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Update regarding Multiboxing and input automation

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Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#1501 - 2014-11-27 08:03:53 UTC
Ore Farmer wrote:
...I eventually switched to ISBoxer to help with the layout, so I could fit all the accounts in various resolutions across all 4 screens. This helped to increase the easy of my operations, but it didn't drastically make me anymore isk. So I strongly disagreed by the comments that "ISBoxer ruins eve". Its a tool to make things easier...

That's exactly what is ruining the game.
Everybody know the "risk-reward" axiom, but some seem to forget "no pain - no gain" principle, i.e. the tradeoff between efforts and rewards.

You have 3 options:
- gather a mining fleet of real people,
- make a fleet of you alts and alt-tab through them,
- make a fleet of alts and use multiboxing software.
The former path takes tremendous efforts, while the latter requires the least. But in all cases, the fleet gets the same revenue, give or take. If you chose to multibox, you get all gains without pain. No tradeoff here, no interesting decisions, poor game design.

"But I'm an efficient player, I managed to minimize unnecessary efforts! Why do you punish me?"
Playing the game is by itself the unnecessary thing. Because this is the game, it is played to get fun. The process of playing involves setting some arbitrary obsticles (game rules), overcoming them, and feeling happy about it. In this case, game designers realized that obsticles are too easy, and raised the bar.

"Why dont you remove the second option then? Even alt-tabing, fleet of alts is easier to manage than fleet of people. The arguments of pain-gain apply here as well."
Unfortunately, some areas of gameplay (mining included) are very obsolete. Fixing them is neither fast nor easy. But I hope it will happen one day. A man can dream, right?
Josef Djugashvilis
#1502 - 2014-11-27 08:50:57 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb.

Nice reference to the Falklands War.

So, +1 from me good sir.

This is not a signature.

Ore Farmer
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1503 - 2014-11-27 09:03:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Ore Farmer
Skia Aumer wrote:
Ore Farmer wrote:
...I eventually switched to ISBoxer to help with the layout, so I could fit all the accounts in various resolutions across all 4 screens. This helped to increase the easy of my operations, but it didn't drastically make me anymore isk. So I strongly disagreed by the comments that "ISBoxer ruins eve". Its a tool to make things easier...

That's exactly what is ruining the game.
Everybody know the "risk-reward" axiom, but some seem to forget "no pain - no gain" principle, i.e. the tradeoff between efforts and rewards.

You have 3 options:
- gather a mining fleet of real people,
- make a fleet of you alts and alt-tab through them,
- make a fleet of alts and use multiboxing software.
The former path takes tremendous efforts, while the latter requires the least. But in all cases, the fleet gets the same revenue, give or take. If you chose to multibox, you get all gains without pain. No tradeoff here, no interesting decisions, poor game design.

"But I'm an efficient player, I managed to minimize unnecessary efforts! Why do you punish me?"
Playing the game is by itself the unnecessary thing. Because this is the game, it is played to get fun. The process of playing involves setting some arbitrary obsticles (game rules), overcoming them, and feeling happy about it. In this case, game designers realized that obsticles are too easy, and raised the bar.

"Why dont you remove the second option then? Even alt-tabing, fleet of alts is easier to manage than fleet of people. The arguments of pain-gain apply here as well."
Unfortunately, some areas of gameplay (mining included) are very obsolete. Fixing them is neither fast nor easy. But I hope it will happen one day. A man can dream, right?

Your argument is that having multiple accounts is ruining eve?

So having 10 accounts makes me 10X more than 1 account, but only costs me the same as 1 account? "you get all gains without pain" You forget that the "pain" comes from the price tag associated with the 10 multiple accounts. $150/month or at 10 plexs roughly 9 bill/month. That hurts either way you look at it. I multi box mining fleets because I enjoy that aspect of the game and like to be my own master sort of speak. I don't have 100 hours a week to play eve. With all my accounts, and all the activities I do in game....I hardly come close to plexing more than a couple accounts if Im lucky. So how is this ruining the game? How would it be any different than 10 people behind 10 computers paying for 10 accounts? Not everyone that multiboxes makes 100 bill a month and plexes all their accounts. Its unjust to assume that is the case. So true is the potential for 1 person with 1 account to make enough to plex every month. Null sec ratting, WH sites, etc....IF they had enough time to spend every week in game.

