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Odd thing about rorquals

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-12-15 16:28:31 UTC
2 days ago my fleet got into a fight with carriers and rorquals on the opposing sites. we tried to cap out a carrier but it kept recieving cap from the other capitals. After some time we bumped 1 chimera around 40km away from the rest of the group, to no avail, he was still recieving cap.

now im not entirely sure, and a lack of rorquals prevents me from testing this, but the day after the fight i spoke to many fleet members, and they all said the same

" yes, i thought the rorquals were transfering cap to a carrier 40km away, but i must have seen it wrong, it must have been from the carriers since rorquals cant do that" .

i do agree the rorquals couldn't, but apparently they did, since the only reason why people arent sure about it seems to be that rorquals arent supposed to

is there anyone that can test it?

The fight was in a class 5 cataclysm wormhole