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Dev blog: A new Era of Clones

First post
Bearing Srl.
#221 - 2014-12-03 17:04:10 UTC
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Querns wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
All I am suggesting is that medical clones can "only" be set at a station with a medical facility, instead of the current arrangement of being able to set it at a corporation office.

You are aware that pilots can only choose to sync their medical clone with the corporation's single designated system once per year, right?

Yes, but as I mentioned earlier in the thread, that drawback is trivial as most people who reside in the area which I live in and many other areas of NPC null are permanent residents. They've probably had their clone set in its current location for the last 5 years or more.

Also there is virtually no drawback to making it so medical clone can only be set at a station with medical facilities.

I'm sure you could support this simple fix Querns; there are no drawback, and it would only be beneficial in allowing us to keep the landscape of eve a little bumpy.

and why should this be a bad move? sov space is getting reshaped, why npc 0.0/low sec should be excluded?

yes, this will change political landscape, but why are you assuming this will be for the worst?
atm, cloning facility are quite sparse in 0.0 npc(not sure about low sec), so controlling the cloning station/system gives you a measure of control over the nearby station systems that don't have one, so many of those are basically abandoned.
since eve is going towards occupational sov, this change will be doing about the same thing in NPC 0.0/low sec. Lol

tldr: it's a bad change for you personally, but this does not mean it's a bad change for eve Blink
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#222 - 2014-12-03 17:14:11 UTC
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Uhhh, what are you talking about?

You can put more than one ship in a station. All I'm saying is that you should be able to put more than one clone in a station.
Nobody's talking about wishing things into existence.

Geez really? It's not that hard.

Unlike ships, its not like you need that many clone options. Being able to say put all of your JC's in the same station and swap at will pretty much negates the point of the risk/reward choice.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#223 - 2014-12-03 17:21:56 UTC
I've always been in favor of a jump-fatigue-like mechanic for jump clones (even before jump fatigue was conceived.) The way it works in my head is that using a jump clone to the same station is a very short cooldown (possibly even no cooldown,) and the further you travel, the longer the cooldown becomes, up to the current maximum.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Barrett Fruitcake
#224 - 2014-12-03 17:56:45 UTC
Brian Harrelstein wrote:
I get the feeling that CCP wants to remove everything from the game. First they start gutting modules, then they gutted the jump drive, and now clones...

BTW: thanks for turning all my meta 4 small missile launchers into "compact launchers". Now they're not worth anything. Good to know I'm not getting reimbursed for those either...

So what's next? Insurance? We all know nobody uses that either.

Wait for it. There's yet even another change inbound for meta things IIRC....

Btw, I'm all for getting rid of insurance.

Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#225 - 2014-12-03 18:12:45 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Uhhh, what are you talking about?

You can put more than one ship in a station. All I'm saying is that you should be able to put more than one clone in a station.
Nobody's talking about wishing things into existence.

Geez really? It's not that hard.

Unlike ships, its not like you need that many clone options. Being able to say put all of your JC's in the same station and swap at will pretty much negates the point of the risk/reward choice.

No it doesn't.

You still only get ten at the maximum, and when you get podded you still lose all of the implants that you had in that pod. This would just allow you to choose which implants to risk.
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#226 - 2014-12-03 18:32:56 UTC
Medalyn Isis wrote:

And the goon propoganda merchants which are rife in this thread apparently support this also along with removing standing penalties for missioning with opposing factions.

Apparently goons are now pansy's that need to be hand held so that these "vicious and random" mechanics do not hurt them.

If something smells fishy then you know there is an ulterior motive, as the goon merchants are clearly showing in this thread; this change to medical facilities must be benefiting them in some way.

Confirming that we are in fact pansies and have outstretched hands to be held by CCP in order to keep our space, during this stressful time of a three front war. We're grasping at straws to keep our coalition alive, and it won't be long before we need to start re-evaluating our goals in Eve.

This change doesn't necessarily help us more than any other pilot- it's just a tedious mechanic that is going away that really isn't necessary.

Despite us giving CCP a hard time, we're simply trying to suggest improvements to the game and help keep eve alive by maintaining and increasing subscription numbers.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#227 - 2014-12-03 18:39:43 UTC
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Uhhh, what are you talking about?

You can put more than one ship in a station. All I'm saying is that you should be able to put more than one clone in a station.
Nobody's talking about wishing things into existence.

Geez really? It's not that hard.