The success of a game can be measured by its number of subscribers. That's why WOW is still around, after the 30 expansions they've had....they still maintain like 100 million subscribers even after going for this long. How long do you think EVE would last if everyone stopped buying/selling plexs and were only limited to 1 account? If CCP lost 90% of their player accounts, accounts not players, that would kill their income. Without a sustainable income, their overhead costs would exceed gross profit = business failure. Just because things in-game might be a little unbalanced, doesn't mean EVE-Online is ruined, or unsuccessful. Theres a LOT more than in game player dynamics that affect the life of a video game. This goes for any business...if you don't have customers or clamp them too hard and they go elsewhere, you'll end up closing your doors. Going back to WoW as an many people you think multibox in that, or any other MMO that is still successful?
Rise Asahina
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1504 - 2014-11-27 09:10:55 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:

You have 3 options:
- gather a mining fleet of real people,
- make a fleet of you alts and alt-tab through them,
- make a fleet of alts and use multiboxing software.
The former path takes tremendous efforts, while the latter requires the least. But in all cases, the fleet gets the same revenue, give or take. If you chose to multibox, you get all gains without pain. No tradeoff here, no interesting decisions, poor game design.

That's the problem with people making assumptions about how ISBoxer and multiboxing in general work. This is an untrue statement. Yes, by making a fleet of alts and multiboxing we remove the pain of organizing real people: Most notably scheduling, time constraints, and other people's decision making. But in so doing we take on a number of additional 'pains'. ISBoxer is not easy to set up or, even if set up properly, to maintain perfect control over every ship. It requires a fair bit of attention from the operator, even when just mining, to make sure all your ships are doing what you want them to and not flying off to Abu Dhabi and getting ganked. There is a trade off here. There are interesting decisions for us to make. Just not the ones presented by other people. Honestly, these decisions are the entire reason I multibox. They're fun. They're challenging. And I enjoy solving them and struggling against them. Flying a single ship is frankly easy and boring once you've done this sort of boxing.

Skia Aumer wrote:

"But I'm an efficient player, I managed to minimize unnecessary efforts! Why do you punish me?"
Playing the game is by itself the unnecessary thing. Because this is the game, it is played to get fun. The process of playing involves setting some arbitrary obsticles (game rules), overcoming them, and feeling happy about it. In this case, game designers realized that obsticles are too easy, and raised the bar.

This is where playstyles come into play. Not every player is required to mine rocks. Not every player is required to fly a capital. Not every player is required to do missions. Not every player is required to multibox. But some do. Multiboxing is every bit as valid a playstyle as any other until CCP finally decides to ban it entirely. There is no reason they cannot coexist. And there is no reason to completely screw over a particular playstyle just because of a few edge case abuses. Has multiplexing been abused? Absolutely. Why? Because it creates an "unfair" advantage. But what constitutes unfair? CCP has already said an advantage is fine in allowing us to effectively multibox as many accounts as we can stand. Each person's capacity may be different. I'm curious to see what they will say when they stumble across the individual who really can run 20-30 accounts by himself to great effect. They'll be right back where they started.

Skia Aumer wrote:

"Why dont you remove the second option then? Even alt-tabing, fleet of alts is easier to manage than fleet of people. The arguments of pain-gain apply here as well."
Unfortunately, some areas of gameplay (mining included) are very obsolete. Fixing them is neither fast nor easy. But I hope it will happen one day. A man can dream, right?

And this is exactly why we created tools like ISBoxer to make these wrist-slashing parts of the game interesting again, since CCP clearly won't do it.

So, if CCP's big issue is that multi-boxing creates an unfair advantage, instead of taking our toys away and making our playstyle invalid (and in my case, several of my accounts that I had invested a good deal of money in and now have no use for because I can't manage all 9 any more without going nuts), just decide "how much is too much" and let us know that.

I'd rather them say "No more than 5 accounts.", "No more than 2 accounts" or "no more than 1 account" than to keep perpetuating their hypocritical stance of "having an advantage over others is fine, but only so much as your reaction time or sanity can stand."

If the issue is an unfair advantage, remove the advantage, or set a hard limit on it. But stop taking away our quality of life improvements that we used on crappy, crappy systems that CCP themselves apparently don't know how, or refuse to fix.
Steel Dragon
Goonswarm Federation
#1505 - 2014-11-27 09:14:08 UTC
So ends my 10 year EvE life. I will not fill this post with tears as I understand CCp's decision. I even agree with it in part. People like replicator who have 30 SB sitting off a jump bridge alphaing anything that jumps in is over kill and ridiculous. I have used isboxer and 5 accounts for years and have done nothing but enrich the playing environment of the pilots around me and even when I increased to 9 accounts I was always curtious of the little guy and would not monopolize a ratting system or continually grief with it. I would police our alliance space and use the extra firepower to engage fleets that would come through. This too enriched the eve environment as it gave roaming fleets a target and gf's were had by all. But I will not nor can not go back to a single or even duel account play style it would simply be too slow passed for me at this point in eve. So it is with a heavy heart I say farewell to EvE and CCP
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1506 - 2014-11-27 09:31:29 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:

Unfortunately, some areas of gameplay (mining included) are very obsolete. Fixing them is neither fast nor easy. But I hope it will happen one day. A man can dream, right?

