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Client freezes all the time

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The Phoenix Uprising
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#1 - 2011-12-01 20:41:18 UTC
Hello, I am having massive client freezes all the time.

Most of the time my client stops responding, and then i need to reboot the pc.
I cleaned cache/setting and also did a full reinstal of eve. But i am still having massive client freezes.

Also when i close eve, my intere pc does barely respond.

Systemspecs are:
Windows 7 - 64bits
Geforce 460GTX
8gb ddr3 ram
intel i7 with 3.07ghz

How can i solve this?

The Phoenix Uprising
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#2 - 2011-12-02 22:43:48 UTC
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Shear Terror
Constipated Monkeys
#3 - 2011-12-09 01:36:55 UTC
I'm having the same problem. EVE is locking up on me and causing windows to become totally unresponsive. Sometimes I can attempt to close the client but windows remains unresponsive and I have to manually restart the machine. I've tested 3 other games and none of them crash. I can run the client on occasion with full screen mode, but windowed mode definitely crashes 100% of the time.

Please help!

Intel Core i5-2500 Sandy Bridge 3.3GHz
ASRock Z68 Extreme4
16GB Kingston HyperX T1 DDR3 1600
BFG Geforce GTX 275
Coolermaster Real Power Pro 1000w PSU
Windows Home Premium 64bit
Shear Terror
Constipated Monkeys
#4 - 2011-12-10 03:31:52 UTC
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-12-11 06:15:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Acom431
I also am having freezing issues. All I have to do is start the game, I cant even sign on before it freezes. This did not happen with the initial release of crucible. It started after the first update. I cannot find anything in the logs that relate to it, other than when it says that it found and error when I had to do a hard reset of the computer.

Alienware m15x
Windows 7 Home
i7 740qm
8gb ram
ATI Mobility Radeon 5800 series

I have a DxDiag available would I post it here?
I can also get a log server up as soon as I know where I should post it.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-12-11 07:23:50 UTC
I think you should file a petition for support and send them those two files.
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-12-11 20:41:08 UTC
Ok, here's a good dumb question I have look and cannot seem to find. Where would I file this petition at. I cannot do it in game as it freezes every time.
Jack Sparroxx
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-12-12 22:18:02 UTC

I'm having the same issues.. computer freezes up after a few minutes, sometimes I cant even get to the character screen. Windows is unresponsive and I have to reboot the computer manually. Eve is th eonly program that I have that causes this problem.

I have unstalled and installed +15times, reinstalled Windows 7 64bit, used old and new Nvidia drivers, run in safe mode, normale mode, run in vista and xp modes, nothing helps. Even turned off firewalls both in software and in my router, also turned off various other anti-virus programs.

cleaned out old DLL's and even tried to run it on a WMware, notheing helps. I have run all sorts of software and hardware diagnostics and stress test's, no faults have popped up at all.

Windos 7 64bit professional. Eng version.
ASUS Rampage III Formula, Socket-1366
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 560Ti 1GB PhysX
Corsair Dominator DHX DDR3 1600MHz 12GB
Intel Core™ i7 Quad Processor i7-950

Also this problem occured after the first update.

Pwetty please fix it, I need my Eve-fix and I'm a 6year running addict, I'm dying here. Sad
Hye Torque
#9 - 2011-12-12 22:43:31 UTC
OMG, Thank God I am not the only one having this issue...I thought my comp went bananas. I tried all sort of diagnostic tools for sdd, memory, installed latest drivers... everything is fine from the hardware perspective. The freezing happens only when Eve is running.

I really hope this will be fixed in tommorow's patch cause it's trully an Eve software related issue.
#10 - 2011-12-13 10:59:36 UTC  |  Edited by: ISquishWorms
Confirming I also have this issue. It is not our computers it is Eve I do not have this issue with any other game or application that I run on my PC. I guess we all have to hope that something is done to address this issue either that or we just learn to live with it.

Unlike most of you though I am running : Windows XP x86 (SP3)

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

Jack Sparroxx
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-12-13 12:17:14 UTC
Well. ofcauase one can learn to live with it, the game can't be played at all. So it's not even a matter of choise. And this is the first time in the nearly 6years I have played eve I have had problems like this, so it's really anoying to say the least.

But in any event I'm not gonna continue to sub my 4 accounts as it will be a massive waste of money since I cant run the game on my computer. I can use the money on beers insteadBig smile
Jack Sparroxx
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-12-13 17:23:53 UTC
Got an response from a petition.


Check if PhysX is set to GPU in the nVidia Control Panel. If it is change it to CPU to see if there's any difference.

Best regards,
Senior GM xxxxxx
EVE Online Customer Support

Maybe some of you guys can solve your problem by trying this approach.

I got some more observations some of you guys may have come across as well.

I had the settings on auto, cpu or gps select.

I'm 100% sure it have to an isue on your side of it, as I'm not the only one having this problem as I have pointed out allready. And Eve worked fine before the cruible patch, and cruible worked fine untill the first UI pathes was releaseh.

Also. I have been able to log in to game, but the game lags' out extreamly quikly and the computer freezes up maby after a minute or two, And it will definatly freeze up when I jump to a another system.

To me it sounds like some memory, cashe problem of some sorts. Also when start up the client I always get the EULA displayed, and same goes with that introduction video, even though both are only shown one time the first time you use the client. Furthermore settings like audio ticked off in the game setting also gets reset every time I start the client.

