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Tired Of Serious Corps? New Eden Renegades - Small Gang PvP BARBARIANS

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Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#1 - 2014-12-03 11:43:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Lex Fasces
Are you a GOD DAMN HERO? Are you tired of your super serious corp who simply cannot take a joke? Why not join the least professional corp in New Eden, where it is cool to sell loki alts and buy them back 6 months later, or to waste money on a brand new mic that is just as crappy as your old one?

New Eden Renegades is a PvPPPPPPPPP corp who make it our pride and joy to not take anything in this game serious, at all.

The main aspect is to have fun. We don't want to hold space, spend endless hours bashing a POS or spend hours camping a gate waiting for noobships. We simply want to get online and shoot stuff. Or stay offline and talk **** on TS3.

We base out of highsec and engage in player vs extreme blob activities in the surrounding area. We will usually engage anything if we can snag some kills / have a fight!

Typical gang size is around 5-10 but can go even smaller depending on numbers. The idea behind a gang is to have a load of people exploding be it them or us. We do all kinds of gangs, from shield hero fleets to armor cruiser fleets.

We are currently basing out of Agil as it puts us far closer to the action. This is highsec and as such you kinda need at least -4.9 sec status to not get blapped by other pilots. Most of our pvp is happening in 0.0 atm as there appear to be less risk averse plex farmers in Brave Newbies home system.

We basically hop into a fast, fun gang comp and roll around the spaceplanes of New Eden (like real renegades) wearing our digital pirate hats, wizard hats, TF2 hats and any other kind of hat we can squeeze on (OR MONOCLE IF THAT IS YOUR THING)

As a fully fledged RENEGADE OF NEW EDEN you are expected to :
- talk loudly on comms (maybe a little singing)
- interrupt the FC wherever possible
- be self sufficient
- not be a super serious neckbeard (its a game)
- not be afraid to die (it happens sometimes apparently)

We can provide pointers on how to make isk using alts etc but no handouts will be given. Earn your own damn isk.

We base out of Agil and are mainly EU timezone. Most of the funtimes happens between downtime and 0000 eve time.

Here is our corp killboard and our NO CORP FORUM ATM (RENEGADES are expected to shiptoast on here as much as possible - communication is key remember!)

Our public chat is:


We offer:

- Experienced players who have T-shirts for almost every activity ingame!
- Potentially great fights (these also happen apparently)
- Hero FCs and recruitment post writers
- Corp ship programs (cheap fit thrashers/catalysts/rifters to suicide at your nearest blob!)
- Lots of fun and laughter (no ponies though)


- Lots of isk or an ability to make isk. We don't run corp isk making ops. THIS ISN'T SOME RENTER ALLIANCE FFS...
- Have teamspeak 3 installed and a working mic
- Some PvP experience would be nice (seeing as this is a PvP corp and all)
- BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, willingness to learn from mistakes and have fun (also sense of humour is kind of needed to survive)

Interested in flying with us or joining? Join our public chat or hop on our public ts (details in motd of chat) and have a talk to me or Cyber Ten or any other of our members.

Logistics are available and JF runs are made often for restocks =)

For many common gang comps, the corp (ie the bank of Cyber Ten) will buy and move prefitted ships to our locale. These will be sold at Jita cost so there is almost always no reason to come and whelp a ship.

Even if you dont want to join, but still fancy roaming or having a chat, come into our pub channel and say hello anyway. We happily accept people into fleet if they are cool.

Be sure to read the last few pages of the thread as they contain battle reports for our most recent shenanigans!

Catch you later!
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#2 - 2014-12-03 11:44:14 UTC
The elite pvp small gang barbarian warrior raider corp New Eden Renegades has officially been brought back to life!

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we fit up some (90+) meta fit destroyers worth roughly 2m each and headed out in true NER(d) fashion and whelped a few fleets.

We decided to bring our new friends along and see if they could handle the pressure.

A few jumps along the way we encounter a larger frigate gang with several shinier ships. This makes an awesome target and I can tell all the NER members in fleet are slobbering and salivating at the prospect of sacrificing a 2m destroyer to nail a 50m frigate. The whoops and growls on teamspeak (in addition to swellers drunken and disjointed comments) confirmed this.

We catch them in a plex and open fire! Primaries are called by what is closest and most expensive. We catch a slicer and the rest run away whilst we hammer them. Both sides take losses and we lose an astounding 8m whilst killing roughly 79m in return. OP SUCCESS.

We returned to our home base to reship, all ready for round two, when I am called into the office of our new friends ts. Apparently we are too roudy and have managed to get 7+ complaints in just under 30 minutes of roaming (from our supposed friends!). They are told to man up as we part ways and continue our merry slaughter through BRACK RISU. Its getting late and several members already bailed (ripperl...) so we figure we shall take the next fight regardless!

We jump into system and engage a few gangs in a few different plexes, each time dying and killing. The final BR is all over the place but we essentially nailed an eve uni frig gang and died in the process (ofc killing more than we lost!).

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" for more shiptoasting, terrible chat, roaming opportunities and ofc awesome recruitment tactics.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#3 - 2014-12-03 11:45:19 UTC
Continuing the story of how NER made a bunch of people really mad after only 30 minutes of roaming with 2 of them (the rest refused...), we decided to see just how butthurt they were.

I logged on late for our op that night exactly when I meant to (a internet spaceship commander is never late) and so missed the 20 minutes of tomfoolery on station previous. We happen to have a SNUFF nerd on comms with us (old friend DJP) and we mentioned a chance of carrier kills. SNUFF being the huge faggots they are, line up to drop. We start linking SNUFF dudes in our pub chat (which has several Bastards in it lol) and one of them even joins our teamspeak but fails to notice the SNUFF member with his mic muted (voting dame death for next level spy). He gets banned and things get wild. Next thing I know, some of our corp dudes have caught a tornado off station and proceed to kill him. This makes them undeniably mad and they undock a carrier to rep up a myrmidon who is playing station games. The myrm decides to aggro and we spring our trap. Snuffbox dreads arrive on field just to nail a venture and his pod thus securing undock supremacy for us. We also killed two carriers as well I guess and thus ends the unsteady relationship between NER and Bastards. Much smack is traded in local and in various pub chats (we all got banned from theirs) and we reship into the classic cheap fleet destroyers.

Elated from our previous fights we figured we could take on anything. This includes EvE Uni fleets with 25 members to our 11 and more alpha destroyers than we had ships in fleet. After a bit of back and forth chasing eachother around the system, we realised our initial plan to split them up was not going to work (they now know how to anchor... omg). This meant only one thing, BRAWL TIME. We got into a plex and goaded them in local. They eventually came in and we opened fire. Yeah we died alot, but also killed alot! They were clever enough to have a frig with dual faction reppers and a bomber who strayed too close to hungry NERds. The battle ended up with us fleeing the field after losing a paltry 32m in ships, but destroying a ground breaking, moongoo cartel worthy 120 whole million isks. WERF.

On the way back we killed a semi friendly (not blue but he had mates in fleet with us) cruiser by accident (he accepted a duel invite on our home station). We got him in fleet and gave him a rifter. He then disappears for 10 minutes and explains he had a moa tackled in a plex 3j away and a merlin is shooting him as well. Somehow this hero stays alive long enough for us to land and blap down the moa.

We call the night a great success and all log for bedtime. Bloodthirsty pvp warriors need beauty sleep too!

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" for more shiptoasting, terrible chat, roaming opportunities and ofc awesome recruitment tactics.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#4 - 2014-12-05 18:30:13 UTC
bamp him bamp him
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#5 - 2014-12-05 18:40:29 UTC
Another evening, another call to roam.

Renegades being who we are, called for our new Curlin Merlins fleet comp to be tested. Twelve people donned costumes, popped on hats and procceded to undock in t1 fit merlins, because what could possibly go wrong. Our magnificient logistics Bantams joined together in the fagitlogichatcocks channel so they could not coordinate in any way in a special channel, and off we went. We unleashed our bloodhound Cjunkies to find us something to kill and find something he did. A few jumps away he found us a bunch of cruisers to kill. Our glorious scout then proceeded to tackle one of said cruiser and we leroyed in while yelling Allah Ackbar. Sadly our glorious scout managed to die before we actually got into the damn plex, but we would continue to fight on in his honor. Landing on a thorax we proceeded to very slowly kill that as we found our new fleet comp with t1 guns didn't actually do any damage. But since our logi tank held we grinded on, proceeding to nab another two vexor navy issues and loot all the stuffs before we decided to leave, because they had all burned off 100k. We lost a few people due to burning out of the less then impressive logi range (******* idiots like this Lex Fasces person.)

Link for Battlereport.

In the end it said we killed like 300 mil worth of stuff and lost 50 mil. Of the 50 mil we lost, 40 mil is ******* Traiori's fault for looting a goddamn 100Mn domination afterburner and then dying with it in his hold. Still fleet payed for like 20 times over so #Worth.

We headed back to our home base in Isho to get some new ships and rep our heat damage when we found a Bastards Loki on our undock. Apparently he didn't like the look of our glorious fleet so we procceded to undock random **** and follow him to the plex he fled too. Our glorious scout proceeded to get point and blow up he did. I mean Arty ammo on an autocannon fit ship is PRO AMIRITE.

We thought our night had ended there after an hour or two of fun, but we had one more laugh to have. A Fearless. gang had found their way into Isho and warped their Legion booster to our station, it fled to a plex like the other T3 had earlier so once again we followed like the hero's we are. Sadly this time we all landed at 0 while the mighty T3 booster alt landed at 100, we thought all our hopes smashed until our Keres called point from 80k away. Why he didn't just cloak before we got him i have no idea, but die he did. Another fleet of t1 stuff paid for, OP SUCCES.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#6 - 2014-12-06 10:54:17 UTC
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#7 - 2014-12-06 10:58:01 UTC
NER gets primetime spotlight in famous internet spaceship blog.
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#8 - 2014-12-07 11:50:20 UTC

This time with even more #worth.

The roam started well with everyone only taking half an hour to form up instead of an hour (op success right there). Just as undock a rather large tristan gang arrives and attempts to blot out the sun with their drone horde. Assuming they are RR fit we do not fight, but simply get everyone into catalysts and prep FOR FIGHTING IN THE SHADE. With imminent death and glory awaiting, the dirty persian tristan fleet flee to a plex in order to stop us undocked anything bigger (like we ever would RIGHT MARCO DRACK? lolololol).

A quick scan of their fleet indicates that they have a hyena class vessel. A heinous ship and just as dishonorable as a falcon alt in frigate pvp. The fact remains, the single ship cannot web all of our spartan class catalyst vessels. We enter the plex and begin the 40k charge towards our doom. We are met head on by a huge swarm of drones (roughly 50) who begin chunking away at one of our heroes. The Hyena is caught and falls to epic blaster fire, all the while we are losing ships and therefore much needed dps. We fail to get anymore kills and lose 4 destroyers (~7m) and bag ourselves a Hyena kill (~28m) putting us at COMPLETE WORTH STATUS. Unfortunately, one of our alliance dudes gets himself caught and loses a worm to them, totally destroying our KB efficiency (not worth).

A few jumps later we arrive into a complete clusterfuck on a gate. Some scrubs from Exodus are kiting a frig gang off a gate (and failing). We warp to a wreck and begin hazing nerds. We catch and eliminate a comet, inquisitor, merlin, pod, firetail and a navitas before the naughty frigate gang realise their reps cannot hold and they bail. Sadly we were not able to whore on the phantasm losses =(

A few seconds later a brave Scythe Fleet Issue trusts his legion links (sat on the gate) too much and attempts to tank our 8 man gang filled with 500 dps destroyers. He gets practically volleyed once I land a scram (heat op), maybe getting one rep cycle off before popping.

Continuing on the roam, we snag a few kills in Deven as people dont expect a gang to have competent tacklers apparently.