Mining is in no fashion 'obsolete'. You may want to get a dictionary and check what the word even means. Wait, here, I'll do that for you, wouldn't want you to try to overload yourself trying to do two things at once. That'd be far too much like multiboxing.

1. no longer produced or used; out of date.

Judging by the many miners flying around, judging by the large volumes of minerals that pass through trading hubs like jita, judging by the amount of players like myself that do mining, I can assure you, mining is not 'obsolete'. The process of mining is something that many, like yourself, do not enjoy, and so you call for changes, at the expense of all of us who do enjoy it.

Mining is relaxing.
Mining is enjoyable.
Mining provides an active non-combat income source.
Mining can be done while talking to friends without a significant drop in productivity.

Mining is great how it is, to changing it? Myself and many of the others out there who actually mine, say no thankyou. Quit trying to change our gameplay just to suit your own agenda, so that people who don't like mining still won't mine, but those who enjoy it now, won't do it either.

"But mining pays out so little isk, it's not a comparable stream of revenue, it needs to be buffed/fixed/changed so it pays more."

Again, no. Supply and demand. There is demand for X amount of minerals on the market, and there are Y number of miners. The more desirable you make mining, the more Y increases, and thus, the value of minerals drops. Similarly, if you introduce new ships or methods that can attain minerals even faster, you will find that the amount of supply increases, whereas the demand does not, so again, we see a drop in the value of minerals.

The only way you are going to get mining to be more lucrative, short of adding lp/isk to mining, is by making mining LESS appealing to the majority. The current miners do it because they are comfortable making 15-50m an hour per character mining. If it was suddenly worth 80m an hour, active or inactive, enough people would bring mining ships out that it would very quickly be 15-50m an hour again.
Ger Atol
Alchemax Applied Sciences
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#1507 - 2014-11-27 09:39:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ger Atol
Question for CCP legal and refund department.

So I assume CCP are going to be refunding people who recently subscribed, under the old terms of service, where ISBoxing style broadcasting was essentially allowed. Considering the abrupt change of terms of service I will be expecting a refund proportional to the remaining time I have on my account. Considering it is a dramatic change in policy, and completely here to encourage, considering the frequent power of 2 offers, and here to acceptability of ISboxer style broadcasting, and coupled with the fact that this change has been considered and approved by CCP management prior to the official announcement, it might be considered fraudulence to have sold the product, with a subscription period longer than the warning period given to for the implementation of this new terms of service.

As such I would be hopeful that CCP will refund any account which cannot agree to the new terms of service, as they are completely different to the old, and dramatically so to people who are affected by this change.

P.S. I am not interested in anyone but CCP official response. And yes the game goes on but I would rather that they accept the losses they may get from this, which judging by the posts here will be minimal compared to overall subscriptions.

Since the company is still trading/operating, it is still dubiously fraudulent to sell 1 year subscriptions up to the day of such a change in policy.
Sentenced 1989
#1508 - 2014-11-27 09:41:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentenced 1989
Ger Atol wrote:
Question for CCP legal and refund department.

So I assume CCP are going to be refunding people who recently subscribed, under the old terms of service, where ISBoxing style broadcasting was essentially allowed. Considering the abrupt change of terms of service I will be expecting a refund proportional to the remaining time I have on my account. Considering it is a dramatic change in policy, and completely here to encourage, considering the frequent power of 2 offers, and here to acceptability of ISboxer style broadcasting, and coupled with the fact that this change has been considered and approved by CCP management prior to the official announcement, it might be considered fraudulence to have sold the product, with a subscription period longer than the warning period given to for the implementation of this new terms of service.

As such I would be hopeful that CCP will refund any account which cannot agree to the new terms of service, as they are completely different to the old, and dramatically so to people who are affected by this change.