Unlike ships, its not like you need that many clone options. Being able to say put all of your JC's in the same station and swap at will pretty much negates the point of the risk/reward choice.

No it doesn't.

You still only get ten at the maximum, and when you get podded you still lose all of the implants that you had in that pod. This would just allow you to choose which implants to risk.

Exactly, it is a CHOICE. That is why I personally don't have an issue with the way jump clones and implants work. Implants are a 100% voluntary choice. There is no implant which is REQUIRED to play EVE. I'd bet there are plenty of players in EVE who enjoy this game and almost never use any implants.

So given that fact, I have no issue with players being able to make informed risk/reward choices about their clone's implants based on the games current mechanics.
Zhula Guixgrixks
Increasing Success by Lowering Expectations
#228 - 2014-12-03 20:48:32 UTC
The perfidious plan to rationalize those changes with "veteran's needs" fails. If you are a veteran and have any problems with
the current clone mechanics, you are not a veteran at all.

CCP, add a grace period for noobs (3-6 months) and discard the changes of clone mechanics.

THIS -> "There will no longer be any skillpoint loss upon death." lead to THIS -> Hello Kitty in space, or WoW

0ccupational Hazzard --> check out the true love story 

Aiko Intaki
Lodizal Shield Tek
#229 - 2014-12-03 20:51:20 UTC
Now please make Jump Clone cool downs inversely proportional to the distance jumped.

Perhaps 'jumping' within the same station is an hour cooldown (capped, or further modified by skills) allowing someone to swap into a pvp or other specialized clone for a play session, then swap back into their skill training clone before logging for the night. Using JCs to insta-travel across the universe could then still be more taxing, with a cooldown similar to what we have today to preserve the importance of distance.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#230 - 2014-12-03 20:56:28 UTC
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
The perfidious plan to rationalize those changes with "veteran's needs" fails. If you are a veteran and have any problems with
the current clone mechanics, you are not a veteran at all.

CCP, add a grace period for noobs (3-6 months) and discard the changes of clone mechanics.

THIS -> "There will no longer be any skillpoint loss upon death." lead to THIS -> Hello Kitty in space, or WoW

Nice hyperbole. Having to remember to interact with a dialog every time you die neither garners nor expresses any sort of mastery.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#231 - 2014-12-03 20:57:12 UTC
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
THIS -> "There will no longer be any skillpoint loss upon death." lead to THIS -> Hello Kitty in space, or WoW

Because clicking three buttons and spending a little ISK to prevent skillpoint loss IS LITERALLY THE REASON THAT THIS GAME IS SO HARDCORE
Beledia Ilphukiir
Proffessional Experts Group
#232 - 2014-12-03 21:02:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Beledia Ilphukiir
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
The perfidious plan to rationalize those changes with "veteran's needs" fails. If you are a veteran and have any problems with
the current clone mechanics, you are not a veteran at all.

CCP, add a grace period for noobs (3-6 months) and discard the changes of clone mechanics.

THIS -> "There will no longer be any skillpoint loss upon death." lead to THIS -> Hello Kitty in space, or WoW

That rationalization is just an objective observation based on facts. The extent this change will alter player behavior is debatable. Your objection on the other hand is just nonsensical, your alternate solution doesn't address any of the raised problems with the current one and your prediction is plain hyperbolic. Feel free to continue to express yourself, but if your purpose is to give reasons for CCP to not go though with this change, you might have more success with rational, well thought out reasons instead. Just a suggestion though, so feel free to ignore it.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#233 - 2014-12-03 21:11:31 UTC
As someone that has a fairly high amount of SP and has lost the maximum possible (1.4M SP) because, yes, I forgot to push buttan after death cloning myself around once, I support this change.

Tbh, I didn't even know that I had lost any SP until 2 weeks and 2 large fleets later with line members intermittently complaining they weren't getting their fleet bonuses.

It went something like this: Check skill sheet. "Where'd WC5 go? How can I possibly have FC4, and not WC5? OH SHITFUCKGODAMNFUCKMYLIFEHATECCP!HATESELF!RRAAAGGGEEEEEQUIT!!!!!!!!

There wasn't even a notice, popup, or anything. Pretty sure I didn't log in for the next week.

The consequences of such SP loss is... ridiculous. Its nearly a month of game time to train 1.4M SP even with +5s and a proper attribute map. I have lots of other things I'd rather be training than something I've already trained once before.

