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Can rogue drones think?

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#61 - 2014-11-12 14:46:21 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Diana Kim's personality is more than one dimensional.
Diana Kim is a capsuleer.
Thus at least one capsuleer's personality is more than one dimensional.

And, despite amount of capsuleers, brainwashed by gallentean propaganda, who might appear in mass to proclaim one-dimensional ideologies "Yey, freedom, yey, democracy!", the answer to your question is logically positive.

Wasn't very hard problem to solve, right? All you need is to use logical thinking instead of taking situation by feelings.

I find nothing logical about a broad sweeping generalization. Logic dictates that individuals of a group are distributed across a wide spectrum of beliefs and political ideas. Therefore, by reason, your statement about Gallenteans is necessarily inaccurate.

Nonetheless, the girl stepped forward to defend herself.

Would it be logical for me to like her for it?

Call me Joe.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#62 - 2014-11-12 16:01:15 UTC
Pilot Kim.
We regret to inform you that it appears your operating system is terminally corrupt.
Your arguments contain far too many syntax errors to be valid, at least within the context in which you have used them.

Your seeming inability to comprehend the meaning of simple sentences has caused you to respond both abrasively and incorrectly on more than one occasion in this thread alone.

To use a more common vernacular, your responses to our own polite and accurate suggestions has been 'no u'.

Such an argument is often the last resort of the ignorant to a statement they know to be true.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#63 - 2014-11-12 16:55:41 UTC
Unit, please be careful or Ms. Kim will challenge you to a Dual.

On second thought, please disregard my exhortation to caution. Proceed as you were, and when challenged, choose it in the form of a naked mud wrestling contest. Let me know when and where the dual will take place. I'll be your second.Smile

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Dradis Aulmais
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2014-11-12 17:16:52 UTC
I think UNIT was missed in the recalls. Terribly sorry about that. I will have one of our product reps come and collect the defective merchandise.

Your post is important to us. Have a great day.

Dradis Aulmais, Federal Attorney Number 54896

Free The Scope Three

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#65 - 2014-11-12 22:36:56 UTC
Jvpiter wrote:

I find nothing logical about a broad sweeping generalization. Logic dictates that individuals of a group are distributed across a wide spectrum of beliefs and political ideas. Therefore, by reason, your statement about Gallenteans is necessarily inaccurate.

I would like to remind, that originally it was about rogue drones, not gallenteans.
Even that it is purely and completely gallentean fault that rogue drones exist at all.
Of course, I can give you thorough explanation about gallenteans, however, I believe it would be incorrect place to do so, as I don't have urge to do this, I did it numerous times in different places.
If you insist on listening this, I recommend you starting a new discussion, where I will prove you that this generalization is correct.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#66 - 2014-11-12 23:07:07 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Jvpiter wrote:

I find nothing logical about a broad sweeping generalization. Logic dictates that individuals of a group are distributed across a wide spectrum of beliefs and political ideas. Therefore, by reason, your statement about Gallenteans is necessarily inaccurate.

I would like to remind, that originally it was about rogue drones, not gallenteans.
Even that it is purely and completely gallentean fault that rogue drones exist at all.
Of course, I can give you thorough explanation about gallenteans, however, I believe it would be incorrect place to do so, as I don't have urge to do this, I did it numerous times in different places.
If you insist on listening this, I recommend you starting a new discussion, where I will prove you that this generalization is correct.

For the love of all that is good in the cluster, please, nobody take her up on this offer...

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#67 - 2014-11-12 23:17:20 UTC
Unit XS365BT wrote:
To use a more common vernacular, your responses to our own polite and accurate suggestions has been 'no u'.

Unfortunately, many peoples here use as insults their own faults. Let me show you how.
For example, this person claims, that
Unit XS365BT wrote:

Such an argument is often the last resort of the ignorant to a statement they know to be true.

Implying me to be an ignorant, but on other hand, this person claims

Unit XS365BT wrote:

We regret to inform you that it appears your operating system is terminally corrupt.

Without running any expertise on the said operating system and providing detailed result, which is again used as nothing but a blatant insult.

I hope now you understand, why 'no u' in this case would be viable argument, and it would be absolutely correct to name Unit person an ignorant.

