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UI Modernization preview - Feedback and issues

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Yanos Nosha
Aedificare Naves Amamus
#281 - 2014-11-13 19:59:58 UTC
Really don't like the monochrome icons, the colour was the quickest thing to look for on TQ, and with that gone (except the NES) they're all looking awfully similar at first glance, and at second glance a bunch of them still look similar.

I don't see any functional improvements here, just 'modernising' the aesthetic, and it feels like functionally, it's slower and harder to see for me.

Looking critically at TQ's icons, I wouldn't mind seeing some changes. Fitting is a) a bantam (one of the ugliest ships in the game) and b) not very clear, neither's inventory really. But I really don't like the removal of colour, and the inability to make the neocom opaque.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#282 - 2014-11-13 20:27:50 UTC
The new UI will take a while to get used to, but it's nice. The icons needs some colour IMO so we can locate them at a glance instead of interpreting shapes.

As far as the UI goes the only real issue I'm finding is getting the transparency settings to work nicely for pinned and unpinned windows

In station there's no problems
- linky
- linky

However in space it might need some tweaking to automatically darken down a bit more
- linky

Also I'd really, REALLY, like to be able to customize the colours of the UI properly instead of these themed sets because there isn't purple. Good job nonetheless =]
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#283 - 2014-11-13 21:12:11 UTC
I don't know whether something has changed on the UI front, but I sitll can't read the windows properly. I shall inisst, please give us an option to turn off all transparency, blur and such! I NEED a solid color background with enough contrast!

If that is too much, just make a "High visibility/High contrast" preset scheme with 1% transparency and zero blur, a bit like OS's have similar presets for visually impaired people (i'm talking about color schemes, no need for larger font sizes).
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#284 - 2014-11-14 02:16:45 UTC
Nagarythe Tinurandir wrote:
I kind of disagree with the star map icon. It resembles the "path" shown in space and the old star map icon very much.

At my resolution and with 90% UI size, the icon is completely incomprehensible unless you lean in and look at it.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Piper Malis
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#285 - 2014-11-14 02:35:18 UTC
I don't like this change. My primary concern is that the new Neocom icons do not fit in with the current art style of the EVE universe. In CCP Optimal's dev blog on the UI changes, he says, "For the look itself, we want EVE’s UI to look and feel more like something fitting a science fiction universe, and a bit less like an operating system." By adopting a flat, monochrome style, the UI will look more like an operating system than ever before. Think of Windows 8 and iOS. Flat, flat, flat.

The new UI stands out, but not in a good way: it's incredibly boring. Removing the color from the Neocom icons contrasts against the currently beautiful and colorful space, ships, modules, effects, and character portraits. Flattening and oversimplifying the icons makes them uninteresting to look at. It worked out fine with the skill book and PG/CPU icons in the market, but this is a major change and really impacts the feel of the entire UI. Additionally, some icons are too similar to each other (corp and fleet; journal, people, and notes). Some are an improvement (industry and map), while others are definitely not (market).

While the Character Sheet and Station Panel have adopted the new icons, the module and ship icons--and more importantly the HUD--retain their non-flat, colorful style and now look out of place.

Player customization here is very important. That means sliders for color and transparency, and toggles for things like window fade in/fade out when you click inside it (which is very distracting). It's a long shot, but I want an option to revert back to what will be the old UI.

In summary, I feel like this change is forcing a boring and emotionless feel onto EVE; something that the game suffers from in several areas already. The current Neocom/Character Sheet/station icons are recognizable, colorful, and fit in with all parts of universe. I feel like this change is again fixing something that isn't broken.

P.S. The brackets on the corners of every single dialogue box are an eyesore.
Altirius Saldiaro
#286 - 2014-11-14 03:40:09 UTC
Station Services Window is missing. 2 different accounts, several log ins. reset all settings. Cleared cache. Window is still missing
Altirius Saldiaro
#287 - 2014-11-14 03:42:23 UTC
Lykouleon wrote:
Nagarythe Tinurandir wrote:
I kind of disagree with the star map icon. It resembles the "path" shown in space and the old star map icon very much.

At my resolution and with 90% UI size, the icon is completely incomprehensible unless you lean in and look at it.

Looks fine to me. Maybe you need glasses or a bigger monitor.
Miners Delight Reborn
#288 - 2014-11-14 07:25:18 UTC
My main concerns have been stated very often so far: The loss of colours in the neocom is not a improvement and the font/colour visibility for the windows (pinned and unpinned) is still very bad (we stated this since the nebulae where made brighter than many suns.

I do love the implementation of the active/inactive window properties and the preset colour schemes setting in the main menu.