Here's another parable for us old-timers. Ever played D&D? Remember that feeling when you encountered monsters like Vampires, Wraiths, Shadow Dragons, and other undead that could drain your character's levels even unto death? What typically happens when you get hit and the DM says those dreaded words "Whelp. You lose x levels"?

Pencils break, dice fly, and people walk out. Why? Because it took that player a lot of time to get there, time that they will never have back. Sometimes they would even die instantly no matter how many HP they had. It also caused problems for everyone in the group because now that player couldn't perform up to the same skill level as the rest of the party.

Same principle applies here in Eve-O. Permanent experience loss is not only a bad mechanic, but one of the most hated game mechanics ever.

Because SP loss is potentially weeks lost from something someone has had no choice but to wait patiently to get, they are much more emotionally invested in the loss. Not only that, but high multiplier skills within a certain skill set (like Leadership) are generally completed after a remap, very few of which we get. They cannot be spent frivolously and only replenish at a rate one a year.

If you lose that skill while mapped for something else, it takes even longer to retrain that skill than before. I don't know bout everyone else, but I'm not spending 2 remaps just to shave one week off of a 4 or 5 week skill.

Having to pay isk for an upgraded clone to avert this loss was also an indirect time sink. Though to a lesser extent. It didn't take anywhere near as long to get a few dozens of millions of isk. But it was still a time sink, as well as an isk sink. Fortunately, isk costs were reduced enough to make it not quite so painful.

If I as a pilot were buying an actual clone that I could produce, see, and trade rather than some vaporous number on a spreadsheet that has "100M SP" tattooed on it, having a clone would become more immersive and potentially have consequences like people want.

For example: no more clones at your base or corp HQ? You wake up in hisec NPC corp station. RIP deployment for the next 30 minutes while you travel back to base. No loss of SP. But you do have to spend a small chunk of time getting back into the fight.

If the fight is under heavy tidi, you can get back into the action "sooner". But it will still take the same amount of rl time to get there.

This kind of mechanic might even make clone-vat capable ships more valuable, especially in w-space. Running out of clones should not be inconsequential. But neither should it be the rage-inducing, month-long experience in self-flagellation that is has been until now.

#234 - 2014-12-03 21:34:42 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
Querns wrote:
I've always been in favor of a jump-fatigue-like mechanic for jump clones (even before jump fatigue was conceived.) The way it works in my head is that using a jump clone to the same station is a very short cooldown (possibly even no cooldown,) and the further you travel, the longer the cooldown becomes, up to the current maximum.

how about player made clones.

instead of clone price for SP it would clone price for clone specialisation.
one of them could be a jump fatigue clone that reduces the timer by 50% and stacks against ships that already have a reduction... but the clone cant put in any implants.

the idea is to expand choice for clones you have... make it so you can have more then one clone per station and have player made clones that add choice for players.

I liked the idea where if you wanted to put in pirate faction implants you should have a pirate faction clone.

that way if you want to use anything better then "standard" attribute implants you would need that pirate factions Clone.

RP would be along the line that because these implants are high specialised in how and where they use the brain it takes a special designed clone that can take the input.

Make clone BPC drop from pirate faction ships and make them available in faction LP stores. Clones would be made from dead pod pilots whose clones you collect after podding them or from PI materials.

Though keep in mind that clones made from PVP produce new clones faster then ones made from scratch.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Mharius Skjem
Guardians of the Underworld
#235 - 2014-12-03 21:38:20 UTC
Mr Omniblivion wrote:
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
THIS -> "There will no longer be any skillpoint loss upon death." lead to THIS -> Hello Kitty in space, or WoW

Because clicking three buttons and spending a little ISK to prevent skillpoint loss IS LITERALLY THE REASON THAT THIS GAME IS SO HARDCORE

If it's only a little isk then it's not a problem.

Next it will be implants and ships.

Eve is being moved into pussy mode one step at a time.

A recovering btter vet,  with a fresh toon and a determination to like everything that CCP does to Eve...

Don't take me too seriously though, I like to tease a bit on the forums, but that's only because I love you...

Mharius Skjem
Guardians of the Underworld
#236 - 2014-12-03 21:43:21 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Friday Football wrote:
Weighing in on this as a NEW player (lots of vets speaking their minds), I am excited by the prospect of more PVP. That's what brought me into EVE in the first place.

I'm going to bet this won't make jot of difference to the amount of pvp. What your hearing is mainly propaganda with no evidence. I'd like to see after a couple of months if this had made any difference whatsover to the amount of pvp; I very much doubt it.

