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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

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Local, Overview and Channels not displaying flagging/aggression correctly/automatically.

Velora Nyleve
United Wormholes
Swedish Steel
#1 - 2011-12-16 15:50:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Velora Nyleve
I'm having a huge problem with various windows not updating correctly, with regards to displaying flagging, as well as guest lists and channel member lists not being accurate. I have to manually refresh my local/channels (by scrolling/resizing) for aggression flags to appear on pilots, and then refresh again to know when it's worn off.

On top of this, my overview does not always update to show hostility information accuratly, with ships that are flagged to me not turning red, most of the time. Channels also show as empty by default until I refresh them, even when they are set to immediate.

The problem seems to have started around the time of the first crucible patch, but I haven't been particularly active this last month to notice it, until the last few days.

I've tried clearing cache/repair tool multiple times and had no luck. I did wonder if it was a connectivity problem, but as far as I can tell everything is fine. I haven't had any disconnects/socket closed issues, and otherwise EVE seems ok..

This issue is fairly gamebreaking for me, so would love any suggestions to fix it.