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Strange Object.

#101 - 2014-12-14 07:46:19 UTC
Perhaps someone may find this high resolution image useful to their studies of the unidentified structures seen across the cluster. I was able to isolate images captured by my camera drones in a limited part of the spectrum, in the red to violet range and then apply some visual enhancements to partially reveal some shapes and long angular lines in the hidden objects. It was a most fiddly and frustrating procedure. If you zoom in closely you can see the shapes too.
Jukko Riis
#102 - 2014-12-14 12:25:18 UTC
Zenariae wrote:
Perhaps someone may find this high resolution image useful to their studies of the unidentified structures seen across the cluster. I was able to isolate images captured by my camera drones in a limited part of the spectrum, in the red to violet range and then apply some visual enhancements to partially reveal some shapes and long angular lines in the hidden objects. It was a most fiddly and frustrating procedure. If you zoom in closely you can see the shapes too.

This is about the dimensions I found. But from my imaging and sensing I think there was a...skirt. A prominence along the lower edge. Let me play with my imaging systems again...
Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#103 - 2014-12-14 13:01:31 UTC
Psh. It's 116 and men are still skirt crazy. Typical.
Johnny Sthil
Stihl Industrial Armaments
#104 - 2014-12-14 21:39:20 UTC
So I'm wondering here, I haven't noticed any one mentioning using data or relic scanners on the structures. If so i missed it and I'm guessing that there is no effect as well.
Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#105 - 2014-12-14 22:48:51 UTC
There's currently one of these cloaked structures in the Irjunen system, 300.000 km away from the Irjunen Arcology Station. While no immediate threat has been located, measurements have been take to assure the safety of the citizens.

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

Harran Tral
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#106 - 2014-12-14 23:02:56 UTC
Zenariae wrote:
Perhaps someone may find this high resolution image useful to their studies of the unidentified structures seen across the cluster. I was able to isolate images captured by my camera drones in a limited part of the spectrum, in the red to violet range and then apply some visual enhancements to partially reveal some shapes and long angular lines in the hidden objects. It was a most fiddly and frustrating procedure. If you zoom in closely you can see the shapes too.

FWIW, the size and shape is similar to the "huge and hellish" stalagmites found in some sleeper data sites. For example:
Jukko Riis
#107 - 2014-12-14 23:47:59 UTC
Johnny Sthil wrote:
So I'm wondering here, I haven't noticed any one mentioning using data or relic scanners on the structures. If so i missed it and I'm guessing that there is no effect as well.

Scroll up.

Basically, the shield around the structure doesn't let you get close enough to use a scanner.
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#108 - 2014-12-15 00:19:36 UTC
Finally mapped out Devoid. 12 structures in all.

I'll get to work on another region tomorrow.
Harran Tral
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#109 - 2014-12-15 01:03:45 UTC
Jukko Riis wrote:
Johnny Sthil wrote:
So I'm wondering here, I haven't noticed any one mentioning using data or relic scanners on the structures. If so i missed it and I'm guessing that there is no effect as well.

Scroll up.

Basically, the shield around the structure doesn't let you get close enough to use a scanner.

Incorrect. You can get about 5,200m before you bounce. T2 scanners go 6,000m. I tried with a T2 Data analyzer and was informed by Aura that the module could not be activated on the object. My guess is that Salvagers and Relic analyzers would have the same result, but I didn't test it as I wasn't fitted for it.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#110 - 2014-12-15 01:05:46 UTC
Harran Tral wrote:
Jukko Riis wrote:
Johnny Sthil wrote:
So I'm wondering here, I haven't noticed any one mentioning using data or relic scanners on the structures. If so i missed it and I'm guessing that there is no effect as well.

Scroll up.

Basically, the shield around the structure doesn't let you get close enough to use a scanner.

Incorrect. You can get about 5,200m before you bounce. T2 scanners go 6,000m. I tried with a T2 Data analyzer and was informed by Aura that the module could not be activated on the object. My guess is that Salvagers and Relic analyzers would have the same result, but I didn't test it as I wasn't fitted for it.

I haven't tried with salvagers, but I tried with both relic and data analyzers, and was told the same thing, that I can't activate them on that target.
Jukko Riis
#111 - 2014-12-15 01:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Jukko Riis
Harran Tral wrote:
Jukko Riis wrote:
Johnny Sthil wrote:
So I'm wondering here, I haven't noticed any one mentioning using data or relic scanners on the structures. If so i missed it and I'm guessing that there is no effect as well.

Scroll up.

Basically, the shield around the structure doesn't let you get close enough to use a scanner.

Incorrect. You can get about 5,200m before you bounce. T2 scanners go 6,000m. I tried with a T2 Data analyzer and was informed by Aura that the module could not be activated on the object. My guess is that Salvagers and Relic analyzers would have the same result, but I didn't test it as I wasn't fitted for it.

I stand corrected. Thanks! Good to know. That's what I get for using the cheap equipment.

Edit: For the record, T1 salvagers do nothing and T1 ship scanners show no mods.
Torgeir Hekard
#112 - 2014-12-15 07:15:02 UTC
How abut trying a sansha analyzer Concord distributed some years ago along with a ship to fit it?
Momiji Sakora
Omni Galactic
Central Omni Galactic Group
#113 - 2014-12-15 13:06:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Momiji Sakora
From my post in a similar thread.