EULA wrote:
CCP does not guarantee that it will continue to offer access to the System or support the Game. CCP may, in its sole discretion, cease to provide any or all of the services offered in connection with EVE (including access to the System and any or all features or components of the Game), terminate the EULA, close all Accounts and cancel all of the rights granted to you under the EULA. CCP may communicate such termination to you upon 30 days’ notice in any of the following manners: (i) when you log into your Account; (ii) in a notice on CCP's website; (iii) via electronic mail; or (iv) in another manner that CCP deems suitable to inform you of the termination. If CCP terminates the EULA pursuant to this section, you will not receive a refund of any fees.

CCP can do what ever they want as it's their game.

EULA wrote:
Your continued access to the System and license to play the Game is subject to proper conduct. Without limiting CCP's rights to control the Game environment, and the conduct of the players within that environment, CCP prohibits the following practices that CCP has determined detract from the overall user experience of the users playing the Game.

1. You may not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the System.
2. You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment or change how the Game is played.
3. You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game.

You always knew ISBoxer or any other 3rd line program was technically banned, just not enforced. Guessing it's same as with old AP0 hack, CCP now has way to detect it more accurately and will start enforcing the rule.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1509 - 2014-11-27 09:54:09 UTC

It doesn't matter what my personal opinion of "input multiplexing" may be. The reddit-style downvote brigade is in full effect here, just like it is in the Zero Clone Cost discussion, and exactly as it has been when we were discussing Ripard Teg and bonus rooms. It must indeed feel very gratifying to agree with CCP, and often it leads to an inability to present a solid argument. I won't disagree that the opposing side is any less populated by trolls, too.

What I wanted to bring up is how Falcon and CCP have decided to manage the input multiplexing ban. CCP has ridden the input multiplexing wave for years. The company has profited from accounts upon accounts subscribed due to this avenue of legal gameplay that very specifically had no policy against it (in CCP's own words).

This announcement comes with a 1 month look-ahead warning. What if someone subscribed a large number of accounts for a year, while depending on what has been for years a legal avenue of gameplay?

What if someone has invested thousands of dollars of their own money into this style of gameplay which essentially encouraged multiple accounts, which in turn put money into CCP's pockets?

There is a customer orientation lesson in here somewhere that someone is missing. It is inappropriate to turn policies around on a dime. Good customer orientation means that some amenable transition policy is devised instead of an immediate patch to the EULA which still, by its language, forbids multiple EVE installations on the same computer due to archaic, boilerplate language CCP has not looked at in years.

For the record, I never have been interested in, or have performed any multiboxing or input multiplexing. As a career miner, I've always thought ice mining was destroyed by ISBoxer fleets.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Heckar Ottig
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1510 - 2014-11-27 10:07:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Heckar Ottig
I have 2 questions about this change of policies.

I have 2 accounts and rarely use them simultaneously, but I am wondering will it be ok to use software like OnTopReplica to broadcast mouse clicks to a single account at a time. I'll elaborate: I can cut out part of the window of account 2 and put it on top of account 1 window. Then I can use the "Click forwarding" feature to transmit the click to account 2 while still having account 1 window active. It's still one click - one action on a single account in game, it just removes the annoying alt tabbing part, it's not possible to broadcast to multiple accounts with OnTop, only to one window it has replicated and I still have to click mods in account 1 to activate them.
I consider it just a way of window management, but a CCP response on that would be nice.

This has been asked a lot already. Fancy gaming peripherals and binding all resist mods to one button.
I found a GM post from 2011
It says right there:
1) Keyboard macros a'la the G15 Logitech keyboard
This really depends on the exact useof those keyboard macros. General guideline: Automating gameplay: bad. Turning on all your hardeners with one key press: fine

CCP please provide update on this policy, activating non-grouped modules on a single account with 1 key - yes or no.

Also, about this:
CCP Random wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

Can you also detect someone using mouse drivers to send multiple commands with one button? We've been asking this for many, many pages now.

Yes. To quote the initial post:


We would like to clarify that it does not matter how Input Broadcasting and Input Multiplexing are being done, whether through use of software or modified hardware. Our only concern is regarding how it is being used in the EVE universe.

The scope of this is controlling multiple accounts at the same time (in a semi-automated fashion which uses your input actions multiple times) for actions with meaning to EVE. The means you apply to archive this do not matter at all.

I am taking CCP Random's response as yes, because I am activating mod on one account at a time, but it's still too vague to be certain.
Heinrich Rotwang
Spectre Fleet Corporation
#1511 - 2014-11-27 10:08:17 UTC
Capri Sun KraftFoods wrote:
As someone who actually ISBox's bombers I'm a little upset.