If there's no effect at all, then the old system had no effect either. In that case, the systems are interchangeable in terms of their impact on the game; why not prefer the simpler of the two?

Because when I kill my enemy I want it to hurt. Ships and implants can all be SRP'd.

A recovering btter vet,  with a fresh toon and a determination to like everything that CCP does to Eve...

Don't take me too seriously though, I like to tease a bit on the forums, but that's only because I love you...

#237 - 2014-12-03 21:48:41 UTC
Mharius Skjem wrote:
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Friday Football wrote:
Weighing in on this as a NEW player (lots of vets speaking their minds), I am excited by the prospect of more PVP. That's what brought me into EVE in the first place.

I'm going to bet this won't make jot of difference to the amount of pvp. What your hearing is mainly propaganda with no evidence. I'd like to see after a couple of months if this had made any difference whatsover to the amount of pvp; I very much doubt it.

If there's no effect at all, then the old system had no effect either. In that case, the systems are interchangeable in terms of their impact on the game; why not prefer the simpler of the two?

Because when I kill my enemy I want it to hurt. Ships and implants can all be SRP'd.

yeah and so can clones... whats the point... this aint about the big fish its about the small guy who has lots of SP left the game a few years ago and is coming back and might not have the much isk to support the clone not to mention new player retention who do not understand the mechanic... just get over it clones for SP are a thing of the past... Embrace player made clones for Specialization.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#238 - 2014-12-03 22:15:20 UTC
Mharius Skjem wrote:
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Friday Football wrote:
Weighing in on this as a NEW player (lots of vets speaking their minds), I am excited by the prospect of more PVP. That's what brought me into EVE in the first place.

I'm going to bet this won't make jot of difference to the amount of pvp. What your hearing is mainly propaganda with no evidence. I'd like to see after a couple of months if this had made any difference whatsover to the amount of pvp; I very much doubt it.

If there's no effect at all, then the old system had no effect either. In that case, the systems are interchangeable in terms of their impact on the game; why not prefer the simpler of the two?

Because when I kill my enemy I want it to hurt. Ships and implants can all be SRP'd.

The odds of your podkill inflicting skillpoint loss is infinitesimally low, and even if you did luck into the podkill that did it, there's no way for you to know it happened unless the person you killed specifically tells you. You are literally banking on the player making an easily avoidable mistake, then having the lack of presence of mind to talk about it.

But, hey — good news. If you want to inflict skillpoint loss on folks, just prey exclusively on strategic cruisers. That part didn't change. You even have the surety of the loss in that instance!

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#239 - 2014-12-03 22:57:30 UTC
Querns wrote:
The odds...infinitesimally low

Almost as low as me making a good post Cry
Medalyn Isis
#240 - 2014-12-03 23:06:44 UTC
gascanu wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Querns wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
All I am suggesting is that medical clones can "only" be set at a station with a medical facility, instead of the current arrangement of being able to set it at a corporation office.

You are aware that pilots can only choose to sync their medical clone with the corporation's single designated system once per year, right?

Yes, but as I mentioned earlier in the thread, that drawback is trivial as most people who reside in the area which I live in and many other areas of NPC null are permanent residents. They've probably had their clone set in its current location for the last 5 years or more.

Also there is virtually no drawback to making it so medical clone can only be set at a station with medical facilities.

I'm sure you could support this simple fix Querns; there are no drawback, and it would only be beneficial in allowing us to keep the landscape of eve a little bumpy.

and why should this be a bad move? sov space is getting reshaped, why npc 0.0/low sec should be excluded?

yes, this will change political landscape, but why are you assuming this will be for the worst?
atm, cloning facility are quite sparse in 0.0 npc(not sure about low sec), so controlling the cloning station/system gives you a measure of control over the nearby station systems that don't have one, so many of those are basically abandoned.
since eve is going towards occupational sov, this change will be doing about the same thing in NPC 0.0/low sec. Lol

tldr: it's a bad change for you personally, but this does not mean it's a bad change for eve Blink

I'd prefer that they did keep the importance of medical bays, not that it would benefit me personally, but simply to give the player a more meaningful strategic decision when choosing where to locate.

That being said, I'd just like to know one way or the other if this is an intended change, or if there is any chance of medical bays being made important again. It seems like an oversight on CCPs part as they haven't mentioned it at all.

Either way it is not the end of the world, but would just be nice to know why this was done and if it is here to stay.