Im sorry for unrelated message, but I can't leave without contesting all the crap and lies some people start to talk about me, when they aren't agree with my point of view.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#68 - 2014-11-12 23:45:10 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
I can't leave without contesting all the crap and lies some people start to talk about me, when they aren't agree with my point of view.

Yes, you can. You're just not trying hard enough.

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#69 - 2014-11-13 14:22:15 UTC
You see insult where there is none pilot Kim.
We simply state the appearance your own rhetoric gives.

If this is not your intent, perhaps you should change your methods of communication to address the problem.

Until such a time, we will no longer waste our time on you.

We Return.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#70 - 2014-11-13 14:33:54 UTC

Unit XS365BT,

I fail to see how you are able to lay judgement on a biological entity and their viewpoints and morality when you yourself appear to have a rather limited and, in my opinion, defective speech module?

How can we know your cognitive modules aren't similarly disadvantaged? It would be a safe assumption that they are in need of fixes, too.

If I start nonsensically chanting "We return" at the terminal end of a conversation then feel free to assume that we are kind and kin. I have no such compulsion or defect in my construction, so I suggest you fix yours.

Call me Joe.

Unit XS365BT
Unit Commune
#71 - 2014-11-13 14:39:48 UTC
Jvpiter wrote:

Unit XS365BT,

I fail to see how you are able to lay judgement on a biological entity and their viewpoints and morality when you yourself appear to have a rather limited and, in my opinion, defective speech module?

How can we know your cognitive modules aren't similarly disadvantaged? It would be a safe assumption that they are in need of fixes, too.

If I start nonsensically chanting "We return" at the terminal end of a conversation then feel free to assume that we are kind and kin. I have no such compulsion or defect in my construction, so I suggest you fix yours.

I assure you Jvpiter, my ability to speak and reason is in no way damaged, though I accept my AI can seem a little cold.

Unit XS365BT. Designated Communications Officer. Unit Commune.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#72 - 2014-11-13 14:44:13 UTC

Very well. I could not fault you for being cold, for I am quite similar in that regard.

I will step aside, and only quietly observe your exchange.


Call me Joe.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#73 - 2014-11-14 10:30:03 UTC
Unit XS365BT wrote:
You see insult where there is none pilot Kim.
We simply state the appearance your own rhetoric gives.

If this is not your intent, perhaps you should change your methods of communication to address the problem.

When a person wishes to object a point, that he doesn't agree with, but lacks arguments and still wishes to object it, the person may attack his opponent instead of opponent idea, trying to invalidate this idea this way. This is called ad hominem or personal attack and usually shows poor ability to argue and prevalence of emotion over logic.

I most cases I consider such attacks as insults, when these attacks are built on lies about me. In most cases they are hypothesis that opponents think about me, based on some of my replies without thorough analysis and studying of facts, or even without just asking me if they are right or wrong. When they speak this hypothesis about me, that is not correct, I consider it an insult.

Lets take a closer look at one particular reply and form of it.
"You see insult where there is none pilot Kim."
When someone considers something you said as insult, you basically have two choices:
- when you didn't intend to insult someone, you bring apologies and explain what you wanted to say
- when you did intend to insult, you either admit or just reply with another insult
The notation of insult changes greatly. For example, if you tell someone: "You are like an oak"
Representative of culture 1 will think: "It is a compliment, and I am as strong as an oak"
While representative of culture 2 will think "It is an insult, I am not as dumb as an oak!!"
In this exact reply we can see neither attempt to explain, nor attempt to understand what was insulting.
Counterwise, it consists of ad hominem, pointings out "what pilot Kim sees", instead of discussion of nature and existing of the insult. This is rather irrational neglecting of other person views what is insult and what is not with definite statement of personal point of view "there is none" as a fact. Logically, everyone can understand that for different persons there are different things that are considered insults.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#74 - 2014-11-14 19:29:31 UTC
Saede Riordan wrote:
Samira Kernher wrote:
They are machines. They don't think, they just follow heuristic algorithms in their programming.

Just machines? That would be like saying, that you are just an ape.

I think this is what she believes, in fact. Is it not what her masters would have taught her?

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

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