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[Rhea] Introducing the Bowhead

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Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#641 - 2014-11-11 21:48:54 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Mods dont showup on scans so the ships can fit whatever they like. Even three rattlesnakes will fall well under the profit line to gank one of these things.

Unless they are bling fit in which case they won't fall under even a Talos gank margin.

strip mods, haul via 700k EHP JF, blockade runner, or public courier

it is like you are not thinking at all
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#642 - 2014-11-11 21:52:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
baltec1 wrote:

A trio of nightmares is also below the profit margin.

I'll also point out your profit margin is assuming they are actually pretty near max tanking it rather than fitting it for agility & warp speed. Which you will get plenty of people who will do that instead I'm sure. At which point suddenly a lot of that stuff is profitable.
So.... the current EHP levels seem reasonable given the purpose CCP have claimed they intended for it. If a gank is automatically profitable vs bare hulls only (with rigs) in the SMA that match that intended purpose and no cargo at all in the bowhead, then the ship is useless for it's claimed purpose.

Obviously it will be great for null to jump bridge dozens of pre fitted HAC's or BS or whatever around as well, and equally obviously null doesn't really care about the EHP because if it ever sees combat something has gone critically wrong anyway.

Promiscuous Female wrote:

strip mods, haul via 700k EHP JF, blockade runner, or public courier
it is like you are not thinking at all

Almost like you can't haul several rigged BS & a few Logi in a JF at once, or even in a Freighter at once.
Sure you can package them if you are continually destroying rigs, but.... yea nah.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#643 - 2014-11-11 22:00:05 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

Mods dont showup on scans so the ships can fit whatever they like. Even three rattlesnakes will fall well under the profit line to gank one of these things.

Incursion runners don't really use rattles. Standard runner using this would have mach + vindi + nightmare....not very cheap hulls.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#644 - 2014-11-11 22:07:19 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

A trio of nightmares is also below the profit margin.

It's a bit over the mentioned 2bill line but in 3 items so you need 2 third to drop if you count a single gank...
#645 - 2014-11-11 22:07:49 UTC
Give it 2m m3 of ship main bay and ill be perfectly happy with it after the hp buff.

For those of you complaining about warp speed on it, dont forget there are implants to help fix that issue.

GM Guard > I must ask you not to use the petition option like this again but i personally would finish the chicken sandwich first so it won´t go to waste. The spaghetti will keep and you can use it the next time you get hungry. Best regards.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#646 - 2014-11-11 22:09:18 UTC
Lickem Lolly wrote:
Suicide ganking in highsec is ruining Eve. This is why so many of our new players quit in the first few weeks. CCP, please do more things like this to make ships un-gankable.

If you have any doubts, complete this sentence to yourself - " I like non-consensual ---."

Think of anything you like there?

Non-consensual PVP is ruining Eve. Make the jerks go to lowsec or nullsec for PVP.


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#647 - 2014-11-11 22:09:54 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Mods dont showup on scans so the ships can fit whatever they like. Even three rattlesnakes will fall well under the profit line to gank one of these things.

Incursion runners don't really use rattles. Standard runner using this would have mach + vindi + nightmare....not very cheap hulls.

Why do they need more than one bs? I don't run incursions so I'm not up on their current meta.
Martha Stewart Living
Never Ignorant Gettin' Goals Accomplished
Gimme Da Loot
#648 - 2014-11-11 22:10:58 UTC
"Nevyn Auscent" wrote:

If a gank is automatically profitable vs bare hulls only (with rigs) in the SMA that match that intended purpose and no cargo at all in the bowhead, then the ship is useless for it's claimed purpose.

If I'm parsing your writing correctly, you're saying that if it's profitable to gank a bowhead with that has only stripped Pirate Battleships with rigs in it, with no fittings, that it's useless, as you might as well just fly the ships yourself. But the problem is that's the only point at which it becomes profitable. When you stuff it full with the most expensive ships in the game. It still has the intended purpose of moving assembled ships around, and I think it would still be pretty useful for moving cruisers, battlecruisers, destroyers, etc. It's just not profitable at those levels either.
Fruckton Haulalot
EREBOR Logistics
Pillars of Liberty
#649 - 2014-11-11 22:11:48 UTC
Paynus Maiassus wrote:
420K EHP is an outstanding number. The things will be effectively ungankable. Very nice. I much approve. These numbers also make a lot of the recent posts on this thread inapplicable.

this was a misleading post..... 420 ehp is still very gankable...... you can get 450 ehp on orcas now.... and they still get ganked.

the Bowhead will be hauling far more vaulable cargo ... the bowhead is a much bigger ship..... and its has 0... let me say that again it has 0 combat ability, 0 command ability, 0 means to do anything other then haul fitted ships around.... so if its only purpose in eve is to haul other fitted ships around then its specity should be able to protect its cargo with more tank than an ORCA
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#650 - 2014-11-11 22:13:55 UTC
Remember with the teams in industry CCP is trying nudge people into moving around more to "chase the margin". This ship seems to be a tool to get people moving around a bit more, rebaseing more often.

