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[Rhea] Introducing the Bowhead

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Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#1561 - 2014-11-22 01:53:46 UTC
Yume Ookami wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Slave set is also a good option.

Not really. That's 2b of implants for another 12k ehp or so.

sure lets go with a slave set and those implants i mentioned...(3-4b in implants)

woohoo (dripping sarcasm) 599kEHP (eve: 545kehp)

oh wait i installed 2 estimal invulns for that one
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1562 - 2014-11-22 06:15:42 UTC
Masao Kurata wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Slave set is also a good option.

Not really. That's 2b of implants for another 12k ehp or so.

If incursion runners are to be believed a good few will have implants like this.
Yume Ookami
Cognitive Disonance
#1563 - 2014-11-22 06:57:58 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Slave set is also a good option.

Not really. That's 2b of implants for another 12k ehp or so.

If incursion runners are to be believed a good few will have implants like this.

true about incursion runners but i am not one of them and am not going to get them just to run that ship
Oxide Ammar
#1564 - 2014-11-22 09:29:52 UTC
Has it ever been mentioned in this thread what is it gonna be for skill modifier for ORE Freighter ?

Lady Areola Fappington:  Solo PVP isn't dead!  You just need to make sure you have your booster, remote rep, cyno, and emergency Falcon alts logged in and ready before you do any solo PVPing.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1565 - 2014-11-22 11:22:57 UTC
Nothing of interest. Will be ganked as crazy in high sec. Owning her - a waste of money and effort. Gankers will race to have her on a personal KB. And base stats just suck...
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#1566 - 2014-11-22 16:10:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Meyr
Yume Ookami wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Slave set is also a good option.

Not really. That's 2b of implants for another 12k ehp or so.

sure lets go with a slave set and those implants i mentioned...(3-4b in implants)

woohoo (dripping sarcasm) 599kEHP (eve: 545kehp)

oh wait i installed 2 estimal invulns for that one

Hmmmmm... So much for that 300 million fit, huh?

So, now, the following question applies; assuming that you can achieve an EHP in the neighborhood of 500,000 points, what is the effective limit for cargo value? Assuming that a T2-fit Dominix, with at least one T2 rig, will have a scannable value of about 350 million, will three of them, totaling 1.05 billion ISK, be economically feasible to gank in a 0.5 system? How about a Mach and a logi support ship?

At what point does this hull become just so much shiny gift-wrapping paper for gankers?

(I use a Domi in this example simply because I know Ravens like to fit faction modules, and thus will usually have a higher total value than a drone boat - feel free to check the value of your current ships, and plug those numbers into this question - that CNR with faction launchers, tanking modules, and BCU's will surely draw the slobbering hordes! Let's not even mention ISN ships...)
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1567 - 2014-11-22 19:34:10 UTC
Praddy wrote:
Nothing of interest. Will be ganked as crazy in high sec. Owning her - a waste of money and effort. Gankers will race to have her on a personal KB. And base stats just suck...

It gets more tank than a freighter.
Kreed Ellecon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1568 - 2014-11-22 20:06:17 UTC
why limit this new ship to such a narrow role?
make the cargo capacity the same as the ship maintance bay or a total mass limit between the two?
GIve the standard JF a increased range to compete with the "Bowhead's" huge capacity

just a thought

yes is hurt
Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#1569 - 2014-11-22 20:35:46 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Praddy wrote:
Nothing of interest. Will be ganked as crazy in high sec. Owning her - a waste of money and effort. Gankers will race to have her on a personal KB. And base stats just suck...

It gets more tank than a freighter.

is easier to make it a loot pinata.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1570 - 2014-11-22 22:02:21 UTC
Lady Rift wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Praddy wrote:
Nothing of interest. Will be ganked as crazy in high sec. Owning her - a waste of money and effort. Gankers will race to have her on a personal KB. And base stats just suck...

It gets more tank than a freighter.

is easier to make it a loot pinata.

And "that" is why it's a great design in game. You can make it tougher than a freighter, but are tempted to fit in other (easier to gank) ways.

Perfect! Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#1571 - 2014-11-22 23:00:46 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
And "that" is why it's a great design in game. You can make it tougher than a freighter, but are tempted to fit in other (easier to gank) ways.]

Only if you're a complete moron. It's not like there's any real tradeoff, you can fit a massive tank while getting mwd warps. The only thing you might want to fit instead of tank modules is hyperspatial accelerators.
Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#1572 - 2014-11-23 00:16:46 UTC
ok new freighter all cool and well but the stats have been known for a long time and there is nothing on the amarr T3 destroyer it frustrates me

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1573 - 2014-11-23 04:56:03 UTC
Masao Kurata wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
And "that" is why it's a great design in game. You can make it tougher than a freighter, but are tempted to fit in other (easier to gank) ways.]

Only if you're a complete moron. It's not like there's any real tradeoff, you can fit a massive tank while getting mwd warps. The only thing you might want to fit instead of tank modules is hyperspatial accelerators.

Its been ten years and people still fit cargo extenders and no tank on a badger then stuff several hundred million in the hold. They will find a way to mess up and then blame the ship rather than their own actions.
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#1574 - 2014-11-23 05:26:14 UTC
By the way - are any of the Eve-related betting sites accepting wagers on wether or not there will be a 'programming error' that will cause all of the ship's being carried to drop as loot when a gank occurs?

