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Auto Patch FAIL Please help!!!!!

First post
Australian Ratting and Mining Division
The Cool Kids Club
#1 - 2011-12-14 21:21:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lev175
Dont Bother !!!!!EvilEvil
CCP Cascade
#2 - 2011-12-15 11:16:05 UTC

You can always use manual patches in case you are unable to reach the auto patch service:

If you don't know which build you are on, you can find it at the top left of the login screen.

Or you can use the Generic Patcher:

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Australian Ratting and Mining Division
The Cool Kids Club
#3 - 2011-12-15 11:26:32 UTC
Dude I have read your other posts and tried the fixes i even tried to send you a direct mail with yet another generic failure log.

I have removed and installed eve client about 7 times already today , it crashes at different points the last time and you can imaging how i felt was 3 minutes from completion and failed.

I have never had issues with downloading the client in the past year i have been playing.

To list what i have done since encountering this issue.

1. Restarted download

2. Restarted Pc

3. enter forum for advice

4. attempted manual intaller

5. run repair

6. removed eve completley

7. run full download generic Pathcer Fails multiple times

9. spat dummy and cursed numerous times.

10. calmed down re read forum found info deleted cache and ran re-install methods again.

to date i have eve in my C drive programme files but with failed and incomplete down load . About to run repair again then if no use laptop becomes frizbee.

seriously this must be a ccp issue with programming i am probably going to have characters with no skills in ques but still i have to pay full amount on subscription. But lets not go there :)
CCP Cascade
#4 - 2011-12-15 11:34:19 UTC
So what happens when you attempt to use the manual patch?

The generic patcher error log you posted seems to suggest that the cached downloaded data that the generic patch uses is corrupted. I sent you some instructions on how to clear that out. Hopefully that helps.

If it doesn't, can you please list the errors you're getting from the repair tool and the manual patch? I am not sure I have ever heard of anyone having problems with all of the patching mechanics at the same time, so you must be having a bad day! I hope your laptop doesn't become a frisbee.

Let me know and I'll try to help out!

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Australian Ratting and Mining Division
The Cool Kids Club
#5 - 2011-12-15 11:39:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Lev175
No worries and yeah to the bad day bit lololol

Am running repair agin inside ccp (in my c drive) dirctory it seems to be loading ok atm and will copy any errors again :)
CCP Cascade
#6 - 2011-12-15 11:52:30 UTC
Thanks, I'll keep an eye in this thread a little now and then.

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Australian Ratting and Mining Division
The Cool Kids Club
#7 - 2011-12-15 14:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Lev175
Bah another 2 hours wasted it went 100% then failed on
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Program Files\\CCP\\'
Total Runtime: 2h12m57s

Your specific problem listed below seems to be that the cache for the generic patcher is corrupted and needs to be cleaned out.

If you click the start button and put in "%localappdata%" and press enter and then delete the CCP folder, you should be good to go.

You could also try running the repair tool.

Tried all this and my PC will not remove the ccp file it freezes up when i try to removeit to recycle bin or cut and paste it out cant do squat i tried to do the individual files to recycle but negative response also.

Can I frisbee the thing yet LOL
CCP Cascade
#8 - 2011-12-15 14:23:54 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Cascade
That is odd, have you tried rebooting the machine and then running the repair tool again, it should take a lot less time now? Are you running as administrator on the machine?

What does the manual patch say when you attempt to use it?

Another player had an IOerror which was caused by a bad cluster on his harddrive:

Have you tried running checkdisk to see if you have the same or similar issue?

2. Intuitively, I decided to run CHKDSK (My Computer -> Right click on C: -> Properties -> Tools tab -> Error Checking - I made sure to check both boxes and click Start. The system notified me that the check would run on startup, so I rebooted.

If all of this fails, I would suggest you attempt to download the full installer and reinstall the game.

If that fails too, then I am not entirely sure what to suggest.

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Australian Ratting and Mining Division
The Cool Kids Club
#9 - 2011-12-15 14:41:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Lev175
Yes I did the scan check a few hours ago i also ran ccleaner a number of times on different locations.

I have tried to reinstall the full client ,But i may have resolved the issue i will let you know in a few hours lolol,

I couldnt delete any of the ccp files from C drive program files at all so i started in safe mode which enabled me to get rid of it completely so fingures and toes crossed it may install full build this time round.

Download has begun seems to be with no hick ups yet is downloading at 2.2MB/s but will surely slow down to around 220kb/s like it has done previously.

Any way i need sleep will leave it to run on it own If it fails again i will just post the error if its different,

Cheers for you help

Fly safe
Australian Ratting and Mining Division
The Cool Kids Club
#10 - 2011-12-15 19:27:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Lev175
OMG Evil

Still Fail for download "Archive Extraction failed at 1003"

Ok After I finally deleted everything that remotley ressembles CCP or EVE Files i started download again this gave me the error above.

I went to C drive programe files and there is CCP file there again. <---- Normal right?

I couldnt find repair tool with in these files on my C drive.

DOwnload into APP section ,,,,I cant find it , So i load it into User Documents C drive ,Then cut and paste it into C prog files then run it and admin.

it can not detect any CCP files so is no downloading 5.33 GB of data ------- AGAIN!!!!!!!!


I resolved the issue here wasnt easy but got it done.

Brought New pc :(
Hazen Koraka
HK Enterprises
#11 - 2012-03-14 18:51:08 UTC
I don't know if this will help anyone, it got me a little further:

I seriously don't understand why they've removed the manual patch links, but I've constructed it manually:

Exploration is Random. Random is Random... or is it?!

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-03-14 19:01:42 UTC
Lev175 wrote:
OMG Evil

I resolved the issue here wasnt easy but got it done.

Brought New pc :(

Sounds like you had a case of bad ram (or heat related memory/northbridge) issues which clearly shows it was not a CCP issue here.

Users need to realize that playing with such large single files (as well as a lot of little files even) with a machine that is not calculating all those 1's and 0's perfectly, will cause issues that are a royal pain in the ars to find. Just a few out of place bits will screw up an entire large file. That and a Network connection that is not 100% stable (low ping/high speed does not = reliable connection) when messing with multi threaded downloads that almost every MMO is starting to use now for performance reasons.

I actually think CCP should adopt a Torrent method (if anything keep server downloads as a backup) since Torrents have a bit more redundant error checking in the process but would still have the same Firewall/AV issues until all the users were on the same page.
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