As an old DAOC player one innovation that Mythic did that no one else seems to have picked up was the concept of a "Camp Bonus". Spawn points started with a bonus and the more the spawn was farmed\camped the lower the bonus got until it vanished. (Remember farming Fens?) This encouraged people to move around to chase camps that had good camp bonuses. It encouraged people to explore and farm mobs that without the bonus might not have been as desirable or efficient.

Now in industry we have a similar mechanic. Corps are nudged to move around a bit more to exploit better costs and margins. The problem is when I moved regions it too 31 freighter trips, a dozen orca runs, and 15 single ship moves to get out of Sinq Liason to Tash Murkon when we moved. A lot has changed since 3 years ago but it was interesting to go from Gallente space to Amarr.

I think this set up is a small, tiny step in "churning the pot". Small measured approaches to getting a bit more chaos into the system.

I would hope that roid belts get normalized and go the same was Ice did (I still think 4 hours is a tad long ice, I'd be okay with 2 hours for roids) to get people to populate more systems rather then clump up in high belt count systems. Just give every system 4 belts in hi-sec for example and put them under constant threat from rats to give a market for new players to defend belts building a better relationship between miners and PvE pilots.

Anything to get people moving about more, regardless of which sec seems to be a good move and if my suspicions are correct, the Eve universe is about to get a bit bigger.
Fruckton Haulalot
EREBOR Logistics
Pillars of Liberty
#651 - 2014-11-11 22:17:17 UTC
Martha Stewart Living wrote:
"Nevyn Auscent" wrote:

If a gank is automatically profitable vs bare hulls only (with rigs) in the SMA that match that intended purpose and no cargo at all in the bowhead, then the ship is useless for it's claimed purpose.

If I'm parsing your writing correctly, you're saying that if it's profitable to gank a bowhead with that has only stripped Pirate Battleships with rigs in it, with no fittings, that it's useless, as you might as well just fly the ships yourself. But the problem is that's the only point at which it becomes profitable. When you stuff it full with the most expensive ships in the game. It still has the intended purpose of moving assembled ships around, and I think it would still be pretty useful for moving cruisers, battlecruisers, destroyers, etc. It's just not profitable at those levels either.

Gankers are not always out for profit... they are out for the kill mail or the "joy" of making other pilots lose a fortune...

arguing the profit vs risk on what it takes to make a "profit" on killing a bowhead is not acurate... you have to take in the variable of the massive corps, groups, multiboxers who will kill these ships for pure spite.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#652 - 2014-11-11 22:19:41 UTC
Removed an off topic post.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#653 - 2014-11-11 22:22:29 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

Promiscuous Female wrote:

strip mods, haul via 700k EHP JF, blockade runner, or public courier
it is like you are not thinking at all

Almost like you can't haul several rigged BS & a few Logi in a JF at once, or even in a Freighter at once.
Sure you can package them if you are continually destroying rigs, but.... yea nah.

you don't strip the rigs, smart guy, you strip the modules only and ship them separately via higher-security methods or ones that allow you to diversify the risk via collateral

then you move the hulls (which are completely unfit aside from the rigs!) to the next incursion or w/e and refit on site

this works because mods are much smaller than ships
First Ometic'lan
Krupp Heavy Industries
#654 - 2014-11-11 22:33:24 UTC
Wake up Capsuleers,

you just have been trolled by CCP.
around 350k EHP sounds ok for someone not familiar with ganking mechanics.
Now, let us assume that this ship will be used as intended, hauling fully fit BS hulls through New Eden.
Who is permanently travelling with shiny ships around New Eden?
Right, incursion pilots....

What do they fly?
Right, shiny ships...

So, let us put a Nightmare, a Vindicator and a Machariel into that hauler, maybe HQ fit. So the value will be around 4-5B Isk each, so let's say 12B Isk. If only one ships drops (remember 50% drop chance), that will be 4-5B ISK.

A fully fitted Catalyst costs about 10M. How many Catalysts do you need to apply 250k HP damage?
a T2 fitted Catalyst can apply roughly about 10k damage (0.5 sec), so we are talking about 35 catalysts...
4B ISK can buy you 400 catalysts... More than 10x the ships needed for one single successful gank.....

If this ship gets out, I will get my alts in their tech2 catalysts and make more money shooting incursion pilots than shooting incursion sanshas...
But, hey, that's CCP's understanding of game mechanics in a nutshell. The brign out a new ship to help organized gankers get rid of the surplus of battleships...
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#655 - 2014-11-11 22:36:32 UTC
Promiscuous Female wrote:

you don't strip the rigs, smart guy, you strip the modules only and ship them separately via higher-security methods or ones that allow you to diversify the risk via collateral

then you move the hulls (which are completely unfit aside from the rigs!) to the next incursion or w/e and refit on site

this works because mods are much smaller than ships

So please explain to me how a 468k m^3 Battleship fits into a max tanked Jump Freighter like you claimed. Or how it fits into a Deep Space transport.
To move the hulls like you claimed requires packaging which requires destroying rigs.

The maths I was doing on gank profitability were based entirely on bare hulls already and assuming modules had been stripped.