We jump into our destination and engage another destroyer gang made up of talwars, cormorants and coraxes. Losing a couple of destroyers we manage to pop a few of theirs, although their alpha is stronk and we are forced to run like little girls (i got out in half hull ggwp). Only a few people die due to their tacklers being useless.

Almost nightly roams in NER! Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out!
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#9 - 2014-12-07 12:45:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Lex Fasces
Last night we decided to try out a new gang comp that had been batted around a few times before.

Bringing the latest in cheapfleet technology, our researchers have worked tirelessly and professionally to create the extremely successful:


Inspired by this high quality NSFW piece of artwork (which someone linked at the time), the fleet combines elegance and grace, with hardiness and brutality. In other words, we made a cheap blaster merlin (~1.5m) and pair it with cheap bantam (~700k). This fleet allows us to tank a load of dps (something like 600 per bantam on a merlin) whilst dealing crazy amounts of dps (like 130 per merlin) and crazy range (1k).

This is the tale of how a fleet of 15 dudes worth 25m took on a russian gang. AND SLAPPED THEM SILLY.

We started out by nabbing a pair of ishkurs and one of their pods, in a plex. They smacked us super hard in local for blobbing and yet our entire fleet costs less than one of their ships, so they were the real ISK blobbers right?

A couple of jumps later(after grabbing a cheeky thorax on gate), we see a bunch of russians in local and a double ishtar garmur cyclone and caracal at a plex. We chatted briefly about the ishtars resists vs our kin therm damage and figured, why not?

We engaged and our logi was hard pressed to deal with the huge swarm of uber bonused drones. Another caracal lands as well as a vexor navy issue. We crack the ishtar open after a long slog, and proceed to nail a caracal. Whilst deciding what to go for next, a pilot catches the Garmur and we charge! Unfortunately we lose our hero tackler here and a bantam. In return we burn down a tristan, thrasher and a xlasb cyclone (god that took forever - tanking 32k damage against like 8 or 9 130 dps merlins lol). We are forced to bail as the ruskies realise that mediums and sentries cant kill tanky frigs, so unless a load of warriors who seriously hurt. We decide to bail before we lose half the fleet to kiting drone fags 100k away.

In total we kill 650m worth of crap, and lose like 25m (20m of that being our crow).

We reshipped and headed out again, continuing the heroic antics of the lobstercock. In some silly caldari named system, we find another frig gang of similar size and comp. Its meta 2 fit merlins and bantams vs t2 fit tristans and navitas. Cal vs Gal in an epic frig fight that will sound throughout the ages.

Apparently our enemies cannot operate without capital support (lol its shadow) and they didnt see fit to drop triage to save their frigs. Our logi die really quickly at the start (bad times for us right?). HAVE NO FEAR. I rally the troops and continue calling primaries, relying on our superior shield tank vs their terrible damage type to withstand. Their gang falls apart once their logi drop and we only lose a single merlin after our logi are dead. Looting the field pays for the fleet several times over (yay faction RR). We are called dirty blobbers in local (sore losers lol) and with this horrible burn still fresh in our minds, we head home crying our eyes out.

Once home, someone next door scouts a drake out, and he swiftly dies once probed down! We finish he 4/10 plex but only get 2m in overseers as loot. BORING.

3rd time lucky we head out and engage a frigate gang whilst in range of sentry guns (smart idea right?) We popa fewofthem, whilst tanking gate guns in frigates, before they all split. We continue the roam and find nothing but cowards for the next few jumps.

Unfortunately, on the way home myself and another brave space barbarian are popped in a cowardly fashion by an elite pvp shinobi. LESSON LEARNED: Santo Faggotcante's proteus warps faster than pods. I figured I was safe as he was a jump behind me. DERP!

Almost nightly roams in NER! Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
New Eden Renegades
#10 - 2014-12-07 17:55:34 UTC
"Over the past few days some of us have been flying with them and experiencing the rather unique and insane style that Cyber and Lex (and their other pilots) bring to Eve. I know that they will bring some much needed spice to our game and add a level of insanity that will make playing the game even more fun.

