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Dev blog: Thera and the Shattered Wormholes

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Sakul Aubaris
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2014-11-13 19:33:29 UTC
This sounds awesome.

Don't know if anyone write this before, and haven't eyes on the testserver atm, but please CCP, if you write about "multiple" known-space-statics don't think to small.
This system can't have enough statics. Give it at least 5 of each kind (Hi, Low, 0.0) so there is allways a way a thirdparty can enter without being interceptet. And Locals have multiple choices to leave and enter Thera. Bether make it ten of each.
Each static multiplies the possibilities of content.
If you doing this big enough, Thera will be the place for smallscale in whole EVE.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#102 - 2014-11-13 19:34:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Arronicus
I too, am curious about the mining, particularly the ice mining sites in the frig only systems. Also, even more frig wormholes in w-space feels like further efforts by ccp to encourage the current residents to leave.

Nice to hear Thera bars deployed bubbles though. At least make the pilot risk a ship for bubbling if they want to keep something bubbled.

Edit: Also, very nice looking stations
Obil Que
Star Explorers
Solis Tenebris
#103 - 2014-11-13 19:37:06 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
Promiscuous Female wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
Phoenix Jones wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
Um.. not sure if this was asked... but uh... in 25 wormhole there will be ice fields... yet the wormholes can only allow frigs... a frig is around 25km3 and the smallest barge, that can use ice miners is 100km3... or the size of a cruiser/bs... so.. how the hades are you going to be able to mine ice in these 25 systems? unless I am missing something... which if I am correct me, because I don't know of a none strip ice miner....

In assuming these 25 systems won't have ice in them (because that would be completely useless). Barges won't fit and the venture can't icemine

Except that's not what the blog says:

"The twenty five Small Ship Shattered Wormhole Systems will have all the features of the normal Shattered Wormhole Systems, with the following additions:
• All wormholes in or out of these systems will be small ship wormholes, meaning that only Frigates, Destroyers and Heavy Interdictors (Heavy Interdictors can use their bubble generators to reduce their mass) can enter.
The smallest barge is 10m kg in mass. and I forget the max size a frig hole can hold... but it seems these won't fit. Need clarification ccp

the ice is not only in small frigate wormholes you goofus

it's in all shattered wormholes, including the 75 that allow larger ships in

heck we don't even know if the 25 frigate ones spawn ice at all but even if they do it doesn't preclude the fact that it does spawn in the big ones

*pinches the bridge of his nose* this Is why I am asking for clarification... the blog says the 25 small holes have the exact same stats as the 75 other ones. So.... if the stats are the same, and they have ice in them, there is zero point to have ice if you have no means to mine it. Its to verify that ccp realize this, and if not to make a slight modification. This is what feedback threads are for you know =)

Obviously it is there for the mobile compression array and the new T3 ice venture :)
Klarion Sythis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#104 - 2014-11-13 19:38:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Klarion Sythis
Fred Kyong wrote:
Klarion Sythis wrote:
Ajunta Thor wrote:
Overall I like the idea of Thera. Just one question/comment. You finally decided to put ice in wormhole space which is great something wormholers have been asking for for a while but the only wormholes you can get the ice in you can't live in or control that well. So why? What's the point/bonus to go mine ice in a wormhole? It's not your whole and probably has multiple entrances basically a death trap for indy guys. Why would they mine ice here over wherever they are mining it right now? IThe just seems pointless.

It's not a death trap. Those who want to mine their ice can and will and those who choose to import will keep doing it.

This is really just to allow self sufficiency if you want it as it doesn't take a lot of ice mining to get what you need and can be ninja'd pretty quickly when the opportunity presents itself.

Sure. With 50 Russians camping in WH stations. Useless

Firstly, the ice systems are numerous and not just Thera. They will get their ice from any number of systems.

Why Russians? Lots of people will be pewing it up in there. Weird concerns overall.

Fred Kyong wrote:
Keras Authion wrote:
Looks interesting, though I expect Thera to be filled with bubbles and bombers at least for the first few weeks after it goes live on Tranquilty. Maybe I should brush up those scanning skills to see it live.

No bubbles allowed in such WHs

Never mind, you just don't know what you're talking about.

Read it all again. You're getting a lot wrong.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#105 - 2014-11-13 19:39:04 UTC
Arronicus wrote:
I too, am curious about the mining, particularly the ice mining sites in the frig only systems. Also, even more frig wormholes in w-space feels like further efforts by ccp to encourage the current residents to leave.

Nice to hear Thera bars deployed bubbles though. At least make the pilot risk a ship for bubbling if they want to keep something bubbled.

Unless ice drops from 1000m3 per block or venture become capable of equipping ice harvesters, I don't see it happening.

Frig holes are too small for barges (they are a 2 to 3 mil max mass hull. Smallest barge is 20,000,000 mass (procurer).


Net 7
#106 - 2014-11-13 19:41:00 UTC
Stuff before

Obil Que wrote:

Obviously it is there for the mobile compression array and the new T3 ice venture :)

If this is true then hell ya.. lol.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Klarion Sythis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#107 - 2014-11-13 19:44:56 UTC
Sakul Aubaris wrote:
This sounds awesome.

Don't know if anyone write this before, and haven't eyes on the testserver atm, but please CCP, if you write about "multiple" known-space-statics don't think to small.
This system can't have enough statics. Give it at least 5 of each kind (Hi, Low, 0.0) so there is allways a way a thirdparty can enter without being interceptet. And Locals have multiple choices to leave and enter Thera. Bether make it ten of each.
Each static multiplies the possibilities of content.
If you doing this big enough, Thera will be the place for smallscale in whole EVE.

