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Strange Object.

Rhys Mabigonon
Industrial Mining and Mayhem
Sigma Grindset
#81 - 2014-12-11 23:57:50 UTC
Anslo wrote:

I'll put aside my regular trash talk in light of something I've just learned. How many days have you watched it?

I ask because Scope Works has received reports of these structures appearing and disappearing within a few days. Max range of movement was two systems. As of yet they have not appeared in the same system twice. Note this is NOT for every structure, but a few have been confirmed to move. Specifically, the one in question moved from Hjoramold to Nakugard.

If they ALL do this, we may want to look at two things.

  1. Pattern of motion relative to the cluster. Might they be moving toward a central point?
  2. Movement toward suspect celestial bodies discussed elsewhere, namely A0 Type stars

If EITHER of these are the case, we have a lot bigger things to worry about than the next Presidential election or some silly Empire proxy war.

If these things do show one of the above patterns, perhaps the Circadian variants should be immediately considered a threat, and shoot on sight. Scope Works is currently spread across two regions of space and will monitor the numerous structures around both stations we currently stay at and report back if we find anything.

In the meantime, I suggest you all treat those new Sleepers with extreme caution.

EDIT: We've confirmation that structures reappeared in both Hjoramold AND Nakugard.

Today was the second day I've observed the structures. I plan on observing them again tommorow...if they're still there of course. I should add that the structure in Onnamon is also intact. In fact there were two capsuleers who attempted to interact with it to no effect (bombing and repping).

Both Onnamon and Uchomida are very close together, separated by one system. Their stellar classifications are G5 and K4 respectively. As far as the drones are concerned, being scanned down by them once was more than enough to make exercise caution. All my observations are now done at a distance in a cloaked vessel.
Cpt Santino
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2014-12-12 01:06:43 UTC
I have been reporting information to the F.I.O about the events of this 'Star incident' and the appearance of these cloaked structures .

All the information i can disclose is that i did find one of these structures in Caldari Space in a system called Irjunen, Citadel Region.
After Studying the structure over the last two days or so, it has simply vanished!! Which some of you have noticed.
Though there might be a trend where they might 'appear' as Rhys Mabigonon noticed the Star types K4 and G5, Irjunen's star is a G5.

It might be best to log information about star types in the systems that have had these structures pop up in.

As for the Structure itself .. well wild guesses from myself is an information broadcasting thingy or a really farfetched guess Isogen-5 that has been hoarded...
Cpt Santino
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2014-12-12 01:09:06 UTC
Ha! Where are my manners as well?

Captain Jason Santino of Federal Intelligence Office reporting in!
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#84 - 2014-12-12 01:57:42 UTC
Xindi Kraid wrote:
Irusan Ramza wrote:
Can confirm that the're also in LowSec (Forge Region). 3 Circadian Seekers appear roughly at half-hour intervals. So far, I've killed 3 sets. Never left them around long enough to allow them to "scan" anything as has been mentioned.


Have you tried to salvage them? I blew one up and don't seem to remember finding anything usable in the wreck

Have you tried to scan them? Or talk to them?

You people with your violence obsession... Maybe it will be you, because of whom they will begin offensive action.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Verdis deMosays
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#85 - 2014-12-12 02:15:27 UTC
As a resident of Anoikis, I really hope for two things:
1: that the new sleepers don't take shield tech back down the rabbit hole.
2: that sleepers don't hold grudges.

Because if either of those happen, our lives may begin to resemble the events of the apocalypse, as was written here:

I tend to give some credence to this, if only due to its origin being separate from Amarrian religious fanaticism. And if the Sleepers aim to misbehave then the 4th prophecy of “the appetite of nothing expands over the world” would be horribly, terrifyingly accurate.
Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#86 - 2014-12-12 04:54:11 UTC
A hint from the heart of Stain:

The crystalline entities are not cloaked.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#87 - 2014-12-12 06:51:15 UTC
The structure most certainly isn't fully cloaked - either the cloak is damaged or the structure's emissions are too high to contain. Questions remained whether it was always there or is it new? If it was always there, was it dormant or operational and became damaged recently?

An audio interpretation of the Pillar's emissions shows a low hum, mixed in with short bursts of static due to the electric arcs.