So I stumbled across one of these stations in Sharji (Still there if you want to investigate). After a few minutes, as previously discovered about 5 Sleepers warped in, but they came in seperately, not all at once, began scanning the beacon, then moved to the station and began scanning that.

I began pulsing smartbombs on the station and the nearest sleeper, no observed change of behavior, they ignored me.

I called in the support of a Domi that was in system, I went back and brought in a SoE Stratios with tackle and between us we tackled and destroyed the 5 Sleeper ships (Chicada Seekers or something to that effect). They made no attempt to run, and began to scan our drones too.

Upon their destruction, I began salvage operations, recovering only scrap metal. We attempted to get close enough to the station to begin a hack, but the object appears to repel approaching ships at ranges between 5,400m and 5,260m, so we weren't able to see if there was an uplink available to hack into.

There was a Sleeper Cache in system at the same time - attempting to hack this made no change to the situation of the station. Upon a successful hack a rift was generated, which I was unable to take the Stratios through due to mass limitations. Sadly due to a failed hack previously, the station guarding the rift self destructed. Again no changes to the station were observed.

The structure appears to be a spire, with between 3 and 4 outer heatsink/fins from what we could tell from our extended observations of the structure. Black clouds as noted in previous discoveries were found surrounding it.

I would estimate that the structure was around 15km in height, possibly similar to that of a control tower?

I have extensive pictures of both the tower, and the sleeper vessels that appeared that I will upload later to the neocom for your perusal.


After giving up on the station, and failing to find them in the belt in system, I began to leave.

We found 5 more Circadian Seekers (For this is the vessels name apparently) scanning the gate and the Amarr Navy ships orbiting it. My new Domi friend notified me that he'd noticed the Sleepers earlier in the day, but had noted they warped off whenever he saw them - this seemingly didn't ring true now - as having locked up the the vessels they once again made no attempt to defend themselves or retreat.

After a minute or two we tackled and destroyed our 6th Sleeper ship of the venture, but as we began to engage the next they warped away. Since then we haven't been able to catch up with them.

Other notables - the system contained at least 1 active wormhole during this time.
Ridha Shakir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#114 - 2014-12-15 14:58:09 UTC
The Sleepers randomly warp between the site, stations, customs offices, stargates and asteroid belts at least. I haven't seen them at a moon or in cosmic anomaly or signature sites yet.

The system I regularly use to study this phenomenon has had the site ever since their appearance now with no changes. Over the week there have been wormholes in the respective system at times. There have been other cosmic anomalies or signatures at times. There have been Sleeper Caches in the system at times. There is no discernible pattern.

At this time my best guess is that these cloaked sites are present in each and every K-space system and that the catastrophic event in Thera somehow triggered a failure cascade throughout the network. Whether the Sleepers belong to the Site or were just activated by said event will remain to be seen.
Morgana Tsukiyo
Samsara Dynamics
#115 - 2014-12-15 15:07:27 UTC
I find interesting this part of "The Seyllin Report - A summary of findings one year after the Seyllin incident"

"Not only this, but the facility could not have been new, the sheer volume of Isogen-5 gathered would take a long time to achieve, barring the possibility of some recent breakthrough in science allowing this impossible construct. Furthermore, this facility, and the others like it, throughout all of their operational lives, must have remained completely undetected by our most sophisticated scanning techniques, no small feat for an object the size of a station." (pg.13)

Could we have a winner?

Join Project Transcendence.

Applied technology for the enhancement of human experience.

Torgeir Hekard
#116 - 2014-12-15 16:58:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Torgeir Hekard
Morgana Tsukiyo wrote:
I find interesting this part of "The Seyllin Report - A summary of findings one year after the Seyllin incident"

Good catch.

The whole report is pretty much one big piece of interesting in the light of the recent events.

Okay, assuming these structures are, in fact, Isogen-5 caches

1) How do we make them go kaboom?Roll
2) At least 5 of them went off already in known space in specific systems. So what's about the status of those systems regarding unidentified structures? Because if they already blew up, they should not appear there anymore even with all the structures appearing and disappearing at random all around.
Basically, an absence of a structure says nothing, but a presence of one in any of those systems should probably invalidate the theory.
Jukko Riis
#117 - 2014-12-15 20:46:52 UTC
What if...

And mind you, I'm as paranoid as the rest of you.

What if these structures are the remnants of Thera and the other nearby systems? What if they escaped, through whatever means, and these locations are where they ended up? Scattered, split up...maybe we all have new neighbors?
Scope Works
#118 - 2014-12-15 20:52:07 UTC
Still waiting on someone to compile and graph the movement of location to location of these things. Also regarding the 'star,' had a bit of a revelation. The expansion is weird but comparable to gas expansion hitting (albeit) large items. But aside from that, something for the uh...pseudo-science.

'The appetite of nothing expands over the world.'

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Momiji Sakora
Omni Galactic
Central Omni Galactic Group
#119 - 2014-12-15 21:12:53 UTC
Update on my exploration and charting of these anomalies - I've just found a system where the Seeker vessels are showing up, however I can confirm no cloaked station or beacon is visible in the system - Ziona.
Scope Works
#120 - 2014-12-15 21:23:20 UTC
There won't be. They don't always appear together. They aren't linked. The Sleepers are just as curious about those things as we are.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]