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Collector's Edition Promotion

First post First post
GM Stardust
Game Masters
C C P Alliance
#21 - 2014-12-01 12:23:34 UTC
Hey all.

I just want to clarify that the 90 days of subscription time are automatically added to the account upon completion of the purchase.

Also, please keep in mind that this is a CCP promotion that has nothing to do with Amazon, so the 90 days will not be available for people who purchase the CE box through Amazon.

Best regards,
Senior GM Stardust
CCP Customer Support | EVE Online | DUST 514
Midge Mo'yb
State War Academy
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-12-01 12:38:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Midge Mo'yb
Shame you missed out on the amazon mess-up the other day.

black friday discount on collectors edition Reduced to $50

50$ coupon on the page

total cost: £16 shipping to the uk :v
Draugo Rana
Masuat'aa Matari
#23 - 2014-12-01 12:42:56 UTC
GM Stardust wrote:
Hey all.

I just want to clarify that the 90 days of subscription time are automatically added to the account upon completion of the purchase.

Also, please keep in mind that this is a CCP promotion that has nothing to do with Amazon, so the 90 days will not be available for people who purchase the CE box through Amazon.

Best regards,
Senior GM Stardust
CCP Customer Support | EVE Online | DUST 514

What about people who bought the collector's edition via the EVE store during the promotion? It did ask me for login but I didn't get any game time added to my account. How can I resolve this?

The Whispering
#24 - 2014-12-01 17:28:04 UTC
GM Stardust, you said that the 90 days will be added to the account upon the completion of the purchase. Looking at my account page on the eve store my order status is "order in process"

Do I take it that once the order has been dispatched that is is completed? Or if it requires a signature at my door or at the post office that is is competed then? I would like an idea of how long after I've handed my money over to you (CCP) that I will be credited the 90 days game time? In my mind and I could well be wrong but as soon as you accept my money the purchase is complete.

Draugo Rana
Masuat'aa Matari
#25 - 2014-12-01 17:45:53 UTC
Kestrix wrote:
GM Stardust, you said that the 90 days will be added to the account upon the completion of the purchase. Looking at my account page on the eve store my order status is "order in process"

According to CCP, you should have had your account credited with the 90 days game time as soon as you submitted the order and payment was cleared. But if you bought it through the EVE store, apparently you are not entitled to the 90 days.

Got a response to my support ticket - CCP thinks it makes perfect sense that even though there is absolutely no information or any warning that you are not supposed to use the EVE store for this, you are not going to get your 90 days. Doesn't matter it is the same product, price, store, company and time period. It is my fault somehow.

And they have not responded to my order cancelation request and shipped it anyway, hours after I asked to cancel it.

Yes, I am upset. And I do feel cheated out of my 90 days game time.
The Whispering
#26 - 2014-12-01 18:16:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Kestrix
I have taken a look at the documentation sent by the carrier and if you bought it from the eve store you have 14 days from the time you recive the product to return it and get a full refund, I will be doing this whilst buying the same product again this time making sure I buy it from the accounts page rather than the eve store
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2014-12-01 18:44:47 UTC
Draugo Rana wrote:
Kestrix wrote:
GM Stardust, you said that the 90 days will be added to the account upon the completion of the purchase. Looking at my account page on the eve store my order status is "order in process"

According to CCP, you should have had your account credited with the 90 days game time as soon as you submitted the order and payment was cleared. But if you bought it through the EVE store, apparently you are not entitled to the 90 days.

Got a response to my support ticket - CCP thinks it makes perfect sense that even though there is absolutely no information or any warning that you are not supposed to use the EVE store for this, you are not going to get your 90 days. Doesn't matter it is the same product, price, store, company and time period. It is my fault somehow.

And they have not responded to my order cancelation request and shipped it anyway, hours after I asked to cancel it.

Yes, I am upset. And I do feel cheated out of my 90 days game time.

I feel you there. Ordered via the ever store and it got delievered a week before the promotion hit. No response to my petition yet. I hope they change their policy to every CE sold. As it should be. Evil
Stephanie Rosefire
Atlas Protectorate and Empire Defense Agency
#28 - 2014-12-01 19:39:42 UTC
who here PRE-ordered the thing way back when (for 150 bucks) and is sad that they dont get 90 days free...

i know i am :/
#29 - 2014-12-01 22:32:30 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Orlacc wrote:
I can confirm that buying from the account page (versus Store) instantly adds 90 days.

This kind of sucks, as buying directly from CCP means that very high shipping costs negate this additional incentive. I really want CCP to chime in on this, and maybe offer to extend this bonus to purchases from any location.

I don't know where you are, but I am in the SW USA and had no shipping costs added.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Charlie Nonoke
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#30 - 2014-12-01 22:50:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Charlie Nonoke
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
$75 for 3 months game time, ‘Into the second decade’ book, usb rifter, golden pod, a plex, CA-3, CA-4 implants, 5x gnosis bpc Shocked

seems like a pretty good deal to me. I'm almost considering buying a second
You don't get CA-3 and CA-4, those are preorder bonuses. You don't get the tattoo sleeve either.