The C-Drones appear wherever the Pillars crop up, but "scan" them as well, reacting to them like they do to every object they encounter. They're either very dumb, or this thing isn't Sleeper in origin.

Furthermore, the C-Drones like to focus on specific things - while they will scan our ships and drones, they're very interested in customs facilities and asteroids. And, after some time, they started to carry a single Heavy Missile Launcher on their hull. They didn't use them yet.

Perhaps those beams are some sort of resource harvesting device they'd use to power nano-assemblies and upgrade themselves?

Beyond that, they're almost robotic in behavior, spending on average 5-7 minutes at each object they warp to doing what they usually do. They don't react in any way to any form of aggression.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Shingozu Ayogu
Seven Stars Search and Rescue
#88 - 2014-12-12 07:22:12 UTC
Havohej wrote:
A hint from the heart of Stain:

The crystalline entities are not cloaked.

Are you implying that they are rather half 'here' (as in: in our continuum) and still half 'there' while materializing?
Verdis deMosays
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#89 - 2014-12-12 07:41:22 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:

The C-Drones appear wherever the Pillars crop up, but "scan" them as well, reacting to them like they do to every object they encounter. They're either very dumb, or this thing isn't Sleeper in origin.

Furthermore, the C-Drones like to focus on specific things - while they will scan our ships and drones, they're very interested in customs facilities and asteroids. And, after some time, they started to carry a single Heavy Missile Launcher on their hull. They didn't use them yet.

Perhaps those beams are some sort of resource harvesting device they'd use to power nano-assemblies and upgrade themselves?

Beyond that, they're almost robotic in behavior, spending on average 5-7 minutes at each object they warp to doing what they usually do. They don't react in any way to any form of aggression.

Fascinating observations here. With the note of them focusing on customs offices and asteroids, that would agree with the theory of them resource harvesting. The addition of weapons systems on a heretofore unarmed drone adds credence to it. Has anyone checked their cargo hold after being scanned to see it stuff is missing?

Also, a further thought on their name. I had to dig for some ancient definitions, but I found the one I needed:

(of biological processes) recurring naturally on a twenty-four-hour cycle, even in the absence of light fluctuations.
"a circadian rhythm"

Old, I know, but I knew it reminded me of something. Has anyone checked on these drones daily yet? Their name is telling us to, it would seem.
Ridha Shakir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2014-12-12 09:55:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ridha Shakir
Verdis deMosays wrote:

Has anyone checked their cargo hold after being scanned to see it stuff is missing?

They have taken nothing from my cargo hold or the cans I dropped. They also never had any cargo themselves according to scans, even after working on asteroids or customs offices.
Verdis deMosays
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#91 - 2014-12-12 16:57:27 UTC
Hmm, interesting. When I can get away, I'll take some time to roam my k-space static systems and see if I can't see a pattern here. The only one I see is eerily similar to how I would go about gathering Intel on a hostile system I was preparing to evict the residents from. First scan and log all assets and patterns, then insert combat forces quietly, finally launch a coordinated assault and overwhelm the target.

With people observing weapons on these Circadian Sleepers, I worry that phase 2 is underway. Again I come back to the name, and advise our k-space observers to make notes daily on any changes they see. The name implies a 24 hour cycle on these drones, and we don't need to miss anything.
Jukko Riis
#92 - 2014-12-12 17:38:18 UTC
Shingozu Ayogu wrote:
Havohej wrote:
A hint from the heart of Stain:

The crystalline entities are not cloaked.

Are you implying that they are rather half 'here' (as in: in our continuum) and still half 'there' while materializing?

They could exist partly in our version of space-time and partly somewhere/when else. Trying to see, detect or interact with them for us could be like a two-dimensional being trying to see or interact with something that was 'up."
Jukko Riis
#93 - 2014-12-12 18:35:08 UTC
Rhys Mabigonon wrote:
Just an update from today. The structure in Uchomida is still there. I spent several minutes observing Circadian sleepers scanning the beacon before warping off. Additionally, there was a wormhole that formed 1 AU from the structure. I'm not sure if it bears any relevance to the phenomenon though.