The reason W-Space was a place for small scale at all was because of the mass limitations and limited connections. 5-10 WH's of each type doesn't sound to me like you want to third party with a small gang. Unless small to you means less than 1000.
Lana Sevol Yllaer
#108 - 2014-11-13 19:47:29 UTC
Obil Que wrote:

Obviously it is there for the mobile compression array and the new T3 ice venture :)

If only there was some sort of frigate skill for expeditions like this.

Calling it now, new Expedition Frigate that can mine ice.
Obil Que
Star Explorers
Solis Tenebris
#109 - 2014-11-13 19:55:51 UTC
Lana Sevol Yllaer wrote:
Obil Que wrote:

Obviously it is there for the mobile compression array and the new T3 ice venture :)

If only there was some sort of frigate skill for expeditions like this.

Calling it now, new Expedition Frigate that can mine ice.

It wouldn't be that far fetched to add the ability to the Prospect
It has a decent sized bay to hold almost as much as the Procurer so really all it needs it the ability to use the modules
Irya Boone
The Scope
#110 - 2014-11-13 19:57:19 UTC
Thanks CCP phoebe and rhea awesome !!!

But can we have the ability to Walk in this new stations ? Big smile plizzzzz

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Lana Sevol Yllaer
#111 - 2014-11-13 19:59:33 UTC
Obil Que wrote:
Lana Sevol Yllaer wrote:
Obil Que wrote:

Obviously it is there for the mobile compression array and the new T3 ice venture :)

If only there was some sort of frigate skill for expeditions like this.

Calling it now, new Expedition Frigate that can mine ice.

It wouldn't be that far fetched to add the ability to the Prospect
It has a decent sized bay to hold almost as much as the Procurer so really all it needs it the ability to use the modules

But that dashes my hopes of a new T2 Gas Huffing frigate. (Since the Prospect huffs at the same rate as a Venture, with just a larger bay.)
Net 7
#112 - 2014-11-13 20:16:04 UTC
Lana Sevol Yllaer wrote:
Obil Que wrote:
Lana Sevol Yllaer wrote:
Obil Que wrote:

Obviously it is there for the mobile compression array and the new T3 ice venture :)

If only there was some sort of frigate skill for expeditions like this.

Calling it now, new Expedition Frigate that can mine ice.

It wouldn't be that far fetched to add the ability to the Prospect
It has a decent sized bay to hold almost as much as the Procurer so really all it needs it the ability to use the modules

But that dashes my hopes of a new T2 Gas Huffing frigate. (Since the Prospect huffs at the same rate as a Venture, with just a larger bay.)

see here is why I asked, now you got people talking, and maybe ccp thought of it but if they didn't they can go 'oops!'

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#113 - 2014-11-13 20:22:43 UTC
So happy to see this announced. W-space has needed new content for a while now, and I look forward to seeing how the new systems end up being used. Will the new C5/C6 systems have capital capable statics to k-space?

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Kerono Thalmor
Band of Buggered
#114 - 2014-11-13 20:26:26 UTC




Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#115 - 2014-11-13 20:28:19 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
What are the odds of doubling the stations and size of Thera if it proves to be too small after some time? Or would you simply add another system like it?

We're all kinda thinking the same thing. A group of 4 people can lockup a station pretty easily, then dock about as easily.

I see it happening. I'm not sure for how long.

I'm a little less worried about people at sites. Yes they will be probed down to death the first week or two. After the novelty wears off though..

You can put too many stations into a system and defeat the whole purpose of it. A lot of us see 4 as too low. I believe 9 is too high. You could put more stations in, but the one that people designate as "the trade hub", will be the one under 24 hour hobo watch.

I'm going to stop theorycrafting though and go see it first.

CCP are killing hobo jamming. Unless it has already happened.
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#116 - 2014-11-13 20:30:45 UTC
hobojamming died with the phoebe patch, rip in ****

if you are concerned about people station camping in a 0.0 system then lmbo
Catherine Laartii
#117 - 2014-11-13 20:35:35 UTC
Please make sure you completely disallow warp bubbles in Thera. If you want to ensure that the system doesn't stay locked down and has the opportunity for enterprising industrialists and independent/small groups to settle and set up a market, treat the system mechanics more like lowsec than null.

Dat...system size. Shocked
Catherine Laartii
#118 - 2014-11-13 20:38:14 UTC
sereneabt wrote:
We from CODE are looking forward to this System. As your loyal servants we take it upon ourselves to police this new frontier. You should secure your permit in advance if you wish to enjoy our protection.

Yeah you and 50 other groups. I look forward to seeing CODE lossmails thinking they'll be exclusive to gank rights in Thera lololololol
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#119 - 2014-11-13 20:45:00 UTC
The new SOE skin doesn't apply to the current SOE station in Lanngisi (I'm lazy, didn't check the others). Is there any intention to apply the new SOE skin to the k-space SOE stations?
Epic Ganking Time
#120 - 2014-11-13 20:45:51 UTC
Wow. Only 4 stations. Did not see that coming.

This pretty much renders the system useless for most capsuleers. You don't think the Goons or PL or any other major alliance can indefinitely lock down 4 stations?

They can. They will.

Super disappointed there. It's just a toy for alliance combat. You've locked out everyone else who would have an interest in going, which is to say, most players.

I guess the rest of us will just have to wait for you to figure it out.

WTF CCP? What are you thinking? Surely you've thought about this... what do YOU think is going to happen?

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