Proud designer of glasses for geeky dovakins

Before someone complains again: grr everyone

Greed is the death of loyalty

QuantuM EnginE
#289 - 2014-11-14 08:18:37 UTC  |  Edited by: PanicMan
First: I like the new UI, the Windows have better borders now and the Icons are better readable. But...

There is still an issue with the context menu on low end computers, even after the update today:

This are the settings on my sec machine:
Low End Settings

After starting the client the context menu is like this: Menu unreadable

Then I set the Post Processing to low, after that the menu is readable again.

Then I set the Post Processing to none again, after that the menu is still readable all the time until I restart the client.
Hendrick Tallardar
#290 - 2014-11-14 08:25:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Hendrick Tallardar
So I stumbled upon the fact that CCP threw the new UI icons at us during the live demo of Project Legion.

Reason this is brought up is because, like it or not, this UI appears to be an art style CCP are focused on and have been pushing towards for months and will be across two, if not all three, CCP products.
#291 - 2014-11-14 08:39:45 UTC
Sorry guys but i don't like it at all the icons look like you stole them form some 25 year old game and think that retro is cool trust me is not and glowing will not help at all.
What makes you think that grey spots are better than almost 3d color icons, and again what in the holy name of god makes you think that taking out the option to set specific colors for the UI will make the game or experience better.
Guys please stop ruining the game.
Adrie Atticus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#292 - 2014-11-14 09:33:02 UTC
Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
Station Services Window is missing. 2 different accounts, several log ins. reset all settings. Cleared cache. Window is still missing

Ctrl+tab to it (it's minimized when you dock) or open ISIS and close it.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#293 - 2014-11-14 12:44:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Had a visit on Sisi again after yesterday's patch:

  • Your UI still constantly switches opacity, which is still not a pleasant experience and which still does not help to make the UI clearer. This dynamic opacity needs to go, or I at the very least ought to be able to turn it off. I absolutely totally do not care what is behind my overview, scanner window, browser window, chats or market or anything because I cannot use the space behind these and need to collapse, minimize or close them in any case. I can't see ship icons or anything useful behind the window, which makes the transparency even more useless.

  • Your Amarr theme still is too bright. I cannot see text in tabs when I hover over them. The tab blinking in all themes is still obnoxiously intrusive. Tone it down. Even better, do what the community told you to do: Make the text flash, not the entire tab. Is it really that hard to implement?
  • Also connected to that: Why is the hover-over-a-tab effect this ugly oval light and not a properly, the entire rectangle illuminating light? We are 22,000 years in the future, there are no light bulbs behind the buttons and knobs anymore.

  • The fleet icon still is just stars. What do stars tell me? Stars are corp-related. Is a fleet corp related? No. Bring back the old icon with the chevrons to have a clear differentiation between the corp "star" and the fleet stars.

  1. Can you see where the highlighted option in field marked "1" is? Just barely, right. Needs change.
  2. Have a look at the field "2": Everywhere else, something lights up when you hover over anywhere on an option, like the buttons and the checkboxes. But here you need to hover your mouse exactly over the knobs in order for them to light up. Instead, these and other knobs should light up as soon as your mouse hits the scale in order to make the sliders easier to find.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#294 - 2014-11-14 15:10:28 UTC
The number counting members in 'members' tab on stations is only partially visible.
Nolan Kotulan
Nova Tabula Rasa
#295 - 2014-11-14 20:16:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Nolan Kotulan

Transparency slider
Very welcome because essential.
We can finally set almost fully opaque windows again.
I think however we should have independant transparency sliders for both pinned and unpinned windows.

Corner brackets
The new thinner corner brackets are better but still useless, ugly and distracting.
You should really remove them completely.
They don't add anything, neither aesthetically nor on an usefulness purpose.
Simple is better!

Dynamic transparency on active window
Remove this completely, or give us an option to disable it.
It is distracting and often gives the impression to be working randomly, even if this isn't the case.
It is also totally useless, clearly.
Simple is better!

Blurred transparency
If you aren't going to remove it, give us an (exclusive (not tied to graphic settings)) option to disable it.
As already said, with blur, transparency is now simply useless as we can't see what is behind the windows.

Text fields (search boxes, ...) borders, tabs borders and highlights (hover, selected, ...)
Stop using gradients.
This is aesthetically disgusting, confusing, unclear and/or makes texts hard to read or unreadable.
Simple is better!

Grey tones used in windows frame backgrounds
Use one or two different tones for backgrounds, not more like presently.
This is inconsistent, disturbing and gives the impression of an untidy user interface.
Simple is better!

