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Clothing workshop.

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Mharius Skjem
Guardians of the Underworld
#241 - 2014-12-17 00:19:33 UTC
Evei Shard wrote:
Kaaeliaa wrote:
I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the recording yet, but thank you CCP and to all who attended. It's nice to know that avatar gameplay isn't being neglected.

I still hold out a tiny sliver of hope that some day it will be for much more than just portraits.

I agree, once we get avatar game play eve will be the Sci fi game to kill all others.

A recovering btter vet,  with a fresh toon and a determination to like everything that CCP does to Eve...

Don't take me too seriously though, I like to tease a bit on the forums, but that's only because I love you...

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#242 - 2014-12-17 00:40:31 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
CCP has no interest in rebooting Incarna/WiS and has no plans for it. CCP is not ready for performance/asset generation work. mike: WiS would need a better function in the game than just "emoting at people". There may be a path from DUST/Legion being successful (5-8 year window).

Dunno whether they were that blunt, but comes to no surprise.

Yeah kind of a shame but as I sit here thinking about it I honestly can't fault them for taking that stance. I was really excited for WiS but there (currently) isn't anything in game short of the aforementioned "emoting at people" that would be enhanced by wandering around a station. As an old soul who used to play Earth and Beyond way back in the day you'd get out of your ship, walk for ten seconds to a build terminal, jocky for position to get within activation range, do your thing, and then walk back to your ship. It was annoying and didn't add much besides wasting a minute or two whenever you needed to build something.
CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#243 - 2014-12-17 01:11:11 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:

I would like identical twins of my characters, perhaps a character resculpt variant that creates a copied appearance.


Well, on an informal request to CCP Karkur's tweet, she stated that she didn't thought that was possible. But I think that down there at the character file must be some numbers associated to the vectors applied to the control points on the base mesh (something like "control point 2 is at 0.4, -1.8, 0.9"). I am assuming there is a base mesh, which would make sense (but, !!CCP!!).
Did I? I really don't remember it, but CCP karkur is actually a copy of another character that was made on Sisi and was lost a few days later when Sisi was mirrored. So I know it's possible, but it would require quite a bit of work to make it available to players, and is more a question of priorities (not just for the character work, but also the rest of EVE).

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#244 - 2014-12-17 01:46:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Sol Project
CCP karkur wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:

I would like identical twins of my characters, perhaps a character resculpt variant that creates a copied appearance.


Well, on an informal request to CCP Karkur's tweet, she stated that she didn't thought that was possible. But I think that down there at the character file must be some numbers associated to the vectors applied to the control points on the base mesh (something like "control point 2 is at 0.4, -1.8, 0.9"). I am assuming there is a base mesh, which would make sense (but, !!CCP!!).
Did I? I really don't remember it, but CCP karkur is actually a copy of another character that was made on Sisi and was lost a few days later when Sisi was mirrored. So I know it's possible, but it would require quite a bit of work to make it available to players, and is more a question of priorities (not just for the character work, but also the rest of EVE).

I'm sorry, but would you believe if I told you that thdre is a market for selling personalities?

Personalities ideally get expressed through the characters visual appearance.
This isn't just about clothes! I am talking about skull/facial structure, (wide chin, small chin for example)
fat and small characters, strong and weak ones.

Basic human stuff. *cough*

There *would* absolutely be a market for cheap clones ...
... who have a proper name and the supporting visual appearance ...
... to allow a player to express the desired character ingame.
(no PLEX fee for empty characters!)

Ideally a player would be able to name such a cheap entry clone by himself.

It would also make a newer player, who buys such character early on ...
... you know, those who have no issue slending money ...
... have it easier making sure that other players recognise him as what he wants to be.

It would increase identification, probably even resulting in less whiners,
as new players get to realise that there are roles for "bad people" as well. *cough*

I don't like the 'Outlaw' jacket at all. :p

Just my worthless two cent...

Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#245 - 2014-12-17 01:52:22 UTC
I would like to add that my idea above is no pay2win. :p

It's players paying other players for a deeper feeling of immersion.

Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


Goonswarm Federation
#246 - 2014-12-17 01:57:17 UTC
it's not a super big deal. i can manage copying characters almost perfectly using screenshots of different angles, and a semi-transparent client. i can then match the character being edited to the screenshot behind the client. takes a few hours per character, and burniut happens quickly.

it's like any other piece of art where attention to detail is all that's needed i guess.

oh, also... is it possible to revert a pilot's resculpt for another resculpt certificate.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#247 - 2014-12-17 05:11:20 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:

I would like identical twins of my characters, perhaps a character resculpt variant that creates a copied appearance.


Well, on an informal request to CCP Karkur's tweet, she stated that she didn't thought that was possible. But I think that down there at the character file must be some numbers associated to the vectors applied to the control points on the base mesh (something like "control point 2 is at 0.4, -1.8, 0.9"). I am assuming there is a base mesh, which would make sense (but, !!CCP!!).
Did I? I really don't remember it, but CCP karkur is actually a copy of another character that was made on Sisi and was lost a few days later when Sisi was mirrored. So I know it's possible, but it would require quite a bit of work to make it available to players, and is more a question of priorities (not just for the character work, but also the rest of EVE).

i don't remember which game it was, but it did let you export the char as code (64 digits or so). I suppose they stored the control points and other sculpt data in it. By pasting the code in the char creator you could copy your char.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Jennifer Spearshield
State War Academy
Caldari State
#248 - 2014-12-17 06:14:14 UTC
Glad I stumbled upon this thread & casted my votes.

Also, relevant shameless plug.

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#249 - 2014-12-17 06:17:23 UTC
corbexx wrote:
What I'd like to do is potentially sort another one of these in 2 or 3 months (maybe 2 one eu 1 us tz) for another one of these.