I found two 'holes in that system yesterday, but no structure? Got some coordinates please?
Rhys Mabigonon
Industrial Mining and Mayhem
Sigma Grindset
#94 - 2014-12-12 19:12:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhys Mabigonon
Jukko Riis wrote:
Rhys Mabigonon wrote:
Just an update from today. The structure in Uchomida is still there. I spent several minutes observing Circadian sleepers scanning the beacon before warping off. Additionally, there was a wormhole that formed 1 AU from the structure. I'm not sure if it bears any relevance to the phenomenon though.

I found two 'holes in that system yesterday, but no structure? Got some coordinates please?

Well, that is strange. Both Uchomida and Onnamon structures are still there as of right now. Is the beacon not visible to you?

EDIT: Something just occured to me. The linking system between Onnamon and Uchomida is Rohamaa, which is home to an A0 star. I can also confirm that the structures are relatively close to planets with POCOs in orbit.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#95 - 2014-12-12 21:45:07 UTC  |  Edited by: LinuxThePinguin
I do not know if this one has been reported yet.

I am looking at it right now as I write this.

5 seekers scanning the object and the beacon. not showing any sign of a threat as of yet.

This one is spotted in TXME-A in the Deklein region. The star it self is a M0 Class. Next door in FMB-JP there was an abnormal ammount of wormholes in a system wich I havent seen before. All 3 Wormholes leading to the same star class. an M0. I will do more research in this solar system as of now. See if I can find anymore clues.

I'll report in as soon as I have more data.
Captain Davison
Malachi Keep Detachments
#96 - 2014-12-13 01:27:40 UTC
Havohej wrote:
A hint from the heart of Stain:

The crystalline entities are not cloaked.

I would back this hypothesis, and suggest that they are not Jove or Sleeper, but Talocan in origin. This would mean that they are literally only half there, suggesting that they either are coming in from elsewhere, or are starting to reappear.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#97 - 2014-12-13 01:46:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Xindi Kraid
Captain Davison wrote:
Havohej wrote:
A hint from the heart of Stain:

The crystalline entities are not cloaked.

I would back this hypothesis, and suggest that they are not Jove or Sleeper, but Talocan in origin. This would mean that they are literally only half there, suggesting that they either are coming in from elsewhere, or are starting to reappear.

I suggested the same a few days ago. It's the talocan not the sleepers who have advanced spatial manipulation technology, though jove MAY have that sort of technology.

It could also be someone different. Maybe Yan Jung.
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#98 - 2014-12-13 07:56:51 UTC
Those structures are are quite common i would say, ten of them in my home region and that would be 23% of the region covered.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Jukko Riis
#99 - 2014-12-13 15:41:30 UTC
At around 01:00 I engaged the Sleeper construct and drones in Uchomida.

I've since gone over my ships' video feeds and I can't get anything close to a decent image of the structure on any spectrum. This is not a surprise. I did spend some time approaching the structure from different angles and by "touching" the object by using my collision alert system to "bump" off of it, I can say that these structures are large. About the size of a good POS or a small station.

You can get a lock on them.

Energy drains will work on them. Salvagers, Data and Relic scanners won't because there is some kind of shield that keeps you from getting closer than about 5200m.

Scout drones will not attack the structure. Missiles explode harmlessly off of it.

Hypothesis: The properties of this structure that do not allow imaging, sensing and keep a ship at a specific distance are due to a shield and not properties of the structure itself.

(The thought of how much energy it takes to cloak a station is staggering.)

Circadian Seekers: They are now in groups of five. If you interact with the structure, they appear. They scan you and then warp off. They do not respond to hails. They seemed to have an interest in the Customs Offices around the planets of the system. Using a web or warp scram will not only prevent the target from warping off, but the whole group. You don't "pin" the group, but they stay with their counterpart. They do not attack other than to scan. They can be destroyed. But I don't recommend using frigate or destroyer class weapons as this takes a long time (about 120 light scourge missiles for one drone).

CONCORD will let you attack them without reprise. They appear as hostiles. CONCORD however does not pay a bounty on them, like they do high-sec pirates.

I can only guess at what their intentions are, so I won't.

If they were to turn hostile...
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#100 - 2014-12-14 03:23:59 UTC
So, just made another run between the 7 structures in The Bleak Lands. They're all still there. Part of me thinks that the phenomena of them appearing and disappearing has more to do with either their malfunctioning cloak or our inadequate sensor technology. I don't think they're moving, and I don't think they're everywhere.