The problem isn't ISBoxer. The problem is that bombs as they currently stand are completely broken Sure isboxer exacerbates the problem significantly, but you can still get 30 dudes into a fleet easily and go kill anything with 4 waves that isn't a T3 or a faction battleship. I'd be happy to see my bomber accounts become useless and de-sub them if it meant I didn't have to worry about getting hell bombed every other fleet.

So 30 people working together can get your ship killed? If that is what is needed to call for a nerf, I would like to add a couple of other things to the list.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#1512 - 2014-11-27 10:12:09 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:

I'm of the rare opinion that CCP needs to either repeal their inane changes, or go all the way and ban all such programs because there are hundreds of work-arounds that will cause headaches for the GMs.

the ruling is pretty clear actually.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#1513 - 2014-11-27 10:17:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Nolak Ataru wrote:

For the thousandth time, the accelerated gameplay clause is on a PER. TOON. BASIS.
CCP themselves have stated this.

yeah, isbotter accelerates gameplay on PER TOON BASIS. This is why you use it.

Nolak Ataru wrote:

You're right, it IS really simple. I'll say it slowly so you can understand.

The. Accellerated. Gameplay. Clause. Is. On. A. Per. Toon. Basis. Not. A. Per. Human. Basis.

it is.
Isbotter saves you time on actions on every single toon you automate, since it removes human interaction overhead going through all of them, clicking manually. This is why you use it.
Grauth Thorner
Vicious Trading Company
#1514 - 2014-11-27 10:30:10 UTC
In regard wether ISBoxer is banned or not, CCP FoxFour wrote this in another section:

CCP FoxFour wrote:
ISBoxer was not banned. The broadcast feature of ISBoxer was banned. It doesn't matter what application you use. It could be ISBoxer or another, but input duplication was banned. Very big difference. ISBoxer adds lots of other functionality that is not banned.


View real-time damage statistics in-game

>EVE Live DPS Graph application forum thread


Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#1515 - 2014-11-27 10:31:25 UTC
Sentenced 1989 wrote:

You always knew ISBoxer or any other 3rd line program was technically banned, just not enforced. Guessing it's same as with old AP0 hack, CCP now has way to detect it more accurately and will start enforcing the rule.

yep, what he said. if you subscribed on basis of EULA violating gameplay its your fault.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1516 - 2014-11-27 10:33:35 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
Sentenced 1989 wrote:

You always knew ISBoxer or any other 3rd line program was technically banned, just not enforced. Guessing it's same as with old AP0 hack, CCP now has way to detect it more accurately and will start enforcing the rule.

yep, what he said. if you subscribed on basis of EULA violating gameplay its your fault.

Technically banned? CCP has told us in writing this was not the case.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#1517 - 2014-11-27 10:34:57 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Robert Caldera wrote:
Sentenced 1989 wrote:

You always knew ISBoxer or any other 3rd line program was technically banned, just not enforced. Guessing it's same as with old AP0 hack, CCP now has way to detect it more accurately and will start enforcing the rule.

yep, what he said. if you subscribed on basis of EULA violating gameplay its your fault.

Technically banned? CCP has told us in writing this was not the case.

not technically banned but against EULA all the time already (accelerated gameplay part).
Ger Atol
Alchemax Applied Sciences
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#1518 - 2014-11-27 10:40:14 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Robert Caldera wrote:
Sentenced 1989 wrote:

You always knew ISBoxer or any other 3rd line program was technically banned, just not enforced. Guessing it's same as with old AP0 hack, CCP now has way to detect it more accurately and will start enforcing the rule.

yep, what he said. if you subscribed on basis of EULA violating gameplay its your fault.

Technically banned? CCP has told us in writing this was not the case.

Yep, that's pretty clear. With words like that they should have give a heads up equal to the longest subscription they sell, i.e. 1 year.
Ger Atol
Alchemax Applied Sciences
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#1519 - 2014-11-27 10:41:27 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
Robert Caldera wrote:
Sentenced 1989 wrote:

You always knew ISBoxer or any other 3rd line program was technically banned, just not enforced. Guessing it's same as with old AP0 hack, CCP now has way to detect it more accurately and will start enforcing the rule.

yep, what he said. if you subscribed on basis of EULA violating gameplay its your fault.

Technically banned? CCP has told us in writing this was not the case.

not technically banned but against EULA all the time already (accelerated gameplay part).

No, it will only be against the terms of service in January.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#1520 - 2014-11-27 10:45:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Ger Atol wrote:

No, it will only be against the terms of service in January.

the accelerated gameplay part be part of EULA for a long time already.
They just decided to strictly enforce this part upon isbotters since 1st of Jan. 2015,
however isbotter was against EULA since day 1 already.