And sure baltec. We are talking some of the more expensive hulls for the space they take. But that is the purpose CCP have said they want this ship to have. People who move around high sec chasing the isk who need to move fitted BS are mainly incursion runners with the odd mission runner who for some reason doesn't do SOE but migrates (Though there is the possibility that at some point in the future SOE could drop also in which case more mission runners will move but separate maths & argument). So the purpose they are being made for involves moving around said expensive hulls. Trying to pretend that there is a large demand in high sec for the ability to move pre fitted T1 BS hulls around..... yea, just not seeing the demand.
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#656 - 2014-11-11 22:48:18 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Atomic Dove
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Promiscuous Female wrote:

you don't strip the rigs, smart guy, you strip the modules only and ship them separately via higher-security methods or ones that allow you to diversify the risk via collateral

then you move the hulls (which are completely unfit aside from the rigs!) to the next incursion or w/e and refit on site

this works because mods are much smaller than ships

So please explain to me how a 468k m^3 Battleship fits into a max tanked Jump Freighter like you claimed. Or how it fits into a Deep Space transport.
To move the hulls like you claimed requires packaging which requires destroying rigs.

okay i guess we gotta back it up a bit, ol auntie promfem got it goin on faster than could be understood

here is the setup
acquire one (1) to many (~) irrationally expensive chariots, which are rigged
strip out all the mods and ship them via a secure shipping method which is either resistant to ganks or collateralized
put the now rigged, but unfit, assembled hulls in a bowhead and go

nowhere in my vignette did I ever mention jump freighters except as a way to haul the mods which, fyi, would be by gate
jump freighters make good armored car cargo carriers because they have superlative EHP when fit right, upwards of 700k

the idea is that the thing that makes said autism chariots expensive is not necessarily the hull, but the gruesome, ill-advised collection of deadspace and officer mods thereupon attached

the cool thing about modules is that they are not permanently glued to a ship the way rigs are — you can detach them and shuffle em about separately

you use this to your advantage in order to make the use of the bowhead safer against being ganked

[ Snip, please use appropriate language on the forums - ISD Atomic Dove
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#657 - 2014-11-11 22:53:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
Except nowhere was I talking about the mods ever in my arguments other than the one time I noted that if someone didn't unfit them then sure they would be profitable to gank. It's 2-3 Billion in pure hull + rigs.
Meaning if the Bowhead EHP was set to such a level that you know it will only take 1 Bil to gank them in a sensible way, the Bowhead is an auto gank button pretty much and none of the people that CCP intended it for will use it.

Obviously the current EHP you can gank under 1 Bil if you organise a crazy number of Catalysts. But ganking with ABC's requires similar cost to the value of the bare hull drops. Meaning anyone ganking with ABC's is gambling on you being lazy on removing fittings because they can't be scanned, or you didn't fit max tank on your Bowhead, or they just plain don't like you so aren't ganking for profit anyway. (Or they just want a green KB since individually they get huge green KB on suicide ganks)

But since CCP have been clear in their reasoning behind the creation of it, the EHP does need to fit that reasoning.
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#658 - 2014-11-11 22:56:31 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Except nowhere was I talking about the mods ever in my arguments other than the one time I noted that if someone didn't unfit them then sure they would be profitable to gank. It's 2-3 Billion in pure hull + rigs.
Meaning if the Bowhead EHP was set to such a level that you know it will only take 1 Bil to gank them in a sensible way, the Bowhead is an auto gank button pretty much and none of the people that CCP intended it for will use it.

Obviously the current EHP you can gank under 1 Bil if you organise a crazy number of Catalysts. But ganking with ABC's requires similar cost to the value of the bare hull drops. Meaning anyone ganking with ABC's is gambling on you being lazy on removing fittings because they can't be scanned, or you didn't fit max tank on your Bowhead, or they just plain don't like you so aren't ganking for profit anyway.

But since CCP have been clear in their reasoning behind the creation of it, the EHP does need to fit that reasoning.

ccp has no obligation to ensure that you can move a very expensive hull safely

have you tried using a cheaper hull
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#659 - 2014-11-11 22:58:57 UTC
like this is some basic survival stuff right here, you don't use an expensive hull unless you're reasonably able to secure it against mayhem

it is beyond adorable that y'all are demanding a safe way to shuffle your expensive stuff around
Fruckton Haulalot
EREBOR Logistics
Pillars of Liberty
#660 - 2014-11-11 22:59:58 UTC
the whole point of this ship is so you can move your battleships in one peice.. 1 pilot 1 ship.... if you have to have more than just this ship then the point of the ship is lost....

again there is no reason to sink money into the bowhead if it requires a fleet to keep it alive in a gank...

again there is no reason to sink money into the bowhead if you have to use another "TANK" tomove all the valiable mods...

The Bowhead needs to be able to Tank against a 40 man catalyst gank fleet.... if the Bowhead can not survive a 40 man Catalyst gank fleet for at least 1 full minute then dont bother.

and watch the Bowhead go the wayside of the Nestor another attempt to add a nice new ship that went horrible wrong