New Eden Renegades has a long and storied history in Eve. And Cyber and Lex are two of the best pvp pilots I've flown with. Having said that, as you'll soon discover, they also happen to be certifiably insane, often profane, and a bit crazy. Be warned.

However, it is all in good fun. And while things will never be the same again, that is always a good thing. I'm extremely pleased to have them back and I hope that all of you will enjoy having them around."

- Rixx Javix
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#11 - 2014-12-08 22:11:26 UTC
NGGRDCK Daggernuck
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2014-12-09 20:18:15 UTC

Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#13 - 2014-12-10 19:34:10 UTC
Sweaty little roam this afternoon.

Charging out into a nearby system to our forward home (yes we now have TWO BASES OMG), we spot some nerds in a plex. Sending our little bait ship (i mean official scout...) we get tackle. Unfortunately, we kill the fleet in a fair 3v4 just before our "scout" warps off in 14% structure (damn).

Next system we engage a pair of friggies in a plex and we initiate a fair trade fight. One of our meta rifters for both of them! WERF WERF WERF WERF.

One of our number gets ownzoned by a ****** gang in heyd camping a medium plex in cynabals, orthrus and tengus...

We carry on as this rapetrain has no brakes (minmatar cannot afford brakes) and we snag a rifter in a plex!

Just before we head home, we catch some more frigs in a plex and half of them warp away from our scary 2 rifters... they leave their slower members behind to feed the NER lions!

Frequent roams in NER! Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
#14 - 2014-12-10 22:38:14 UTC
eve online
Cyber Ten
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2014-12-10 22:38:20 UTC
Bump for naggerducks
Crab Labs
Premium Quality Ohio River Crabs
#16 - 2014-12-10 22:39:45 UTC

new NER forums to sign up for fleets:
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#17 - 2014-12-10 22:41:06 UTC
Klapen wrote:

new NER forums to sign up for fleets:

for all your pharmaceutical needs
Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#18 - 2014-12-10 23:08:55 UTC

We begin the day by Lax Faeces getting killed repeatedly in incursus (**** mwd kiters) and being podded a total of 3 times (one afk, one bouncing off accel gates and another smartbomb ffs).

Nevertheless, a roam was called! After a half hour of getting people into ships, I had to go afk and eat, resulting in me losing a nice 170m pod. Someone called out a fight was going on and we blobbed a vexor (who hurt alot) and his stabber mate. Somewhere along the way some other stuff was killed and it resulted in a terrible BR. I blame the FC's afking pod for the terrible efficiency.

After a hasty reship and much titshalking about Masaq's giant testicles and how he uses them (relevant: NSFW), we chase around a rather large frigate fleet. Crosswarping eachother and squaring up around medium plexes. We setup inside a plex about 30k and wait for the plebs to burn. As expected, their tackle crow leeroys and is blapped hard (paying for our entire fleet with the first kill). We then hit a merlin as we counter charge them, then a hookbill. Working our way through the big list of targets killing the shiniest things first. Merlins are dying left right and center and our dps is failing. We eventually all die HOLDING OUT TO THE VERY END, true NER fashion. Losing only 16m and killing almost 200m, in meta fit merlins, whilst outnumbered. WERFWERFWERF.

Another quick reship and we catch a slow malediction off his big gang, nailing his pod as well! Shortly after we dodge a huge t3 gang support by bhaals and guardians and pinch a cheeky catalyst before charging an anti frigate exequror and taking ACCEPTABLE LOSSES.

An alliance member, 4RCH, summed up our entire corp at the end of the evening: "a messy but fun roam".

People logged on, stuff was blown up, people didnt stop laughing (esp when talking about a certain person's overly large genitalia) and even more stuff was blown up before bedtime!

Join the channel "Renegades Of New Eden" ingame and check us out, and maybe you too can become an internet spaceship small gang warrior barbarian raider hero.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2014-12-11 07:41:00 UTC
i was there

it was REAL
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-12-11 18:34:46 UTC
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