Yes, I'm cynical that way...
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1575 - 2014-11-23 17:00:44 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
And "that" is why it's a great design in game. You can make it tougher than a freighter, but are tempted to fit in other (easier to gank) ways.]

Only if you're a complete moron. It's not like there's any real tradeoff, you can fit a massive tank while getting mwd warps. The only thing you might want to fit instead of tank modules is hyperspatial accelerators.

Its been ten years and people still fit cargo extenders and no tank on a badger then stuff several hundred million in the hold. They will find a way to mess up and then blame the ship rather than their own actions.

Indeed. A large number of EVE players have found "Complete Moron" to be a quick skill to train, with zero prereq's.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#1576 - 2014-11-23 18:06:25 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Its been ten years and people still fit cargo extenders and no tank on a badger then stuff several hundred million in the hold. They will find a way to mess up and then blame the ship rather than their own actions.

Well that's technically less stupid than fitting cargo expanders on a bowhead, since they at least have a function on a badger. I don't doubt that some people will antitank their bowheads though, and more will leave them unfitted.

Meyr wrote:
By the way - are any of the Eve-related betting sites accepting wagers on wether or not there will be a 'programming error' that will cause all of the ship's being carried to drop as loot when a gank occurs?

Ship maintenance bay drops are already coded on sisi to my pleasant surprise, working as intended with the normal 50% rate as far as I can tell. You can launch ships or move them to another smb, but not board them directly.
Nya Kittenheart
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1577 - 2014-11-23 19:42:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Nya Kittenheart
Doesn't change the fact that this ship is still a failure in evry possible way .
-Too slow without implants
-SMA too small
-No other bays for polyvalence use
-Skill wise it will be a P... .. ... ... to train as one skill per ship doesn't make sense at all.
-BP and ship should be available trought concord.
-The model look plain as it is,we need to see it textured,i don't expect too much ...
-It's more a demilitarized carrier than a freighter and the - 90 % to jump fatigue doesn't make sense at all,we already know that this will be abused in Null and Low to counter the force projection nerf.
-EHp is decent but not crazy at all if we look at the initial bill to fly it decently + the cargo (7 b minimun), all this to gain little to no time at all with the current SMA size and warp speed.
-Doesn't hit the intended target population in high sec and will be more used in Null Low than High.

Sorry CCP but this ship need to get back to the drawing board as it is , it's a no go for 99 % of the intended client who have waited for that ship.Please don't waste development time for a ship who will see no use outside of people who has already a lot of way to move their ships and assets in their blue doughnut.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1578 - 2014-11-23 21:18:54 UTC
Nya Kittenheart wrote:
Doesn't change the fact that this ship is still a failure in evry possible way .
-Too slow without implants
-SMA too small
-No other bays for polyvalence use
-Skill wise it will be a P... .. ... ... to train as one skill per ship doesn't make sense at all.
-BP and ship should be available trought concord.
-The model look plain as it is,we need to see it textured,i don't expect too much ...
-It's more a demilitarized carrier than a freighter and the - 90 % to jump fatigue doesn't make sense at all,we already know that this will be abused in Null and Low to counter the force projection nerf.
-EHp is decent but not crazy at all if we look at the initial bill to fly it decently + the cargo (7 b minimun), all this to gain little to no time at all with the current SMA size and warp speed.
-Doesn't hit the intended target population in high sec and will be more used in Null Low than High.

Sorry CCP but this ship need to get back to the drawing board as it is , it's a no go for 99 % of the intended client who have waited for that ship.Please don't waste development time for a ship who will see no use outside of people who has already a lot of way to move their ships and assets in their blue doughnut.

The vast bulk of the people who need a ship like this are not high sec incursion bears.
Miners Delight Reborn
#1579 - 2014-11-23 21:27:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Dwissi
baltec1 wrote:
Nya Kittenheart wrote:
Doesn't change the fact that this ship is still a failure in evry possible way .
-Too slow without implants
-SMA too small
-No other bays for polyvalence use
-Skill wise it will be a P... .. ... ... to train as one skill per ship doesn't make sense at all.
-BP and ship should be available trought concord.
-The model look plain as it is,we need to see it textured,i don't expect too much ...
-It's more a demilitarized carrier than a freighter and the - 90 % to jump fatigue doesn't make sense at all,we already know that this will be abused in Null and Low to counter the force projection nerf.
-EHp is decent but not crazy at all if we look at the initial bill to fly it decently + the cargo (7 b minimun), all this to gain little to no time at all with the current SMA size and warp speed.
-Doesn't hit the intended target population in high sec and will be more used in Null Low than High.

Sorry CCP but this ship need to get back to the drawing board as it is , it's a no go for 99 % of the intended client who have waited for that ship.Please don't waste development time for a ship who will see no use outside of people who has already a lot of way to move their ships and assets in their blue doughnut.

The vast bulk of the people who need a ship like this are not high sec incursion bears.

That statement would just support the former posters point. The ship was announced for high sec and incursion runners - if its now more interesting for anyone else it needs to be redesigned asap.

Proud designer of glasses for geeky dovakins

Before someone complains again: grr everyone

Greed is the death of loyalty

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1580 - 2014-11-23 21:39:05 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Dwissi wrote:

That statement would just support the former posters point. The ship was announced for high sec and incursion runners - if its now more interesting for anyone else it needs be be redesigned asap.

It was never stated that this ship is only aimed at incursion runners, they just assumed it was for them and only them. This ship is aimed at anyone who needs to transport a number of rigged ships.