C2. We are looking for established players to grow with the corporation.

Recently formed with four pilots who have flown together in the past in various endeavors we are looking to create something great for like minded pilots who want player created content, who are driven to work with the corp in creating that content.

Our Vision:
To slowly grow the corporation over time creating a home for all of its pilots. Over time we hope to expand large enough to inhabit a C6 and have the knowledge and raw ability to survive on our own.

Why fly with us?
We are currently a small group of pilots who have flown together, pew'd together and whelped together. We have a simple vision. A desire to expand and create content in WH space. Our desire is to slowly grow our operations and not sacrifice the quality of our pilots for quantity.

All corp members will be involved in all corp decisions and discussions. We do not believe in closed doors. This also applies to wallet transparency. We want to re-invest all corporate taxes into the growth of our pilots and the growth of the corp and to do this we will disclose the corp funds and allow our members to see what their hard earned isk is going towards.

All members will go threw a two week probationary period. Current members will then vote you in. When you are no longer on probation you will also be able to vote on recruits to ensure that the corp is always getting pilots who mesh well.

Our primary goal is fun via player driven content. We care for no KB stats and will not chastise you when you whelp something expensive. If you had fun doing it solo or with corp members that is all that counts. If your only desire is to run sites and have a good time on TS as long as you involve corporate members that is all we care about. Hell if you only want to log in shoot the poop and scan the chain all day because you enjoy that your more than welcome.

What we are looking for:

  • 12m SP points
  • Fly 1 T3 proficiently
  • Scanning skills to four
  • Logi and BS skills are a bonus
  • Self Sufficient Pilots
  • Pilots who are OK working on their own and in small gangs

Please join EAO Public if we interest you. Our prime time is US evening. Feel free to relax in our pub chat and hit us up when we log in or send me an eve mail with your inquiries.
#2 - 2014-12-17 02:47:47 UTC
To the top.
#3 - 2014-12-17 23:43:56 UTC
Another day and another opportunity to join us in diving others wormholes.
#4 - 2014-12-18 23:19:49 UTC
Growing slowly. Come join us.
#5 - 2014-12-21 23:49:27 UTC
We have talked with some interesting pilots and some not so interesting. A new tower is going up to facilitate expansion. Stop in and see if we are right for you.
Phase Three Synergies
#6 - 2014-12-25 18:37:56 UTC