Just ordered and got my 90 days game time immediately after completion of online web order. This only works if you order it through the official site, specifically the HOLIDAY BONUS link. You cannot redeem this 90 days if you purchased it from Amazon.

Some maths.

  • 90 days worth of game time = $45 / £30 assuming monthly subscription.
  • “The Golden Pod” = ISK 1,629,995,000.00
  • 1 PLEX = 1 PLEX
  • 1 Phanca Cybernetic Arm = ~ISK 300.000.000.00
  • Rorqual ORE Development Edition ship skin = ~ISK 200,000,000.00
  • Gnosis Battlecruiser Blueprint 5 Runs = ~ISK 250,000,000.00

That's 90 day game time + 1 PLEX + 2.38B ISK
Assuming PLEX is 1B nowadays, you easily get 6 months of game time, and how much did you spend? 6 months worth of money.
Not to mention you get 60 days game time for a NEW account. Need I mention the other goodies you get in the box?
#31 - 2014-12-01 22:53:03 UTC
Now if we bought the item from the account page and not the store, how do we check the order status? The store of course shows nothing.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

#32 - 2014-12-01 22:56:54 UTC
Kestrix wrote:
GM Stardust, you said that the 90 days will be added to the account upon the completion of the purchase. Looking at my account page on the eve store my order status is "order in process"

Do I take it that once the order has been dispatched that is is completed? Or if it requires a signature at my door or at the post office that is is competed then? I would like an idea of how long after I've handed my money over to you (CCP) that I will be credited the 90 days game time? In my mind and I could well be wrong but as soon as you accept my money the purchase is complete.

As already posted, you have to make the purchase THROUGH THE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT PAGE not the store. The time show up instantly.

If it helps I think you guys should get the time too.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Charlie Nonoke
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#33 - 2014-12-01 22:58:02 UTC
Check your account management page, then transaction history.
The recent entry should be "1 x EVE Collector's Edition + 90 days game time".

The 90 days is credited to the account after your payment has gone through. It does NOT come as a code in the box.

I then got a DHL tracking email from Germany at about 7am.
Medalyn Isis
#34 - 2014-12-01 23:15:47 UTC
On the eve store it states that you get the CA1 and CA2 implants, although if you buy it from the account management page then it doesn't list them. Is this some kind of error or are they two different versions of the collectors edition?
Charlie Nonoke
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#35 - 2014-12-01 23:23:11 UTC
Maybe the digital items code includes CA-1 and CA-2, but wasn't mentioned on their holiday link page.

I would assume EVERY Collector's owner will have the SAME things from the BOX, regardless of where purchased, Amazon, EVE Store, HOLIDAY link.

Some people will get different things depending on how they purchased.
Preordering it before Christmas 2013 - Bonus items which were given separately. CA-3 and 4, and tattoo sleeve.
Amazon - Nothing
EVE Store - Nothing
HOLIDAY link - 90 days game time.
TheSock H
M and M Enterpises
#36 - 2014-12-01 23:44:39 UTC
I just has a look at three different online retailers,

Amazon - 60 day game time for new account,

Eve Store - CA-1 and CA-2 implants,

Account managment - 90 day game time.

All product descriptions are clear descriptions of what is in the package but no information that other options are availiable, while nobody has been deceived they certainly haven't been informed.
Charlie Nonoke
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#37 - 2014-12-01 23:50:26 UTC

Also includes the 60 day for NEW accounts, under digital items EVE Online.
Aviation Professionals for EVE
#38 - 2014-12-02 01:52:19 UTC
Can confirm to receive the additional 90 days of game time as mentioned you MUST complete the transaction through the account management page and NOT through the store.

I emailed to withdraw my order as it has not shipped yet so hopefully it will be caught quickly and reordered through the account management page and my 90 days of game time showed up instantly.

Feel this should be fixed by CCP so people aren't misled, it's ridiculous that you get different deals when you are still buying straight from the source just by completing the transaction in two different ways. Or at least be very specific in your postings.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#39 - 2014-12-02 02:45:42 UTC
Oh damn - I remember buying the Collector's Edition during the early promotion days and CCP sending me some code entries.
I should find them and enter them into my account.

Did CCP ever offer special items with such a code up and beyond the initial goods?
Chainsaw Plankton
#40 - 2014-12-02 03:17:23 UTC
Charlie Nonoke wrote:
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
$75 for 3 months game time, ‘Into the second decade’ book, usb rifter, golden pod, a plex, CA-3, CA-4 implants, 5x gnosis bpc Shocked

seems like a pretty good deal to me. I'm almost considering buying a second
You don't get CA-3 and CA-4, those are preorder bonuses. You don't get the tattoo sleeve either.

O rly? I suppose I have forgotten as it was a while ago Oops

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter