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big thanks to Low-Class and many others

Rachel Sokarad
Multiverse Logistic Partners
#1 - 2014-12-01 06:33:43 UTC
Hello, I'm posting to thank Low-Class / N0MEX and others who came to my rescue this weekend; and SSC, for not shooting my rescuers when an SSC roam happened to enter the system. I have had many more good interactions with others in W-space than bad ones so far, and I really like that about wormhole space.

My C4 wormhole, which I have lived in for around 2 months, was invaded by a new corp who demanded that I pay them to continue living there. The invader reinforced a POCO and installed a Sansha large tower, bristling with weapons and ewar batteries.

I asked the invading corp to leave, politely informed them that I am not without resources and they should be prepared to back up their threatening posture with internet lasers, and offered to buy their POS modules if they agreed to leave but didn't want to haul them all out. Basically, I tried to treat them nicely (and they were polite also), but they didn't remove the unwelcome tower or respond to my request.

I contacted N0MEX for hired help, as my previous encounters with Low-Class showed me they are a trustworthy group.

In short, N0MEX and their allies destroyed the invasive tower(s), saved the wounded POCO, and hopefully my wormhole life will be happily ever after.

Thanks again for helping me avoid oppressive overlords or eviction; I will try to honor the efforts of my rescuers by not being the typical C4 recluse, and to get out there and pewpew from time to time.
Naraish Adarn
Alexylva Paradox
#2 - 2014-12-01 10:12:11 UTC
glad to hear that my alliance mates had fun and helped around :D too bad i wasn't able to join being so late for my TZ (from what i hear it would've been anywhere between 2 am and 8 am form me)
Gunner GzR
Timber Wolves
#3 - 2014-12-01 15:51:21 UTC
Glad we were able to provide Great customer service For you and completed what was needed. Thanks to you as well for providing a pos for us to hang out in and to all our Friends that joined us for the final bash on Sunday.

Was sad we could not give ssc some pew but we were set up for pos bash at that moment and not pvp. Props to there fc for understanding that and we will see u guys again i am sure.Shocked (hopefully we see you first Blink )

Wh's are a great place to live as most of the corps in there we can pvp with at one point and the next encounter be working together on a op..

Thanks to all again and we will see you on the next wh jump maybe Pirate

Change For the Sake of Change is bad Listen to you community CCP We are what make you Money. Remove Local From 0.0 and Low Space Please