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Dev Blog - A new look for EVE’s UI – feedback needed!

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Sanyo Santiago
Homicidal Nomads
#601 - 2014-12-10 00:31:02 UTC
helana Tsero wrote:
From the Blog

'Simple theme selection will be replacing the old RGB sliders and dropdowns.'

DO NOT WANT ! let the players customize the colours/transparency of the UI.

The current RGB and transparency sliders are great. DO NOT REMOVE THEM !

I like my customised colour scheme. Removing choice is BAD.

Please CCP, can we have the RGB sliders back? Most of the themes are too dark for my liking.
Swamp Panthers
#602 - 2014-12-10 04:57:40 UTC
At first it took a little getting used to, but I chose the "Dark Matter" theme which was closest to what I used to use.

- I like the window blur. Now I can stack my overview over the local chat and the blur gets rid of the chat so I can just see the overview and the list of people in local, saving space (or my eyes since I would previously just see the chat through the overview).

- I like the smaller icons for the station menu allowing it to take up less space.

- I like that the "selected item" menu has higher contrast now for the options that you are able to use.

- The system name and route do not show through windows. Not sure if that's a bug or if it is intended.
Com Evestess
The Wardens
#603 - 2014-12-10 05:57:51 UTC
Sorry for the wall of text by the way...

I appreciate the changes in Rhea, including to the UI. The amount of effort needed to run multiple instances of Eve is greatly reduced, thank you very much for that. One of the most effective visuals showing CCP is working to improve the game for a long time. I love the visual rendering, job well done. The new map is amazing, again, thank you.

Now, back to the UI. I love the efficiency, I hate the color, or lack there of. I run up to thirteen different accounts at any, and most given points of time. I color coded each toon, so when switching I could distinguish quickly between them. That said, of the new colors I am able to choose from, I simply can not do this anymore. There are twenty-one colors in the new system to choose from. One that does not make me sick immediately. Even that last one (Darkmatter) annoys me to no end. Having all my toons set to it makes running more than one instance insanely difficult.

I have looked at the UI, the longer I try and use it the more my head hurts. I understand the point, make it easier to use and more user friendly and all. The task bar (the thingy on the left with all the buttons that's transparent) Is locked in transparency. The color chooses are limited and terrible, the buttons will take serious getting used to after almost eleven years. The overview is weird now, the select buttons are much better though, very happy about that.

Rhea, without the UI, is great. I have no issues. The UI needs to have the sliders back and the task bar needs toggled transparency. I am sick of people saying, oh you will get used to it. I appreciate the effort to improve it but when it makes me physically I'll to play now, that simply sucks. This is the only game I can stand to play for any great length of time, and I would hate to have to stop over such a, ridiculous issue.

Thank you for your time, I hope this gets, improved, quickly.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#604 - 2014-12-10 06:05:40 UTC

Get your almost-opaque black theme windows back.

I play on a laptop, so real estate is limited. I like having a relatively dark interface because it's what my eyes will tolerate on my laptop screen in most lighting conditions, and I like to somewhat be able to see through my windows to catch the spaceship action under them.

  1. Switch to "Dark Matter" theme
  2. Turn off blur. This will unlock the transparency slider just above it.
  3. Turn your transparency lower than 100 to get more opaque on your windows back

Here's a picture with the 3 steps.

See if that helps..

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Orez Lohengramm
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#605 - 2014-12-10 07:40:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Orez Lohengramm
the new ui is fine
the new login is fine
the new icon is fine

please bring back the custom color theme and chat cant really blink as before
please bring them back

please compare SOE and Dark matter theme u can tell the blink difference
and i hate green
i dun know why soe got a green back ground color :/
Samsara Toldya
Academy of Contradictory Behaviour
#606 - 2014-12-10 09:03:25 UTC
So... I gave it a try, downloaded Rhea and launched the game...

Unfortunately I had a Stratios active and hit ESC to enter the menu with default settings...
Now I had white letters in front of a blurry white Stratios.
Sorry for being harsh, but that is a no-go. White text on white background.
If I am supposed to switch to a Fenrir just to read the ESC menu - please seed those ships to every station I enter.

Anyway, I managed to disable blur and have a solid background...
It's nice to have color themes... but why do ALL OF THEM need to have pure black / close to pure black backgrounds?

Take this forum as an example, we do have white letters on a solid grey background. Enough contrast to make it easy to read but no harsh black/white contrast.
Ingame however I have to read text on maximum contrast...
One could argue that a forum is designed to read huge amounts of text while the ingame chat is only some kind of porn-gif-link libary... but some of us would like to use the chat for written communications (hard to believe, I know).

Had to close chats within 15 minutes.

Am I wrong when I say: UI doesn't mean usability, but somehow those two thing should be related?
Feuer Frei
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#607 - 2014-12-10 09:38:52 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
new icons just crap
as well as the new color themes

*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.
Saturday Beerun
Lost Ark Enterprises
#608 - 2014-12-10 09:47:12 UTC
Bland ugly boring.Hard to see some windows.Lack of customisation.Gets reduced every release.why why why ??? I can't think of anything to like at all.Improvements they aint!It is nothing less than change for changes sake.

I Want The Black Vindicator Back

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#609 - 2014-12-10 11:34:32 UTC
f*ck*ng boring monocrom UI, that causes depression and headache (+ those ugly uninspiring icons)
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#610 - 2014-12-10 13:54:19 UTC
Love the new UI, it's fast and responsive. You don't have to play waiting games with the windows anymore. If I launch planet view I can close the planets window as it's loading, whereas before I had to wait until the planet loaded because that window wouldn't take input until it did.

And the Scan button in the D-scan window gives visual feedback when you click it now, or at least more obvious visual feedback. So thanks for that!

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Jim Anycrickit
#611 - 2014-12-10 14:51:36 UTC
Really like the look but i would love to see an option to change the color of the active route gate/station/etc in the overview from yellow to something else. Sometimes it is hard to see due to the background or my eyes can't pick it up easily.
IsoTek Industries Limited
#612 - 2014-12-10 15:55:10 UTC
Yes. I too want more/better control back for the theme & colors. They all look the same right now. Eyes do not like it.

The UI icons before the patch needed help in some cases, now some need even more help. But what do I know, I just use the tool tips...

Now for a more annoying problem:

This is a `window` that I can only move or change the width of. I can only restore that window by re selecting that function from the EVE menu/hot-key.

The only place I can seem to click on this 'window' are the edges, and that only lets me move it, or maybe resize the width. Clicking in the space/edges once/double left/right/middle or with shift/ctl/alt didn't change it (may have missed some combination). Otherwise double clicking in the space of the frame opens the ship inventory (if docked).
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#613 - 2014-12-10 17:17:43 UTC
Not sure if thats already been covered (feel free to point it out if it has) but Is anyone else getting a massive FPS drop when using the auto hide feature of the neocom with the new UI?

I go from a stable 60fps to ~35fps during the time it slide either into view or out of view

One extra note. Disappointed that the match theme to current ship doesn't include the Faction's. I get into a Bhaalgorn and still get the Amarr theme :(

So Much Space

Red Ora
#614 - 2014-12-10 17:29:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Red Ora
My blood is boiling - here's why:

1. The windows ''pin - 'minimize' - x' and the settings 'wheel icon' are TOO DAMN FAINT - TOO FAINT - MY EYES HURT !
- yes they light up on mouse over, but I have to find them first to do that !

2. Just 3 friggin arrows left & right to enter the station and undock into the exciting EVE space?

- Make a really nice & big, exciting (animated) icon that displays the captains quarters entrance or something similar !
- A nice, maybe even animated space door to undock - 2 huge mustard arrows? REALLY ?

3. The ship comparison tool does not display the 'Warp Speed" column for any ship - keeps getting overlooked !

4. The new map one more time - the hair lines are too small and too faint, but I don't really care about the map any more - there's DOTLAN you know...

4. You already know that the character screen goes blank on moving or resizing !

5. There is a ton of apparel that cannot be bought and is simply NOT available. WHY? Add it to the store already !
Halcyon Ember
Repracor Industries
#615 - 2014-12-10 17:59:25 UTC
The new UI causes me fps drops whenever I switch tabs or do any activity that involves a window, such as hacking.

Queen of Chocolate

Halcyon Ember
Repracor Industries
#616 - 2014-12-10 18:10:20 UTC
Also, doing anything with a window stops all the chat tabs from blinking, which is irritating. The lag makes the hacking game unbearable, as every single click causes lag. Also the way the borders work means there are gaps between all the windows, which looks awful, to be honest.
Can I have a "Use old UI" Check box, please?"

Queen of Chocolate

Redemption Road
#617 - 2014-12-10 18:18:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Greygal
Posted this originally in the Feedback thread, was told I should post this here:

There are no buttons on the Selected Items window anymore, or at least, none that I can see! You have to select something on the overview, then the relevant icons are highlighted (nice and crisp white), but until you select something, you can't actually see any of the icons!

I could write a wall of text about how much this greatly interferes with gameplay and usability, if you want me to...

This is how the Selected Items window looks to me right now - this is using Carbon theme, no transparency, blur off:

Needless to say, that's suboptimal ...

Example: I want to change my ship's default orbit. I have to select something to orbit FIRST, then I can see the orbit button to right-click on it and change default orbit. Or I can blindly and randomly hover my mouse across the selected items window until I find the correct button via tooltip...

I can hear myself already saying to a fleet of newbies that I'm taking out on their first roam:

"Okay everyone, I need you to set your default orbit to 7000. Right-click the orbit button..."

"What orbit button?"

"Oh just hover your mouse around pressing right-click till you find it..."

"Nothing says it's an orbit button..."

"Oops that's right, it'll say something like set default orbit..."

"Um, all I see is something that says set default range?"

"No, that's the one to set your default keep-at-range distance."

"What's keep-at-range?"

"It keeps you um, I mean, ugh, just a sec (warp fleet to gate) Okay everyone, just click on the gate. You will see the orbit button now. Right click that and set default orbit to 7000."

"Okay, why didn't you just do it that way before?"

"Because I didn't want us sitting on a gate in case of ... *gate flash!* *local spike!*

All buttons available should always be visible, even if their associated action is not currently available. The only way to know what potential actions exist.

All buttons were previously visible. The ones available were highlighted, and the ones not available were dimmed, but all were visible, clear even to these old eyes.

Please fix, asap.

Thank you!


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DJ Xaphod
Eve Radio Corporation
#618 - 2014-12-10 19:48:41 UTC
I'm glad that I don't suffer from the same issues some have had relating to the new UI, but I really do sympathise with those who are finding it makes them nauseous or ill.

I do find the dynamic transparency a little distracting, though thankfully it's not causing me problems. I think there should be an option to change the speed of the shift (down to an instant change) and an option to remove it entirely.

I think I've noticed what I can only determine as a bug, in that if you overlay two windows and pin the foremost one so it goes more transparent, the window behind also becomes more transparent as well, rather than the transparency stacking as would be expected. This removes the utility of pinning windows somewhat because it is almost impossible to see the content of the window behind. I am glad that the content of the rear window doesn't get blurred though, I was worrying that might happen.

At least with the camera-shift on jump (which I agree should be optional) people can look away for those few seconds. The only option for people affected by this seems to be to just not play.

≡>≡ Radio, Bringing Music to the Masses. I play Rock & Metal Monday Nights 2200 GameTime

Eve UNSC Forces
#619 - 2014-12-10 20:05:34 UTC
i personally hate this news UI at leest make it optional to use the old or "knew" one
Stoli Holdings
#620 - 2014-12-10 21:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: warbds
I don't mind the new options , I don't mind changes.(I'm a tester for my profession) I do mind real life headaches. Oops Can't focus right with my eyes and thats why I get those. Do you have a solution so I can keep playing? If not tell me I will evacuate my stuff out of harms way and leave till you have a solution.

The old gui contrast color option would be fine with all the new stuff like a very nice map. I don't have this in any other game but this one. Please offer me a solution!

I want to play my favorite game again