Caldari State
#13 - 2011-12-14 04:13:17 UTC
Well, I can say that after this last patch things are working for me just fine.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-12-14 19:27:01 UTC
Jack Sparroxx wrote:
Got an response from a petition.


Check if PhysX is set to GPU in the nVidia Control Panel. If it is change it to CPU to see if there's any difference.

Best regards,
Senior GM xxxxxx
EVE Online Customer Support

I tried this and now it's worse than ever.
I have been having this problem periodically for about 2 years (Even when I was running WinXP) but now it is happening even in Eve safe mode.
I never filed a petition because I would just reinstall my Nvidia drivers and it would fix the problem for a length of time.
Going to try reinstalling my vid drivers again to see if this helps but I doubt it this time.
I hope CCP gets there act together on this issue because when a single game freezes up your entire computer class action law suits may incur. Eve is turning into a malicious program.

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.9GHz
Memory: 8188MB RAM
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
ST3400620AS ATA Device
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2011-12-14 21:21:50 UTC
I opened up the Eve Icon settings and changed the Administrative option and changed the compatibility mode to WinXP.
Seems to be working fine atm. Lets keep this thread going till CCP does something about it.
Zero-G Engineering.
#16 - 2011-12-14 23:28:33 UTC
The same is happening to me. This is getting very irritating.
Jack Sparroxx
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2011-12-15 16:13:48 UTC
Zero-G Engineering.
#18 - 2011-12-15 18:26:48 UTC  |  Edited by: 101110
After the patch this morning this issue seems to have cleared up for me. Unfortunately, I did one other thing first which was opening eve in safe mode.

It could be either that cleared it for me. I can run the client normally now. Hope one of these things helps others.
GM Retrofire
Game Masters
C C P Alliance
#19 - 2011-12-16 11:25:03 UTC
If any of you are still suffering problems where the client either freezes or crashes could you gather the following information and file a petition in the Technical queue so we can gather these and investigate.

If your computer is completely locking up then the logserver file will unfortunately not help since it's not saved during the reboot.

This is a bit long but please follow each step so we get all of the information.

A ) Go to the directory where EVE is installed and create a shortcut for the EVE process ( eve.exe ) when the shortcut has been created right click on "eve.exe - shortcut" and select properties.

In the shortcut tab under Target add /minidump behind the target line so it'll look something similar to this "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE\eve.exe" /minidump

B ) Run Pingplotter while playing for network diagnostics. ( just in case if there's something network wise that could be the cause of this )

1. Download the program from and run the installer once you've downloaded it.
2. Once the program has been installed, run the program
3. When the program has started, in the top left corner you can find a field called 'Address to trace', in this field type:
4. At the bottom left corner change the # of time to trace to Unlimited, and the Trace Interval to 2.5 seconds.
5. Click on the 'Trace' button at the bottom left corner.
6. Now run the EVE client and login. Play normally for an hour even if you are disconnected from EVE. Simply log in again and continue.
7. If you lose connection note down the time you lost connection (please note down both your local time and the EVE Time).
8. Now save the pingplotter files by going to the menu File -> Save sample set... and place it where you can find it.

C ) To minimize problems with running the logserver file its recommended that you either restart your computer or check Task managers process list for unresponsive instances of Eve.exe)

1. Find your Eve folder in Windows Explorer
2. When you have the Eve folder open, find "logserver.exe" and launch it (Do NOT have EVE running)
3. Select "File" -> "New Workspace"
4. Start Eve using the shortcut you created
5. When you have reproduced the bug, Eve crashes or when you kill the process if it hangs, select "File" -> "Save workspace as..." and save the workspace in a place you'll find it again.

D ) Finding the crashdump ( if one is created )

Press Windows Key + R and paste the following line into the Run window.

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\CCP\EVE\ if you use Windows XP
%LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\ if you use Windows Vista or Windows 7

Find the .dmp file with the most recent time stamp. Files called #error*.txt are useless.

E ) Run the DirectX diagnostics tool:

1. Press 'Start' and select 'run'. Type dxdiag and hit enter. When you do this, a window will pop up.
2. Click the "Save All Information" button that's located in its lower right corner.

When you've gathered all the files compress them all into a .zip or .rar file ( depending on which compression program you use )
Then attach the compressed file to the petition you file under "My Petitions" on our homepage ( ) open the petition there. An attachment box is presented after opening the petition. ( just remember to press the ADD key after browsing for the file

When we have this information we will hopefully be able to determine the cause of this issue

GM Retrofire| Senior Game Master

#20 - 2011-12-16 11:51:56 UTC  |  Edited by: ISquishWorms
Thanks GM Retrofire for responding I will try and collect this information that you need probably in the next few days.

Just to note though my game does not crash is just locks up randomly for about 30 seconds including the mouse pointer. Then just before it unfreezes the UI windows will disappear (flicker off then back on) then reappaer and the client will then unfreeze and respond to user input again. So the game is playable in this state it just gets really frustrating at times esp when in missions. Smile It puts me off wanting to try any PvP as well yeah if my client was to freeze during PvP I would just probably unfreeze to find a pod as the server seems to carry on with my last commands even though the client is in a frozen state.

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

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