Inventory left column
Remove the black to grey gradient background.
Same reasons as above.
Simple is better!

Gradients in general
Do you know what we say about gradients in graphic design world?
They are aesthetically degrading, try to not use them when unnecessary.
Simple is better!

Flat design icons
I still really think you should keep going with flat design, but you also really should start again from scratch and rethink them all.
Discuss them in groups, talk about design ideas before even starting realising them, and submit then the design to us once you think it's done before wasting your time integrating them in the game.
You should maybe also consider grouping (on paper at least I mean) them by function (financial, social, inventories, ...) and add one secondary single color per group of icons.
This last suggestion would make everybody happy I think.

HUD module background round icons and HUD left icons
Redesign them.
Make them simple transparent rounds.
Simple is better!

Redesign it?
Flat design for the main elements (capacitor, hull, armor, shields, ...)?
Maybe, don't know...

Station dock and undock buttons
You need to redesign them too.
They don't fit well at all with other icons anymore.

Icons in general
Unify their use in all the windows.
Consistency is better!

In general and to resume
Make things simpler graphically.
Give us options.

And remember: simple is better!


I forgot one thing:

Corp logos
THAT needs some refresh!
Probably the most old and ugly part of the whole game visuals...

Per aspera ad astra

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#296 - 2014-11-14 21:25:05 UTC
I've got to reiterate what others have been saying about the icons - monochrome icons simply do not work as well as coloured ones. Please listen to your testers and take their criticism onboard.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Burl en Daire
M.O.M.S. Corp
#297 - 2014-11-15 00:06:24 UTC
I like the look of the UI and it doesn't seem as intrusive as the old. However I do have a problem with the actual icons used. I like my neocom on the small side and when the UI is small the icons become very similar because they are the same shape and color. I like the monochrome look and feel but I wish I could control the background color of each button. ISIS and assets are difficult to tell apart because when the sidebar is scaled down to the size I like they are both just white squares.

The slider idea is great and should be there for people who want it.

Overall I think it is great and good job. I design and program touchscreens for my company and it is very difficult to find a balance between function, aesthetics and make UIs intuitive.

Just a quick question. Is there any plans on making EVE more touchscreen friendly? I tried to use my touchscreen PC without a mouse and it was very difficult.

Yesterday's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why. Hunter S. Thompson

Mmmmm Danone Aulmais
Moon Of The Pheonix
#298 - 2014-11-15 01:29:55 UTC
After some trials with this on sisi I have two issues with it:

1. The transparency on right click options makes it hard to read information properly.

2. Have station services ( usually on the right hand side of the screen when docked ) vanished ?

Please keep the station services ( if this is not a bug ) and fix the transparency on the right click option.
The Icarus Expedition
Solyaris Chtonium
#299 - 2014-11-15 04:01:56 UTC  |  Edited by: J0HN SHEPPARD
Noticed a bug where station services window don't open up when in station. I am not sure if this is meant to look that way or not
- Also ship Hud feels out of place as it does not follow same new UI changes
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#300 - 2014-11-15 08:08:59 UTC
Nolan Kotulan wrote:

[1]Transparency slider
Very welcome because essential.
We can finally set almost fully opaque windows again.
I think however we should have independant transparency sliders for both pinned and unpinned windows.

[2]Flat design icons
I still really think you should keep going with flat design, but you also really should start again from scratch and rethink them all.
You should maybe also consider grouping (on paper at least I mean) them by function (financial, social, inventories, ...) and add one secondary single color per group of icons.
This last suggestion would make everybody happy I think.

[3]HUD module background round icons and HUD left icons
Redesign them.
Make them simple transparent rounds.
Simple is better!

Redesign it?
Flat design for the main elements (capacitor, hull, armor, shields, ...)?
Maybe, don't know...

[4]Icons in general
Unify their use in all the windows.
Consistency is better!
I forgot one thing:

[5]Corp logos
THAT needs some refresh!
Probably the most old and ugly part of the whole game visuals...

Is that slider somewhere or are you also just wishing for it to be implemented? I can't find it anywhere. Straight

I could like that.

I am not sure if I want monochrome, flat icons for the modules ... in fact, I definitely don't want monochrome, flat icons for modules. It's already hard enough to differentiate different reppers or mods of the same class from each other as it stands (Hull, armor repper or the cynos, anyone?).

More importantly, across the games. Someone pointed it out earlier that DUST/Legion already uses monochrome icons and they are partially different from the new EVE monochrome icons. I think it was market, log, inventory and one more. CCP wants recognizability and unity in the UI, then CCP should start doing it for all the games.

Goes without any further word.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.