More of these would be great., though I do hope to see more different ones. As and explorer, I am disappointed I missed the WH ones, and would love to see another discussion on wormholes, or general exploration, and I know the RP community has started clamoring for more live events and chronicles, and for less separation between story and gameplay beyond the superficial.
Derka McDerk
#250 - 2014-12-17 07:08:04 UTC
Just solved my problem regarding the Men's 'Crusher' Cybernetic Arm (green camo left). It is not available from promotions, NES or market.

Its just not available currently. The right arm version is out. I would like both arms.

Whats the deal with this then? Do things like these ever get released?
Goonswarm Federation
#251 - 2014-12-17 07:26:31 UTC
There was some discussion regarding the pricing of clothing items, and I just want to say I don't see it as a problem if clothing items are common, and the prices go up or down. I'm perfectly fine with whatever availability an item has, as long as it's available somewhere.

As loot drops from faction ships was mentioned. That would be pretty cool.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#252 - 2014-12-17 07:43:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
CCP karkur wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:

I would like identical twins of my characters, perhaps a character resculpt variant that creates a copied appearance.


Well, on an informal request to CCP Karkur's tweet, she stated that she didn't thought that was possible. But I think that down there at the character file must be some numbers associated to the vectors applied to the control points on the base mesh (something like "control point 2 is at 0.4, -1.8, 0.9"). I am assuming there is a base mesh, which would make sense (but, !!CCP!!).
Did I? I really don't remember it, but CCP karkur is actually a copy of another character that was made on Sisi and was lost a few days later when Sisi was mirrored. So I know it's possible, but it would require quite a bit of work to make it available to players, and is more a question of priorities (not just for the character work, but also the rest of EVE).

I should check the chatlogs as it was a question that Random McNally from the High Drag podcast moved from private chat channel to Twitter. Or so I think, there aren't many places to contact a dev and get an answer within 5 minutes. Lol

The matter was the abbility to sculpt an avatar for someone without actually transfering the whole character, sort of what was doable with the old CC where you could just swap portraits among characters.

That should be cheaper and make it easier for all parts involved... currently I'm still awaiting payment for transfering a character I created for someone who wanted a pretty alt; despite my explanations, he's somehow unexperienced and underestimated the cost of transfering a character and creating a new account for it... Sad
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#253 - 2014-12-17 08:40:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagrat Skalski
CCP karkur wrote:
the rest of EVE

It would be infeasible to justify that the rest of EVE care about copying looks of characters. This is more like a very small minority request, same as clown boots I would say.

As loot drops from faction ships was mentioned. That would be pretty cool.

In two years, nondestructible, doomed to became "meh" shirts or boots would only clutter peoples hangars.
I would rather release avery piece of clothing in NES if I would be CCP dev. That means no socks under the christmas tree.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#254 - 2014-12-17 08:57:05 UTC
Xindi Kraid wrote:
corbexx wrote:
What I'd like to do is potentially sort another one of these in 2 or 3 months (maybe 2 one eu 1 us tz) for another one of these.

More of these would be great., though I do hope to see more different ones. As and explorer, I am disappointed I missed the WH ones, and would love to see another discussion on wormholes, or general exploration, and I know the RP community has started clamoring for more live events and chronicles, and for less separation between story and gameplay beyond the superficial.

There will be more and on different stuff as well, we have a POS one tomorrow I'm preparing as I type (and def more wh ones so dont worry there). A RP I might be able to do something about, although everything will have to wait till mid jan if not feb due to xmas, new year and winter summit (as well as csm campaign)
Goonswarm Federation
#255 - 2014-12-17 10:08:47 UTC
Devara Biotech
#256 - 2014-12-17 14:33:13 UTC
Big thanks to Corbexx and Sibyyl for all the work put into this.

Just one thing I would like to ask: Can we expect to see Race change as one of the options in NES?


Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#257 - 2014-12-17 22:56:03 UTC
Mizhir wrote:

Just one thing I would like to ask: Can we expect to see Race change as one of the options in NES?

I'll ask.
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#258 - 2014-12-18 03:47:44 UTC
Mizhir wrote:
Big thanks to Corbexx and Sibyyl for all the work put into this.

Just one thing I would like to ask: Can we expect to see Race change as one of the options in NES?

You may want to glance through Page 40 of the summer minutes


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#259 - 2014-12-18 07:41:12 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Mizhir wrote:
Big thanks to Corbexx and Sibyyl for all the work put into this.

Just one thing I would like to ask: Can we expect to see Race change as one of the options in NES?

You may want to glance through Page 40 of the summer minutes


Race changes, I see it, but don't like the idea. It's a kick to the mouth of Role Playing. As for gender changes... don't get me started. *double facepalm*

Players so unattached to their char should not bloody have an avatar, period. Evil
Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#260 - 2014-12-18 08:51:26 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:

I would like identical twins of my characters, perhaps a character resculpt variant that creates a copied appearance.


Well, on an informal request to CCP Karkur's tweet, she stated that she didn't thought that was possible. But I think that down there at the character file must be some numbers associated to the vectors applied to the control points on the base mesh (something like "control point 2 is at 0.4, -1.8, 0.9"). I am assuming there is a base mesh, which would make sense (but, !!CCP!!).
Did I? I really don't remember it, but CCP karkur is actually a copy of another character that was made on Sisi and was lost a few days later when Sisi was mirrored. So I know it's possible, but it would require quite a bit of work to make it available to players, and is more a question of priorities (not just for the character work, but also the rest of EVE).

Wait, what ? Shocked so you're a clone ? Where's the real CCP Karkur, I demand you to release her at once. X